Other What are you terrible at?

Title says it all.

I'm terrible at remembering my own schedule. I have alarms, calendars, reminders, post its, everything. I got the works. I don't have memory loss necessarily, I'm just god awful at actually remembering important things.
Remembering literally anything. And math. Math is evil and bad.
everything uh. . cooking and staying healthy, apparently.
Instead of listing what i'm bad at i'll just list what i been told re: what's wrong with me:

Poor impulse control, scatter-brained, can't sit still, can't stop talking, can't keep a secret, cant stop saying 'like' every 2nd word and I make random noises but mostly annoying clicking sounds. Lol me
Making appointments. Like the plumber, dentist, etc.
And house repair things. Putting up wallpaper, painting a wall. I will start it, then take forever and a day to finish.

Oh yes and going to sleep also. Hugs for everyone who has to same problem. I wish I could say it gets better with age...
Making appointments. Like the plumber, dentist, etc.
And house repair things. Putting up wallpaper, painting a wall. I will start it, then take forever and a day to finish.

Oh yes and going to sleep also. Hugs for everyone who has to same problem. I wish I could say it gets better with age...
I can relate to this 😭
I'm really bad at getting started on studying. Once I start I can generally continue, but I'm horrible at starting. I'm retaking one of my major requirements this fall, and it's quite a difficult class taught by a professor who doesn't provide a lot of resources, so I'm really hoping that I'll be able to start overcoming my issues with studying so I don't have to withdraw from it partway through again.
I'm really bad at getting started on studying. Once I start I can generally continue, but I'm horrible at starting. I'm retaking one of my major requirements this fall, and it's quite a difficult class taught by a professor who doesn't provide a lot of resources, so I'm really hoping that I'll be able to start overcoming my issues with studying so I don't have to withdraw from it partway through again.
Oof- heckin' relatable. Same boat here- good luck to us both!

I'm terrible at having a social life- always have been ^^"
3D modeling, video game development, drawing, and going to bed at a reasonable time. It's quite problematic, to say the least...

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