Other What is the most disturbing thing you've ever witnessed?

I saw Tachanka get an ace and survive three shots from Twitch's DMR.

Try to top that, fuckers.
On some other RP site (that I'm not on anymore) a younger teenage girl wanted me to play a police officer character who arrests, but then rapes and imprisons their female character in a sex dungeon + confines of a property.

Holy shit I’d nope the fuck out of there. But I’d just throw her in the dungeon first for the lols and leave it locked with the key in my pocket.
I’d have to probably think hard on this one. I’ve been in some kind of scary situations. Though this wasn’t quite necessarily scary to, as it’s happened so many times that at this point I’m pretty much not scared of it. But I’ve had guns, loaded or not, pointed at me. None of them were in a malicious way. I shoot with my buddies a lot, as we all love doing it. But my one friend is an idiot, and will point a gun my way (loaded or not) and do a dumb laugh. It annoys me more than anything.

I’ve had other scary things that are “paranormal.” But I don’t believe that stuff, so to me, it was more my mind really screwing with me. But if anyone wants to hear, I’ll share.
The most disturbing things I've seen/watched would have to be any online video where animals are hurt/abused (for example, Shovel Dog comes to mind). Anything like that immediately makes me break out in the sweats and I have to backspace ASAP.
The most disturbing things I've seen/watched would have to be any online video where animals are hurt/abused (for example, Shovel Dog comes to mind). Anything like that immediately makes me break out in the sweats and I have to backspace ASAP.

Whats Shovel Dog? Actually, nevermind.
I watched a video recently that was sent to me that, I do not think I can say because I think it may be against the rules, but there was a lot of pain and it had to do with Drugs. It was horrible.
There used to be this little wiener dog that followed one of my classmates to the bus stop every morning, in 10th grade (so about 2 years ago).

Everyone at the stop got used to him. He was really cute, had a little sweater. Super friendly.
One morning he went across the street to play with the neighbor's dogs. I was the only one watching him because dogs are cute. Everyone else at the stop was too cold or tired to care.

The dog was about to run back across the street to us when a car was coming. He didn't move out of the way in time, and I watched him get hit. The car kept driving. I remember looking around at everyone else, but nobody saw the dog writhing in pain in the street (he didn't cry, which is the worst part).

The bus came right after that. Before it did come, though, I watched the dog slowly start to calm down and I watched him die. I swear I could see steam coming from his body or something. It was so sad.
When I got back home that same day, the dog wasn't in the street, but there was this bloodstain and it stayed for like a week or two. It was by far the most disturbing thing I've ever seen. :(

tl;dr - I watched a weeny dog get hit by a car, but I also watched him die.

RIP, Bus Stop Weeny Dog. You will be missed. </3
I remember the 2nd time I visited Los Angeles, I was walking out of the bus with my brother who was showing me around (he was living there for several years at that point), and as we got out, this old man was taken in front of everyone by some thugs and started being beaten horribly. I come from Puerto Rico, and tho the crime rate is high, I'd never seen it happen in public because everything goes down at night. I had never seen that type of thing so it really struck me. I still remember it vividly.
One of the most disturbing things I've ever seen, or at least one of the ones that stayed with me the most, was a short documentary I saw about Israel, specifically the skewered rules to favor the female gender in the eyes of the law to the point where people can regularly walk into a taxi, take a ride, then start yelling "rapist" until they let them go without paying, to give one of the examples that I remember better (simply because it was one of the simpler cases). The fact this can be caught on camera and the person walks away scott free is horrifying. But still, it's something awful happening somewhere else in the world...right?

No. With the political and social climate we have, we already have very similar cases. And worst, public opinion seems to find such cases just. That is why this is so disturbing. It's like been shown a glimpse of your own death.
Probably the scariest moments in my life (so far) have happened just recently, when I got my cancer diagnosis. I had some pretty bad panic attacks, but the most disturbing part was the extreme episode of dissociation I had while I was at the hospital, after I shaved my head. It's not something I so much as witnessed, per se, but I thought I might share what I definitely consider to be the most disturbing experience I've had.

I'd woken up on the wrong side of the bed that day; something just didn't feel right. As I said to my mom later "I just didn't want to wake up in the hospital again." I believe I'd shaved my head the day before, so I knew I would be shaken, I just didn't know I'd feel exactly the way I did. It felt like I was fighting a panic attack all throughout breakfast. Even as I distracted myself by watching a show (Which usually works for anxiety), I just didn't feel right in the slightest. It only got worse as time went on and noon was approaching. I'd been out on a walk with my mom, and I sat down in a nice room, looking out a huge window with an amazing view ahead of us. My mind wasn't buzzing with thought as it normally does, it was more just... Swirling about from place to place. I wasn't even thinking about my hair being gone or any of the recent trauma, I was thinking of pretty much everything else. Mostly insignificant thoughts that had nothing to do with what was happening around me, such as "It's pretty outside today," "the ceiling fan is spinning," or "the pattern on the floor is mesmerizing." Strange and simple observations like that. I actually couldn't stop myself from zoning out on the pattern on the carpet in that room. I started to kind of become trapped in my own head.

