Viewpoint What do your rp partners do that you love?


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I just thought it would be neat to hear about some people's perspectives on this.

Personally I love listening to my rp partners gush about their OCs. It shows how passionate they are about their character and the story, and it's really interesting to learn about the character and all the thought they've put into writing them.

So what are the little things (or big things) your rp partners do that make you really enjoy a roleplay?
They exist. I love my rp partners!

Well, to be more on point, I love talking to them about the rp and characters, planning the story and just talking about some fandom/character theories (i mostly do fandom rp).
It's also great to know they're passionate about the story and characters.
And creating fun "what if" scenarios that could end up as AUs to the "main" rp!
I love when they put OOC in jokes into the rp, when they nerd out with me about the characters, and when they surprise me. I love it when people throw surprises IC, it's the best. Shout out to my buddy who surprised me with a tear jerking scene when he asked the gods at the shrine to bring back my characters recently dead uncle, and gave his most prized possessions as an offering. What a loveable bastard. Yes my character cried. Awesome. XD
I love partners that are willing to bounce ideas around and help me research weird tangents in our world building.

Like do I really need to know how stoves work in my fantasy world? No. But it’s fun to go on a nerdy tangents with my partners about the mechanics of it.
im trying to be a little more active on here, so i might as well jump in on this!

like a few of y'all, i love love LOVE partners who just, gush about are characters and the plot and are constantly coming up with little interactions or headcanons for them. like the enthusiasm and passion is just SO present when that happens its honestly heartwarming!

but! id probably say my favourite thing is partners that just kinda. respond to everything? in a way? like we build our posts off each other, react to the subtler details in a post, or respond to nearly each and every line. it just feels. so organic. like writing a story between two people. i tend to add a lot of subtle details in my posts so partners that pick up on/react to them are just >>>>>>>> chefs kiss honestly!
I'm gonna come in here and just gush about my 1x1 roleplay partners and what I love the most about roleplaying with them. Hold onto your horses.

VivianThomas VivianThomas -- My love! This March will mark two years of being my roleplay buddy and two years of writing together! I love how, even though we are both busy with real life, we have a genuine friendship. We may not post every single day, week, or month - but we keep an eye on each other and see how the other is going. Nothing better than being able to talk to someone so freely about things other than roleplaying. But also, I feel this way with a lot of my roleplaying partners - if I can't have an actual friendship with you, I struggle with writing with you.

neon reverie neon reverie -- She fuels my crackhead ideas and encourages it. I'll come to her with some crazy-ass idea and she'll go "also why don't we-" and bring it to the next level crazy.

reveriee reveriee -- Her writing is just *chef kiss*. She keeps me on my toes and, without her knowing, pushes me to put more thought and consideration into my writing.

natasha. natasha. -- holy heck, this woman. Once again, another person who fuels my crackhead ideas. Not only that but so easy going. A real genuine friend, and if our roleplays were to ever die out, I know that I could still turn to her for guidance and help.

Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy -- I love love love love exploring different cultures and languages with her! As we both come from completely different cultural backgrounds, it's always so interesting to learn more about her life and language! Not only that, but discovering more about our character as we educate ourselves together!

Asteria Asteria -- Oh my Lord. The inspirational photos this lady sends me for the roleplay. Yas queen! Fill me with all your inspiration and adorable baby pictures!
i love this thread. so wholesome!

a partner i want to shoutout is wonderful in just about every way and we get along beautifully but here's a couple of specific things I appreciate! i won't mention a name but i'm sure that if she stumbles upon this post she'll knew who it's about. (◕‿◕✿)

  • she manages to spot and compliments little bits within my posts that I'm proud of.
  • haven't had anyone make me fall in love with every character they come up with this hard.
  • i'm pretty sure some celestial power possesses her when she types up her posts because, even scenes you'd expect to skip end up turning into little works of art.
  • clever, witty and incredibly lovable ic & ooc.
~and if you see this, you are amazing! stay hydrated.
i shall return the favour and gush about my lovely roleplay partners because how can i not !!

weldherwings weldherwings she is one of the first partners that i can’t believe i was able to snatch. her crackhead energy matches mine perfectly and i love how she never runs out of ideas that we can incorporate to keep the roleplay interesting and spicy ! besides that she is an amazing friend that i love talking to regardless the rps and i am so thankful for that too.

reveriee reveriee her god-tier writing inspires me to challenge myself every single day and i love how we are not afraid to compliment each other on our writing and hype each other up. she is also a lovely person to talk to ooc and i am so thankful for our ooc talks as well !

Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy she can come up with the cutest headcanons and the most lovely ideas. i adore her writing and the angel of a person she is herself ! i also love how she is always willing to try out new type of characters and i know i can count on her to bring both the fluff and the angst in a roleplay.

natasha. natasha. this woman? massive brain right there !! oh my gosh, words can not describe how many amazing ideas come from her, starting from world-building to plot to character. she is the one who takes an idea of yours and build a whole castle out of it with her god-tier brain power. i love how we can go totally crazy with plotting and her writing is, without a doubt, cheffs kiss too!

iridescent. iridescent. i love how chill she is as a person and how easy-going she is as a roleplay partner ! her capability to write shorter but AMAZINGLY STRONG posts is something that i aspire to have with my constant rambling in my writing. i love how she portrays her characters and how she is able to pull me into our story so quickly.

and i HAVE to include Uxie Uxie & triples triples too for they have so many amazing ideas and absolutely elite writing that i can only dream to have one day. also their aesthetics and coding power ?? astronomical !!
Such a wholesome thread! Suppose I'll add a bit.

She's not really on-site anymore but we talk and RP daily off-site. She really is my best friend. Always willing to gush with me about our characters, even if all we can say is "eeeeeeee I love this"... Which is a lot of the time XD

Other than that, she understands that we can't always be at our best, and that some posts will be crummier than others.

She's great to plan with, very receptive to new ideas. I think a great quality is being able to listen to the "I know this won't work, but..." ideas. They're usually good to spark inspiration that DOES work, and she's super receptive to that.

She and I also share many of the same boundaries. We're willing to go dark & dramatic with our RPs, but we always ask to make sure certain actions that come close to that line are okay, and not too far. Very sensitive to my needs or wants.

She is also willing to undo things, which is a huge relief. There have been a few times where we've written ourselves into a corner and have needed to delete or edit copious amounts of text. Sometimes it's just necessary.

She's great. Nothin more to say!
Put up with me.

I am an erratic person filled with ideas and ludicrous thoughts as well as awful humor and memes.

If you put up with that and my tendency to be overdramatic I will love you forever and give you cookies.
they have super cool jokes and a pog attitude.

they have been nominated my best friend.

and thats all you need to know.
I have very low standards because very few roleplays I've been in have really gone anywhere besides the dump because of circumstances beyond my control. Usually because of me and schooling not being exactly compatible, or just me having as much focus as a locust on a caffeine-high. But I really love it when people seem excited to do something! I really love it when people I've been in a group with have been hitting up the OOC looking to plan interactions or fights, even if they're not particularly up-coming. I remember me and CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow were planning out an interaction between two characters for the finale of a roleplay (didn't end up happening for reasons, unfortunately) and we were practically screaming at each other about how the dialogue would pan out and how the two characters in question would reunite.
I just thought it would be neat to hear about some people's perspectives on this.

Personally I love listening to my rp partners gush about their OCs. It shows how passionate they are about their character and the story, and it's really interesting to learn about the character and all the thought they've put into writing them.

So what are the little things (or big things) your rp partners do that make you really enjoy a roleplay?
I really love when my RP partners do that! I love doing it myself, but don't usually feel very comfortable doing so when I feel like I'm the only one doing it. I love when both of us show that passion and excitement about our characters. I had an RP partner who loved doing that, and honestly, I didn't care that she wrote only one-liners, I just loved RPing with her.

Another thing I really love is when my RP partners like to plan out things as we move on via OOC. I love to feel like we're building a story together, and talk about it together, get excited about the plot. While I can definitely enjoy RPing with those who just RP and don't like OOC chat, I'll admit that OOC chat about the characters and the plot is one of the things that makes me really love RPing with someone. We can share our passion for our characters and all the thought we've put into them. Not only that, but a good amount of OOC chat gives me the certainty that the other person is enjoying the RP as well, which is something I really like to be sure of.

