Experiences what are the worst charatures/players you seen?

I used to be a bad role player but sadly I have no funny stories to share about my bad characters because they were all generic, boring edgelords who meta gamed.
@qunqun That reminds of a person who messaged me. I had made this kind cracky roleplay that was a crossover between Sailor Moon, Spongebob, and Golden Girls (I may or may not have been high on cold meds when I came up with the idea)

Anyway she messages me first and is like do you mind if all the characters are female? (I’m like I planned on playing rose from golden girls anyway so sure whatever. The world building wasn’t what you would call set in stone)

So then she wanted the villain to go from a possessed furby doll to Jessica Rabbit.

Im still with her so far so I’m like sure we can do that.

Then she’s like - and Jessica Rabbit ties up her henchmen (the Disney Princesses) and sexually humiliates them

And I am like excuse me? No. This is a PG13 site, also I am not putting Rose from Golden Girls in your weird fetish porn.

The thing that your story reminded me of was how she got super indignant and told me flat out ( This about a fetish. It has nothing to do with sexual themes.)

Bearing in mind she specifically requested that the villain sexually humiliate her henchman.

So I am like... either you are just trolling me or there is some scary cognitive dissonance going on. Either way I blocked the person and then told every one of my friends on the site their name and what they had done. (The mods were useless or I would have contacted them too)
I swear to god I've seen this story in another thread on here ages ago. Did you used to have a different account on here, or am I going crazy?

Edit: Just re-read it and there is a furby holy fuck.
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It would have
I swear to god I've seen this story in another thread on here ages ago. Did you used to have a different account on here, or am I going crazy?

Edit: Just re-read it and there is a furby holy fuck.

Yeah I used to have a different account. Lost the log in so made a new one.
Been a while since I've logged into rpnation, had so many roleplays (not here) since.

Omg, I had a terrible one!

This guy and I were in an investigative fantasy roleplay and we had such a blast, our banter between our characters was amazing. The game died but we both carried on with the interactions.

He then invited me to his d&d he was GMing. I was so excited, looking forward to interacting with his NPCs. This was my first D&d game ever mind you.

Then it went down hill rapidly. He has my young female character locked in cell where I just had to suffer NPC abuse and not able to do anything about it. At one point he had a guard try and throw boiling water over my character in a cell. I said that was a bit torture-porn like and so after berating him he let me escape.

However he made me run into a room full of guards and the captain waiting for me. The captain was unfortunately a 'super hot woman with two whips' and much more powerful than my character. He then tried to actually kill my character who was weaker and unarmed. I was only saved by a bad roll from him.

I eventually met the party of main players and was looking forward to interacting with them. Unfortunately they sided with this woman of his because they all fancied her. Eventually I had to make another character.

He suggested in play a necromancer because it would be fun to animate the dead etc and I built her around this Ability. Later the group took a mission aboard a ship commanded by one of his NPCs. Unfortunately again this guy was super emo and super powerful and just made my character do chores aboard the ship. I had to suffer his insults else I get thrown overboard. I decided to keep playing just to see if this NPC Character would develop into something interesting.... he did not.

whenever I tried to animate the dead he would order them to be killed and the GM said I couldn't use the spell anymore, despite telling me to build this character.

I Couldn't suffer this NPC's goading any more so fought back with words and defiance. At one point I was ordered off the ship because I refused to do something he commanded. The GM did a quick scene where I was taken to an island and left. So my character was effectively out of the campaign. I rolled a new one with a personality to better handle the situations the GM presented. I got excited to start again so jumped into the game. The GM said I was jumping the gun and pushed me out of the game. He got all his other players to block contact with me so I never even got to say goodbye to everyone. Grrrr.

sorry for the essay lol. It was the most frustrating game ever, just a railroad to follow, just roll dice and 'enjoy' the ride type thing. One of my worse experiences ever.
this just happened to me on another website - they didn't name their character, and when I asked, they told me they don't care what his name is, and that I should name them.

