• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘸𝘦 𝘣𝘦, 𝘪𝘧 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯? - the cast (cs thread)


a modern-day red death.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

  • we're only human.


    I hope you're doing well so far at school, sweetheart! Love you!

    WE BE?

    if not human?

    you pick up a flyer. read it.

    Welcome back to campus, Lions!

    As the leaves start falling and the smell of pumpkin spice fills the campus coffee shops, we embrace the vibrant energy of the next fall term. We're thrilled to welcome both new and returning students to a semester filled with endless possibilities, learning, and growth.

    This year promises to be extraordinary with a plethora of exciting developments. Our esteemed faculty has expanded, introducing fresh faces with innovative teaching approaches that are sure to invigorate your academic journey. We'd love to give an especially warm welcome to Professor Jonathan Hargrove, a renowned anthropologist who's taken time off his studies to teach at this small college we call home.

    In student life, the campus organizations are gearing up for an active year. From the student-led clubs to greek life and activist groups, there's a place for everyone to connect and explore their passions. And let's not forget our sports teams, who are already showing great promise in the preseason games.

    Safety and well-being remain our top priorities. We've enhanced campus security measures and expanded mental health resources, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for all.

    But the heart of Westridge College is its diverse and dynamic student body. Each one of you brings a unique perspective that enriches our community. Whether you're an aspiring artist, a tech wizard, or a budding historian, your journey here is not just about gaining knowledge, but also about discovering yourself and forging lifelong friendships.

    As you embark on this new academic adventure, remember that the experiences you gain here will shape your future. So, dive into your studies, participate in campus life, and make the most of every opportunity that comes your way.

    Here's to a fantastic semester ahead!

    you crumple it in your fist.


    • pep rally friday
    • click the sun icon
    • chem hmwrk due
    • scroll down



    rag'n'bone man

hey ho! thank you for showing interest in this lil rp! here's the cs thread!

realistic faceclaims are required, and coding is highly preferred! roles aren't first-come, first-serve, so if someone's already applied for a role, feel free to apply for the same one! you can also apply for more than one. definitely let me know if you have any questions :)

required info for your sheets:

|| basics
➤ name
➤ nickname(s), if any
➤ age
➤ gender
➤ sexuality
➤ appearance
➤ species

|| personality
➤ pos. traits (3+)
➤ neg. traits (3+)
➤ fears
➤ likes/dislikes

|| bio
➤ history
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imogen de haas
the medium
golden girl - bitch, maybe - who can do it all, except make the voices quiet.
  • 001.
    Imogen Sigrid de Haas.
    Often goes by Imo, but there are countless shortenings she may not be so fond of.
    Female (she/her).
    Closeted pansexual.
    'Human'; she is a medium.
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    lillian zowmen

    • warning!

      half gods are worshipped in wine and flowers. real gods require blood.

      are you scared?


    © weldherwings.

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"everything about you is an endless goodbye."


  • the human.

    what then shall i talk about? shall i talk about nothingness? shall i talk about days, or nights? or people? no, only things, since people will surely die. all of them. as i shall.

    click me

© weldherwings.

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;; nanette

I have never known a field as wild as your heart.

FULL NAME ⎯ nanette marilyn decuir
NICKNAME(S) ⎯ nan, nana
AGE ⎯ twenty-two
GENDER ⎯ cis female
SEXUALITY ⎯ demisexual
ROLE ⎯ the witch

PHYSICALITY ⎯ petite, delicately built, she is all long legs and lithe curves. like a bird, there is a fragility that she seems to radiate, once meant to stir protective feelings from within. beneath the simple clothes that she prefers to where, there lay a strong figure. a body used to hauling and chopping wood and climbing trees so high that they seem to reach the heavens. there is firm muscle, built from dancing beneath the moon, away from prying eyes and watchful eyes of her sisters.

HAIR ⎯ years have been spent, wasted on trying to tame her luscious locks. each strand refuses to be subdued, bouncing back stubbornly when tugged on. her hair is made up of loose curls, often adorned in flowers of her choosing. a feature of hers that she values, her hair shines with health. the type of brown that appears almost black, until it’s true color is revealed by light.

