Music What instrument do you play and why?

Doc Taylor

Doctor of Some Sort

I play the trumpet/cornet at the moment and I have been for almost six years now. I want to learn more, but at the moment I think mastering one is enough of a task for me. I started playing the trumpet because of a movie actually. Trumpet of the Swan. If you haven't seen it I'm not surprised. Anyways, the main character in the show is a swan who happens to be mute, so he learns to play the trumpet to have his own voice in the world. I watched it too many times to count. So, that and a love of jazz is what made me want to play the trumpet.

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I'm not really into playing instruments. Buut, I do go freestyle on the piano. I've made a couple of songs that sound pretty good. Which is pretty strange, considering the fact that I have no clue how to actually read sheet music >.>

If it can be considered an instrument, I've tried learning how to use a step sequencer on the computer, as well. But I can only figure out the basics. I have no idea what all the buttons and knobs do.
Daisie said:
I'm not really into playing instruments. Buut, I do go freestyle on the piano. I've made a couple of songs that sound pretty good. Which is pretty strange, considering the fact that I have no clue how to actually read sheet music >.>
If it can be considered an instrument, I've tried learning how to use a step sequencer on the computer, as well. But I can only figure out the basics. I have no idea what all the buttons and knobs do.
Hey, I consider voices instruments so my definition is pretty broad. I figure if it can make music of some kind then it's an instrument in my book.
[QUOTE="Doc Taylor]Hey, I consider voices instruments so my definition is pretty broad. I figure if it can make music of some kind then it's an instrument in my book.

Ah, yeah. I also sing a bit. If you could even call it that, lol. I suck at it, but I do it anyway, in my spare time.
Daisie said:
Ah, yeah. I also sing a bit. If you could even call it that, lol. I suck at it, but I do it anyway, in my spare time.
Hey, the more you do it the better you'll be at it. There's talent involved in singing, but it's more learned than people think. Keep up with it. I'm sure you're great.
[QUOTE="Doc Taylor]Hey, the more you do it the better you'll be at it. There's talent involved in singing, but it's more learned than people think. Keep up with it. I'm sure you're great.

Okie dokie. I'm not pursuing it seriously or anything, and I have no plans to sing professionally in the near future, but it's... A thing. And thanks for your support. :)
I've actually just learned how to play an analog synthesizer, including learning what all the buttons and knobs do, it was a mostly self-taught process, but it worked out all fine . And honestly, it was all really confusing at first.

I play it on my free time, doing some freestyle, and some utter nonsense.

Other than that, I've also played the flute (guess what? I suck at it).
I can play viola, and i take choir... I also barely remember piano but i can kinda still play it...
I'm a little rusty at it, since it's been almost a year since I last played, but I can handle a guitar (classic, not electric).
I play guitar. I've technically been messing around with them for almost ten years, but I started taking classes for it about four years ago. It's one of my favorite pastimes now. ^-^ And I sing, too, at the same time sometimes. Apparently being able to do both was shocking to a lot of my classmates...
I play the flute.

I've been playing for 6-ish years? Yeah six years. I went for the flute because I thought it would be easy and it sounded pretty, I mean I used to be really bad at flute, then my dad signed me up for lessons and I'm playing a class A solo this year.

I like to sing as well :) , self taught.
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I started playing the violin three years ago. I tried the clarinet(Because Squidward, duh) but it didn't work out. I've just always thought the violin was gorgeous. Lately, though, I've been neglecting it, and I forgot a lot of the notes/technique.
hey! i play the piano, french horn and the violin half from parental pressure and half because of personal enjoyment. the parental pressure wore off a bit after i reached the final level of piano and violin but i do still play from time to time ^-^. i've played the two for almost all of my life, starting at around 5. i've played the horn for only 3 years, though :/

anyone introduced to playing through their parents comparing them to other kids? xD
My instrument is my voice. It's interesting when you explain that you've studied music and people ask 'what instrument do you play' and you have to respond 'my vocal cords.' Anyway, so I sing opera and art song and the Messiah and all that. Additionally, I play piano (badly) but dream of playing the violin.
I play the mandolin! A bit, at least. I'm not good at chords, but I'm fairly solid at melodies. Almost completely self-taught on the thing. In a similar vein, I also kinda play the bouzouki since it is (the way I tune it) just a bigger, lower-pitched mandolin. It's one of the times where having weirdly huge hands is actually a good thing for me xD

I used to play the piano, but I'm not very good at it anymore. I can still read sheet music and poke it out on the piano, but I'm not gonna be showing that skill off in front of anyone anytime soon. I also sing, I LOVE to sing, but I only sing when I don't think anyone can hear me. Kinda self-conscious about that one.
Lets see.

>i played the piano at young age for my family on holidays. I wasn't very good, but i loved the smile on their faces. It lasted about three years before i stopped because of family drama.

>After a few Months i took on the keyboard, a member of the piano family and enjoyed it's more electronic sounding keys. This lasted about a year and a half before i lost full interest.

>Finally my favorite. I am a Violinist. The sweet calming sounds of the violin are thoroughly enjoyed. (Or faster when mixed with dub step.) I played this after giving up on piano family. So six to seven years now?
Electric bass guitar? Why? It brings the whole song together. Other than that, I seem to be able to play anything with strings.
I play the drum set for my very own punk band, and I've been drumming for 3-4 years. I also sing, which I've been doing almost literally since I learned to speak. Sometimes I do both at the same time, which is hard as balls, but it's good fun! My band did a cover of Wake Me Up When September Ends for a school assembly, which I drummed and sang for.

I also dabble in guitar. I know a few basic chords, so I can chord along to a bunch of songs.
I play the erhu. For those of you who are not too familiar with the name, it's the chinese version of the violin (if you can even call it that). I've ben playing it since I was ten and the main reason I chose to learn it was because my parents use to listen to chinese orchestra and I guess it just stuck with me how nice the erhu sounded.

I can also play the guzhen but I'm not too skilled with that.
[QUOTE="Loki Odinson]I play the erhu. For those of you who are not too familiar with the name, it's the chinese version of the violin (if you can even call it that). I've ben playing it since I was ten and the main reason I chose to learn it was because my parents use to listen to chinese orchestra and I guess it just stuck with me how nice the erhu sounded.
I can also play the guzhen but I'm not too skilled with that.

I have tried the Erhu. Sadly, i was not a big fan. It was an interesting tryout instrument though!
I play the Violin. I was inspired at a very young age (5 yrs old) to play by my brother. As I started playing I also realized you can do more than just classic music. Thanks to this vid



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