Literature What are you reading right now?

Shhh, they will return February 8th patient.
lol yeah, I've been reading it since it started It's been really good. And when i heard about the 2month haitus i was kinda upset bc 2 months. and we just got to a major cliff hanger. 3:
Currently trying to read two books between college work. The first being Thank God for Evolution by Michael Dowd, and the other being 12 Rules for Life by Jordan B. Peterson.
I just finished the book The Pirate Kings Daughter not too long ago but at the moment I'm trying to find a new book... So in the mean time I'm reading manga!
Kuro Hakushaku wa Hoshi o Mederu. (Historical vampire hunting)
Reading a cool book called "Weapons of World War 2". Really interesting if you want to learn about the more major weapons like tanks, airplanes, warships, unarmored vehicles, even special weapons like the atomic bombs.

One I'm planning on reading again is "The most evil men and women in history" which talks about the evil people in history from emperor Nero to Hitler to pol pot. Really interesting read as well.
Dead Distillers: A History of the Upstarts and Outlaws Who Made American Spirits by Colin Spoelman and David Haskell.

Pretty interesting read as I am no stranger to distillates! Distilling was a dangerous business back in the day!
Currently reading this it's a collection of short stories. Very engaging, detailed and quite sad too.

I just finished reading "Annihilation" by Jeff VanderMeer. It was....interesting, in an nature based cthulhu type thing. I did like his style of writing though.

Debating on what to read next, leaning toward reading The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden at the moment.

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