What Dynastic House supported Thorns?


Ten Thousand Club
Just like the title says, which of the Great Houses supported Thorns in the war against Lookshy? I thought it was mentioned in one of the books, but for the life of me I can't find the passage.
They were either an outright satrapy, or a close ally. In either case, there would have been many Dynasts in the city.
Yeah, Thorns was basically a Realm catspaw to use against Lookshy. I just can't find where it says which Great House they were allied with.
Given Mnemon's deal with the Mask of Winters, I'm gonna say it wasn't her House, but I don't recall reading anywhere which House was specifically responsible for Thorns before it fell.
HowlingCoyote said:
Given Mnemon's deal with the Mask of Winters, I'm gonna say it wasn't her House, but I don't recall reading anywhere which House was specifically responsible for Thorns before it fell.
I looked as well. All it mentions is that it was tributary and that the Empress was doing her usual machinations with their succession. So no idea, the reference is either obscure or non existent.
Yeah, I'm thinking I must have imagined it. Thorns' Dynastic backing is an issue in my game, so I was trying to run it down. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem any of the books are terribly specific on where each House's satrapies are.
The Mask of Winters is actually a Sidereal Deathlord and Thorns didn't exist until he attacked it.
Yeah' date=' I'm thinking I must have imagined it. Thorns' Dynastic backing is an issue in my game, so I was trying to run it down. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem any of the books are terribly specific on where each House's satrapies are.[/quote']
Well it could be that Thorns was directly under the supervision of the Empress. I mean it was a tributary state okay, but it was one of the few and certainly not the least in the Southeast and in the Scavenger Lands.
Thanqol said:
The Mask of Winters is actually a Sidereal Deathlord and Thorns didn't exist until he attacked it.
Quiet, you. :P

I'd say just wing it and throw your favorite House to Hate in or pull the rug from under their feet and use a House no one would expect like, say, Nellens and their filthy human ways.
This is actually for a character's backstory and what House his DB Air Aspected Ally (who helped him escape after Exalting) hails from. I don't want to use Cathak, due to the fact another character was a mortal member of House Cathak prior to Exalting as a Solar, but neither of the two Air Aspect Houses seem to really fit. Tepet's holdings are in the north, or so I would seem due to the conflict with Bull.
Houses aren't made up of only one Aspect. They are made up of a majority of that Aspect, but they have off Aspect members. Pick a house and its fine.
I realize that the Houses aren't all 100% made up of the dominate Aspect and I could "just pick one." However, I don't want to just arbitrarily pick a House because it devalues the amount of thought an effort my player has put into his backstory and there may be canon info that would contradict my choice, and I try to stick to canon as much as possible if only to keep everyone's understanding of the setting as consistent as possible.

So I guess what I'm asking now, and I apologize if it wasn't as clear as I intended, is since there is no information regarding the Great Houses and Thorns, is there any information about what Houses hold which satrapies and where those holdings are?
So I guess what I'm asking now, and I apologize if it wasn't as clear as I intended, is since there is no information regarding the Great Houses and Thorns, is there any information about what Houses hold which satrapies and where those holdings are?
Not in any of the books I have. If there is any, I'd look in CoCD: The Blessed Isle or the other direction books. I know Scavenger Lands doesn't mention any satrapies, as it doesn't cover any, but perhaps the South or West will.
It really surprises me there's so little information on the Realm's Threshold holdings. I would think disrupting/conquering the satraps would be a fairly major element in any game that has the Realm as a major antagonist...which is to say nearly all games.
It really surprises me there's so little information on the Realm's Threshold holdings. I would think disrupting/conquering the satraps would be a fairly major element in any game that has the Realm as a major antagonist...which is to say nearly all games.
I agree totally. One of the ways we get around that is to have House holdings balkanized, with little territory actually contiguous from one House to another, even if one House has 'a lot in the South' for example. That has the advantage of never conflicting with canon, and also allows the ST to use whichever House feels appropriate. But a little 'official' breakdown would be nice.
It really surprises me there's so little information on the Realm's Threshold holdings. I would think disrupting/conquering the satraps would be a fairly major element in any game that has the Realm as a major antagonist...which is to say nearly all games.
If I remember correctly tribute of thresholds were directly paid to Realm and not one of the Great Houses during Empress was around. She was selecting satraps herself so it is quite possible that one cities satrap may not be same for a long period. Considering that Thorns lost their war with Lookshy before empress dissappeared and became in a civil war state, I don't think any Great House wanted their tribute.
While you might be correct about Thorns' tribute, and any other satraps held directly by Her Redness, the majority of the Threshold satraps are held directly by various Houses. The MoEP:DB details how each House goes about collecting tribute, and even mentions a few cities (Paragon jumps out), just not many.

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