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Whale searching for One x One Partner - Looking for Detailed Partner

Are you whaling to be my partner?


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o no Yes, but the real question is, are you a whale or are you a giraffe? I think it's of the outmost importance before I approach you.

I can't swim, you see. : /
Perfect! Now that I know I don't have to drown, and now that you know I'm odd...

What do you say about considering me to be your potential partner for the Hero and Companion pairing? I think I saw that you have an idea for it, and I have one of my own as well, sort of.

Also, excuse me for being nosy, but I see that you ask for samples? I am new to the site so I am not currently part of any roleplays, would it be acceptable if I just find one of my old ones saved on my computer and just copy and paste it here? o no

This particular one is a post for a fandom one on one with a good friend of mine... about swords who are also men. Just a little bit of a background~

It hurts to be shut down like that. He wishes that he understood what has been bothering Ookurikara so much that he doesn’t even say a word. He just ignores him… and lays down like he isn’t even there. He tightens his jaw about to speak again but he knows that it will fall on deaf ears. For a moment, he just watches his back, the slow rise and fall of his body as he breathes before he lets out an exhale of his own. That’s all it takes, apparently, not even a glance and that’s all he gets. What is it? What has he done that it seems like he can’t do anything right around this man. He wonders if he remembers the past, if he could just recall how their relationship has been back then, maybe that would help. He doesn’t even know if they got along in the first place or not, and if they did… what happened? If they didn’t, what could he do to amend it?

It’s another day where he’s stuck back at the Citadel. He doesn’t mind, he doesn’t want to go out there and just turn to be the biggest hinderance to the group, especially in sorties. Mitsutada isn’t sure what he’s capable of, and what he isn’t… he’d rather not take his chances just because he thinks that he could somehow manage how to fight. He still has to worry about troops and the people around him, just because he has been Date Masamune’s sword doesn’t mean he gets all his prowess in battle. He’s just the sword after all. So, he’s tending the horses with Taroutachi that day. Taroutachi is a fairly quiet man, focused on his work. He does notice though that he’s a bit careful around the horses, like he doesn’t want to startle them. It’s a little hard for Mitsutada to keep conversation going with that look on Taroutachi’s face like he doesn’t want to be disturbed.

It's Tsurumaru, surprisingly, that goes down to the stables to tell him that when he's finished tending to the horse, Saniwa-sama has asked him elsewhere. Mitsutada has started to wonder if he's Master's favourite since he seems to be in charge of whatever is going on with him. So leaving Taroutachi with the rest of the horses, he excuses himself to go change as he's asked to. For a moment, he think that he might be asked to go out there, but it's becoming increasingly apparent that they're heading towards where the sound of combat is happening. Practice? Again? Tsurumaru skips ahead and he lags behind a little. He kind of freezes when he hears what he says, and if he groaned, that wouldn't be much of a surprise. Ookurikara. He's in that room. Why does Master keep trying to mesh them together when it hadn't worked out so far? He's not even introduced.

For a moment, he takes a deep breath before he pokes his head into the room. He gets a couple of greetings from the tantou's in the room and he waves at them with a smile. Ookurikara is already standing ready. There is a murderous air about him… but he shouldn't be surprised.

He smiles as he steps up, tilting his head to the side, "I suppose it won't do me much good to ask if you'd take it easy on me?"

He isn’t expecting a reply, Mitsutada draws his sword—himself—and gets ready. He forges on ahead, since it seems like Ookurikara isn't going to. The moment their swords clash, he knows that something is different from this compared to when he's practiced with the kids and Ichigo. It feels… strange, somehow familiar. As surprising as it is, Ookurikara isn't the reckless type. He's calculating and strong. He anticipates what his move will be and reacts to it seamlessly. They go on for a while, testing each other's strength, feeling for each other's style. They are, obviously enough, very similar when it comes to how they fight being with one Master before. But there's more there, a connection each time their swords clash. When one is hit, they continue on like there's no break, like they just understand that they can keep going.

This is the first time he thinks he feels like he has connected with Ookurikara. Maybe he’s just delusional, but he sort of understands him this way. That, like he said, he isn’t like the others. Mitsutada isn’t sure why, but there’s just that feeling. Lost in that trance of trying to fight him, and trying not to get hit, Mitsutada has lost track of everything else around him. He’s unaware that they have drawn quite the crowd of people. They are just coming back from their sorties and their missions… even the ones who have been stuck with chores. Some of them have looked on with interest.
Ooh, Hero and Companion looks VERY interesting. I've never heard of that one before.

Pardon me for my poor adjectives, but I'm sleep-texting at the moment. I'm very well aware about your requests for roleplay samples. If your plate isn't too full, I'll be sure to send you some, otherwise you can simply ignore this.

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