TV & Film What are the most cancerous fandoms you have ever seen?

Shit at r/SCP has gotten cringy as fuck because of Pride month.

Edit: For those without insight, it may sound like i'm bashing gays, i'm not, the website changed the logo to incorporate the LGBT+ flag and people got triggered over it.
like, i'm saying this as someone who was part of it for roughly five years or so
it's filled with really annoying fans that think that jared and jensen owe them something. it's also filled with hypocrisy - always asking for more female characters, but then moaning about actually good ladies if they're a threat to their ships (Jo, for example). also, Charlie sucked, but nobody said anything, because she was a lesbian (which was her only character trait apart from being quIrkY and rElaTablE). that fandom seriously turned the show to shit and i'm not watching it anymore, because it keeps pandering to the crowds that give them money at fan cons.
and don't get me started on those psychopathic jensen and jared shippers. they literally stalk them and call their wives beards and talk shit about their children. ew.
im sure this has been mentioned before but


the game itself is the best game I've ever played but the community surrounding it makes me rethink why humans are still alive
The "yandere simulator" fandom has really gone to shit in these past few weeks.. I mean, the creator himself is pretty cringy, but some of the fans are worse.

Also, most Melanie Martinez fans freak me out.

And, I hate to say it, but Star Wars is a pretty toxic fandom. I love the movies, but the fans constantly harass the actors, make really horrible statements, and generally misrepresent something that is supposed to be fun.
the game of yandere simulator is Good but yeah i gotta agree with you on that one the fans are basically little kids
Cancerous fandoms eh? Lets seeeeeee

Undertale: Some people are fine, others just immerse themselves wayyyyyy too fucking hard.

Steven Universe: Good show, but there will always nutty fans as with any other fandom

Supernatural: I get it, good show, but do people really need to obsess so badly over it?
Concept's okay, but from what I've seen it's a hotbed of cancer. I heard someone almost committed suicide just because her fanart character didn't match the body proportions of her base character.
I mean, is it really that hard to enjoy something casually or intellectually without sexualizing it and ruining it for everyone?

And to top it all off the fans celebrated her suicide attempt and tried to convince her to do it again.
Most of my fandoms of interest have fairly tame fanbases imo. But out of the ones I follow, the most contentious segment would have to be the Batgirl warring factions of DC Comics. They'll never reach an agreement over who should wear the cowl.

I prefer Babs but I'm fine with Steph.
Not sure if this was mentioned, but the "phandom" / Dan and Phil / any big YouTuber fandoms

I love YouTube and am meeting Dan and Phil in July and spent like $150 to do it. I've spent money and met other YouTube's and gosh darn, screaaaaaaming fan girls. Just grinds my gears. Maybe it's because I'm a 19 year old that loves YouTubers that have young following but I'm already dreading dealing with the fans at Dan and Phil haha.
ARMY. I really used to like BTS but had some really bad experiences with ARMY. Most of the experiences were harressmemt because I didn’t really like their new album and people just went ham. Plus ARMY praises BTS for every little thing and its fucking annoying.
I'm personally a fan of Steven Universe but some fans out there do worry me lol. Too much reading into things and tons of SJW stuff, like, just enjoy the show.
I'm personally a fan of Steven Universe but some fans out there do worry me lol. Too much reading into things and tons of SJW stuff, like, just enjoy the show.

The Tumblr community for that show also convinced an artist to try and kill herself as she drew Rose "too thin", then celebrated the attempt as a victory and tried to get her to try it again.
Needless to say, out of every single fandom it's the one I try to avoid the most, even more than the Creepypasta fandom that made fanart out of those two teenage girls who tried to murder their friend because they believed Slenderman told them to.
Is there a fandom that's not toxic? Not after you reach a certain level of popularity, it seems. As long as the thing you like stays to a niche crowd, you'll have few problems. But the instant it reaches the masses? Get ready; here they come.
Is there a fandom that's not toxic? Not after you reach a certain level of popularity, it seems. As long as the thing you like stays to a niche crowd, you'll have few problems. But the instant it reaches the masses? Get ready; here they come.

I've yet to see or experience toxic behaviour within The Adventure Zone fandom, but it's only a matter of time.
  • DBZ -say anything sort of a criticism or comparisons that would mention the series, its characters or god forbid the power levels and let the nerd rage come.... Hell pre super , anyone who says Gold Experience Requiem or Made In Heaven trumps any Z warriors and Nerd rage would surely follow.
  • Steven Universe -toxic as hell on a community yhat supports SJW but would swarm anyone who doesnt conform on their standards.
  • MLP:FiM (Brony side )
  • Rick and Morty Not as toxic as Steven Universe but just as rude.
All the fanbases with shipping, can't stand shipping, but seeing people yelling doesn't help at all, this is why i'm more into unpopular things, it's more healthy.
  • DBZ -say anything sort of a criticism or comparisons that would mention the series, its characters or god forbid the power levels and let the nerd rage come.... Hell pre super , anyone who says Gold Experience Requiem or Made In Heaven trumps any Z warriors and Nerd rage would surely follow.
  • Steven Universe -toxic as hell on a community yhat supports SJW but would swarm anyone who doesnt conform on their standards.
  • MLP:FiM (Brony side )
  • Rick and Morty Not as toxic as Steven Universe but just as rude.

While being a Rick and Morty fan myself, I have made a lot of effort to distance myself from the actual fandom.

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