Viewpoint What are people's thoughts of plot stealing? Has this happened to you?

Idc about people taking a premise because it's just framework. Sure there's semi-unique lore but that's easy to make and most worldbuilding ideas have been done to death. However if I ever catch someone using my OC in a written work, and if they're selling it? Better lawyer tf up cause I'm coming with heat. The idea of someone taking one of my characters and pawing it off like their own — I will sue them into the dirt if it's being sold anywhere. Idc what platform, they could be selling it for $0.99 on a shitty app and I'll still come for that money. On everything I better not catch someone slipping like that, it'll get very real really fast.
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No-no-no. Those feelings are so valid. Anyone with a passion behind their work. It's natural to feel passionate feelings when it's taken away. I view my work no differently than a child. That being said, I get the not wanting to seem childish thing, it seems to be a theme over the internet to have an overall unhealthy positive look at things. Added, especially when it comes to ownership of something. I find a lot of people have lost the ability to communicate with each other "hey buddy what you did suck. I still like you but buddy you really suck." Then the other person, in reality, should act, "oh man buddy sorry. I didn't know it bugged you. I'll take it down and come up with my own idea." It shouldn't be an issue.

It's like your frustrated feelings are completely undervalued and devalued. It makes complete sense to feel that way.
I think it's a thing that you are always expected to be the better person and not to stoop down to their level if they've wronged you. Somehow it's seen as worse when you retaliate than when they did you wrong. I distinctly remember a friend of mine on an old website I used to RP in that doesn't exist anymore. There was always this guy who would try to pick on her and say the nastiest things and all while this was going on, multiple times no one would say a word but as soon as she gave him a taste of his own medicine she was lectured by the mods and got in trouble for being rude yet no one said anything when he was doing the same it was like because he was terrible and it was expected of him no one ever said anything to him but because she was ordinarily seen as better behaved it was seen as too heinous for her to say anything back to him if it wasn't in a mature fashion.
I think it's a thing that you are always expected to be the better person and not to stoop down to their level if they've wronged you. Somehow it's seen as worse when you retaliate than when they did you wrong. I distinctly remember a friend of mine on an old website I used to RP in that doesn't exist anymore. There was always this guy who would try to pick on her and say the nastiest things and all while this was going on, multiple times no one would say a word but as soon as she gave him a taste of his own medicine she was lectured by the mods and got in trouble for being rude yet no one said anything when he was doing the same it was like because he was terrible and it was expected of him no one ever said anything to him but because she was ordinarily seen as better behaved it was seen as too heinous for her to say anything back to him if it wasn't in a mature fashion.
That's called a bully for you.
I honestly don't stand for those. Actually, the worst moments in my online presence was literally arguing with people over the internet over the silliest things. Usually ethical. I am usually pretty good at de-escalating a problem . However, many many years ago I had a similar experience. Anyone who has role played with me a very long time knows this story. I had a group chat and this person literally made thing so difficult. Not only were her posts lathered with thousands of words with her own self interest in mind. She had so much potential to do better but still thought of herself as hot stuff. Her narcissism in her own work and her inability to be flexible crumbled her relationship with the group. Which grew to be a decent number. In the chat I usually let her be a bit immature. It happens, this was a chat thread. We have had disagrements in the chat before and it just gets resolved because we put on our big girl pants.

Although, I happened to stumble upon a conversation when I wasn't there. Me, being the administrator. Scrolling through I saw some unsettling things and an argument.I attempted to broach this with her and mediate things. The argument was over something rather minor. I had to ban her. It was the most mortifying moment ever. I actually went on a hiatus after that. While this was happening to make it even worse, my father was sick and dying! At one point her friend chimed in and it was a nightmare. Thankfully, I still keep in touch with good people from that chat and have gotten over it since. I know all to well what it's like dealing with bullies. I think I've dealt with about four really bad one's on the internet.

So, what I do now is I test people. I red flag people and I'm choosy with who I role play with. I'll lurk your history and see how one interacts with others. I painfully had to ban someone from my first role play here ever. I ripped it off like a band aid. Saw some series red flags and it wasn't just here. I recognized this person. I had, most likely, role played with this person before and detested it.*le gasp* I've become pretty good at it. I'm not in control of other people's behavior. However, I can minimize my interaction with toxic people.