brownie points for when I awkwardly suggested five names because I felt weirdly generous that day and she rejected all of them.
northerner northerner I would have been like “Nameless Weirdo” it is. How are you planning on addressing the psychological trauma of your characters parents being so negligent (and the wider government being so incompetent) that they never managed to get named?
Not the worst but the worst one has a whole story too long and too obvious who it might be in case he checks so---

Second worst is, although it's also bad on my part as a weak GM at that time...But it's when your lore for the roleplay you made got neglected? I have difference experiences on this. Most commonly, it's like, man he didn't read my lore at all. That's annoying. That's the type of "bad roleplayers" that I've seen common enough. In one particular case though, it's when the person just kind of, came up with his own lore, forced it into the roleplay, changed my own lore setting without asking for my permission...And, yeah. It's not like he didn't read the lore though! We actually had a nice discussion on how to fit his ideas into mine. With that said, at first he did discuss with me, and on certain aspects I said yes to, without realizing that my "yes" would mean it would be executed in such extent in the actual roleplay, as in what I agreed to was different from what I'd imagined. Obviously, as the GM, it was my fault too---not only bad communication, but also not being affirmative enough and stand my ground, saying clearly that "this roleplay is mine and you didn't tell me you would be going in that direction, I would need you to change your post." I wasn't firm. My roleplay lore and ideas just kind of got messed up. His character and his actions were in completely different direction than what the rest of the characters are doing, nobody really has an idea what's going on. He added a lot of elements he did not previously discuss with me in the roleplay. Simply put, he changed the lore, and forced me to have to change a lot of settings for our ideas to "combine."

In the end the roleplay got messed up and I gave up. The whole roleplay kind of just end up being...his. And it's not even like, his as in he became the GM and led everyone on in his direction. It became his and his own solo-play, because no one could follow in the end. I gave up cause I don't know how to adjust what I had originally planned for my lore and for the roleplay to match with his, since it got too different. Not only the lore, but also my NPC too that was played without my permission, resulting in a personality change. Either way, yeah. Tbh it's just an experience of mine and I didn't really encounter too many of bad or "worst" roleplayers. A lot of them are just--the same. Like, "ah, it's that type of roleplayer again" at this point.
Ooh! I have a story now!

So a long time ago I created a My Little Pony rp (yeah, I was a Brony and I'm not afraid to admit it. To hell with this overblown closet metaphor) and this guy showed up and wanted to make a character with a race car. And yeah, there was some minimal technology in the universe but nothing too crazy or out of the ordinary. This guy, though, he didn't want to make a soapbox car with a pedal engine or whatever. He wanted to make a full blown steam punk race car! I said no and we had an argument and the rp never got off the ground.

And then the guy proceeded to stalk me, continuously messaging me and asking me to rp with him. One day, I started a different roleplay. A sort of classic internet webcomic style parody of fantasy video games. And this guy decides to join late and because I was, at the time, a nice guy who didn't know how to close an rp I let him join and he created a Centaur with a lightning gun. I mean, there were some weird things in that roleplay, but that was over the top OP. And that's what killed that roleplay.

I've since blocked the guy cause I was done with his shenaniganry.
northerner northerner I would have been like “Nameless Weirdo” it is. How are you planning on addressing the psychological trauma of your characters parents being so negligent (and the wider government being so incompetent) that they never managed to get named?
this just happened to me on another website - they didn't name their character, and when I asked, they told me they don't care what his name is, and that I should name them.

brownie points for when I awkwardly suggested five names because I felt weirdly generous that day and she rejected all of them.

