Other What are you terrible at?

maintaining conversations with people is my own unique type of hell. i have no time management, i zone out way easily, i get distracted a lot, aaaaand i'm really shy. i can usually work up the spine to open a conversation but then i get kinda scared afterward and clam up. it's weird
  • Talking to people (Even over text for some reason, though I feel I've made a lot of progress in that regard recently. Such is what happens when you grow up shy.)
  • Going to sleep at a reasonable time.
  • It's really hard for me to focus sometimes.
Also sometimes, talking to people in the sense of actually consistently doing so. Sometimes trying to talk to people consistently and keep up friendships over time can be a little overwhelming, and to be honest I've got no idea why. It's not for a lack of trying, either. I dunno why.
1. Talking to people
2. Sports
3. jokes
4. Trying to find the motivation to improve
5. Stress management
art! i have trouble visualizing things n' it's difficult to transfer what i can visualize onto paper.
Keeping conversations going I’m incredibly awkward and have terrible social anxiety and never know what to say lol
Self-discipline and work ethic.

When I was a kid, before a large change in my life, my days mostly wound up spent with the sole purpose of seeing how much school I could get out of. It was like a game of maximizing how much I could slack off without getting noticed or yelled at, and now that I'm older and thinking about my future, I feel like that attitude is really coming back to bite me.

Even if it's something I enjoy doing, the minute my mind decides to file it away as obligation rather than recreation, there's a huge barrier of resistance to actually doing it. Doesn't matter if it's for my benefit - for the furthering of dreams I WANT to pursue - a severe aversion grows over time that I have to soldier through.

I'm trying to get better, though! For the past year I've been animating completely by myself, no help from college classes or deadlines. It's all self-imposed, and while I'm reeeeaaally struggling with actually maintaining consistency, I'm seriously hoping that I can improve that skill over time and overcome these challenges. Especially now that I have a future to work towards that I genuinely desire.
Traditional art, specifically coloring! I'm a beast with digital art, but markers, color pencils... Paint, it's horrible</3
Playing competitive FPS games. It's one of those things where all your friends are good and all you can do is watch after dying too many times lol.
When it comes to writing, I always have half a mind to skip all description and dive right into the dialogue and action. I'm also bad at reigning in my adverb usage. (Is a word even worth using if it doesn't end in -ly?)
Traditional art, specifically coloring! I'm a beast with digital art, but markers, color pencils... Paint, it's horrible</3
Absolutely, I can relate! Traditional art has its own unique challenges, and it’s not uncommon to feel more comfortable with digital tools. There’s something about the precision and versatility of digital art that makes it easier to express creativity. But don’t be too hard on yourself—everyone has their strengths, and the important thing is to keep experimenting! Maybe with some practice, you’ll find your groove with traditional mediums too. Plus, the skills you’ve honed in digital art can often translate into traditional techniques in surprising ways. Keep at it!

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