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What Happens to Users Reported for Leaving Games?

So here is a question along this line for the Admins--Say your ST vanishes and does not post, is there are recommended length of time before the player can say, "yeah this is not what I was looking for, thanks but no thanks?"

I mean Real Life happens and ALWAYS must come first and someone not posting for days at a time is to be excepted, but if they don't post for two weeks or a month or more with out a warning or heads up, is it OK to drop the game? After say 20 days? 30? 45? I would hope most ST's would be able to drop a note and say something like "Hey guys exams for the next two weeks" or some such but if RL is being a bitch I know sometimes even that is not possible. So I just want to know if there is a rule of thumb for players with absentee ST's?
You can leave whenever you want as a player, if a storyteller reports you, we will investigate the matter, and you would get a chance to complain about ST inactivity. The main players this type of rule goes after are the players joining games at interest check, and ditching during or right after character creation.
OK Just asking I am in two forum RP games with the same ST--one is still in character creation and the other had just started and the ST has not logged on to the site in 19-20 days. I'll stick it out a while longer and see what happens--costs me nothing to wait and there could be some RL stuff going on-- but the ST being gone that long without a word just made the wonder. Thanks for the prompt reply.
Yeah, if you 'left' in this situation, we would not act against you. It's reasonable to expect more from a storyteller.
Its also important to remember that every report is handled as that report. We are as a Staff do not have just one way of solving a problem. These issues are amongst humans and we will judge it as humans.

Really the staff is more looking for repeated offenders. Someone who claims to join several different games and then drops out of them. Not all at once mind you (as that might be an emergency situation), but a long-term habit of joining games and then leaving them before actually playing in them.

Why? - Well that's not really fair to the storytellers who entrust that a player who says will join will most likely stay with the program to the best of their abilities (or at least maintain contact with the person to explain the situation). Rarely does a storyteller ever report someone and when they do its usually always because the person they reported is still online but has never gotten back to them. Basically the player is ignoring them.

Moreover the storytellers who do report normally do so not because of their game, so if its a one-timer incident its no big deal, but because they feel such a person should not be allowed to do this to another storyteller.

Simply put this type of condition only needs to make you worry if you are a person who repeatedly drops games without ever fully joining them. If you are such a person, you probably know what's coming when we come a-knocking. If you aren't, you shouldn't have anything to worry about because even one report doesn't amount to much if there isn't any other problems on your record.

Edit - This thread might be edited or a new one might be posted that might have a more detailed elaboration, as there still seems to be some confusion about this topic. Also the idea of a "pledged player" is out-of-date speaking such people aren't even on the application process nor will they be returning.
hellrazoromega said:
So here is a question along this line for the Admins--Say your ST vanishes and does not post, is there are recommended length of time before the player can say, "yeah this is not what I was looking for, thanks but no thanks?"
I mean Real Life happens and ALWAYS must come first and someone not posting for days at a time is to be excepted, but if they don't post for two weeks or a month or more with out a warning or heads up, is it OK to drop the game? After say 20 days? 30? 45? I would hope most ST's would be able to drop a note and say something like "Hey guys exams for the next two weeks" or some such but if RL is being a bitch I know sometimes even that is not possible. So I just want to know if there is a rule of thumb for players with absentee ST's?
Oh, I know I'm guilty of vanishing, but as a rule, I try letting my players know what's going on.
[QUOTE="Thorn Darkblade]Oh, I know I'm guilty of vanishing, but as a rule, I try letting my players know what's going on.

Yeah I would hope that would be the case. And while life can throw stuff at you that makes you unable to give a heads up , or heaven forbid something so serious happens that a Role playing site is the last thing on your mind because you have bigger fish to fry.

Anyway I have had an ST or two go AWOL for 20+ days without a word and just wanted to make sure all MY ducks were in a row in case they don't resurface.
It would take something to wipe Wolf off the face of the Earth for me not to explain the reasons behind any potential absence; let alone to forsake a game! Thus I expect at least half as much from my players. Hardly unreasonable. Really, when you consider the motivation behind joining a game in the first place - first, you have some time you'd like to spend, and second you desire to be entertained - then logically it can be deduced that the only valid reasons for leaving an RP must come from that. Either you no longer have the time (for a specific game, or all of them), or you are no longer having fun playing it (and the point of a game is primarily to have fun). Potentially it can even be both *bark*

As for leavers who lack a justified excuse, from personal experience I have only had a few such cases in my career of three years and two RPs. One member simply disappeared though he was active elsewhere in the community. Instead of reporting him, I turned his character into an NPC. Some months later he crawled back and did apologize, asking if he could rejoin the game. I declined, which is fair in my opinion since it was the only action I took against the said individual (seeing as I had ground for a report). Another person left who had some initial excuses but later stopped giving them altogether and completely ignored all of my attempts at communication, while at the same time I knew for a fact that she was actively participating in other places in the community. I didn't report her either, instead removing her character from play permanently and I'll be damned before I'll let her join another one of my games in the future.

