Anime & Manga what made YOU start watching anime?

TheLowestAnimal said:
I watched~~~~The Very First Episode of Pokemon*. With my brothers on UPN 13, one morning before I had to go to Elementary School.

So I guess that was like 10 years ago or something.

This was followed for me, like many other Anime lovers by Dragon Dall Z(I always wondered why they didn't release Dragon Ball first?)
These were officially my first two anime series (the first i only watched for a short while though). I even went to the cinema release of the first pokemon movie involving mewtwo lol

I discovered Manga at the start of the millennium, one of the first I read being Peach Girl (i was young okay) and after catching up i made sure to read Naruto weekly (No excuses, i actually liked it, lol), and naturally when the anime series was advertised and then released i made sure to watch it. For a long time i only watched this series continuing to primarily read manga, but this was the kick start of my habit for both, the priority switching from manga to anime later on and now with the addition of Asian Drama i barely read manga anymore.
Me started with….................. Pokémon! Although at the time I hadn't realised it was anime untill I read Rosario + Vampire then I saw the difference between anime/manga and cartoon/comic. The first anime I watched aware it was an anime was Ouron High School Host Club :P
When I was little, I watched Pokemon. My friend introduced me to Cardcaptor Sakura a few years ago, and I had started reading Yu Gi Oh. My cousin suggests animes to me now, she got me into Ouran High School Host Club and Hetalia. :D

When I was a kid I was into Pokemon and Digimon and Sailor Moon and (don't know if it counts) Power Puff Girls. But anime for me 'began' when I was in the seventh grade, (again, don't know if it counts) I loved Teen Titans, Samauri Jack, and Avatar the Last Airbender. Anyway, my friend told me that Bleach was this super amazing show. Of couse, I was twelve and scared sh*tless of ghosts and paranormal stuff, so you can imagine what my pee-wee brain thought when I saw a clip of the show when they were battling a hollow (particularly the episode when the Soul Reapers came to the world of the living and Renguiku--prolly spelled that wrong--was going after that kid-ghost-whatever with that big nasty hollow thing after it. Just the part where she was shopping and fighting in the park). I found it repulsive, and I told her that most regretably.

But when I actually got into anime was around freshman year, when I got bored and curious and decided probe my childhood and revisit the wonderful days of Sailor Moon. . .At this age, it's good to wrap up a story, and I still liked it, but I found it cheesy as f*ck. Next I went onto investigate out the Naruto hype. I did and I f*cking loved it, got 'bout a hundred episodes into Shippuden when I had to give up my internet and precious YouTube. 'Round the Naruto time I found a vid on YouTube of this epic fight--which I later find out to be from Bleach of the battle between Aizen and Urihara--finally got curious and started into Bleach a couple months after seeing the vid. Then our damn modem crapped out, had to give up Naruto, Bleach, and, moreover, RpN for the summer give or take a few months. But during that time, I used public wifi spots to rent Vampire Knight and I explored what late-nite Adult Swim had to offer. Got addicted to Fullmetal Alchemist series, Durrarra, partially into Kekkaishi, couldn't get into Innuyasha--definitely not DBZ--and picked up where ever DisneyXD was with Naruto Shippuden. Anime does not in any way belong on a children's f*cking cartoon channel. I missed the swearing, the brutal violence, and the gashes and blood flyin' all over the place. Disney has no business being in Naruto and I hate whoever sold them the rights to it. When the internet was back, I realized quality Naruto and Bleach episodes were all removed... *dramatic sad face*

I'm still looking for more anime shows, I prefer dubbed, but once I get used to it, I'll take subbed if I can get them. I'm trying to start Soul Eater, and would like to start Death Note and some others...THE QUEST CONTINUES!!
One day my friend was telling me about this anime she was watching and it seemed interesting, but I wasn't paying attention. A couple days later I went on netflix and wanted to watching something, and decided to try out anime. I called up my friend and she suggested High School of the Dead. It was great and that's how i got into it. But i never finsihed that series, so my offical first anime I watched is Kaichou wa maid-sama, really good comdey romance.

My first Anime I ever watched One Piece.