EYES ⎯ deep brown, like soil that has been kissed by spring rains. her eyes hold all the similarities to that of a doll’s, wide eyes that give her a look of youthful naivety. but look closer, within those eyes stir something mischievous, something malicious even.

SKIN ⎯ her skin is a vibrant shade of dark brown. her mother tells her that it’s as if the all the beautiful browns of the forest came together to create her.

PERSONALITY ⎯ she moves through life like a specter that looms just out of eyeshot. she is a glimpse of wild curls as she turns a corner or leave a room. they say that something is not quite right with nanette decuir. her sweet smile stretches too wide some have said and others notice that her shadow will sometimes appear to be oddly shaped. there is a sense of otherness about her that is hard to describe, the type of feeling that leaves goosebumps on the skin. whispers follow in her wake, tickling her ears and beckoning her to listen as speculation adds another sense of intrigue to her character. she pays them little mind, making no move to confirm or deny the stories spun. nanette has no intention of letting others know her so easily. she is not interested in having others know the inner workings of her mind. instead she floats through life, alone but never lonely.

gentle creatures are often targets for those who believe themselves stronger. the world views kindness as weakness and emotions as something to suppress. nanette has had her runs in with those types, both human and other. they soon find out that she is not timid in the slightest. they mistake her love for peace as fear of conflict. there is a darkness in her that she inherited and wields when the time is right. the deep sea anglerfish uses its light to draw their prey close, leaving them unaware of the gaping maw of jagged teeth just out of the light’s reach. with her smile of pearly white teeth and apple cheeks, people prefer to look past the creature that hides within.

with great knowledge comes responsibility and there no one one who knows such a thing better than she. nanette is a spiritual young woman. having grown up in a small yet close community, she holds a deep respect for the magic that she wields and the culture that she grew up in. nanette is studious when it comes to her practice, an eager student who is always looking to better herself. under watchful eyes and guiding hands, she has grown into a seasoned practitioner. her words may be confusing sometimes, given her love of riddles and folklore but there is no doubting her wisdom.

HISTORY ⎯ rumors a wild women permeated north georgia. for years people spoke their accounts of the things they’d seen within the appalachian mountain range. sightings of figures peeking from behind trees, the feeling of being watched, a sense of unease soon sent shiver down the spines of those who dared to speak of such things. it became the norm to pretend to not speak about them at all, less they draw bad luck upon them and their blood. old folks would remember how once in a while, a woman would emerge from the dense forest. they said she would haunt a man of her choosing, the reason unknown, a before disappearing without a trace.

her home had not even been given a name. it was taught to her that it was what made them so hard to find. nanette had been raised in her town, along with her siblings and other girls her age. nanette’s life was rather simple. her community was close knit and so the village worked hard to bring up the next generation and keep their way of life alive. she was taught to hunt, to build, and to survive amongst the elements. nanette was an eager child, happy to learn their ways of life.

there was something different about her however. unbeknownst to her she had not been born the same way as many of her peers had. no, her mother would often tell her how she had ventured into the woods and traveled through the bogs. a vision had come to her, something within her had told her of the new life that she would carry. she had returned home them, carrying her precious daughter inside of her.

nanette, like all of the girls, were taught their way of life by their elders. the ability to wield her power came easy to her but her hunger for knowledge never stopped. it eventually led to her venturing out of their little home. it had truly been a spectacle, the first time she had ventured out. nanette had emerged from the woods, hair wild and eyes light with determination. she watched, learned to blend in and adapt to this new world she had thrust herself into.

coded by reveriee.
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* Khade Linnaeus

  • req.


    * n.name(s)
    * d.o.b.
    December 10 (20 years old)
    * p.o.b.
    Brooklyn, New York
    * n.name(s)
    * question





    * height
    * weight
    160 lbs
    * build
    Slim, but strong; sleeper build
    * hair colour
    White with blue highlights
    * eye colour





♡coded by uxie♡

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  • coven.






    full name

    Henrika Christine Profit









    cisgendered female, she/her







    • a word.

      some more words that are somewhat related to that big word and sounds kind of philosophical.