Sorry for the long epic tale. I just really feel you on this one.
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This is sort of off topic. However, on other sites that I have been on. There is sort of this un-written rule we look out for each other. If we saw someone we had flagged in a role play before it wasn't uncommon to get an inbox from someone giving you important detailed information of them being a bully. It really helped to avoid toxic people.
Wouldn’t you say it’s flattering though? I know in the past I’ve enjoyed someone’s idea but wanted to alter it. Or like pieces and parts. I’ve seen my own idea-slightly altered or changed. What’s that old adage-all stories are within a variety of 12 plots. And they all slightly differ from that.
The trick is not where you sourced the material - it's how far you're willing to run with it. Take it to weird new places!
Wouldn’t you say it’s flattering though? I know in the past I’ve enjoyed someone’s idea but wanted to alter it. Or like pieces and parts. I’ve seen my own idea-slightly altered or changed. What’s that old adage-all stories are within a variety of 12 plots. And they all slightly different from that.
Using the plot isn't the issue to me. As I said if you just ask I'll gladly let you use it but I'd at least like the courtesy of being asked. However, when I experienced it this person ghosted me and then reposted my plot word for word, nothing changed and passed it off as theirs. I don't think people would feel flattered by that.
Quite true. Though I’ve also read something but then wanted to tailor it to be mine. I don’t think I’ve ever started then walked away using the plot. Sorry you had that experience.
Wouldn’t you say it’s flattering though? I know in the past I’ve enjoyed someone’s idea but wanted to alter it. Or like pieces and parts. I’ve seen my own idea-slightly altered or changed. What’s that old adage-all stories are within a variety of 12 plots. And they all slightly differ from that.

Oh you mean the seven arc's of a story! Yeah, that's sort of like chords in music. You can't claim those as your own. No, to clarify, what I mean is like straight up plagiarism. Not variations. Although, I get where your coming from. We have been copying and reworking written work since ancient Rome.
Precisely! Thank you-it was pestering me I couldn’t recall the precise term.
I'm a bit rusty. I'm not sure if seven is the precise number or if its specifically called that.But I know what your talking about. I just recently read an interesting book on plot arc's. I found it super interesting that most novels follow the same arc. Hero's journey being the most popular.
in a similar vein to some people here, i tend to set up really general/vague frameworks, and then plot with my partner to fill them out and making something unique to us. it would upset me in the sense that i "wasn't good enough" if someone left me and took the idea to another person, but since we came up with it together, i don't feel strongly about stopping them from using the concept.

that being said, i used to do a lot of forum roleplays, and i have pursued action against one person who lifted my code, my concept, my graphics/advertisement, and some of the characters on the forum (not all mine). they basically used inspect element and copy-pasted my entire forum onto their own, and said it was theirs. i went to the major forum advertising hubs (reddit, tumblr, etc.), a number of popular advertising forums, sister sites, and popular roleplaying forums (as you can advertise your forum on other private forums), and a few other places, and got them banned from advertising after presenting my case to the admins of said sites. the site ended up with no members, and the admin closed it; the incident got relatively big in the jcink world, so that admin ended up changing their handle/alias because everyone knew they were a thief and most people didn't want to be involved with them. it was probably more work than it was worth, but i was heated. i spent months setting everything up and developing a concept that no other forums (that i knew of at least) were doing.
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in a similar vein to some people here, i tend to set up really general/vague frameworks, and then plot with my partner to fill them out and making something unique to us. it would upset me in the sense that i "wasn't good enough" if someone left me and took the idea to another person, but since we came up with it together, i don't feel strongly about stopping them from using the concept.