Funny story, my partner actually had two nameless characters. They were part of a huge, corrupt organization, and all they had was a long string of numbers for a name. So my character eventually started referring to them as "bucko" and "kiddo". Those are now their names. Bucko and Kiddo.
very recent story, but it's also very long + has a lot of context. so i'll leave it in a spoiler box.

i was in a rather small rp on a small avatar site. well-organized, made really good friends, but when i had intentionally made mistakes as my character, the more active portion of the roleplayers started to be a bit more harsh towards me i guess would be the right word? in addition, we had a separate discord server from the site itself.

at first, i was pretty okay with the jokes and insults by the members of the server, but the jokes just kept on coming and coming. in addition, on the server, our names are set to our characters' names. some of us would refer to each other, not by our general names, but the names of our characters. sometimes it would seriously feel like people were insulting me rather than the character, and the longer things went on, the more anxious i'd feel when it came to talking in the server. it didn't really help when people were making fun of my rhetorical choices when writing my responses, and it especially didn't help when people were saying that my writing and characters were awful--some of them went to the point of spreading misinformation on my rp content to the site admins. in addition, when issues did arise from my own unintentional mistakes in breaking various general rp etiquette (powerplaying), even though i had the evidence to prove i wasn't powerplaying, the fact that so many people were essentially ganging up on me for my mistake prevented me from feeling that i could say anything back.

all this discomfort ended up culminating into a lack of motivation on my end to make posts (which was especially worse given that i was also pretty busy irl). this especially became a huge problem when our rp was going to have a war campaign. the issue was that i had my own faction while they were all grouped up in their own faction. various members were making very backhanded insults towards me in the main chat--of which were seemingly excused because it was all in "good fun," justified by the fact that we were on opposing teams. more specifically:

GM (note: he was on my side): "I was only stating the obvious" (in reference to a question i had asked)
RPer: "Bold of you to assume [Adelais] can see past the obvious"
GM: "This is why I want to help her and the others who are in need of assistance."
RPer: "You can help her nobody mind, because we all know she'll [screw] up either way with or without help."

fast forward, i was extremely stressed out with schoolwork and real life issues and couldn't focus on fixing my 10-page long rp response (my mistake). as such, there was a huge week-long delay for my response (in addition to not knowing how to respond to a 3 post response from another RPer). however, i had established with another RPer that we had plans/intentions to coincide our responses for the sake of our own plans. to relieve stress i did some work on my own personal (rp-related) project and, since i had established that i would make my response after the other RPer, i wrote a smaller (semi-lit) rp response (yes i acknowledge this was a huge mistake on my end both in terms of time management and context) for my friend, since she was still waiting for her turn to post. gm messaged me letting me know that the other RPers were taking things in a different context, so i wrote up an apology for my ill-planning + let them know that i was waiting for the other rp'er.

that led to a callout post on how i was breaking the rules and being selfish and emotionally-manipulative in addition to making them wait when i had a 10-page wip response (which i was asked to shorten). both the gm and i were kind of panicking and didn't really know what to do. i trimmed my post to fit 3 posts (like the previous response), posted, and apologized for the claims that were presented on my emotional manipulation and toxic behavior.

rper leaves after calling me toxic because i misunderstood the purpose of their callout post + didn't seem like i was taking responsibility for my actions. other rper claims that she's quitting too. another rper (on my side) asks that the conversation have been made private rather than public. aforementioned rper who claimed i had a nobody mind bites back at the person who asked that things be made private and accused both of us of victim-playing. eventually, the gm and rp manager got together and decided to nuke the rp because they didn't want the toxicity/drama to continue/spread.

this leads into the RPers who were against me blacklisting me from a lot of things related to the avatar site itself alongside informing and asking other RPers on the site to blacklist me as well, because i was the cause of the RP being nuked. surprisingly, three weeks after the incident (even though i thought the drama would have died by then), i get a message from somebody asking me "HOW DID YOU CAUSE THE RP TO END LMAO"

in other words, they are still spreading that i caused things to end to isolate me

tl;dr: i got gaslighted and witch hunted and only realized that after i vented to a friend of mine
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Character: I've never really had a bad character, other than people trying to make their characters flawless (God complex characters where they could go outside of what everyone else was doing and change the rules). That got a bit annoying, but everyone's characters are special to them for one reason or another, and I need to respect that in order to receive the same kind of treatment in return for my own OCs.

