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Fandom What It Means To Be A Hero (IC w/ Zey)

Wordy Girl

New Member

Alias / Hero Name: Super Lady
Age: 33
Birthday: March 2nd
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers
Sexuality: Straight
Skin: White
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Black
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 146LBS

Occupation: Pro Hero, UA Teacher

Nemesis: Temara Tenaka / The Shadow

Personality: Kind, Caring, Strong Willed / Minded, Intelligent, Observant, Tactical, Punctual, Loyal, Honest

Bio: She was much like Izuku Midoria, wanting to become a great Hero. Sure, she had her Quirk. But she wasn't sure what all it was good for in fighting Villains and protecting those who didn't have Quirks. Her family and friends encouraged her, and she enrolled into the Hero Program and eventually made it through the UA, making her way to a Pro Hero and even a Teacher at the UA. She now lives to fight Villains and to teach the next generations of potential Heroes how to fight and survive and what being a Hero is all about.
She used to be friends with a girl in her class, named Temara Tenaka, and tried to help her see the good side and go into the light, but she saw it was no use and they soon had a fierce battle before going their separate ways, nearly killing each other in the process. It's a battle that no one else knows about except for the two of them, and it's not something that Kimi Konomo likes to talk about.

Quirk: Transparency, Super Speed / Strength
Transparency: She can walk through walls or any other object. Also, physical attacks like punches and kicks can't hurt her; they simply go right through her.
Super Speed / Super Strength: She can buff up her muscles at will and use them to clobber her targets at great speeds and strength. A combination between Gran Torino and All Might.
Downside / Weakness: Overuse
The more she has to buff up her muscles, the more tired she gets and has to rest. Ice baths are the best for her she has found to recharge after a battle. She can also eat. The more she eats before a battle, the more fuel she has to fight longer. She is most often seen with protein bars and energy drinks.


Alias / Hero Name: The Shadow
Age: 33
Birthday: October 31st
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers
Sexuality: Bisexual
Skin: Pale White
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 146LBS

Occupation: Villain
Affiliation: None

Nemesis: Super Lady

Personality: Cold, Loner, Distant, Intelligent, Tactical, Blunt

Bio: She was abandoned as a baby and never knew her family, living on the streets and using her Quirk as she pleased. She hates the daytime and bright lights. She dropped out of the UA after the festival games and has never looked back. Even having a near-death-battle with her closest and only friend, Kimi Konomo. Ever since then, she has stayed in the darkness. Becoming annoyed at the League of Villains always trying to recruit her.

Quirk: Darkness, Shadow Creations
She can create anything out of darkness and becomes invisible in the dark. She "blends" in and is very hard to see and track. She can even create Shadow Soldiers that she can control out of Darkness. She can also manipulate and control the darkness and use it as weapons or binding. Only SHE knows the full extent of her Quirk and what she can do with it.
Downside / Weakness: Daytime / Bright Lights
In Daytime she is useless and bright lights hurts her eyes, making them bleed.

Name: Temara Iida
Alias / Hero Name: Blastess
Age: 14
Birthday: September 21st
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers
Sexuality: Straight
Skin: White
Hair: Dark Blue
Eyes: Dark Blue
Height: 4' 8"
Weight: 118LBS

Occupation: Student Hero
School: UA High
Class: 1-A

Romantic Interest: Izuku Midoria

Personality: Kind, Caring, Honest, Loyal, Shy, Determined, Friendly, Happy

Bio: Being the youngest sister of Tensei and Tenya Iida, she finds herself overprotected by her family. Especially her older brothers. She is always following in the shadows of her brothers and wants to prove to herself and to her family that she can make it as a Hero.

Quirk: Super Speed, Focus Energy
Super Speed: Like Tenya Iida, she can move at incredibly fast speed. Unlike Tenya, she doesn't need the engine Quirk that he has.
Focus Energy: By focusing her energy, she can manifest it into great attacks like Bakugo's Explosions, or focused attacks. The full nature of what she can do with this Quirk is unknown to her as of yet.
Downside / Weakness: Ice / Extreme Cold


Alias / Hero Name: X
Age: 14
Birthday: April 10th
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers
Sexuality: Straight
Skin: White
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Height: 4' 6"
Weight: 116LBS

Occupation: Student Hero, Villain
School: UA High
Class: 1-A
Affiliation: LOV (League of Villains)

Romantic Interest: Tenya Iida

Personality: Cold, Distant, Aloof, Quiet, Serious, Blunt, Grumpy, Fierce

Bio: At the age of 4, her family was killed by a low-level Villain and their home destroyed. She doesn't want to become a Villain and enrolls into the UA High in hopes of becoming a great hero to save other families from the fate she suffered but finds the Hero ways limiting to her Quirk. She drops out of the UA after the festivals, despite her offers, and is confronted by Stain, and the two of them joins the LOV (League of Villains). But when Stain tries to kill Native and Tenya, she saves Tenya before retreating back to the LOV after Stain is captured.