that being said, i used to do a lot of forum roleplays, and i have pursued action against one person who lifted my code, my concept, my graphics/advertisement, and some of the characters on the forum (not all mine). they basically used Inspect Element and copy-pasted my entire forum onto their own, and said it was theirs. i went to the major forum advertising hubs (reddit, tumblr, etc.), a number of popular advertising forums, sister sites and popular roleplaying forums (as you can advertise your forum on other private forums), and a few other places, and got them banned from advertising after presenting my case to the admins of said sites. the site ended up with no members, and the admin closed it; the incident got relatively big in the jcink world, so that admin ended up changing their handle/alias because everyone knew they were a thief and most people didn't want to be involved with them. it was probably more work than it was worth, but i was heated. i spent months setting everything up and developing a concept that no other forums (that i knew of at least) were doing.
Oh no buddy. I can empathize with the seething rage. I applaud you taking those measures! Yeah, generally people that are shady like that end up being called out or no one ends up joining their role plays. Also, it doesn't take long for people to realize their true colors. I mean, just back peddling to the member I had to ban from my role play. It was like, painfully awkward and the entitlement this person had was unbelievable. This person also I had noticed stole a few plots for their own role play. For the sake of not embarrassing them. I'm not going to say their user handle. However, after this member had made the out of character chat so stressed I banned her. Literally three minutes after that toxic energy was gone, I had five to six people apply. Even on the internet people can easily feel out who's good apples and who are the rotten one.

Generally, I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and say we are all learning and growing but over time I've learned to stand up for myself too. But I really really applaud you on what you did. That takes guts, skill and a lot of patience.
Oh no buddy. I can empathize with the seething rage. I applaud you taking those measures! Yeah, generally people that are shady like that end up being called out or no one ends up joining their role plays. Also, it doesn't take long for people to realize their true colors. I mean, just back peddling to the member I had to ban from my role play. It was like, painfully awkward and the entitlement this person had was unbelievable. This person also I had noticed stole a few plots for their own role play. For the sake of not embarrassing them. I'm not going to say their user handle. However, after this member had made the out of character chat so stressed I banned her. Literally three minutes after that toxic energy was gone, I had five to six people apply. Even on the internet people can easily feel out who's good apples and who are the rotten one.

Generally, I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and say we are all learning and growing but over time I've learned to stand up for myself too. But I really really applaud you on what you did. That takes guts, skill and a lot of patience.

i appreciate it! i'm so nonconfrontational, and usually i really do like to let things go. but if you know anything about jcink, you know it's all about code and concept. old codes that don't keep up with the aesthetic of the moment/don't do new and innovative things can mean the failure of your site, so i was especially upset that someone ripped my code. i also personally thought they made my concept WORSE, lmao. it revolved around cyberpunk in a sense, but i specifically avoided using asian influences and culture as the "aesthetic," and they went for that.

but on your experience with a toxic person, it's kinda awful how often that happens. i had a member of one of my groups go on long, long rants and call out people in the server if the... roman empire was brought up. i wish i was kidding. everything was an issue, but that was their biggest issue; i catered to them at first, even making my best friend and co-admin apologize to them for something we both thought was really dumb (with the rest of the staff agreeing). i wish i had just kicked them as soon as it all started! the whole attitude and vibe of the group was immediately much better after they were gone!
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Meh. I once created a random faction that I made an RP adaption of just to test it for ideas. But look man, in a world where a guy can make a published work based on what happened in an RP, and where an entire video game is made by a joke involving aliens but already IC having androids, I don't think it's gotta be that serious.

The problem comes if they expect to turn it into a cash cow, and there's not a single nod. But that's stuff that's gotta be on par with Kanye West's "remix" of a daftpunk song. And I'm not talking about stronger. This baby is literally the whole song, but the only difference is you have a decapitated Kanye West declaring it a remix every twenty seconds. I believe it was "around the world". It helps to have permission depending on what it is, such as trying to publish a Harry Potter related storyline, but overall especially with RP, it doesn't hurt anyone if it's just inspired or varyingly influenced by another actual work. And for RP concepts, it's more loosened. For those actually in the universe of another work, it's called fanfiction. I've been in RP series that spawned off other RP universes because people wanted a fallout universe version. But most fanfiction I've seen involves erotica, so ehhh. But some of em are pretty good though.

In terms of limited cases of something remotely similar turned legit, Dante is literally Leon Scott Kennedy from one of the old builds of pre-release resident evil 4, Bayonetta is made by the same DMC devs but is literally DMC with additional variations.