Another thing I really love is someone who pours their heart and soul into their characters, and makes them feel like more than just nametags that speak, but rather as fully fledged, three dimensional beings. I've had many RP partners over the course of my time here on RPNation, but there's a few that I really appreciate for their characters, and how unique, lovable and special their characters are. They feel like real people, and each sports their own individual personality, motivations, interests and goals. I'm very character-centric as a writer, so when someone makes outstanding characters that I can't get enough of, believe me that I notice it.

I also love when my RP partner takes the time to compliment me on my writing, my characters, or just about anything I do. I try to give my all in every post of every roleplay I do, and it's really heartwarming and rewarding to know that my RP partner liked what I did, appreciated the effort, and took the time to let me know I did something good. I think positive feedback really is one of the best things that can keep relations strong over time.

Then again, constructive criticism is also very much appreciated. When a roleplay partner takes the time to respectfully and tactfully give advice on how to improve my writing, it's always very appreciated, and I always try to keep their advice in mind as I write. That's the only way we all get better, and RP partners that do this in a tactful way are always very appreciated for me.

I also love when an RP partner is willing to try something silly and funny. While I love the traditional, slice-of-life romance stories like many others do, sometimes I like to create a quirky and eccentric character that would feel a bit out of place in a more serious setting, someone a bit more on the crazy side, and have my RP partner's characters react to him in different ways. When an RP partner of mine is open to trying crazier ideas, and really enjoys trying them out with me, that's something else I really love.

I've had several RP partners over the course of time, but there are definitely a few I'd like to highlight:

tulipsndaisies tulipsndaisies Not only do I love the roleplay itself, but I feel like throughout the RP it's been a delight from post to post, enjoying watching our characters interact and bounce off of each other in different ways. Conflicts, nostalgia, awkward moments, emotional moments, as a character-centric writer I'd like to highlight how much I've enjoyed interacting with this person's characters. Each of them has their own unique aura to them, specially the main character, who has a complex and rich personality, and I just love the interactions that form between her and my main character. I really enjoy the writing style as well. While we don't keep the exact same post length throughout the roleplay, as different scenes call for different post lengths, all in all, throughout the roleplay I've always felt perfectly comfortable with the post length, and haven't ever felt neither overwhelmed by too much text, nor felt like there's not enough content to reply to. All in all, I'd say this one of my favorite roleplays I've ever had while on the site.

JDizzle383 JDizzle383 Where to begin? The three main characters are all so unique and varied in personalities, and they have some of the most entertaining interactions between each other and with my characters. Not many RP partners tend to agree to tripling with me, but this person did, and that's one thing I've really enjoyed. Also, one thing I really love is how this person always seems so excited about the story and the characters. Believe me, that kind of energy is really contagious, and it's left me wanting more and more. The group of characters we're RPing has had all kinds of funny moments, emotional moments, and much more, and I've grown to love this person's characters a lot.

SamanthaCloud SamanthaCloud Probably the oldest roleplay I have on this site that is still active, I have to give credit to this person for their lovable characters (seriously, I can't help but love the main character specially!). Also patience and consistency, because well, this is one of the only RPs I've ever had that has lasted this long, almost a year by now. Someone who has been able to stick with me for that long definitely deserves a lot of credit! I love how we both get excited about the plot, gush over how much we love the cute fluffy scenes that happen from time to time, and this is also one of the most OOC active RP partners I have, so that's also very nice!

Zorgi Zorgi While I haven't seen this person for quite I while, I have to admit that during the time we were roleplaying, this person managed to get me to love each character they introduced to the RP. Probably some of the characters I've loved the most over the course of my time on RPNation. And while the roleplay didn't last quite as long as the previous ones I mentioned, I really enjoyed every post so much, I only wish we had been able to roleplay more.

Cory_Line4 Cory_Line4 All the roleplayers above tend to write my preferred post length, multi-paragraph posts. It's not often that I find someone that can keep me interested in a roleplay for long with a much shorter post length. But I have to give this person credit for providing me one of the longest and most enjoyable roleplay experiences, while still writing pretty short posts. In most cases I'd find one-liners as something that isn't ideal, but this person really showed me that just because someone writes only one-liners doesn't mean they're poor RPers. We developed a complex, rich RP that I enjoyed so much, along with a second RP of a different genre altogether, that we then later proceeded to crossover with our first roleplay, forming one of the most exciting and creative RP experiences I've had on the site. This person is single-handedly responsible for me being open to RP with people who write one-liners. The characters, the crazy plotlines we came up with, it was a rollercoaster, and I enjoyed it a lot.

