What is a game that you hate, but a lot of people love?

Oh boy, this is a toughie. Mainly because the games I hate have a lot of people who share my opinion about them.

I quite dislike Super Mario 64 DS. It might be because my hand-to-eye coordination wasn't as good seven years ago, but I found the controls to be slippery, especially when you're using the touch screen of the Nintendo DS. I was forced to use the D-Pad, except for the Bowser boss fights where you MUST use the touch screen to swing Bowser around. This made the final boss fight heck, probably even more so than the original (because at least I'm good with joysticks).
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UmbreonRogue said:
Oh boy, this is a toughie. Mainly because the games I hate have a lot of people who share my opinion about them.
I quite dislike Super Mario 64 DS. It might be because my hand-to-eye coordination wasn't as good seven years ago, but I found the controls to be slippery, especially when you're using the touch screen of the Nintendo DS. I was forced to use the D-Pad, except for the Bowser boss fights where you MUST use the touch screen to swing Bowser around. This made the final boss fight heck, probably even more so than the original (because at least I'm good with joysticks).
I hated playing that for ds. But then I played it on 3ds. It controls like it's supposed to on 3ds
... I'm going to get murdered for saying this, but Ocarina of Time.


LIKE, I UNDERSTAND! The game is amazing and it started up a whole new type of game to play! For its time, it was revolutionary. But when I first played it, I just found it bland and a little boring. The story and characters are okay, the designs are really pretty, but the world just felt... Blah... A lot of people do say 'oh, it's so open world and full of things to do!' but I've honestly just felt so bored running around on Epona.

I loved the various temples and loved the puzzles (fuck the fire temple and shadow temple though I hate those two places), but man the game is just... Not so charming or something. I dunno. Playing it was the first time I ever held a 3ds so I was very confused with the controls, but even revisiting it after I had experience in playing the 3ds I still didn't like it. I'm still a big LoZ fan though! But then again, I might not be viewed it as since my first game was Spirit Tracks, and my favourite is either Minish Cap or Skyward Sword xD

plz don't kill me guys im sorry

First thing that came to mind was Mine craft - for many, many reasons. I, personally, find the game to be incredibly ugly - when I find merchandise in the store I just can't imagine owning it. Blocks, pixels, build from scratch, I get it. But it's still ugly. Also redundant, but I myself lost waaaay too many hours to Skyrim so I can understand that aspect to a degree.

I think what bothers me is more personal though, I've seen way too many people just waste their lives on that game - there are other realms and series people dedicate all their time to, I'm sure, but I have crossed paths so many people and it's all they did today, yesterday, last week and plan to do tomorrow. Seeing too much of anything makes me hate it before it gets a chance (frozen, THG, Got, etc...)

Honestly I don't hate a lot of games. Perhaps how they ended or what potential wasn't best used up, but I can't think of anything other than this particular series.
I loved Awakening, because it was just a beautiful game overall. It had a long story, which was good, and everything just looked beautiful as far as graphics go. Sound was also good.

I also loved the fact that they added marriage and kids into it, and I feel they should expand on that a bit further. The support systems before were awesome, but once you reached S rank you were done with both characters... plus obviously there was no romance, which I happen to be a sucker for.

Last but not least, having your own character and him being op is AMAZING. All in all, I think FE: Awakening is definitely competing with my FE: Sacred Stones.

I haven't purchased or played fates yet, but I will in the future. It is disappointing to hear they recycled personalities, but I could maybe look past that.

The only thing that left me skeptical with Awakening is the fact that you could marry a kid from the future and then have a kid. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad it works out that way. But the logic behind it confuses me. How could your spouse from the future bring back your kid who is the same age as said spouse? Wouldn't they be even younger than the future kids? I married Lucina, so not only was it weird being Chrome's son-in-law after all the bromance, but then having a kid with his kid was kind of weird to think about.

I just hope that they add back what they did for the remake of that Fire Emblem game (which name I can't recall at the moment) with Marth. They gave you the option to have wireless online duels with other people.
My friend was obsessed with Undertale... I just didn't get it. She said: "We play Dragon Age! You might like this!"

... I didn't. I didn't even have to play it. I literally watched her for two hours. WHY.

I'm not a fan of Skyrim, either. Elder Scrolls online was cool, but Skyrim just... Isn't my cup of tea. My boyfriend thought I'd love it, because I like medieval fantasy (as mentioned, Dragon Age... Also Fable, The Reckoning) but nooope. xD

I get that a lot of people my age grew up with Pokemon... I wasn't allowed to play it, and when I tried to, I just couldn't get into it. Sorry 90s babes.

All that comes to mind right now. I play the same ten things over and over I think, so. Haha.
I like Minecraft. What's with all the hate?

In any case, my game would be TF2. Something about it that I cannot place does not fit with me for whatever reason. I understand why people play it ( because I play Overwatch). But something doesn't click with me.

