What are your thoughts on the Infernal Preview?

The Dark Wizard

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I am leaning towards, positive feelings.

Cannot really go into full detail as I am really sleepy, will return with more thoughts later!
I like the idea of the Infernal being set loose on Creation to cause as much chaos as possible. I agree that THEY not Infernals 2.0 should be the focus of the Reclamation, 1000+ years down the line. There are far better options than, BETTER Infernals.

Building your own demonic form from picking up the Shitan charms. That's really cool.
Apparently after feedback the devs are dropping the reclamation plotline entirely, which makes me extraordinarily eager to play one. I enjoy me some Solars, but the weird Esoteric of Sidereals has always enticed me. I see the new ability-based Infernals as a hybrid of the best of both worlds.
As long as I can play the devious wish granter like it was possible in 2E, I'll be happy. But I really LOVE the idea of making my own monsters with "Internal Lego Charms".
Heuristic Logos Shintai was my favorite of all of them. I want to become an orbital satellite of doom with my own mini orbital satellites!
I like the idea of the Infernals being turned loose on Creation to be generally awesome - like the solars are. But with the Infernals having the Yozi whispering to them that it's totally okay to do what thou wilt, that's what being the strongest is for, after all, rather than the Solar's injunction to be totally righteous dudes.

I'm not a big fan of the idea that the Infernals 1.0 are being awesome to charge the batteries for the creation of Infernals 2.0 to bring about the real Reclamation. I'd prefer the idea that the Infernals' Essence being linked to the Yozis' to charge the Essence of both through their awesome rampage through Creation being part of a plan to slowly recharge the Yozi back to their old levels of power and glory. Sort of a "rebuild our might via spiritual proxy" plot for Reclamation, with stress that it might not work, the Yozi aren't even sure it'll work, but it's worth a shot, right?
I think the feedback encouraged the Devs to drop the Reclamation plot entirely, and instead focus completely on the Infernals with the Yozis being more along the lines of backers to whatever spites and harms Creation.

Which is totally awesome with me.
I like it in general. On one hand I like that charms aren't organized by Yozi anymore, that made them really hard to make an integral character IMO. On the other, I'm a bit afraid that they do not differentiate from solars as good as before. But I trust the devs and I'm sure a little sneak peek isn't enough to be sure of anything yet.

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