People: This happened fairly recently, and it still hurts. I had made an entire Discord server for roleplaying, in which I and a couple of my then-friends running bots with me, and we roleplayed with a group of like 15 people. A few weeks back, my mental health got really bad. I tried to explain it to them after my mood swings had gotten really bad and I had accidentally snapped at them over something small, and tried to apologize and own up to it. They all decided I was trying to use my mental health to be babied, and all of them cut me out of their lives. It hurt, and honestly, I have been kind of scared to get back into roleplaying and being friends with people because of it.
PrincessHimeChan PrincessHimeChan

I would say that is an extremely rare response though. I have mental illness in my family which I talk about all the time with my partners. Especially if there is an unexpected hiatus or I am feeling the stress more than normal.

I have had exactly one person be a bitch about it and there were plenty of red flags that she was self-centered before that.

I would take the time you need to reset but don’t let the experience throw you off your game.
I once wrote a 1x1 Roleplay with someone on another website. This happened about five years ago and I was in my (second) junior year of high school. I was often buried under mountains of homework from taking mostly AP and Honor courses, but I was able to respond on weekends. Except for one weekend where I had to take my SATs and was immediately expected to attend my neighbor's birthday party afterwards. My Roleplay partner DID NOT take kindly to this and was very passive aggressive with me for several days until I finally dropped out. I've run into some similar minded people too and a couple of real "weirdos" since then, but my experience with Roleplaying has been surprisingly blessed. I feel fortunate for what few encounters I've had. Sticking in a small circle for the most part tends to help with that too.

People: This happened fairly recently, and it still hurts. I had made an entire Discord server for roleplaying, in which I and a couple of my then-friends running bots with me, and we roleplayed with a group of like 15 people. A few weeks back, my mental health got really bad. I tried to explain it to them after my mood swings had gotten really bad and I had accidentally snapped at them over something small, and tried to apologize and own up to it. They all decided I was trying to use my mental health to be babied, and all of them cut me out of their lives. It hurt, and honestly, I have been kind of scared to get back into roleplaying and being friends with people because of it.
I remember commenting on your topic yesterday and I just want to reiterate that I'm terribly sorry for what happened with you. Roleplaying with mental health issues is hard. I suffer from a laundry list of conditions, including BPD, myself. I've been mostly fortunate to have friends that understand this, but there are some people who just don't. My own sister is actually one of them, unfortunately. I've found that people who don't suffer from mental health issues (or have close family or friends that do), generally don't understand it and sometimes even glamorize or glorify it. It's probably for the better that your "friends" showed their true colors now instead of later. I hope you're able to find some better friends or Roleplaying partners soon. If you need to talk just casually or vent about your issues though, my inbox is open until then.
On a long defunct roleplay platform, there was this one guy who used one character for everything he roleplayed in. Nothing wrong with that except when it was blatantly obvious his character didn't fit into some settings. Every roleplay he started off by describing the character as super fast and super strong. Whenever the character was in battle, the guy called hits on other characters then when it came time for the other characters to retaliate, his character would warp somewhere only to return to call hits again. The guy would do this in every roleplay.

I unfortunately had a story going with him where he focused all the attention on how powerful his character was. I told him about his lack of having a realistic fight if his character never got hit which he whined about to his friends. They sent me nasty messages but I wasn't having any of it. It was only after this dude was having public meltdowns about all of his roleplays, according to him people picking on his character, that the ones who sent messages changed their turn--still wasn't having any of it. The guy ranted about how no one wanted to write with him, his character was stupid, he said he wanted to commit suicide, abandoned his account only to come back as someone else with the exact same super fast and super strong character. -_-
hey so I was wondering what experience other people have had with these two things to clarify

the"worst characters": i mean that CS's that are just horrible/cringy or op. or similar stuff with IC interactions

