What are your thoughts on Liminals?

The Dark Wizard

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While I'm not overly excited for them, I do think they are nifty and are bound to add interesting things to the setting.

I typically like new and shiny things any way.
I'm with you there, Dark Wizard. They didn't overly excite me either but are nifty all the same.

Still I am curious on their ... uh... Mother thing and how they all interact with the rest of the Underworld.
Myllinnia said:
I'm with you there, Dark Wizard. They didn't overly excite me either but are nifty all the same.
Still I am curious on their ... uh... Mother thing and how they all interact with the rest of the Underworld.
Same. I kinda like the idea that the underworld its just not abyssals any more.
There were plenty of things in the Underworld they could play with to do something original and not seen in their other games, better and unique ghost/spectre/nephwrack mechanics, ectoplasmic creatures, Gods of the Underworld, hekatonkhires, Neverborn spawned nightmares, hell.... even Underworld tainted Shards other than Solars, or Undead 'Terrestrials' based on the Elements of the Underworld, what have you. They had a chance to be original and bring something new to the table, but to me it feels they simply decided to stick to their WoD parallels and redo Promethean into Exalted.
I am utterly fascinated.

I don't care if it's apparently been done before in a different game, it still sounds awesome.
[QUOTE="TV Head]I am utterly fascinated.
I don't care if it's apparently been done before in a different game, it still sounds awesome.

Fascinated is the correct word here, in my book, I don't think I would ever run a game with just them, just like I would most likely never run a DB game(Even though they are easily one of my favorite exalts)

But I think they might add a lot to Mixed games which is what I'm really into.

Though what really really has me excited are the other new Exalted.
I'm actually excited about them. It's undeveloped territory in the Exalted verse. And it's the option of playing something that deals with life and death that isn't a ghost or Abyssal.
I like them. I like how they give another Exalt type connected with/active in the Underworld, without being tied up with the Deathlords in their backstory. (Any opening up of more inclusion of the Underworld is okay by me!) I like how they give insight into what happens when someone tries to break one of the few unbreakable laws of the setting (no resurrections!) I like where they fit in the conceptual space, and I'm highly interested in reading more about them.
I'm not too into the whole Liminal thing. They could be pretty cool to play a dedicated campaign on but they don't mesh too well with th others after my opinion.

I'm so much more hooked on Getimian Exalts, can't wait to hear more about them.
I like 'em, buuuuut the preview didn't offer me as much information as I was expecting. Anyway I'm looking forward for more info on them.
I keep wanting to run a Dragon-Blooded game titled "The Legendary Lookshyan Rangers" and have an opposite-flavored Brotherhood of Liminals constantly attempting to thwart the players at every turn...

Might even call them Psycho-Rangers >_>
One of the three new types of Exalts, thief. Liminals witch are created by accident when people try to bring their loved ones back from the dead, Exogents which are exalts created from local gods who merge with mortal flesh and Getimians which are created by a Sidereal runaway for his war against Yu-Shan that seems to have a small Loom of Fate inside their bodies.

It's all very cool.
Liminals are very like Prometheans, Exogents are made so we can play build-an-exalt and make our on charm trees and getimians are still quite a mystery, the guy who made them (forgot the name) is super awesome though. Rakhan Tulio or something i think he was called.
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]What's a Liminal?

They're like undead Dragon-Blooded...

...Zombie-Blooded, if you will.
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]So they're Geist/Promethean Exalts, ???? Exalts, and anti-Sidereals?

Liminals are Promethean Exalts. I'm actually pretty enthused about them, but as someone who irrationally loves Promethean it's impossible to ignore the connections.

Exigents are minor Exalts, if you like. Basically, a god in a tight spot petitions Sol Invictus for use of the Exigence to create a Chosen. But some gods trade the Exigence around to create black market Exaltations. Naturally, I will run a game where in the Shogun of Dessert petitions to create a Chosen of Cake, because the Mask of Winters has stolen forty cakes - that's as many as four tens! - and that's terrible.

Getimians are made from 'stillborn destinies', apparently. They have pattern spiders living on their spines and instead of having Personal and Peripheral Essence, use Yin and Yang Essence alongside Getimian Alchemy and Martial Arts to wage war on Heaven at the behest of a Sidereal named Rakhan Tulio.

So, in order:

What happens when you break The No Resurrection rule.

What happens when you break The No New Shards rule.

What happens when you break The No Time Travel rules.

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