Literature what are you currently reading?

Time Enough For Love, by Robert A. Heinlein. Note: NOT A ROMANCE NOVEL! Hardcore Science Fiction, although there is some romance involved.
I Become Shadow by Joe Shine. I love it so much you have no idea. Though I haven't met anyone else who has read it... :'(
Book three of the Divine Series by M.R. Forbes. It's a self published, five book series that I have fallen in love with. I totally recommend checking it out, it's about a war between angels and demons and a diuscrucis trying to keep Balance. I was actually thinking of making a role play using this premise.
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1Q84.. Honestly a lot less exciting than I expected/wanted it to be

I'm only finishing the book because I feel incomplete dropping it in the middle.
A couple months back I finished the Divergent trilogy. Now I'm halfway through The Last Defender of Camelot (a collection of short SF stories by Roger Zelazny) *woof*
Just finished the Book Thief.

Currently reading Dune. I'm getting some major Shounen Protagonist Vibes from the main character.
Currently reading A Clash of Kings, the Name of the Wind, and Kafka's The Trial. After that I need to finish reading One Thousand and One Arabian Nights, The Picture of Dorian Gray and The King in Yellow (I love me some dense-ass, Victorian Gothic horror).
Well I just finished The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and I was a mix of emotions at the end. It's good but sad. I recommend checking it out, it's a great book. I am also currently reading The Jedi Path by Daniel Wallace (A Star Wars EU kinda book that talks about how to be a Jedi, it is the first in a series of four.), Third Strike in The Slayer Chronicles series by Heather Brewer (vampire series, I recommend reading the first series before this one. link for the first series)

I know so many books, just one at a time I say.
Half way through A Feast for Crows. Gotta finish it and A Dance with Dragons before book 6 comes out!
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<_< >_>;;

I'm currently reading
The Peoples of Southeast Asia... for one of my classes. xD

I did read
The Spirit Catches You And You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman not too long ago. It was interesting, but somewhat infuriating because I had personal feelings that related to the events in the book.
I'm not really reading anything at the moment, kind of rereading books that I have. Rereading the guardians books by William Joyce (need Sandman still :'( )

Might reread Dracula because it so, so funny to read. Gosh I love it.
Currently in the middle of The Last Mortal Bond by Brian Staveley. After it is done I'm going to finish the Shadow Ops series by Myke Cole then it is on to the Aeon's Gate trilogy by Sam Sykes and books one and two of the Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss.

Renjin said:
Anyone read 'The Name of the Wind' by Patrick Rothfuss?
I started it and really got into it, but with The Last Mortal Bond coming out only a few days after I started it I put it down after four chapters so I could read TLMB.
Currently reading Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence and The Spirit Lens by Carol Berg. I love me some fantasy with underlying tones of necromancy.

BookWyrm said:
Currently in the middle of The Last Mortal Bond by Brian Staveley. After it is done I'm going to finish the Shadow Ops series by Myke Cole then it is on to the Aeon's Gate trilogy by Sam Sykes and books one and two of the Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss.
I started it and really got into it, but with The Last Mortal Bond coming out only a few days after I started it I put it down after four chapters so I could read TLMB.
chapter four? You got to read how he reaches and enters the university, it's one of my fav parts~
Yeah I only made it to chapter four, but only because of the other book coming out. I have been waiting on the last mortal bond for a few months, and since it is the end of a trilogy I wanted to finish it off before moving on.
I'm reading Mindspeak by Heather Sunseri. I mean, I'm younger than most of you on here, so I probably read less challenging books.

Although I am also reading This Star Won't Go Out by Esther Earl for a non-fiction unit in English, and it's super boring. If you ever read it hopefully you never have to annotate it for word craft(Not that you would)
I recently finished reading through all of the Mistborn books by Brandon Sanderson as well as all 2 of the Stormlight Archives by the same. All of which are outstanding.

Mistborn pulls off this nuts-crazy time jump after the first trilogy, which have an oppressive medieval setting where an immortal emperor has ruled for 1000 years, and 300 years later the next 4 books take place (3 are out so far) in an equivalent of the middle of the Industrial Revolution. Also the series has a great magic system based off of eating and then metabolising various metals to perform specific feats (Iron pulls on metal, Steel pushes, Tin enhances the sense, Pewter makes one tougher and stronger, Zinc lets you manipulate others' emotions by strengthening the ones you want to encourage, Bronze lets you manipulate emotions by letting you soothe away the ones you want gone... and quite a few more). Most people can only burn one metal, but the eponymous Mistborn are people who can use all 10(or are there more ;) )

Stormlight Archives are a more traditional High Fantasy series so far... but who knows what crazy shenanigans they might get up to, both series are planned for 10 books as of right now and Sanderson seems able to actually do it too.

I haven't started any new books since finishing these a month ago or so actually, not sure what else can sate my lust for great fantasy. I've read ASoIaF, LotR, The Kingkiller Chronicles, Gentleman Bastard series, Codex Alera (lost Roman Legion + Pokemon more or less), and the Dresden Files (6 or 7 times actually it's my favorite series) already and loved all of them, also I know that Wheel of Time won't work for me.

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