Westbrook Season 2


Sawyer just felt like a threat by now. Each passing moment only made Evie dislike her more. Why couldn't she be more like Grace and just be quiet? Sawyer's whole talking back thing kind of made Evie feel inferior. It was as if Grace had replaced her with an older, blonder, and uglier version of her! How dare she. "They're at work." It wasn't a lie. The girl's parents worked their asses off just for dumb bills that the world decide to throw on them Maybe she shouldn't feel so upset towards them... Whatever "Who just let's you out of the house?" She glared at the blonde as she continued to pester her about her name.

Gross. She even had bad taste. "Ew no, I... just don't have one." Ha. Let's see her try to figure that one out.

"Genevieve! Where is that damn girl?"


The nurses voice rang from the hallway and on instinct, Evie shot up out of the chair and crouched lower, out of sight from the nurse as she walked into the room. Giving a glance towards Grace and a long weary eye at Sawyer, she left the room seemingly satisfied with her investigation.

Peeking over the grey bars of the hospital bed, Evie sat back down into her chair-- a little more normal now, one leg was tucked underneath her as she did so, crossing her arms once again she sighed.

"Genevieve is a stupid name. Feel sorry for whoever has that one."

KingofAesir KingofAesir
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She had been religiously watching that show, You, on Netflix. You know, the one about the crazy stalker guy? The crazy stalker guy that probably said things like "not in a weird, stalkerish way" just like the child in front of her. And maybe Ava's thoughts were heading towards there, and maybe she would've been more worried, had she not thought that her years of fighting practice in Super Smash Bros. meant that she could easily snap this little Red fella in half.

"Yeah, of course." Oh, what was she saying? On one hand, yeah, maybe having friends would be kind of nice -- but on the other hand, socializing sucked. However, she was a fan of beating people in video games.

"If you... need anything, I guess you can ask me." Fuck.

"I'll see you later, kid." She waved goodbye at him, in only a little bit of an awkward way, and then left him outside of the math class door and went on her way to her own stupid classes.

lion. lion.

Brayden watched as Jackie threw her keys towards Bella and he wondered if that was how siblings were. He really had wanted to avoid all the drama that was Westbrook, but he couldn’t seem to escape it. He shrugged because he didn’t know who Noah was and he didn’t plan on finding out. He watched as Bella was having a moment of stress and panic before she turned her attention back over to him. He reached out his hand, “I can drive. I don’t think your sister will mind if you find her and give her the keys back.” He liked the brunette at least for first impressions and didn’t mind spending more time with her. She seemed like one who also wanted to avoid the same drama. It was like Westbrook drew in the drama and everyone was the puppet to the school. Brayden stood up from the bleachers and reached his hand to help Bella up, “I’ll walk with you find your sister and then we can go back to my car and I can take you home.” He gave her a smirk hoping she would like his offer.

He had forgotten what it was like to get to know a girl, he hadn’t gotten to know a girl in almost a year not since he had stopped caring as much. He had found out he was attractive, and girls started to only want him for his looks. They had stopped getting to know him and just wanted him for his body, so he began to treat the girls the way they treated him. Bella was treating him more like a person, though she also cared about his looks as well and he needed to see if she would rather get to know him or just use him. Either way he would win because even if she used him, he got to enjoy time with a beautiful girl.

geminiy geminiy

Tatum looked over as Colby gave her a sarcastic response first and she just rolled her eyes. She couldn’t find much humor in life anymore and even his sarcasm annoyed her a little. It seemed like life was meaningless and caused her nothing but pain. At least the alcohol had dulled the pain. She listened to his actual response and that made her feel better that he had an actual reason and that he didn’t need to be sassy with her the whole time. She propped herself up more once Colby leaned again the car. His question had caught her off guard and she was silent for a moment. No one had asked her why she wanted to be a cheerleader and she honestly didn’t know why anymore. She placed her face in her hands and groaned, “I don’t know anymore.” She didn’t have a reason to lie to Colby.