So what I am trying to say is that I am highly unlikely to report someone, and tend to have a ton of understanding for my players, but if you fool me you are probably permanently banned from playing any games that I ever run here ;) *howl*
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]It would take something to wipe Wolf off the face of the Earth for me not to explain the reasons behind any potential absence; let alone to forsake a game! Thus I expect at least half as much from my players. Hardly unreasonable. Really, when you consider the motivation behind joining a game in the first place - first, you have some time you'd like to spend, and second you desire to be entertained - then logically it can be deduced that the only valid reasons for leaving an RP must come from that. Either you no longer have the time (for a specific game, or all of them), or you are no longer having fun playing it (and the point of a game is primarily to have fun). Potentially it can even be both *bark*
As for leavers who lack a justified excuse, from personal experience I have only had a few such cases in my career of three years and two RPs. One member simply disappeared though he was active elsewhere in the community. Instead of reporting him, I turned his character into an NPC. Some months later he crawled back and did apologize, asking if he could rejoin the game. I declined, which is fair in my opinion since it was the only action I took against the said individual (seeing as I had ground for a report). Another person left who had some initial excuses but later stopped giving them altogether and completely ignored all of my attempts at communication, while at the same time I knew for a fact that she was actively participating in other places in the community. I didn't report her either, instead removing her character from play permanently and I'll be damned before I'll let her join another one of my games in the future.

So what I am trying to say is that I am highly unlikely to report someone, and tend to have a ton of understanding for my players, but if you fool me you are probably permanently banned from playing any games that I ever run here ;) *howl*

I can understand that, but Stuff happens, If say someone's computer dies and they don't have access right away to another. Or if a loved one dies suddenly, I would not think much of a person who puts this site before THAT, but that is how I think. I could understand how someone in that situation would have other priorities than "Oh yeah I need to log on right away and give the heads up to Roleplay Zone!". Maybe after a few days OK, but not right away.

That said I am sure everyone here is reasonable (that has been my experience so far), but the way I am wired I like to ask these questions--I'm one of those weirdos who ACTUALLY reads ToS's and stuff BEFORE I sign or click. I find that if I ask then it prevents surprises later like "Oh you missed rule 37a, subsection B, part 3.5, that says anyone who leaves a game will be sent be chopped into little bitty pieces and buried alive!!". Like I said I am sure that will not happen here, but I like to be sure first rather than surprised later because I have had some bad experiences when I have not asked.
hellrazoromega said:
I can understand that, but Stuff happens, If say someone's computer dies and they don't have access right away to another. Or if a loved one dies suddenly, I would not think much of a person who puts this site before THAT, but that is how I think. I could understand how someone in that situation would have other priorities than "Oh yeah I need to log on right away and give the heads up to Roleplay Zone!". Maybe after a few days OK, but not right away.
I don't think anyone was saying that they would do anything like that either. If your computer gets smoked or if you lose a loved one, these are both valid reasons for not posting or letting anyone know that you'll be absent for a while. But after 20+ days, you'd still think they might find another computer to borrow (even for a minute or ten) or have composured themselves enough to let people know about the current situation they're in. I am not being heartless, I'm not saying that anyone should just move on and get over any sort of loss, but it is still unfair towards the person in question to be the target of a grudge for the wrong reason.
Don't worry so much guys. In the entire history of this community only a single person was banned that I am aware of, and it was not because of leaving games. The Staff here is reasonable and the whole point of the report procedure is as Miz stated; to deal with repeated offenders who join games only to leave them shortly after.

Conclusion: for as long as you have a valid reason, no one is going to give you a hard time over leaving a game ;)
[QUOTE="Skari-dono]I don't think anyone was saying that they would do anything like that either. If your computer gets smoked or if you lose a loved one, these are both valid reasons for not posting or letting anyone know that you'll be absent for a while. But after 20+ days, you'd still think they might find another computer to borrow (even for a minute or ten) or have composured themselves enough to let people know about the current situation they're in. I am not being heartless, I'm not saying that anyone should just move on and get over any sort of loss, but it is still unfair towards the person in question to be the target of a grudge for the wrong reason.

Never said or thought they would, Wolf ;) , That part was just a statement to show how I think. I am the type of person who never assumes, so I pose questions to prevent misunderstandings on my part, and no one else's

You quoted me and left out the most important part--so for the record I then said

"That said I am sure everyone here is reasonable (that has been my experience so far), but the way I am wired I like to ask these questions" :)

I think the peeps here are great, I don't think any of the above would happen. That said I worked for years in "Trust but Verify" job where assuming could get you personally sued for everything you owned, so that is how I developed the habit of asking, even if I was sure I knew the answer--because then it was on record. The Admin here was very prompt in answering my question. But if people think it is odd that I asked it is just the nature of who I am, in all my insanity.

Remember--just becasue you are paranoid does not mean they are not out to get you.:confused:

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