What pokemon would your OC have?

If I had to say... My OC would probably have Charizard, or Lapras. Her whole story starts with either one, (well, Charmander) so... Yeah.
my oc atty would probably have shaymin or meowth because i think they both talk and she's a blabbermouth lmao .. plus her fav animal is a cat, hence meowth and his sassy ass

but she also likes cute shit so shaymin would be her bb
My OCs Faerwald and Milot are a married couple, so I'll answer this question for both of them.

Faerwald can get pretty cranky, but he's more or less a good person. I could see him having a Jolteon or a Pidgeot.

Milot is more straightforward. He would have a Herdier.
My character Tale would have a Chatot because he never shuts up.

My character Weasel Guts would have a Sneasel, obviously.

My character Johnny whose last name I forget would probably have a Houndour, maybe a Murkrow.

My character Yuki I guess could have an Oshawott, because he's like a baby samurai.  Maybe an Aegislash.
if it actually counts, spook would definitely have a litten, and he'd name it either damien or demonia because he's too emo to live and desperately wants to be seen as super edgy. if not, he'd go for an umbreon with one of the above names because edge.
I have many, but my current favorite OC Tess would probably have a Haunter. Or a Mightyena
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Level 1 Magnemite

Ability: Sturdy | Item: Berry Juice

- Recycle

- Protect

- Toxic

- Magic Coat

Level 1 Pineco

Ability: Sturdy | Item: Berry Juice

- Toxic Spikes

- Rollout

- Protect

- Toxic

Turn 1: Pineco enters and is one shotted first turn (He's slow and weak because lvl 1) Sturdy keeps him alive at 1 hp and Berry juice returns him to max hp.

Turn 2: berry juice has already been expended, but sturdy activates again and he is taken down to 1 hp where he stays. He puts down the second layer of Toxic spikes for it to act as actual Toxic and not just Poison.

Turn 3: Pineco dies and Magnemite swaps in.

Turn 4: Magnemite is struck and brought down to 1, protected by sturdy, and healed back to full by berry juice. He retaliates with toxic.

Turn 5: Protect

Turn 6: Hit and knocked down to 1 hp where he is protected by Sturdy. Magnemite uses recycle and is brought back to full hp by his Berry Juice coming back and activating.

Turn 7: Repeat turn 5

Turn 8: Repeat turn 6

Turn 9: Realize that all you do is cast those moves back and forth and after that initial pokemon enters, all non-flying, steel, and poison pokemon come into play with toxic on them, while magnemite is invincible and watches them suffer.

The other 4 pokemon are to deal with flying, steel, and poison types.

My characters DO NOT mess around
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