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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wolfe finnegan thatcher

# the changeling

# logan lerman

♡coded by uxie♡

    the changeling.

    name: wolfe finnegan thatcher
    nickname: goes by his last name; his first name feels disingenuous
    age: twenty-one
    gender: male
    sexuality: heterosexual
    species: fae; currently pupating

    height: 6'3"
    hair: black and wavy, currently grown to about mid-neck length
    eyes: an unsettlingly bright hazel, though consisting of more distinct shades of gold, warm brown, and forest green than average
    build: exceptionally average; well-built, not lanky nor stocky, lacks any noticeable muscle definition
    style: thatcher's closet contains mostly baggy hoodies and worn jeans, threadbare t-shirts that he's never bothered to replace, because why would he? somewhere among his sad wardrobe is a single crumpled three-piece suit, which he only breaks out for model u.n. conferences and the odd formal event





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full name

Devan Smith


Dev | Evan







Face Claim

Jeon June



6'2"| 187 cm




Just like his eyes, his hair is black without a trace of colour or dyes. He usually keeps it short to keep it out his face during a match. He doesn't really style it, giving it a some-what messy look.


He has a lean and strong athletic build like most volleyball players. He could also tower most people outside the court thanks to his height, and the muscles he has gained by playing volleyball helped him avoid looking too lanky.


Unfortunately, Devan wasn’t in a presentable condition when he died—one of his regrets, honestly, and he could be seen floating wearing the school jersey with the number 10 on its back with matching shorts. His style outside his volleyball attire consisted mostly of—well, saying it doesn’t really matter anymore, does it? It’s not like he could change clothes.

dist. features

Aside from his translucent figure and the subtle wispy glow that surround him, his forehead was dented thanks to the accident that lead to his death. Oh and the blood, of course.

body modifications

He could be seen wearing piercings on both ears. Other than that, he doesn't have any tattoos and and other modifications.

Looking at me




I could've been the Simone Biles of Volleyball or something

Being the previous ace of the school’s volleyball team, Devan was used to being the center of attention from the people that adored him, and those who just wanted to wipe the cocky grin off his face. Either way, his ego was certainly bigger than the gymnasium he plays in. If it wasn’t yet obvious, Devan loved—craved—being put in the middle of the spotlight and the cheer from the other students as he played was addicting.

The man was always surrounded by other people outside the court, either his teammates or a group of strangers he just met Devan doesn’t have a hard time getting along with people, though he can be a little forceful in showing it. He has a flair for dramatics while telling his stories and has no problem in engaging other people in conversation as he would often lead it. One thing's for sure, he certainly won't have any trouble deciding when to meet, what to do, or where to eat lunch.

After his tragic death, Devan's life has completely gone off the rails. The people that used to greet him with a smile just walked past—sometimes through—him, and the team has replaced him with a new ace. Though in Devan’s opinion, they could definitely do better. Maybe it's because he died or he has gone too long without validation, but Devan has gotten more reckless in his desperate attempt to be seen. If you were unfortunate enough to encounter him floating by with a solemn face, don’t make the mistake of showing that you could see the man. After being deprived of it for far too long, Devan would do everything he can for your attention to stay on him.


Aside from the obvious answer, Devan loved sports. Even as a child, Devan knew that he would be an athlete and while he would no doubt excel in whatever he chose, he landed on playing volleyball. The sound of the ball hitting the ground, the rubbery smell of the gymnasium, and even the callouses along with the constant ache of his muscles that came after every game. He loved it all. Aside from that, his favourite type of food was fast food, despite his previous coach’s lectures about how unhealthy it was. Devan has definitely thought of possessing someone just to order McDonalds.


Devan gets a little... childish when actively ignored. He would rather you punch him in the face than to not pay attention. At least then, your entire focus was on him. He was never one to pay attention in class and the thought of studying sounded dreadful. Lastly, he couldn’t understand the urge of some people to eat something bitter. He believed that life was too short to pretend to hate sweets and he’s currently regretting not eating enough when he was still alive.

Positive Traits

If it wasn’t obvious yet, Devan is quite an extroverted individual. He won’t have trouble approaching a group of strangers and thanks to his confidence, he certainly won’t feel awkward when put into a situation where he has to interact with multiple people. He is quite ambitious, always aiming for the best, or to be the best to keep the focus centered on him.