and players, i mean the actual actions of the person behind the character and how they acted if or when they where called out heck the player thing can include bad DM's you have delt with.
I try not to judge since too harshly since we were all in the BAD boat once, but I cringe the most when I see people making the same mistakes I made. Particularly when they expect everything in the game to work how they envision them working, if that makes sense.
This one person had a psycho girl character who was basically the "sexy iNsAnE killer girl" stereotype. And she had voices in her head that made her do stuff, she also liked to beat up my ocs and sexually harassed someone else's but would never take responsibility because tHe voices mAde hEr dO it. And when we told her creator how utterly disrespectful and stigmatizing it was to mentally ill people and offered suggestions to change it. She said no because she didn't want to.
Anyways, my worst encounter would be about 2-3 years ago, when first started roleplaying. I wasnt super bad and i caught on quickly, which got me praise from a lot of my buds. So, I’ll call him Amuka, he had this unkillable Android and unbelievably strong character. This was a lab Roleplay at the time and was separated from the main Roleplay server. At first I went with it, cause it’s not like I was the one who had to deal with him.

about a month later towards the finale of the server his android just rages and destroys the whole facility (along with my hulk rip-off that permanently turned into a monster my female character tamed.). He started pulling some insane shit and I immediatly got sick of it and did a one shot on this guy with my humongous ass monster by chewing him into little bits. Later on the guy went on to create a fucking god. Which then turned into a 4 part arc where the server was all about him. He basically caused the death of the server, not to mention he’s a homophobic prick.
Anyways, my worst encounter would be about 2-3 years ago, when first started roleplaying. I wasnt super bad and i caught on quickly, which got me praise from a lot of my buds. So, I’ll call him Amuka, he had this unkillable Android and unbelievably strong character. This was a lab Roleplay at the time and was separated from the main Roleplay server. At first I went with it, cause it’s not like I was the one who had to deal with him.

about a month later towards the finale of the server his android just rages and destroys the whole facility (along with my hulk rip-off that permanently turned into a monster my female character tamed.). He started pulling some insane shit and I immediatly got sick of it and did a one shot on this guy with my humongous ass monster by chewing him into little bits. Later on the guy went on to create a fucking god. Which then turned into a 4 part arc where the server was all about him. He basically caused the death of the server, not to mention he’s a homophobic prick.
the classic "everything about me player damn that sucks
the classic "everything about me player damn that sucks
Worst part is that he started going off at my friend for making a homosexual joke about feet ‘Can I get some feet picks.’ Where he was first shown to be homophobic, which I why since I was above him in all servers I fucking banned that bitch. Now he barely rp’s on the servers I’m in and if he does then I don’t usually know about it.
I really can't remember specific examples, but I hate when partners are unwilling to compromise. I mean the types who are like "this character or plot must go exactly the way I want it to". RP is a joint effort. If you have a very specific vision for a character or plot then you're better off writing a novel or fan fiction if you're more into that.
I just realized that I've told the stalker guy story three times in this thread and forgot about it. I was this close to telling it a fourth time. I need to pay more attention.
One reason why I don't make characters is because they are sooooooo bad. I don't know what it is about making characters in a role play but I always make the lamest OCs and I feel like I put effort into it but I didn't. One oc was just a girl with a gun, another was a guy who was a huge ripoff of Cole McGrath from infamous and my hunger games oc was like every male stereotype ever but the worst was my RE oc Heather Mason...oh god I hate myself so much for giving life to her, she was a Raccoon city Police officer who was so much like Leon it actually hurt the soul, she had a relationship with an actual good character and they had a family living in texas, I will say playing her was super fun even though she was not a good character.

The worst player I've seen is this girl who makes a shit ton of ocs (mostly MHA) and she would always use them and they were the worst characters I ever seen, no rhyme or reason like oh so and so fell out of the portal in New York, it was a Marvel forum and any crossover was allowed. She would not write enough and would give no backstory for her characters so I hated any rp with her because she would just have random people with quirks who show up and fight people.

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