It's sort of like improv when it's capable of being done. You make up a concept, and you or it by others just gets passed along. I'm sure someone else would love to add onto that list, carrying on the point in improvisational style.
I feel its usually fine since creativity and originality is basically dead anyhow. Every premise in the world has basically been made. Long as no one profits from roleplaying it shouls be fine.

The idea or premise that is.
Ocs, art and anything else such as that you brought to the table and that are yours should definitely not be taken and not tolerated.

Sadly there isnt much one can do about it as its not a character that has been set in stone or copyrighted. We have this problem in the many sites i watch and stuff.
I'd say similar concepts can happen and don't necessarily mean stealing. I wouldn't support copy pasting ideas and wouldn't do that either.
There was a plot i liked very much but my partner disappeared before the rp started, but the story and characters were fleshed out. I still never used that idea even though I still like it. It's been over a year. Chances are, if the other person comes back they wouldn't even remember. But I don't feel it would be right to reuse the same idea.
Similar concept maybe in the future if I feel like it. But not the exact same idea and characters
I like seeing my ideas spread to be honest. If they really like an idea I have in an interest check of mine for instance, but you don’t think you could work with me as a partner, I’d be happy to have you use it yourself. I would prefer if you adapted it a bit at least and it would be awesome if you gave me credit, but even if you don’t most of the time I don’t think I would get mad.

This is not to say it is wrong of others to get mad- their ideas and their work deserves to be recognized as such. However, I do use images taken off google for faceclaims, and sometimes I use plot ideas that are heavily inspired by works I’ve read but wouldn’t want to use as a fandom. Even ignoring my personal feelings of pride at my ideas being used, it would be hypocritical of me to get particularly upset about it.
I like seeing my ideas spread to be honest. If they really like an idea I have in an interest check of mine for instance, but you don’t think you could work with me as a partner, I’d be happy to have you use it yourself. I would prefer if you adapted it a bit at least and it would be awesome if you gave me credit, but even if you don’t most of the time I don’t think I would get mad.

This is not to say it is wrong of others to get mad- their ideas and their work deserves to be recognized as such. However, I do use images taken off google for faceclaims, and sometimes I use plot ideas that are heavily inspired by works I’ve read but wouldn’t want to use as a fandom. Even ignoring my personal feelings of pride at my ideas being used, it would be hypocritical of me to get particularly upset about it.
To put things into perspective. I've been around longer than : google, sparknotes,facebook and myspace. I'm not going to assume you are younger than I am, but its very rare for me to stumble upon someone my own age, and so I think its natural we have different opinions on this issue. I was raise by a English professor/librarian and a Neuro Science Researcher. So, my viewpoints on what plagiarism is are pretty rigid. I appreciate your view point . I think where your getting at is, if you post something on the internet most people will use it anyway ;so, why get upset at it? I admire your ability to be so passive, but don't you think that is a bit submissive? I feel that there are way too many people out that are passive and submissive when it comes to their work because they are afraid of how the community will view them. Sort of like a clic. Not saying that's what you do, I mean I feel like you genuinely enjoy seeing your idea's used and that's super nice. Though, I generally put a lot of time into my work. I would likely really rip someone apart if they used my idea.

But again, I really admire that you have such a passive look at your work. Shows you must be a really soft and easy to get along with person. I just hope you don't even run into a situation where you are made to feel less than over stolen work.
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I'd say similar concepts can happen and don't necessarily mean stealing. I wouldn't support copy pasting ideas and wouldn't do that either.
There was a plot i liked very much but my partner disappeared before the rp started, but the story and characters were fleshed out. I still never used that idea even though I still like it. It's been over a year. Chances are, if the other person comes back they wouldn't even remember. But I don't feel it would be right to reuse the same idea.
Similar concept maybe in the future if I feel like it. But not the exact same idea and characters
Ah, yes I agree. Concepts are super flexible. Like time period, setting, theme's. Its something you can't avoid. Ah, oh my gosh, that is incredibly admirable of you! Not using it after all these years. Sometimes what I do, to get around this, is I will think of a theme similar. I will think of a general plot that is similar like the environment but think up an original story line. There are only so many arc's a story could follow. I be you could come up with an EVEN BETTER story. =)
Franklin Franklin I think what Idea was getting at is simply, none of us are as original as we like to think we are. Most of our “original” ideas come from somewhere. Whether that’s borrowed from a book series we like or a TV show we saw one time or even a synopsis of a book we read on Amazon.