These are just a few of the RPs I've met that are in my personal hall of fame. I'm sure there's several others I forgot to mention, so hey! If you've RPed with me, but don't see yourself on the list, don't feel bad! Chances are I had a lot of fun with you, but just didn't manage to remember you at the moment. I've had so many RP partners over the course of these almost 2 years on the site, and I've had more good roleplay experiences than bad ones, so apologies if I didn't manage to remember every one of the RP partners that brought joy to my day through their creative characters, brilliant plot ideas and overall great writing. Thanks for sticking around to read this post until the end. Wanna RP? I'm always open for a new RP. Whichever the case, I want you, the person reading this, to know that you're a great person, and that just like the people I mentioned in this post, you've brought joy to someone's day as well. Have a great day, and happy roleplaying!
My past rp partners put up with me and my weird style, in my opinion at least. They also throw out curve balls in the rp, which I LOVE. Boring is bland. XD
I really like when partners can be chill. People who don't repeatedly ask me for posts every day are the best.
having a mix of plot and random-sounding running jokes! im in a rp right now, and one of the partners' character name is Mikasa Train... well his nickname turned into Chugasa pretty quick. also the cute ships gotta always love
When you don't feel guilt or shame in any form RPing with them.

When they don't care if you make a new character and add it. And when they do the same.

When they can plot and plan on the go and do not require super defined and detailed notes. They can agree yeah Todd gets shot in this scene and eventually it happens.

When they commission art of our characters. Not something I expect at all, but I had one partner and we loved our RP so much we did commission art.

When they can pickup the RP after a long break. Sometimes they happen and it's nice to get right back into the swing of it without a lot of hubbub.

When they play multiple characters and can write two scenes at a time.

When they respect my boundaries, even if I didn't know it was one until something off happens, but they're respectful enough to understand my upset and not do it again without getting mad at me.

When they're okay with writing a smutty scene once and a while (yes I know it's against the rules of RPN I don't need to be told again and again I am aware).

When they enjoy writing fluffy cuddly lovey scenes.

When they enjoy the slow burn dance. Particularly the really flirty dance where they constantly circle, they flirt hard, but it doesn't quite happen just yet.

When they tell me they enjoyed one of my posts.

When they like a new character I throw at them.

When I make a character with a FC and they're willing to play them while I their opposite. But only if we've been RPing for a while and we have a nice flow going and a bunch of NPCs; the NPC is often the character made by someone else and the other partner starts to play them full time sort of thing.

When they write a really good post. I mean come on who doesn't love a good reply. Specially when you aren't expecting it. Not to say people don't write well all the time, but sometimes when a partner drops a post that UNF is just right with just enough spice and surprise . . . yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh.

When they do something unexpected IC but it's like GOOD and even better than what was planned!
They exist! Hahaha, as odd as it may be, I am just thankful they exist and are willing to share some of the precious time they have in the day with me. There is something incredibly nice in knowing someone took a moment of their day to send you a message. I love how they are always sharing with me the world they brought to life and let me be a part of it.
They exist! Hahaha, as odd as it may be, I am just thankful they exist and are willing to share some of the precious time they have in the day with me. There is something incredibly nice in knowing someone took a moment of their day to send you a message. I love how they are always sharing with me the world they brought to life and let me be a part of it.

this is actually what i was coming in here to say! i just think it's dang cool. crafting a story with a stranger and knowing you're both invested in it, and knowing they're nerding out over it too and taking the time out of their life to share their craft with you. very cool :)

also sending songs and moodboards/pinterest boards about our OCs and the story, first time somebody did that i was so charmed!
I like when they worldbuild about their own creations within the universe and incorporate it into the story. A plus is when they're patient and learn to understand what the other rp partner is thinking. Even memeing about the characters can lighten up the mood.
They communicate! Even if muse dips low, they still communicate and not just ghost because they feel embarrassed/ashamed for not posting. It's normal for muse to cycle, it's okay. Life also happens. So my favorites communicate.

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