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Realistic or Modern “What if we took a leap of faith..What if we fell in love?” Searching for dominate Male&Female oc’s. Long term partners! (:


Just a girl, trying to find her way.♡☆
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
“I want adventure, in the great wide open somewhere.♥️

Hello loves. Below you’ll find out all about me, what I’m looking for and what I expect along with a few plot ideas! Please don’t hesitate to message me!! :xFtongue:

About myself:
-23 year old, married ladyyy. (I know, im between being ancient and still a teenager yikes.)
-I’ve been writing since I was about 10?
-I have legit way too much free time, I’m a nanny during the week and work at my local nursing home on the weekends.
-I write about 3+ paragraphs.
-Write as female oc’s, and whoever as side characters.
-Plot with me, talk with me!
-Discord, and PM friendly.
-I don’t have any limits.
Stuff I’m searching for:
-Someone who can reply. Maybeee a few times a day? I’m bored guys, help me.
-Someone who can maybe, mirror my post length?
-Someone whose willing to write as a bad guy.
-Someone whose okay with Romance, darker themes.
If you’re still here, thanks for reading all that garbage. Below is some plot ideas! I don’t mind combining them, or even coming up with something new.
Plot ideas!!:

Our characters have been having an affair for the last few months. Character A is a high class billionaire. Character B, is the girl nobody would normally notice. She works at a book store and hides away from more than a few people at a time. The two, somehow found each other. (It needs work guys, but I’d love to plot it out!)

Character A, is 10-15 years older than Character B. A, happens to B’s father’s best friend. A has watched, B grow up, mostly their whole lives. Not really noticing the person they were becoming until late one night at a local bar.
(With this story, I’d like to A to have a problem; a crap marriage, mental illness, something that B didn’t even realize while growing up.)

Plot #3
This is the usual story, about two lovers who shouldn’t be together. I’d loveee to plot more about their relationship. I love making my characters suffer, anything is just about open for this idea! (:

Plot #4
Characters A&B were together the whole time they were in high school without actually saying they were together. One of them left, and now both are home. Do they rekindle what was lost, or try to find a way to live in the small town together without causing a scene? (Got some ideas for this!)

Plot #5
(Based off Netflix’s show BETWEEN)
A small town, the world barely even knew about was put under corentine (pretty sure that’s spelt wrong sorry.)
Living in the town, if you were over the age of 25 you died instantly. Two kids, were very young when the corentine began. Leaving them to believe this was, the worlds new normal. Let’s explore the two kids banding together, trying to survive.

Plot #6
An ex gang leader, has turned his life around for his girlfriend/wife and their new flourishing family. But d habits die hard don’t they?
Hey! I'm pretty new to the website, but I'm actually in a pretty similar situation you are, I do a lot of discord rp'ing and am definitely capable of doing a few replies per day. I'm interested in plots 2-4, if you're interested send me a message!
Hello! New here to the RPN community but I’d love to try out the second plot you listed!
Sure!! Welcome to RPN, if you can message people, please don’t hesitate to get a hold of me!! (:
Just saw
Hey! I'm pretty new to the website, but I'm actually in a pretty similar situation you are, I do a lot of discord rp'ing and am definitely capable of doing a few replies per day. I'm interested in plots 2-4, if you're interested send me a message!
Just saw this and I’d love to write with you! If you’re still interested don’t hesitate to message me!! (:
I'd be down to do a bit of an affair plot. Maybe my character can be working for your character's husband's boss, that sort of deal. I like a bit of deception in my stories too so maybe your character doesn't even know my character's working for her husband! Would you like to do something like that? We can iron out the details in a PM.
I'd be down to do a bit of an affair plot. Maybe my character can be working for your character's husband's boss, that sort of deal. I like a bit of deception in my stories too so maybe your character doesn't even know my character's working for her husband! Would you like to do something like that? We can iron out the details in a PM.
Sure! Just message me!! (:
Hello! I find idea #3 interesting. I usually mirror my roleplaying partner's post length, and I can play several characters at once. I can even play an antagonist for the story if you wish. However, the only problem is that I don't enjoy dark themes, but if you're willing to play something more lighthearted, then I think this could work!
Hello! I find idea #3 interesting. I usually mirror my roleplaying partner's post length, and I can play several characters at once. I can even play an antagonist for the story if you wish. However, the only problem is that I don't enjoy dark themes, but if you're willing to play something more lighthearted, then I think this could work!
I’d love to if nothing else plot with ya! Just send me a message! (:

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