And there are times when you like a concept but don’t want to be limited to the original source it came from. Whether that is because it came from an obscure fandom no one has ever heard of OR you just want to put your own spin on the idea.

I do this all the time with my original ideas. I will take an idea (ex. Magic that comes from idioms) that I see in a book and repurpose it for roleplays.

I don’t see it as plagiarism because I’m not copying and pasting the setting or characters just a single idea.

I will also ocassionally repurpose canon plot lines into my roleplays. Again just taking the bare bones of plot not the characters or setting.

ex. Abused boy finds out he is wizard and goes to Magical School is the plot of TWO series I read. So if I took that idea and made something with it than I’m hardly plagiarizing one of them.

That’s why I’m not fussed with people taking my ideas. Most of them are pretty broad ideas anyways.

So the variations you can put on them through just your own interpretation of the premise is likely going to result in two different works anyway. It happens all the time when brainstorming.

I give people the premise and they take it in new and interesting ways.

Heck my own characters aren’t super “original” they’re usually just an amalgamation of people I know IRL.

So I am not precious about my ideas not because I’m passive. But because I know I took inspiration from too many sources to get bent out of shape that someone took inspiration from me
Franklin Franklin I think what Idea was getting at is simply, none of us are as original as we like to think we are. Most of our “original” ideas come from somewhere. Whether that’s borrowed from a book series we like or a TV show we saw one time or even a synopsis of a book we read on Amazon.

And there are times when you like a concept but don’t want to be limited to the original source it came from. Whether that is because it came from an obscure fandom no one has ever heard of OR you just want to put your own spin on the idea.

I do this all the time with my original ideas. I will take an idea (ex. Magic that comes from idioms) that I see in a book and repurpose it for roleplays.

I don’t see it as plagiarism because I’m not copying and pasting the setting or characters just a single idea.

I will also ocassionally repurpose canon plot lines into my roleplays. Again just taking the bare bones of plot not the characters or setting.

ex. Abused boy finds out he is wizard and goes to Magical School is the plot of TWO series I read. So if I took that idea and made something with it than I’m hardly plagiarizing one of them.

That’s why I’m not fussed with people taking my ideas. Most of them are pretty broad ideas anyways.

So the variations you can put on them through just your own interpretation of the premise is likely going to result in two different works anyway. It happens all the time when brainstorming.

I give people the premise and they take it in new and interesting ways.

Heck my own characters aren’t super “original” they’re usually just an amalgamation of people I know IRL.

So I am not precious about my ideas not because I’m passive. But because I know I took inspiration from too many sources to get bent out of shape that someone took inspiration from me
@ rae2nerdy rae2nerdy

Did you read any of the posts I made after? I just feel like some of these can be answered if you read through my responses. I can see your point to an extent but it wont waver what I feel is plagerism. However, broad strokes of plot isn't what I'm referring to. I can see where you may be coming or going with this. I'm still black and white on the matter. But thank you for your input. =)
It messages me that you made a reply. Not necessarily that their are additional posts after it.
Tis all good =) This site is pretty obsessive and obnoxious about its notifications it makes me dizzy.
To put things into perspective. I've been around longer than : google, sparknotes,facebook and myspace. I'm not going to assume you are younger than I am, but its very rare for me to stumble upon someone my own age, and so I think its natural we have different opinions on this issue. I was raise by a English professor/librarian and a Neuro Science Researcher. So, my viewpoints on what plagiarism is are pretty rigid. I appreciate your view point . I think where your getting at is, if you post something on the internet most people will use it anyway ;so, why get upset at it? I admire your ability to be so passive, but don't you think that is a bit submissive? I feel that there are way too many people out that are passive and submissive when it comes to their work because they are afraid of how the community will view them. Sort of like a clic. Not saying that's what you do, I mean I feel like you genuinely enjoy seeing your idea's used and that's super nice. Though, I generally put a lot of time into my work. I would likely really rip someone apart if they used my idea.