The scariest part is that I began to realize that I couldn't talk to anyone anymore. I couldn't show hardly any facial expressions. I couldn't get outside my head. Whenever someone would ask "Are you okay?" I could only reply SOMETIMES with a blank "No." Most of the time I would just barely shake my head in response, staring off into the distance, not even able to tear my eyes away to look at them in the eye. And when I did manage to look at them, it would be either a completely blank expression, or just a confused/clueless one. I knew this was very serious, and I desperately wanted to ask someone, anyone for help. But I just couldn't. I was trapped inside my own head, and I felt like I physically couldn't ask for help. Whatever was controlling my body was no longer me, and that was terrifying. I felt almost paralyzed.

When we finally got up from those chairs, I was unsteady. I couldn't keep my balance. I'm not entirely sure if I wasn't able to keep my balance, or if just pretending to be off balance was my own way of saying "Something's seriously wrong with me" when I couldn't communicate my condition verbally. Either way, I had to stumble through the halls upstairs to my room, nearly falling over at every corner. When I finally got to my bed, I pretty much collapsed onto my bed, on my stomach, and just.. Didn't move. I didn't feel like moving, I didn't have the energy or emotional drive to move anymore. I felt sick to my stomach, and was just wading through life, letting the nurses and my mom panic around me while I just laid there.

While I was down there on the bed, though, I had time to internally think to myself. I tried to get myself together and find a way to snap out of this. Suddenly, something hit me out of the blue. I thought to myself: "Oh my God, what if I die right here, right now? Is this what it feels like to die? I've never died before, how would I know?" Which quickly progressed to: "I can't die, I need to fix this. I need to get out of my head, I need to reset my brain. Should I throw up? Is that what I'm supposed to do? Is that what you want me to do?" Not sure who the "you" I was referring to was, but those were pretty much my exact thoughts in those moments.

I decided that vomiting would be the only way out of that nightmarish state of being, and I was right. The adrenaline rush to my brain gave it a hard reset, and I snapped back into reality as soon as I was done. I was visibly shaking and terrified of what had just happened, but at least I could emote and express myself. I was out. I made it.

Again, it's not something I would say I've witnessed, but it was the most disturbing thing that's happened to me, and I felt like it had some sort of place here. I've suspected for a long time now that I've had some disorder having to do with dissociation, but it never got that bad. Not even anywhere near that bad. A quote from Thor: Ragnarok sums it up pretty well, only replace the Hulk with dissociation.

Bruce Banner: "My neurons, they’re firing faster than my brain can handle the information. The whole thing is totally different this time. In the past, I always felt like Hulk and I each had a hand on the wheel, but this time it’s like he had the keys and I was locked in the trunk."

Well, that's my new and dramatic story! Hope you enjoyed the somewhat long read. Take care of yourselves, everyone.
Honestly there's only two that come to mind. One was my mom going into DKA throwing up for several days before we had to take her to the hospital. She couldn't control her body functions properly so she did throw up a lot and pee herself etc. It was pretty devastating to see my mom like that. It was unexpected and made me realize how much I didn't know of what was going on. No one ever told me her diabetes was that serious.

The second was one of my best friends possibly being possessed. One night me and two friends were at their house and one of my friends got really drunk, she threw up a lot and then lied down. Lets call her friend N. Then N came down a few minutes later very silent and just staring at us in the dark. She had a very creepy expression on her face and my other friend , A noticed and called her name. N didn't answer and instead was just smiling and approaching closer. She didn't say a word until she said a name that was not mine nor A's . Then it was like her personality shifted again and she started to panic and look around frantically. She ran outside and tried to climb a fence but we stopped her. Her personality changed again and this time she was saying very weird things that she was a collector. A told me to run and get something. N stated. "Yes, go and get that." to me with a sinister grin. After that she literally passed out and woke up the next day not remembering anything that happened. To this day she hasn't had anything like that happen since.
The most disturbing thing, is someone who know to smile and being actually a nice person,
i'm not kidding, it's rare.
At a former job of mine I headed to the restroom where a customer was in standing right at the mirrors with her dress up. Not going into details beyond that as it's too disturbing. As I politely backed away she apologized saying she was looking for something.
I was sent a picture of two men, doing things, to a lady with a knife. Suffice to say it traumatized me.
My entire school morning a cheerleader who killed herself but refusing any memorial for a friend of mine killed in gang violence.
an alien crawled inside of a guy after forcing its way into his mouthand began sucking his insides or something, causing his body to contort and go that dead blue colour as he was eaten alive or absorbed or whatever from the inside.
Needless to say that was a horror film. I left the room directly afterwards.
Special effects are a scary thing..

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