What is the avatar above you thinking?

Why does the moon glow at night? Why do people follow the North Star? What's with all those fireflies? And more importantly, how are you reading my thoughts right now?

The answer: all me, baby. Everything you see is the work of the Cicada. And the Cicada's personally sending you an invitation to a party over at the greatest, most prestigious nightclub in the world.

It'll be on 3301 Everywhere Lane, and it's going down at 11 PM tonight. Sharp. Good luck, and remember to wear something anonymous.
Your life means nothing as the ever breathing mass known as death takes you over in one last fleeting moment of humanity. You will forever be forgotten, your children may remember, but will your grandchildren? And their children? The world will go on as if nothing ever happened, humanity will traverse the stars and you will be forgotten. One more body on the pile.
Quit that nonsense and tell us what we're thinking my dude.

Cicada's easily flattered, and Cicada's the life of the party. But if I could read the others' minds... they waitin' for the Cicada to flatter back. That's what I'm hostin' this party for, after all.
(that was what you were thinking.)

This guy right here is waiting for the perfect moment to drug the entire club and set the place ablaze. I know it.

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