Although what got me really into Anime was a website named "Gaiaonline", it's still around. I come on time to time. Anime was and is still huge on that website, eventually I just started checking out the anime that everyone was talking about.


anyone remember that? xD
I'm not as big a fan of anime any more, but I think it was watching the Sailor Moon, Dragonball Z and Pokemon animes when I was really small which got me into it. When I got a little older, dad got me some Miyazaki films for Christmas as well as those "how to draw anime" books (which are pretty terrible things to learn to draw from, just sayin'). All my friends in school got into anime, so I had people I could talk to about it so I watched more, I guess. I dunno.

I am not exactly sure. I guess I was just expose to anime generally, from friends and family and so eventually I started to develop my own personal interest. As for manga, that took longer. Not the biggest reader of manga, but I have found a new that I enjoyed.

The interesting plots and eye-catching graphics made me watch anime. I've been watching anime since Elementary so I'm not sure if this is the very reason why I watched anime but meh. xD
I used to watch allot of American animes but then my friend showed me Trigun and i got hooked on the real deal
To be honest, I first found out about anime while I was surfing through videos on Youtube; one day, I found a NARUTO video, the couple Naruto/Sakura.

Needless to say, after watching that video, I did more research on the anime itself, and then I just... got into anime.
I started off with Inuyasha, and from there just started randomly watching stuff, I never finished Inuyahsa because it seemed as if the story just kept going without really getting anywhere, and the whole love triangle thing bugged me. I gave up on it and moved on to other shows like Fullmetal Alchemist, Ruroni Kenshin, Yu Yu Hakusho and such like that.
Definitely Sailor Moon & Card Captor Sakura. Those girls were my idols when I was a little girl~.

Thanks to them I'm still a fan of magical girl shows today, Like Princess Tutu & Madoka.

I also watched a lot of Yu Yu Hakusho & Tenchi when I was little. I have to admit that my anime watching has really cut down now since, but I still watch a few here and there.
Well my Cousin introduced me to Manga, but I didn't really like reading them all the time, and then I started watching it from there.

I think I started with Naruto, but it's no my favorite.
When I was a kid, I used to watch Pokémon every morning at the weekends. Then when I started watching the PopGirl channel, I discovered Tokyo Mew Mew (Mew Mew Power). From that, I begun watching more anime xD

I think, the first one I searched and watched was Rosario + Vampire c:
I began watching anime when my favorite TV show The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy was starting to lose its luster. I felt I needed something. So one night, I turn on the TV and watch FullMetal Alchemist. I kinda liked, but did not want to stay up every night just to watch it. Then I went to FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, to Ouran Host Club....and the list goes on. I was about 11 when I started watching anime, and I continue watching even through my adult life since there isn't a lot to watch nowadays unless you have Netflix, or Hulu.
My (azn) friends were like, "____ YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS IT'S SOOOO GOOD!" (shugo chara) so then I watched 4 eps and they were like, "YOU NEED TO WATCH FAIRY TAIL IT'S SOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!" and I told them i wasn't done w/shugo chara yet (what with its a hundred and some episodes and all) and they're like "-____- finish it" so i did just that ;u; thank you so much ____ and _____.... you've made anime-watching my life c: (aside from rping of course)
Well, I do recall watching a wide variety of Studio Ghibli films in my early childhood years (first one being Mononoke Hime). As I got older, I did get attached to shows such as Sailor Moon and Pokemon; however, I had no idea that those were considered animes.

I think my interest was piqued in the 5th grade. As in some sort of rebellious act, I stayed up late one Saturday night in order to secretly watch Adult Swim (which was a big no-no). Before I collapsed from exhaustion, I came across an episode of Code Geass. At first, I thought, "Why would you show Chinese cartoons in America?" Despite that, the catchy music and pretty pictures immediately caught my attention each time it came on. Since then, whenever my parents were out, I would sneak onto their laptop and watch more Code Geass.

As of now, I don't watch anime as obsessively as I used to... I'm a little more focused on manga and video games. Even so, I hold them in very high regard. :)
i started watching anime about a year ago when my friend showed me an episode from hitalia then i just got sucked into the world of anime.

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