She sighed once more, “I started cause I thought it would be a great way to get to know people. Then, Grace had her accident and I got put as captain. I didn’t think it would be bad. Now everyone hates me. JJ hates me, Ash hates me, hell most of the other cheerleaders hate me. I don’t know why anymore because everyone hates me. Even Brayden and he’s supposed to be my best friend. Why are you even taking an interest in my life? I’m sure Brayden told you how much of a bitch I am. I’m pretty sure Twitter confirms it. So why do you care?”

Tatum wasn’t trying to be rude to Colby but he had just met her and he already was trying to dig into her choices and figure her out. Was he trying to figure out if she was easy? He could’ve asked Brayden, so she couldn’t figure out what his interest in her was. He could pick any other cheerleader to talk with, hell any other girl and they would probably give him their full undivided attention and want to be with him. Tatum just wanted to feel nothing.

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Seeing a smile, a genuine smile, on Ash's face couldn't have made Ian any happier. "Yes, Green Day. They're one of my favorite bands. Their stuff is some of the first songs I learned how to play. " he grinned back. Sadly, Ash's smile did not last and Ian's dropped just as quickly. He had been at this point before, and it was not a good place. He again felt his heart breaking for the West girl. She couldn't catch a break and people blamed her for it. Sure, maybe she made some mistakes but Ian hadn't met a single person who was perfect, so no one had any right to judge. Ash West most certainly did not deserve the amount of hate she was receiving. People needed to stop jumping to judgments and start considering her point of view.

Speaking of jumping to judgments; as Ash was walking away Ian watched Alaska come marching up to her, fists balled. Great. He froze and watched helplessly as the two argued, silently praying that he had gotten through to both of them. He hoped that Ash wouldn't instigate and that Alaska wouldn't throw a punch. Neither of the two girls were in a state to be fighting right now. Before long the male twin came along and stepped between the two girls. Thankfully he was likely big enough that he could stop Alaska from hurting Ash if necessary. Carefully, so as to not further his injury, Ian made his way over. By the time he got there Ash had turned and walked away again. Why did everyone have to walk so damn fast in Westbrook?

Ian gave Ryder a grateful nod and Alaska a small smile. He hoped she was doing better since the party. "She's...not really feeling herself right now..." he explained sheepishly. He didn't want to give the two too much information, but he felt they probably at least deserved a bit of an explanation. "I'll uh...I'll try to talk to her. Get her to...apologize?" he wasn't really sure about what was supposed to happen next. Was it customary to apologize after punching someone when you're not in a good state of mind? Did Ash have to make it up to Stu somehow? Or was this all karmically balanced out? He awkwardly shrugged before excusing himself and going after Ash.

It took Ian a while but he eventually caught up to Ash. He was now incredibly concerned about her safety so he asked, or more accurately, told her that she was going to stay with him for a while. Surprisingly, it didn't really take any convincing. He already prepared an excuse of needing someone to stay with him for his own safety if she disagreed but he didn't need to use it. So he kept that one in his back pocket. He felt a little bad about lying to her, but he knew he'd only spend all night worrying if he didn't convince her to stay with him, and God forbid if she did something to herself. Ian would never forgive himself.

For the next couple of days Ash stayed with Ian. He had found an air mattress from when his family used to do a lot more camping and family stuff in general. Every night Ian slept on the air mattress, right next to his bed where Ash slept. It was a little weird at first, sleeping next to a girl he was not dating, but the West girl was Ian's best friend. He wouldn't abandoned her if she needed him and she definitely needed him. When the weekend rolled around and Sierra had come home from college she had lots of questions and even more raised eyebrows. She obviously already knew Ash, her being one of the few people that visited her brother, but she was very confused by the whole situation.

"So...you're sleeping together? But not...together?" Sierra's arms were folded over her chest. She had cornered Ian and the kitchen early in the morning while Ash was still asleep. "Yes. What's so hard to understand about that? She's my friend, and she's in a bad place. I was worried about her." Sierra slowly nodded, a small smirk rising to her face. "So when are you going to ask her out then?" Ian was caught off guard by the question but rolled his eyes after a moment. "I'm not. She's just my friend." The Evans sister responded with a chuckle and started exiting the kitchen. She stopped at the doorway and looked back at her brother. "When Nova didn't show up for you in the hospital, who did? And now, when that same person is in a bad place and everyone seems to be mad at her, you're the only one helping her? Based on that and everything else I've seen....dude, you two are totally in love. You guys just don't know it yet." With that she left the room, leaving Ian in confused shock. He was not in love with his best friend, at least not more than platonic love. "Oh yeah, mom and dad said they wouldn't be home much this weekend so you lucked out." Sierra called from the other room. At that news, and figuring he could use extra backup Ian sent a message to Sebastian, inviting him over as well. Maybe then Sierra would lay off those weird accusations. Winona Winona 0k_mang0 0k_mang0 Mentions: a z u l a a z u l a