As far as Minecraft goes...well for the people that say it's boring-mods. Mods, mods, and more mods. For the people who say Mc is running slow-install Optifine. This is why people love Minecraft-it's simplicity. If you want a different experience you use mods.
I think i'll put another game up. Go ahead and come at me virtually. Because I virtually DESPISE Overwatch. Now don't get me wrong. I'm glad blizzard is stepping into new territory with an fps (Quote unquote) "Moba". I personally was fond of Warcraft, Starcraft, and I found myself addicted into World of warcraft at the age of 12. But. God. The game itself. Everyone says it's gonna be the Death of tf2. But it's not gonna have a chance in hell at topping tf2. Let me start with the first class I played. Mercy. I loved the tf2 Medic class. It was arguably the most important class in the game. And for good reason. It was a healer class with speed only lower than the scout that also had a good choice of secondary weapons. And a melee arsenal so good the community made an entire sub class on it. I also liked Mercy. She was a character that could dash to her teammates and not only heal them but also provide damage buffs. That's where she stops though. All of her other weapons are TERRIBLE at keeping her alive. Medic has a crossbow. A decent syringe gun that if aimed well can kill heavy's in one clip. Mercy has a crappy pistol that might as well shoot kinda cold water. It's bad. So I didn't play mercy. So then I played tracer. And found that this game is fucking madness. In tf2 there were 9 classes that played different and had while stereotypical. Pretty funny and likeable personalities. I also agree with all the Heroes in Ow. They all have great personalities. But in combat HOW CAN I PAY ATTENTION WHEN MORE THAN 12 CHARACTERS ARE EACH JUST SPAMMING. If someone can't aim in ow. They spam. So it turns from a "Fun MOBA fps with diverse guns and characters" to a fun game of "Press mouse 1 to win". At the same time. Tf2 is usually a ton of new steam player's first pick. Because it's a free to play by valve. While it does change from yet again a fun fps. Into who can do the longest conga line. I don't care. Because that's the charm of tf2. Because it's a free to start. (You have the option to buy guns and cosmetics) it has a Giant community that is willing to make it better. So not only valve. But the community can. And already has. Turned tf2 into a game that ow can only dream of being. If I missed anything...I don't give a shit
It would be League of Legends for me. I used to love that game SO much when it first launch.

Back then players would actually focus on learning the game and giving you some level of advice on how to play or what to build instead of the ever so present toxic players.

Lower level games stayed pretty even and fun since the smurf population was also quite small.

I think overall the game itself feel a bit different. Mages were slow but powerful and tanks were actual tanks. Now we have stuff like Zed (No offense to all you Zed players)

The lore made much more sense back then, nowadays it seems like they realized just how much they killed lore and are desperately trying to bring back some sense into the world by releasing all this text about a certain region or whatever.

Probably a few more things here and there.


Finales Fulkeln > Final Spark

rip Force of Nature
Baku said:
Again I heavily prefer the Tom clancy games. Give me Splinter Cell, Give me Ghost Recon. At least those two have good plots and characters.
If you want a game with a good plot and character play Metal Gear Solid... if you have old consoles, of course.

Well, whatever.
A lot of people are really happy with Zero Time Dilemma, but I think it's a cheap piece of crap that doesn't have near as much depth as the rest of the Zero Escape series, it's not even scary, the writing was a HUGE step down, and it's a piss-poor conclusion to boot.
I really disliked Overwatch. Just got it two days ago and have already resold it. Nope. I feel that not being able to aim down sights promotes no-skill spray and pray. What is up with Symmetra's broken ass ability to place 30 billion turrets everywhere? God. TF2 was like this and nope. Not to mention that the TF2 fanbase scares me...

Final Fantasy 10-2 was fanservice central and ultimately degrading to the prequel. Final Fantasy 13 was a snore for me. But you know what? I love most the one FF game that everyone else hates: FF12. Fran was skimpy, sure, but her personality was fully fleshed out and respectable. The gameplay was awesome and I never felt bored at any given time while playing.

Lots of people didn't like Okami; I loved it. Killing Orochi like 5 times was annoying though.

Animal Crossing was also pretty boring... the events were disappointing because you essentially do nothing for eight hours. Multiplayer was very limited and awful for me too. My fondest memory of ACNL was when like six residents in my town were talking about "strange smells and laughter" coming from where this goat lived and then when I went to visit him he gave me a standing plant. He then told me not to tell anyone where he got it or that he had given it to me... Plus I wanted to throw Tom Nook off of the edge of existence for charging me out the ass for a box to live in.

