TV & Film What show/movie are you hooked on right now?


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The title is pretty much self-explanatory

So, at the moment, the shows I've recently came to a liking are:

The 100 - CW

Teen Wolf - MTV

Are You the One - MTV
I just started watching American Horror Story Coven. I couldn't really get into Murder House but I seriously am In Love with Freak show and Coven. I'm also really getting into Scream Queens
I've been binge-watching Grimm, which is ridiculous and doesn't care, so suits me down to the ground.

Need to catch up with Elementary and Ripper Street as well: I tend to forget that these programmes exist and then try to watch an entire season the day before the new one starts.

fushiis said:
planning on starting with how to get away with murder soon.
I misread that sentence and was slightly worried for a moment. Dialled the first "9" before I realised my mistake. Carry on.
I'm actually obsessed with Scream Queens and Gotham atm. Also, I know it's not technically a TV show, but Carmilla is highkey my favorite "show" that I've watched.
Scream Queens is great. xD

I'm also watching Rosewood and I'm pleasantly surprised with it.

Also also, I'm obsessed with WWE Smackdown and Raw. But I highly doubt that counts.
Scream Queens is great. xD
I'm also watching Rosewood and I'm pleasantly surprised with it.

Also also, I'm obsessed with WWE Smackdown and Raw. But I highly doubt that counts.


(sorry, I had to. just recently learned how to play this on my clarinet and now I use it everywhere)
I'm very hooked on The Walking Dead. I actively watch it and then discuss it with my mother who is equally as obsessed with it as I am. I have yet to find a friend to who enjoys it. I also found an old HBO show called Carnivale and I love it so far. I'm half way through season 1 right now.
QuixoticKitten said:
(sorry, I had to. just recently learned how to play this on my clarinet and now I use it everywhere)
Why... Can't... I... Like button... MOAR >8U
I'm technically not "watching" it right now since the first season it's over, but I'm forever obsessing over Sense8. Great story, amazing concept, complex and DIVERSE characters, beautiful script and the camera work makes you want to cry cause it's just so smart. If you guys have the chance then go check it out, it' SO WORTH IT.
I know it's been over for a long time but Dexter, why did I wait so long to start watching this. Gotta love Nextflix.
Gotham and The Walking Dead, but it can be said that my favorite tv series of all time is Game Of Thrones xD
I love me some Supernatural. The last season was kind of... eh... but I am still very much hooked.

Also, I recently, after being constantly told to do so by friends and family and because of spoilers and such, I have gotten into Gotham. I... I watched the entire first season in two days. I was that hooked.

I haven't watched the recent episode, but The Walking Dead is definitely up there.

As for Netflix, a friend of mine got me into BoJack Horseman as well recently.
Vampire Diaries currently.. Game of thrones and Steven Universe when they put out some new episodes..
I've been binge watching House of Cards and am almost done.

Doctor Who and can't enough of Ash Vs. Evil Dead, anyone else?
Currently working my way through Stargate SG-1 on Netflix right now. Still got six and a half seasons to work through.
I'm obsessed with "Black Mirrors". If you haven't heard of it, it's a fictional British TV show that illustrates the dark side of technology. I also love "American Horror Story: Hotel". I can't get enough of Evan Peters's role as Mr. March. Of course, Lady Gaga is fabulous as ever! I've been watching "The Walking Dead" as well. Thank you dumpster, thank you.
With animated series Steven Universe and Gravity Falls, otherwise I've been binge watching Psych (again) and Galavant (which admittedly did not take long). Next up is TWD, I know I'm late to get into it, but eh.
fushiis said:
scream queens!!! \o/
planning on starting with how to get away with murder soon.
I have been meaning to watch this. EVERYONE I know is talking about it so I just know I have to jump on that wagon!

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