Anime & Manga What is a Weeaboo to you?

This guy pretty much nails what my definition of a weeaboo is.

(Beware, does use a bit of explicit language)


[QUOTE="General Meow]This guy pretty much nails what my definition of a weeaboo is.
(Beware, does use a bit of explicit language)


[QUOTE="General Meow]This guy pretty much nails what my definition of a weeaboo is.
(Beware, does use a bit of explicit language)


Thanks b0ss.
Woofers296 said:
Wtf is the purpose of a body pillow
Take a nice, educated guess my friend. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

unless you're referring to regular body pillows in general, in which case I don't know :P lol
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'

I just came to the realization that I might be a Weeaboo. O.o (Not by my own definition of course)
I dunno. The people with the million anime posters and waifu pillows would fit more into being an 'otaku', to me. (Which, despite everyone I know thinking it is, it's not a positive term at all. Think like, shut ins who do nothing but watch anime all day and never leave the house)

For me, I think weeaboo means someone completely obsessed with Japan. In fact, not even obsessed with Japan, they claim they are, but really all they know is learnt from the shit-ton of anime they watch. I had a weeby friend who ONLY wanted to talk about anime, and it was the most annoying thing ever, and she claimed to be an expert on Japan, when she really.. wasn't. At all. Also, she kept inserting Japanese words into English sentences. She never said 'desu', thank fuck, but there was the occasional ''SUGOKU KAWAII!!!1'' more like fucking sugoku horrifying
To me, weeaboos (i just call 'em weebs) are people from who fantasize about going to Japan and living a perfect life, becuase they only care about the anime and manga that comes from it, rather than taking time to learn the culture of it. They obsess over every anime, use broken Japanese, and are overall just... annoying people. I kinda used to be a mild one, which is a bit... disappointing.
SpookySneeze said:
^^ That irritates me too.
Ya, most weeaboos seem to think that the katana is superior just because it takes months just to make one katana.
Barbas said:
On thing about weeaboos that annoys me the most is their katana fetish.
Really? I've never noticed too many weeaboos with an obsession for katanas.. just the crazy anime ones.
I am going to interject and say this as someone who has been called weaboo. I HATE that term. It's like calling someone fake-english just because they like stuff from England. Face it, most people are guilty of at least some of these in some reason. Yes, liking only part of a culture of a country can lead to racism, and yes it can be offensive for those who are of that ethnic race, but it's NOT unique to Japanese culture. There are those who think they love Belgian culture because of the chocolate! It could be much worse.

I think it's impressive that those who are called weaboo like another culture at all. For many people there is no easy way to be exposed to more than anime from Japan. You can do research, but as someone who has done it so I can say, there is next to no reliable information in English, and many schools don't offer classes that would let them learn the language properly. Calling a group annoying and hateful just because they cannot find information needed to get a better view of it is just as bad as you say they are.

I came to love Japan starting with anime, and going from there. I don't think it's perfect, but I don't think anyplace is. Some people think that anyone who likes Japan is a weeaboo, and that's just not true. Some people think that liking Japan enough to try to learn the language is being a weeaboo, and that's not true either. I don't think the term truly exists! There are people who think they were Egyptian in a past life, or Pakistanian! Terms like this are just as bad as the Otaku in Japan, or the History Buff in America! They like things differently than you, they like to act differently than you, and that is THEIR choice, not yours. If you don't like how they act, ask them to stop or leave you alone, but giving them a term like this, and worse claiming that it is unique to White People (Which is both racist and wrong, as I know many people who are NOT white and fit some of your definitions for weeaboo), is a great example of an insult that does nothing for either side.

I've said my piece, and I'm not going to argue it. Agree or don't that's your choice, but I felt it had to be said. *steps off of her soapbox*
SaphireTsuki said:
I am going to interject and say this as someone who has been called weaboo. I HATE that term. It's like calling someone fake-english just because they like stuff from England. Face it, most people are guilty of at least some of these in some reason. Yes, liking only part of a culture of a country can lead to racism, and yes it can be offensive for those who are of that ethnic race, but it's NOT unique to Japanese culture. There are those who think they love Belgian culture because of the chocolate! It could be much worse.
I think it's impressive that those who are called weaboo like another culture at all. For many people there is no easy way to be exposed to more than anime from Japan. You can do research, but as someone who has done it so I can say, there is next to no reliable information in English, and many schools don't offer classes that would let them learn the language properly. Calling a group annoying and hateful just because they cannot find information needed to get a better view of it is just as bad as you say they are.

I came to love Japan starting with anime, and going from there. I don't think it's perfect, but I don't think anyplace is. Some people think that anyone who likes Japan is a weeaboo, and that's just not true. Some people think that liking Japan enough to try to learn the language is being a weeaboo, and that's not true either. I don't think the term truly exists! There are people who think they were Egyptian in a past life, or Pakistanian! Terms like this are just as bad as the Otaku in Japan, or the History Buff in America! They like things differently than you, they like to act differently than you, and that is THEIR choice, not yours. If you don't like how they act, ask them to stop or leave you alone, but giving them a term like this, and worse claiming that it is unique to White People (Which is both racist and wrong, as I know many people who are NOT white and fit some of your definitions for weeaboo), is a great example of an insult that does nothing for either side.

I've said my piece, and I'm not going to argue it. Agree or don't that's your choice, but I felt it had to be said. *steps off of her soapbox*
Overly obsessed with anime, preferably yoai. Thinks Japan is the best country ever, but speaks broken Japanese.
Another thing most weeabos do that annoy me is when they always talk about how great Japan's military is, while ignoring all the failed invasions of China and Korea.

Also you got it wrong .

Weebness is not about simply liking a culture it's about chauvinism towards a culture you're not from and focusing on only the shallowest aspects. It's about the dumb socially maladjusted nerd that thinks he knows everything about japan from a dripfeed of their pop cultural exports of comics and toons . Then taking certain elements presented in them and romanticizing the hell out of them. And then you get the stereotypical image of the weeb who thinks Japan is some sort of pixieland where his dumb ass can get accepted where he'll go move there and teach English and then net some perfect Yamato Nadeshiko type servile native wife just like the waifus in his shows . As he is completely oblivious to the actual Japan of real life.

Never mind Japan's history of isolationism make them hilariously provincial. Or how their leaders are incompetent and haven't been able to fix their economy which has been slowly imploding and decaying since the 90's when their bubble popped. Or the segment of kids who are so turned off by the ratrace there they have become NEETS.
Barbas said:
Another thing most weeabos do that annoy me is when they always talk about how great Japan's military is, while ignoring all the failed invasions of China and Korea.
If I recall, Japan barely even has a military.
They have the SDF but they can't do anything unless they get attacked as well have a bunch of hamstringing policies as such they rely on the US for firepower.

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