Audra tilted her head at Stu's panicking. It seemed odd that he was that nervous about the suggestion of being in a relationship with this girl. She was pretty and seemed nice, he was cute and sweet. Why wouldn't they be a couple? Surely Audra couldn't be faulted for assuming that. Maybe Stu was just endearingly awkward in that way. Or perhaps he had been hit harder than everyone thought and he had a concussion! Was panicking a symptom of concussions? The small blonde did not know. Audra's worry subsided some however when Stu accepted the tissues handed to him and the girl spoke.

The story of Stu's heroics caused Audra's eyes to widen. "Oh my god you poor thing! You just can't help but to help can you?" she said looking between the other girl and Stu. She took a closer look at the boy's nose but made sure not to touch him in case he was still sore. She bit her lip and nodded in agreement with the dark haired girl's assessment. "Well if you insist you're fine..." her tone was still laden with worry, but he didn't seem dizzy, or hurt in any other way, and he knew himself best so maybe he wouldn't die on this football field.

The other girl turned to leave and Audra gave her a grateful smile. "Thank you" she called out to her. But what exactly for? For watching out for Stu? Yes, it was kind of her to do if she didn't even know him, but what would someone looking out for him have to do with Audra? Why did she care? She turned back to Stu. "You seem to be a magnet for trouble huh? Here's what I want you to do. Go home and ice your nose for twenty minutes. Then take it off for twenty minutes, then ice it again for fifteen minutes. Repeat that process, reducing the amount of time by five minutes every time you ice it. That's a trick my mom taught me. It'll make it feel better. Be sure to change those tissues regularly too! I'll text you at those intervals too, just to make sure you're doing it." she gave him a soft smile. "Shame I missed out on seeing you in action. Maybe some other time I guess. Hopefully less action then." Once she was one hundred percent sure Stu was going to be okay, it took a couple dozen more reassurances, the two parted ways. Audra made sure to text the mascot the second she got home, just as she said she would. Dede Dede geminiy geminiy


Parker shook off the last of that weird feeling he had as he and Tadita made their way outside. The two picked a spot in the shade and sat down, watching people go by and eating their ice cream. It almost made him feel like a little kid again, but those kinds of feelings would only bring bad memories so Parker blocked them out, focusing hard on Tadita.

"Sounds to me like you just could've said you're cool and left it at that. I think the only thing missing from that list is partying. In fact, I noticed there was a distinct lack of partying on that list." Parker fake frowned before chuckling. This girl seemed really cool and he was starting to be thankful that she asked to be taken for ice cream. It seemed kind of weird at first but it was turning out to be a good time. At the very least it was worthwhile as he was making a friend. "You really don't know how to swim though? Hell I could teach you if you want. It's not too hard. Though preferably not while high. I'm barely able to express myself as is." he said it as a joke but there was some truth to his words.

There was a moment of confusion when Tadita brought back up the question of whether her and Mike were a thing. In fact for several long seconds, Parker had no idea what she was talking about. "Oh! Yeah, him..." he said as his brain caught up to the conversation. "Well aren't you the good Samaritan? You give out rides to people you just met often?" his eyebrow arched and a smirk formed at his innuendo, but he quickly laughed it off so she wouldn't be uncomfortable.

