What am I doing wrong?

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ygofan161 said:
Sorry, but the character I am after is what I am interested in. Besides, I tried that method before, it didn't work.
If you are that inflexible with your RP, then it is most likely that you will not find anyone willing to play with you. People enjoy being creative, they do not enjoy what is essentially a predetermined character that asks nothing of their own ideas or creativity. If you cannot be flexible with your idea, then your chances of securing RP partners are slim to none, I'm afraid.

Captain Hesperus
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]If you are that inflexible with your RP, then it is most likely that you will not find anyone willing to play with you. People enjoy being creative, they do not enjoy what is essentially a predetermined character that asks nothing of their own ideas or creativity. If you cannot be flexible with your idea, then your chances of securing RP partners are slim to none, I'm afraid.
Captain Hesperus

As stated, I tried other characters, it didn't work.
Then perhaps you should propose a more freeform RP? Present a tournament-style RP with other elements included (adventure, intrigue, romance, betrayal, etc), encourage others with a lively Interest Check, request CS's then profit. Beyond that, there's little more advice I can offer.

Captain Hesperus
ygofan161 said:
Sorry, but the character I am after is what I am interested in. Besides, I tried that method before, it didn't work.
Well that could simply be a product of the different site you were on. As your still fairly new here you might try to post the ideas you have and then put the characters your interested in people playing under them.

As I believe at some point you said something about tumblr roleplays , well the style of roleplaying is very different on this site.

And really as people have said giving a little leeway in the characters would also help. As in this site especially people prefer to pick their own character.
It is understandable, but altering the idea would result it in. Not making it fun for me. I hope you understand. I have looked for anyone with that idea, and had luck that says otherwise. So it is possible.
Hey, I kind of know where you're coming from since my RP preferences are vaguely similar in their, uh, specificity. I find when I make search threads it helps to be a little more detailed than just saying 'here's the character I like'. Like for example you say you're into Yu-gi-oh and want someone to play Mokuba. So in that situation I'd go into a little more detail... what sort of roleplay do you like? If the character's the most important aspect there's a lot of different variables that surround them that might be worth stating. Do you want a plot similar to that of the show, do you want an alternate universe story, that kind of thing. Do you like a more epic scope or something more self-contained or slice-of life? Those are all good things to list out... especially with a show like YGO with so many different kinds of story arcs and stuff.

What appeals to you about this character and show? When I watched it I really loved the mythology element with ancient Egypt and Atlantis, as well as the 'tournament setting' nature of the Duelist Kingdom and Battle City stories. So it might help to mention a favorite storyline or episode, or at least something you're not looking for (a disliked story element, an arc you could never get into).

If you have an idea it sometimes helps to at least say you have an idea or post it with your request. By looking at your thread I don't really get a feel for what kind of roleplayer you are or your interests beyond those shows/games and I find that's something important for one on one plays (as opposed to group games where if one of the players might not quite be your style it's not a huge deal since there's other people playing and other stuff going on too).

Sometimes if you're looking for something super specific it definitely helps to build in some form of compromise, especially with one on one games. Some people are into essentially running storylines for their partners, others want it to be more even, or they might want something in return. Like heck, I'll give you an example from an RP that I'm about to start. I put out a thread at the beginning of the month looking for one specific character from Doctor Who. Someone PMed me and offered to play that character for me but they also wanted me to play another character from the show for them. If you can't offer that, it's okay! It just means you might have to be more patient with your searching.

Buuut I'm not a super pro RP expert by any means for a lot of reasons, so these are just things that have worked for me in the past, when coming from a similar perspective. I guess what I'm trying to say is lay down the groundwork and give a potential partner an idea of what sort of roleplayer you are.

As for the stuff with partners leaving or losing interest in the play that's not anything you really have any control over. It's probably not your fault. It's important to remember that 1 on 1 RP is a two-way street and the partner on the other side of the screen is a human being with all sorts of stuff going on in their life too. Also no matter what happens it is a hobby and real life stuff does take precedence.