But again, I really admire that you have such a passive look at your work. Shows you must be a really soft and easy to get along with person. I just hope you don't even run into a situation where you are made to feel less than over stolen work.
Franklin Franklin I think what Idea was getting at is simply, none of us are as original as we like to think we are. Most of our “original” ideas come from somewhere. Whether that’s borrowed from a book series we like or a TV show we saw one time or even a synopsis of a book we read on Amazon.

And there are times when you like a concept but don’t want to be limited to the original source it came from. Whether that is because it came from an obscure fandom no one has ever heard of OR you just want to put your own spin on the idea.

I do this all the time with my original ideas. I will take an idea (ex. Magic that comes from idioms) that I see in a book and repurpose it for roleplays.

I don’t see it as plagiarism because I’m not copying and pasting the setting or characters just a single idea.

I will also ocassionally repurpose canon plot lines into my roleplays. Again just taking the bare bones of plot not the characters or setting.

ex. Abused boy finds out he is wizard and goes to Magical School is the plot of TWO series I read. So if I took that idea and made something with it than I’m hardly plagiarizing one of them.

That’s why I’m not fussed with people taking my ideas. Most of them are pretty broad ideas anyways.

So the variations you can put on them through just your own interpretation of the premise is likely going to result in two different works anyway. It happens all the time when brainstorming.

I give people the premise and they take it in new and interesting ways.

Heck my own characters aren’t super “original” they’re usually just an amalgamation of people I know IRL.

So I am not precious about my ideas not because I’m passive. But because I know I took inspiration from too many sources to get bent out of shape that someone took inspiration from me

I think I might be getting a bit too much credit here honestly haha. My opinion was really just concerning my own very personal approach to the matter, one regarding just myself and my surroundings rather than a general principle.

To summarize what I said in my previous post, there are two reasons why I generally find myself happy (or at least not angry) rather than upset when/if I find others using my ideas and work:

A) I like that my ideas catch on and spread, as they say "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery", and I do quite deeply feel that. I do want to clarify that this is neither a clique thing nor a passive thing. The only reason why I don't actively encourage people to take inspiration from my ideas is because I worry that might come off as me saying my ideas are better than theirs, which is not an impression I want to give, but at the same time, if people just don't like my ideas sure it's a bit disappointing, but it's not the end of the world. I have hefty requirements and plots that are quite niche, and I use a lot of heavy BBCode, I think I can safely say I am not pandering to anyone but myself :P Still, sharing my creativity is a big part of why I started roleplaying in the first place, and it makes me proud to see people try to run with my ideas, and even more so to have them rely on me - regardless of whether or not there may be plagiarism involved.

B) It would be hypocritical of me to do so when I myself take often uncredited images for faceclaims from google, or when I use the core elements of a story I liked in, say, a new plot I come up with. I do think both of these fall on a very different degree than the original, on account of the practical difficulties and the fact that, even when I take the core aspects of something, I do still flesh out around that skeleton on my own (plus tend to highlight different aspects than the original), but I don't think such a difference is enough for me to take any kind of highground.

Though, I generally put a lot of time into my work. I would likely really rip someone apart if they used my idea.
You'll see this if you read my posts in other discussion threads, but I do have this motto to "always make things in such a way that they have value on their own, regardless of whether they end up leading anywhere". I put a considerable amount of effort and investment into my plots, posts, characters and so on as well because of this principle.

So rather than what what I quoted seemed to be implying, that the difference between us is a matter of work put in, I would dare suggest that is more how we view the reuse of that work that distinguishes us - you view it as a theft, I view it as a form of admiration and growth (even if to a worse product). I do have my limits of course, but still.

- - - -

Now, for a more general principle, honestly I wouldn't be able to say. This is one of the those matters where I'm still very much on the edge. On one hand, I really do understand that having one's work taken by others without permission, especially when it is paraded as if it's theirs, is a horrible thing to happen to someone. On the other hand, the line between which instances of that would actually be morally reprehensible seems too blurry for me yet.

Now, as for a more general approach, I honestly

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