Negative Traits

Devan could be quite a perfectionist about certain things, volleyball especially. It has gotten to the point where it’s a detriment to his well-being. He also worries too much about how he presents himself to the world, and he’ll admit that he may come off as someone vain. Lastly, he could be quite reckless and impulsive in the things he does, especially now that he was a ghost.


Devan’s biggest fear was being forgotten. He hasn’t even won a trophy yet to cement his name in the school. Another fear of his was being alone. Ever since he turned into a ghost, this fear seemed to haunt him more than it used to. A minor fear of him would be what comes next. If he’ll like it on the other side, if he’ll even move on from this life.




Devan was the born youngest of six, with parents that were always at work to provide. While being the youngest had its perks, he could only remember the feeling of loneliness despite being a part of a big family. He spent more time outside than home, playing with the other neighbourhood kids instead of his siblings.

He found that he could easily make friends by playing with other people, so he naturally fell into sports. Track and field didn’t feel the same, and the crowd was further away to even hear their cheer. He tried a more cooperative sport like basketball but didn’t like how he shared the area with the other team. Volleyball, however, just fitted him perfectly. Devan found the attention he sought for in the deafening cheers during a game, and the companionship he wanted through his teammates. In volleyball, he felt like he belonged.

After months of practice, Devan and his team finally won their national qualifiers match. He could still feel the excitement at the tips of his fingers, and his heart has yet to settle down unlike the sun that was slowly descending. The gymnasium was almost empty, save for him and a couple of people helping to clean up after the match. He was usually the first one to leave, alongside his team, but he figured that staying to wait for his body to relax wouldn’t hurt. It took a while, but all that’s left to clean up was the net in the middle. The few people who joined him already said their goodbyes and he’ll follow soon after.

Devan first detached the net from the poles before folding it neatly and hanging it on the side. He then took both the pole of sizeable size and weight, one in each arm, before making his way towards the back of the gymnasium. If he was being careful, he’d do it one at a time, but the night was quickly approaching, and his body needed a well-deserved rest. As he was walking back, he unceremoniously and hit his head sideways on the bench. What could’ve just been an intense headache, became his last breath as the weight of both poles finished the job.

Currently, Devan roamed the school, moaning about the chance that was taken from him, and being a constant bother to those who could see him in hopes to fill the void that was left after his death.

best friend


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

best friend


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vestibulum dui eget diam sodales lobortis. Nulla fermentum purus fringilla hendrerit tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper fringilla augue, a laoreet ligula vehicula vel. Vestibulum laoreet tristique sem, vel malesuada nunc congue quis. Nulla aliquet massa a felis viverra iaculis. Praesent ac tortor quis diam efficitur consequat non id eros. Nullam malesuada quis nisl vitae consequat.

What does being a ghost feel like?

Well, I can say that—wait, you can see me !?

Do you have any advice to whoever is reading this right now?

Wear your best clothes even if you're just going to buy groceries. I mean just look at me.




♡coded by uxie♡

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cold, cold girl.




  • 01.



    circe. for any forged legal documents, her full name is listed as circe morgan.



    when performing, she goes by venus.



    dead at twenty-two.

















    pitch black. not a streak of color dares to disturb the carefully maintained locks of circe.


    a mulled gray tone. perhaps in another life they were a brilliant shade of baby blue, or even the deepest and richest mahogany brown. now, however, all the color seems to have left circe’s eyes. whatever hue they might have been has been long lost to the ages.


    tall, well-endowed, and fully aware of it.


    circe is ice cold and pale as snow. not a single scar lingers on her body, nor an imperfection. don't ask her secret, she'll never tell.

    body mods.

    pierced ears, a tramp stamp, and one belly-button piercing. (don’t ask what the tramp stamp is unless you’re paying.)

    dist. features.

    she's a little too pretty. a little too sharp around the edges, and a little too inhuman in her movements. the longer one spends around circe, the more traits they may notice that pit her own looks against her.


    megan fox.

♡coded by uxie♡

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