What does your favorite ICE CREAM FLAVOR say about you?

[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Jamoca is the coffee flavor ._.

do u think i read

ok tiem 4 kofee analysis

"If your favorite flavor is Jamoca (i.e. coffee),you’re more likely to bescrupulous, conscientious and a moral perfectionist."

ha no
LifeNovel said:
If your favorite flavor is Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, you’re more likely to be ambitious, competitive and a visionary.
i don't consider myself to be ambitious, but i'm sure other people may say otherwise.

yes, i am competitive.

i wouldn't call myself a visionary, but i suppose i can see myself as one (ha).
LifeNovel said:
  • If your favorite flavor is Rainbow Sherbet, you’re more likely to be analytic, decisive and a pessimistic.
That's pretty close. Who knew Ice cream personality tests would be this accurate? Well whatever.

Mint Chocolate Chip, you’re more likely to be argumentative, frugal and cautious.

yep, that about sounds right.
I like Neapolitan or chocolate/vanilla twist soft serve so clearly this means I am horrifically indecisive, or something. I've taken a liking to cinnamon ice cream in recent years, though. (Not the sort that tastes like Hot Tamale candy, I love that candy but the taste doesn't feel right with ice cream texture for me.)

Sometimes I'll have that kind of ice cream that usually has lovely names like TRIPLE CHOCOLATE or DEATH BY CHOCOLATE where it's just ridiculously, impossibly chocolaty. CHOCOLATE WITH CHOCOLATE CHUNKS AND CHOCOLATE SYRUP, etc.
I got chocolate. I can see myself being quite dramatic and lively at times, maybe even charming, and I used to be really Gullible, but flirtatious and seductive? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA No.
I want to suplex you so bad because I don;t believe you nailed it that hard. A la Rocky Road.

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