I couldn't ever get into The Witcher 3 because the game demands your life in order to complete it. One quest takes me ages and the camera angle is so odd on Geralt. Like why can't I zoom out or something jesus

anD THEN THERE'S-- //bricked
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No body judge me, but personally i never gotten into undertale. I don't know why, it was just to simple and boring for me, there was nothing really complex about it. I am not a fan of 2-d games, and that's how it felt to me. The combat system was the real killer for me though. i could not take it.
LilyannaGaming said:
No body judge me, but personally i never gotten into undertale. I don't know why, it was just to simple and boring for me, there was nothing really complex about it. I am not a fan of 2-d games, and that's how it felt to me. The combat system was the real killer for me though. i could not take it.
I thought the combat system was good. But I don't judge people...Unless they say Terraria sucks.
Epax said:
I thought the combat system was good. But I don't judge people...Unless they say Terraria sucks.
Surprisingly, i like Terraria. Despite my 'I hate 2D games' rule.
LilyannaGaming said:
Surprisingly, i like Terraria. Despite my 'I hate 2D games' rule.
Anyone who hates 2D games still likes terraria m8
Everyone has their reasons for disliking Undertale, I suppose.

I don't like MineCraft very much, and same goes for Garry's Mod. I do appreciate player freedom (heck, there's a reason why I play Skyrim). But I want some idea what to do. MineCraft is extremely repetitive, and all you have to look forward to in GMod is the mods, which isn't exactly my cup of tea when it is the only feature. To reflect my feelings on mods, I like sugar in food, but please don't make me eat it in its raw form.
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Rocket League. It's a nice concept and all, but it doesn't have a lot of content or game modes. I've played it for about a couple hours but didn't get the same enthusiasm my friends get from the game. Especially not enough to buy it for $30 or even $10 on sale.
Pokemon Go. It utterly misses the point of Pokemon in several glaring ways that nobody is willing to address because hey, it's Pokemon, we all love that, right?

Let's address the fact that, unlike with any other pokemon game, you have ZERO incentive to bond with your pokemon at all. You'll likely just be crushing them down into a candy anyway. You move through them. They aren't your partners or friends, they are just what you're using for now until you can trade it out for something stronger.

I also don't like how they gutted the combat system simply to make it quicker to play while people are on the go. It doesn't feel like a pokemon battle, imo.

I'm glad people are enjoying the game, but I have no desire to play it. To me, it kinda looks like what you'd get if you licensed Pokemon out to a mobile company who didn't really understand the game or the fantasy of being a pokemon trainer. It has official pokemon in it, but none of what made pokemon a fun game for me is left in there anymore. More than ever, it's just a game about fantasy cockfighting, but now it feels like the heart, the thing that made it more than a game about enslaving animals and forcing them to fight to the death, is gone.
I enjoy Undertale the game, I thought it had a cute story and it was fun to play it with my ex, but gosh do I hate the fandom it has... They're a bit over board. I mean, how many alternate universes does it have!? Does one game need that many alternate universes!? REALLY!? IS IT NECESSARY!? (TAT) AND IT IS SO IN YOUR FACE! EVERYWHERE! Save me...
I've got a few more ooooooo~

Dark Souls - Although I've only played two which is supposed to be the worst, I have no desire to play any of the others. I've watched Game Grumps play Bloodborne and now Dark Souls 3, and I watched another Youtuber complete the first game, they just... Aren't interesting to me. When I'm playing a game, I don't want to to be so hard that I want to cry and smash my controller. Yes, I understand the difficulty and the whole 'Well, you died 'cause you messed up, ya noob!' part of it, but man... It just isn't fun to me :/ Killing the few bosses I managed to get to before stopping playing didn't feel rewarding to me. In fact, it made me just feel empty. I knew I couldn't celebrate because another harder boss or NPC was just after the new bonfire, and so the reward aspect was completely gone. Not only this, the fanbase seem to hate on anyone who can't or don't want to play the game, and even if they do, they're still bad for playing it a certain way. Yeah, no thanks. Not for me.

Yume Nikki - uggggggggggh... Maybe I just played this when I was too young, but I desisted this game. While the fan art is beautiful and the theories are very clever and well thought out, I just don't see the appeal. To me, the little pieces of 'story' scattered around isn't to go from. Collecting the effects was boring, the lack of dialog was saddening because I see so many people giving the characters personalities that may be false, and it's just... Meh to me. I felt robbed of my time after beating it and watching the ending, and while I'm thankful it exists and glad that it's inspired so many people, I just don't like it at all. Maybe it's because my dreams aren't like the ones Madotsuki has, who knows. I do, however, adore .Flow with all my heart. This fangame had a story so in your face that it didn't feel like I was wasting my time, the characters were nice and clearly had something to do with Sabitsuki, and I loved the fact you could get three different endings. Perhaps I just find the fangames more interesting than the one that started it all.

Minecraft - ... No. Just no. Boring, repetitive and just bland. Give me any other game.
I will be hated, but whatever, i don't like Undertale, oh wait.. i mean, i can't stand it, not only a lot of fans put this game down to my troat (even on RP websites or art), but this game look too boring for my tastes, i may love the 2D games such as Whispering Willows, a boy and his blob, Professor Layton (the DS ones),

the hype for the game remain an huge mystery for me, a lot goes crazy and obssessive about it, but me? after watching some videos, well, i'm not convainced that it's "the best game ever", not in my eyes, and will never change my opinion about it.

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