Music What instrument do you play and why?

I've played the piano for almost eight years now, I have never taken a piano lesson but I have family members who have helped me out.

I also sing and play in a band that I formed with other students from my old school.
I'm a long time player of the Ukelele, mainly because my father was a musician and he taught me how to play since I was 3. My father was a big inspiration to me so I began to play music. It's fun, after all!
Piano mostly because it was common for me to find them and piano is most wanted in my family. Like a need. I even played piano in the gym and it's very easy
I play the French horn and have been for...10 years now? I started in 6th grade because I knew I wanted to be in band and that was really the only instrument that like...spoke to me. I've played the baritone for some very very simple projects and if you hand me a trumpet and hold a gun up to my head I can play something simple.
I've been playing the trombone for about five years now. I choose it, because it was the easiest instrument in my opinion.
I have been playing the flute for around three years now. I am not very good at it but when I play, I play from the heart. I fell in love with Native American flute music so I bought myself a small Native American wooden flute that's been my wonderful partner in crime. It sounds really good outside though, its where i love to play and be one with nature.
Well, I started out with the Chinese violin (er hu) when I first saw a performer in Australia perform it, playing out some well-known pieces like Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On and some others. Didn't progress further in terms of the grading though, largely since I didn't actually know about that (at all, at the time). Also didn't like the whole orchestra environment after some years in that.

Then the piano because of this Japanese animated film, Piano Forest


Mozart's Piano Sonata No. 8 in A Minor. That piece realllllly captivated me, even now I still feel a bit of unexplained satisfaction from merely listening. In any case, it was that piece in particular that really pushed me to start learning the piano at about... Uh, 16-19 or something, can't remember. I can't say I've been practicing that much, and I certainly didn't do grading again, but at least I can read scores well enough to learn any piece given sufficient practice and time.
Bubble gum wrappers count? O.o

Mine would be the piano, guitar, recorder, and violin. I would like to say drums but only if anyone would allow me to bang on it without following any rhythms at all >< 
Iv played the clarinet for like 10 years,  started when I was around 7-8 years old :^) 

Haven't really played much lately thought sort of miss it.
The violin, because I'm Asian and my mother told me too :P
I played clarinet for 6 years and I started playing Tuba almost a year ago. I played the clarinet because it reminded me of a recorder but I grew to love the silly thing. However, high notes are a pain and sound terrible when played incorrectly, ahaha.. As for the Tuba, it was as close as I could get to a cello and the cello is basically the love of my life. Plus, it's hella fun and deep sounding instruments have a haunting beauty about them. I can play a little flute and trumpet as well but I wouldn't say I'm very skilled in either, a few warm-ups are all I've bothered to learn. I suppose I sing a bit but I doubt my voice too much to sing in public or on stage. Stage fright, yay.
I took singing lessons for nearly 12 years and sang a bit professionally while I was in school. I quickly gave that ambition up though. 

I played clarinet for 6 years and I started playing Tuba almost a year ago. I played the clarinet because it reminded me of a recorder but I grew to love the silly thing. However, high notes are a pain and sound terrible when played incorrectly, ahaha.. As for the Tuba, it was as close as I could get to a cello and the cello is basically the love of my life. Plus, it's hella fun and deep sounding instruments have a haunting beauty about them. I can play a little flute and trumpet as well but I wouldn't say I'm very skilled in either, a few warm-ups are all I've bothered to learn. I suppose I sing a bit but I doubt my voice too much to sing in public or on stage. Stage fright, yay.

I have a few friends who play the tuba very well, it is a neat instrument and a shame that more people don't play it, so kudos. :D
Though I have had zero lessons and can't read a lick of music, I know a few songs for the piano and am slowly learning more. 

