What are your thoughts on the Abyssal Preview?

The Dark Wizard

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I am leaning towards, positive feelings.

Cannot really go into full detail as I am really sleepy, will return with more thoughts later!
I'm happy with the revised Deathlords presented so far. They seem more interesting. The charm examples for the Lover however...well, Holden said he was going to revise them. I'm okay with the idea of seduction being the method of attack, but eh word choice.
They seem very interesting. I liked the revised relationship between the Abyssals and the Deathlords is one of Master/Student than Master/Slave. It puts more weight on their titles of Deathkignts and Deathlords.
Yes. Especially if the Deathlord is looking out for you like a proper patron. I get the idea the Bishop hates himself and perhaps his Abyssal protege will one day obtain the perfection he seeks. So he's attempting to make the ascended 'being' via his Abyssals.
I can easily see more than one Deathlord trying to live vicariously through their Knights. The image makes me laugh.
Well, either that or trying to dominate the Neverborn via their own power. Just like the Solars allowed the UCS to fight against his master, what if the Deathlord is looking to take over the raw power of the Underworld via his/her Abyssals who gain power from the Underworld, but can tell the Neverborn to suck it? Like a weird repeat of when the gods threw down the Neverborn in the first place.

The Abyssals become insurance.
I like the direction they're taking the Abyssals in. I always wanted more of a "Lawgivers of the Underworld" vibe as opposed to "Murderers of Creation".

The Lover Charms have raised huge uproars elsewhere. I think that's because poor word choice led many to read them in the most negative interpretations possible, without considering other meanings of some very old vocabulary. But that said, I like the methodology of social manipulation via playing with the target's Intimacies towards yourself and others. It's a very nice, "playing with the affairs of your heart like a cat with a mouse," vibe. I don't like the vector being pigeonholed into sex, though. I'd prefer the vector being open (so you can have the Deathknight that it's dangerous to sit and have a game of Gateway with, or just an afternoon chat at salon) with the flavor text reminding us that the Lover's chosen vector is seduction.
I'm kinda torn on the Abyssals preview, on one hand I really like the new Walker in Darkness preview and the fact that the Deathlords overall seem to be much more hands on regarding their projects on Creation, but I'm unsure how I feel about none of them actively trying to destroy Creation, at least not directly. That and the fact that they all have their individual motives and goals, so they will never be considered an effective 'united front' of Underworld Villains.

One thing I've mentioned before, is that at first instance I'm not too fond of the Deathlords being the patron for the Abyssals, making them the (un)living image to emulate and eventually become. I had the impression that the charms given were kinda narrow in their potential and left really little space to customise/personalize via stunting or other means.

Overall, I think my main dislike is being that the Deathlords as patrons, in general, cannot hope to compare to the awesomeness and might of the other Exalted patrons (Sol, Luna, Maidens, Yozis, Elemental Dragons). If they redo the Deathlords metaphysically as to their origins, I would be much more interested, but so far, they're still a bunch of super ghosts trapped in their silly passions and ideologies.

How would you feel if instead of Luna giving you the source and power for your Exaltation, it was given by Raksi or Ma-Ha-Suchi? Not so cool anymore is it?
I found it a bit less informative than the Infernals preview. I'm not a fan of social charms, I mean, I like them and find many of them interesting, but I'm the type of guy who would've preferred a melee or archery tree in the preview.

Aside from that I didn't give a crap about all the *sudden ruckus* caused by specific parts of it.

A sketch of a new sig character would have been nice.
I like social trees and stuff. And I was quite okay with the Social tree presented, but ya Gonzo, they should really have put some archery or melee in there. That could have eased a little of the pain that came.

I was quite put off with the uproar myself, very much so. Not that I didn't feel for those that had honest complaints, but the whole thing bent me way out of shape. As so much that I have not been to the WW forum and stopped checking KS comments since. (anyway less on that this is about the preview not the war that happened. And I liked it. I could actually see myself playing an Abyssal, unlike 2e's where I just wasn't inspired to have any Abyssal charas.
I liked the preview. The uproar is just from people overreacting. 1. Its a game and 2. the Lover is supposed to be that evil... But I'm also sure that some of the Deathlords still do want to destroy Creation especially Mask of Winters and the Lion.
I don't want to stir debate or controversy, however I liked the bold choice by the authors to showcase the dark social manipulations of the death knights and one of their patrons instead of doing the easy gimme of showcasing some of the combat charms.

I also didn't really have a problem with the charms either. If they authors want to tighten up the language a bit that is fine and their prerogative. But I hope they maintain the dark Gothic and creepy feeling.

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