Quirk: Dark Energy, Brute Force
Dark Energy: With this Quirk, she can attack and defend in any way she wants using dark energy that she manifests. The full extent of this Quirk is unknown.
Brute Force: This Quirk is similar to One for All, except that it CAN'T be passed down from one-to-another. By focusing her strength, she can strike down her enemies with a killer punch, exploding them from the inside out. She can also combine her Dark Energy Quirk with Brute Force to create devastating attacks.
Downside / Weakness: Immobilization
She can't use her Quirks if she's immobilized or can't move.


Alias / Hero Name:
Age: 14
Birthday: June 21st
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers
Sexuality: Straight
Skin: White
Hair: Dark Green
Eyes: Gold
Height: 4' 7"
Weight: 117LBS

Occupation: Student Hero
School: UA High
Class: 1-B

Romantic Interest: Katsuki Bakugo

Personality: Kind, Caring, Honest, Sense of Humor, Sarcastic, Intelligent, Observant, Punctual, Studious, Loyal

Bio: Despite her Quirk, she is determined to make it and learn more about her Quirk and hopes she can control it better. Her parents don't like the idea of her using her Quirk because of how difficult it is to control.

Quirk: The Sun
She has the fully power of the sun within her. Her Quirk is most powerful during the summer and during the sun's peak time of day. Which makes it difficult to control.
Downside / Weakness: Darkness, Her Quirk is Difficult to Control

Alias / Hero Name: Chopper
Age: 14
Birthday: January 17th
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He, Him, His
Sexuality: Gay
Skin: White
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Height: 4' 6"
Weight: 116LBS

Occupation: Student Hero
School: UA High
Class: 1-B

Romantic Interest: Eijiro Kirishima

Personality: Quiet, Strong, Intelligent, Loner, Introvert, Fierce, Kind

Bio: His little sister had been kidnapped by a Villain, and he had saved her. He HATES Villains and wants to become a great Hero to help rid the world of evil.

Quirk: Karate
With his hands and feet, he can slice through literally anything. Even Bakugo's fire attacks. Even close range his attacks are incredibly strong, and wears done his opponents, like Gran Torino's Quirk.
Downside / Weakness: Immobilization / Paralysis
He can't fight or defend if he's bound or can't move.


Alias / Hero Name: Mizu (='s water)
Age: 14
Birthday: May 24th
Gender: Male
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers
Sexuality: Gay
Skin: White
Hair: Black
Eyes: Electric Blue
Height: 4' 8"
Weight: 118LBS

Occupation: Student Hero
School: UA High
Class: 1-A

Romantic Interest: Shoto Todoroki

Personality: Quiet, Thoughtful, Tactical, Punctual, Observant, Intelligent, Kind, Polite, Courteous, Kind, Loyal, Honest, Studious

Bio: He has always admired All Might and other great Heroes and wants to be as great as them someday and enrolls into the UA in hopes to achieve his dreams and help the Pro Heroes rid the world of evil.

Quirk: Water
Chojo can control and manipulate water however he wants to attack and defend. He can even turn it into ice, since ice is just frozen water.
Downside / Weakness: Electricity


Alias / Hero Name: Mr. Strange
Age: 14
Birthday: August 4th
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He, Him, His
Sexuality: Gay
Skin: Light Tan
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Black
Height: 4' 8"
Weight: 118LBS

Occupation: Student Hero
School: UA
Class: 1-B

Romantic Interest: Denki Kaminari

Personality: Grumpy, Distant, Quiet, Aloof, Blunt, Intelligent, Observant

Bio: Born into a wealthy / rich family, he finds that everything and everyone comes easily to him. He is extremely intelligent and tactical, and written tests come easily to him without having to study.

Quirk: Dr. Strange
He can do anything he puts his mind to with this power, even weld through metal and blast through cement.
Downside / Weakness: He has to practice and visualize what he wants before he can perform it in battle.
KIMI KONOMO / Super Lady
The UA High School. The very place that produced many top Heroes of all-time. Including the Number One Hero, All Might, and the Number Two Hero, Endevour. It also produced many other Pro Heroes that had attended the school. And now, she still had a hard time believing it, she, Kimi Konomo, Super Lady, would be teaching at the very school she attended to. AND, All Might would be teaching this year! Having supposedly found the latest successor to the Quirk All For One. A Quirkless wonder named Izuku Midoria.