Anyone else who mentioned being a piano player, I highly encourage going to Youtube and looking up "*Song name* Piano Synthesia" It's basically a guitar-hero type game, I guess you could say, but simply watching and learning the piece one note at a time is something I find to be very helpful.
First song I learned doing this (And in general) was Skyrim's theme song, which is also where my first tattoo came from, haha. (I want to learn some of Witcher 3: Wild Hunt's music, but bloody hell they are all hard!)
I've been playing piano for almost seven years now, and got piano lessons throughout the years. I decided to do it because I wanted to follow in my best friend's footsteps, since they were a big inspiration to me. I'm not as good as them, and probably never will be, but I enjoy it nonetheless and I love the feeling I get while listening to myself play. I don't usually feel proud of myself for accomplishing things, but for piano, I do. It's nice.  ^_^
I play piano. Why? Hard to say, really. I guess I just gained inspiration from some old composers (Bach, Beethoven, ect.). And I really like the sound the piano makes when it plays. I can't explain it, it just gives me this happy feeling. 

(Short reason. I know. I'm evil)
I have never received formal music education and training but somehow I am able to play simple music on musical instruments by ears and experiences, that is the most natural ability of human to play musical instruments I how stone age peoples are able to play musical instrument naturally. I can play almost all, but didn't really master many, except for some instrument that I am more familiar in, and have more exposure to like bamboo flute, harmonica, Suona, guitar and stuff......

One day there was an old-school recorder lying somewhere around in my house, I mess with it, and actually played something, then I found a harmonica, found a guitar...piano, played with it, melody came out, my parents went crazy and though I am "musical genius" or something (NO, I am not, I seriously can't read music sheet and play an instrument at the same time, I just can't, because of my slow and retarded reaction) , because they never expected me to be able to play those instruments without any formal training like that.

I joined a traditional Chinese orchestra at my school, my lunatic father went crazier, he started to keep nagging about buying a whole set of traditional instruments for me to play, and...he did......and we are not even rich...

He started to buy bamboo flute, Sheng(Chinese big pipe), Suona(Chinese trumpet), and an Erhu made of Chinese ceramics that I eventually rejected and forced him to cancel the purchase...too intense for me...

I played with them anyway, and have some fun actually. Not sure if I should really thanks my father for all the crazy thing he did, but he kept insist that he do all of this as he wants to polish me in my "talent"(...and be proud about it...), as he himself never have any and was self-conscious about sure if I will ever fully understand him tho...he is just...plain silly...

I chose Chinese trumpet(Suona) as my instrument in my school orchestra, which is the loudest instrument in the whole orchestral, bad choice, a very bad choice, that I'll soon learn by experience.

I eventually became the "spotlight" of the whole orchestra, as my school's orchestra is a rather small one, and I became the ONLY Suona player in a sub-team in an upcoming competition.

The pressure on little me was real, and unbearable. Why? As ironically I became the "problematic" member in the orchestra. Not so "musical genius" after all...huh?

I failed to keep up with the beat, failing to sync properly with the other when I play, for me never really played properly following a musical sheet that I suffered to read...and plus the panic attack and lack of confident while I am supposed to be LOUD...I simply couldn't perform well......

At the day of the competition, as expected, panic attack, shaky and sweaty hand, I screwed up. And yep..I became the "black sheep". So...I made a choice and switched to play an instrument with much smaller and softer voice that is mainly used in harmonizing.... eventually, I quit the orchestra. After pondering on my problem, I am simply uncomfortable to play with play systematically in an orchestral, to perform....I just can't. What I enjoy truly is being able to solo things out, to play by my own rules, without any pressure, without any rules, just play when you feel like it, just play what you want to play, like a carefree stone age dude in the middle of the forest, no audience to judge you, no conductor to follow. I realized just how much, how I play music reflex my personalities, solo is more cup of tea.

And now I just pick up one of those instruments lying around my house like flute, harmonica, guitar or some common portable instruments that can be found in my house(or even hand whistling), play with it when I feel like it. I enjoy things to be this way.

I enjoy the freedom that music offers me for creativity in the most, natural way, more than anything. I guess everyone can still be proud when they are rocking with their "air electrical guitar" like a boss...what resonates within is more important, I guess.
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Upright bass, 1950's Americana Rockabilly.  Just good for the soul.  I did a guest spot on stage at the last minute, bass was set to low for my height, but it was okay.  The bass actually belonged to my bass hero.
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