EDIT: Also to add a couple things, I notice you talk about refusing to scrap your idea. I get where you're coming from with that, trust me. But the thing about ideas is they're a dime a dozen, and learning to understand that and be flexible with them is important in a creative process. There's that phrase often spouted about writing: "kill your darlings". To be fair, with roleplay, most of the time we're not looking to write the next big masterwork of literature, but clinging to one idea and refusing to part with it doesn't bode well when it comes to actually writing it out in an RP.

It's important to collaborate with the person you write with. Offer your idea, but don't make it sacrosanct. Think of it like play doh or something, it's there for you both to kind of squish around with. Of course, there's nothing wrong with having points you won't compromise on, and that should definitely be encouraged for the sake of personal comfort and enjoyment ("I'm not comfortable writing this scenario", I don't want these themes included in our roleplay"), just don't make those points the centerpiece of the roleplay but rather part of the creative negotiation between partners.

Or something.
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Seriously, after reading this thread, I am like wow.

Simply put, if you are disregarding everyone else' opinion and taking offense to their well thought out responses and alternatives, you are not attempting to correct the problem. You are instead perpetuating it by refusing to consider different possibilities.

People like being creative with their characters. No one wants to post in a rigid character that they have to ensure remains in certain boundaries. There is no room for growth, and often people get very tired/bored with such circumstances very quickly, regardless if they said they wanted to do it originally.

Not one person told you to give up. Not ONE person. They simply tried to allow for a broader alternative that could be more lucrative in searching for interests. Not choosing to post a plot will reduce RPers interest significantly. Its like trying to sell a car with no engine, pretty much useless. So include a plot, and other elements or clues to how the plot will go.

As said before, ask for feedback. Constructive criticism is essential in many ways. It allows you improve your ideas and it shows that you are open minded. I know for certain open mindedness is really important. Just shooting down advice or ideas just because you are set in your own ways will only hurt you, here and in RL.

People will continue to leave RP unexpectedly and without explanation. Its how it goes. You just have accept it and move on. It sux balls for sure, I have had many dozens of different RPs do really well for the first while, but then people just stop replying. What do I do? Take a deep breath and begin again. My partner from my latest 1x1 just left unexpectedly, so immediately I put out a new search.

You need to try and broaden your RP preference. Try other things, but keep looking for your desired partner for Yu-Gi-Oh. It will help you take some stress off by RPing something else and keeping your mind working. Could also help you come up with more ideas for your primary RP
I do agree with Arvis on this one. If you have characters that are so set in your head being a certain way, I do suggest you try your hand at writing a fanfiction story instead of roleplaying in this case. Roleplaying is meant to be a cooperative experience.
Mordecai said:
I do agree with Arvis on this one. If you have characters that are so set in your head being a certain way, I do suggest you try your hand at writing a fanfiction story instead of roleplaying in this case. Roleplaying is meant to be a cooperative experience.
With all due respect, why would I go through all that trouble just to make it myself? That's being counter productive with all that searching for nought.
I think that what Mordecai is suggesting is that with such rigid requirements for your RP, it seems that you'd be better served creating a work of fan fiction, rather than an RP, since most RPers on the site baulk at the concept of being so restricted in what their choices are and what their characters can and can't do.

And with that in mind, and with respect to the many, many site users who have contributed to this discussion whose ideas you have dismissed and/or claimed to have already attempted and failed at, I feel that this discussion has reached a conclusion. I shall be closing this thread to further replies, but I would like to thank all the contributors for their efforts and excellent ideas and I call upon @ygofan161 to carefully re-read this thread and perhaps rethink their opinions when it comes to creating an RP.

RPs are not simply one person's vision, they are a collaborative effort requiring the input of two or more people. People are individuals and do not normally enjoy having other people's ideas and visions thrust upon them to confine them to a highly specific role, especially when it comes to a pleasurable leisure activity. An RP has to draw interest for prospective players, either through a shared interest in the setting, RP style or some aspect or system of the RP. An RP with a fun, informative and openly-welcoming Interest Check is far more likely to garner interested parties than one that is limiting, uninformative and potentially laborious. Successful RPs often tend to be ones in which the creator is receptive to the views of their players since, after all, the RP is supposed to be for the mutual pleasure of all participants.

If anyone has any questions or problems resulting with the closure of this thread, they are welcome to contact the Admins via the Admin Contact forum.

Captain Hesperus
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