When Kimi was a kid, she greatly admired All Might. Heck, she still did! In her opinion, All Might was the very essence of what it meant to be a Hero. Especially in these modern times. To teach the next generations for as long as he could. Kimi was glad that All Might would be teaching in the very school he attended in his day and age. All Might was the reason she decided to accept the job as a teacher. Besides the fact, she could help better protect those who were learning from any potential threats or Villains. Looking up at the building, she let out a long, deep breath, clenching her hands into tight fists. Not to mention, she would be able to better track and keep an eye on her number one nemesis and old friend from THEIR day and age here at the UA. Heck, their friendship was quite the item back then when they were kids learning the ropes of what it meant to be a Hero. But then...Temara Tenaka was a bit of a dark soul. Possibly because of her Quirk, Kimi was never truly sure. She still wasn't. After a secret battle that had nearly killed the both of them, they went their separate ways, and Kimi never saw Temara again.

Maybe...JUST MAYBE...Kimi could bring Temara here, back to the UA, and help her on a better path. It was an incredibly long shot and hair-brained idea, though. She couldn't do it back then, so what made her think that Temara would go for something like that now? Same ideology, just a different era. Especially with All Might teaching, it would prove to be even more difficult. She wanted to punch through a wall, but getting frustrated at a long shot wasn't very good Hero persona. Not to mention, she could bring down the whole school with one punch in the right place.

Taking a moment to compose herself, she made her way into the school, the automatic doors opening for her to allow her inside. The UA High...It was empty of students for the moment, but they would be arriving shortly for the new school year. She herself would be teaching class 1-A. The very same class that Izuku Midoria would be attending. Not to mention Katsuki Bakugo. She would definitely have her hands full with these kids. Maybe she was more comfortable fighting Villains and bad guys? Though she was smart enough to at least form a game plan for their first day. It would be a simple Quirk evaluation test.

TEMARA IIDA / Blastess
Their first day at UA High after the preliminary exams with the robots! Everyone was still talking about how that boy rescued the girl that had gotten into trouble with the biggest one. While everyone else ran. She wondered where he was. She wanted to meet him. Maybe they would even be in the same class together! Like her big brother Tenya Iida, she would be in class 1-A. She wondered who their teacher was. Not knowing that it was her favorite lady Hero, Super Lady.

Like Tenya, she too had super speed. But she didn't have the engines like he did. It tied into her other Quirk. Focus Energy. While it was a great Quirk, she didn't know it's full potential as of yet, which was a small part as to why she had enrolled here into the UA. To learn more about herself and what she could do as a Hero if she made it that far.

In wonderous silence, she followed Tenya to classroom 1-A, where a couple of students were already there. One boy, she recognized as Katsuki Bakugo. In her mind, a very angry teenager who put himself above all others. Him, she would stay away from if she could help it. And yet, he looked very confident, with his feet propped up upon his desk and his hands cross behind his head. She looked over at the clock above the classroom door. They still had about a half an hour before class started. Man...Why did they have to get here so early? Yawning, she stretched and plopped herself down in a desk, rubbing her eyes. She had chosen a desk as far away from Bakugo as she could, not realizing she had chosen a seat next to Izuku Midoria. All Might's successor for the Quirk One For All...
Jorah Li (Pro Hero Cosmicah)

Jorah walked through the halls of the crowded school on her way to her new offic. UA had hired several Pro Heroes as teachers this year so it seemed as if most of the students were becoming less and less excited about the arrival of all these pro heroes. Being as popular as she was this was actually a great break for her. She pushed open the door to her office and looked around at the blank walls and empty room. She definitely needed to buy some decorations for this room. She sat down at her desk and began flipping through files. She took notice of an extra desk opposite to hers. she decided that she was probably going to have a desk mate. As much as she disliked working alone she wasnot entirely sure what the person who she was going to be working with would be like. To add to that, she’s never worked a desk job before so maybe having a partner would just be a distractio. As she was running through these questions in her head, she heard the door swinging open. She looked up to she a man with long, faded, purple hair and a unwelcoming face. Just great… she gets to work with this hard head all year.

Raymin Sorah (Undercover Villain known as The Puppeteer)

He entered the school and took one look around Before wishing he could have convinced one of the other villains to go instead of him. He sighed and cantered down the loud and crowded hallways filled with potential heroes. He scoffed at himself, he was hear looking for potential villains, not heroes. He carefully scanned the passing students as he trudged towards his new office. None of these teenagers looked like they could even qualify as villains let alone heroes. Pitiful children. He then Made eye contact with a boy. He had a feminine appearance and long, blue hair. His eyes gave Him a sly and unnerving aura. Raymin shivered as the boy smirked and continued down the hallway. He found his candidate now he just has to approach him. Raymin smiled and opened the door to his office. Someone was already there. She was tall with perfectly white hair. She seemed like the very approachable type. As the woman looked up and locked eyes with him he noticed who she was. Pro Hero Cosmicah was standing right in front of him and it seemed as if they were going to be working together for awhile.

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