"Surprisingly I'm not that much less boring. I have to spend a lot of my time working at a gas station. Fucking groceries don't buy themselves. Gotta admit this adulting shit isn't easy. When I do have free time I do a lot of the same shit you do I guess. Graffiti, getting high, working out. Boring stuff I guess. Every week I chill with my cousin, he's cool I'll introduce you some time. We got this brilliant thing going. See his parents are real strict and demand good grades and shit. So we tell them we go and study every week. We study half the time, because I need to keep my own grades up....but the other half? We're tearing it up. Every other week is party week." he laughed at it all, how routine everything had become. "It's a simple life but it ain't a bad one. " In the back of Parker's mind he knew his lifestyle wouldn't last forever, and he had no clue what he was going to do when it came to an end. For now he was just content on continuing on this routine. He had two years to figure it out right? Two years to figure out how to stay cool, even as an adult. Fuck, he was halfway there already with the whole job and bills and shit. How hard could a few tiny adjustments be right? dendygar dendygar
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Staying with Ian had been... a welcome relief. From life, from her mother, from just... everything. At first, she'd been a little worried about being a burden, or having to talk with Ian's parents. After all, a girl and a guy staying together, even in a totally platonic way, usually wasn't alright with parents or anyone. But so far, Ash had managed to avoid them and for all she knew, they were fine with it. That or they bitched to Ian when Ash wasn't around, but either way was fine with her.

Of course, Ash knew that she couldn't stay here forever. She was just hiding from her problems, but at least it was... a welcome. And the day after punching Stu, Ash had actually managed to call a doctor and even got in right away (benefits to having a rich family), which meant that she was supposed to be attending therapy, and had also been put on an anti-depressant. It was weird. To be on a daily medication of any kind, but she was hoping that it would help. Maybe.

She'd only been staying at Ian's for two nights, and was already starting to think about going home. After all, again, she didn't want to be a burden -- and an air mattress could not be comfortable. But no matter how much Ash tried to convince Ian that they could just trade beds, or even share the same bed (she really hated sleeping alone), he still insisted on sleeping on the stupid air mattress. But it was whatever. She'd be home in a couple days, and he'd have his bed back.

And a bonus? The bruise from Sawyer punching her had almost completely faded.

She was now relaxing on the couch, flipping through Twitter on her phone. There was some new stupid anonymous Twitter, claiming to do "good things" but so far all she had seen were Bible verses. And everyone knew that the Bible was nothing but bad and evil shit, so Ash wasn't holding out on this one.

0k_mang0 0k_mang0 PenguinFox PenguinFox
Fall Festival
Westbrook Wolf


Stu hadn’t meant to lie to Audra, but that other girl who followed him had decided to invent heroics for him on the spot, and he couldn’t bring himself to refute her, since Audra seemed so impressed by them. Plus, it was just a small lie – after all he was trying to help Mason before he got punched. And Kanen had hit him for trying to step between a fight before. So it wasn’t a deed he hadn’t done before… right? Right?

So he went home a hero, and he did what Audra told him to do, he iced his nose albeit with a bag of frozen peas. Then he checked and checked his phone waiting for Audra to text him, like she said she would. Sure enough, she did. And he texted her back, saying he was glad she came to see him on the field, even though it was embarrassing to be seen in the wolf costume. Maybe they could do something together this weekend. Or maybe at the fall festival?

Then later that night he got in an argument with Elise, who was less than pleased to learn what had happened to the school’s wolf costume. She said he was going to pay for it to get cleaned out of his own pocket, and Stu protested angrily, until dad stepped in and sided with the red-haired witch – of course he would.

The wolf was cleaned and ready for business again, just in time for the the fall festival, where he was supposed to read out the homecoming court. Speaking on the stage as Westbrook wolf wasn’t something Stu had ever done before, but since Audra might be watching, he was planning to give it his best, and preferably a least embarrassing, performance.

And so the wolf stood in front of the microphone, looking down at the crowd below. The festival had been going on for some time, and despite his costume not many had noticed him stepping up onto the stage. How was he supposed to get their attention?

‘Ooooooooooowoooohooooooooo—’ he howled. God, this wasn’t embarrassing at all. ‘ATTENTION CITIZENS OF WEST—’

There was crazy loud feedback from the microphone, and a noise blasted through the crowd. Well, that was one way to get everyone’s attention.


When all eyes were turned toward him, he recoiled a little, stuttered, and spoke a little more shyly now.

‘I’m... I'm here to announce the Homecoming Court for this year. Please come up the stage if your name is called. The first— The first pair… um…’ He fiddled with the envelope which he could hardly handle with his paws, dropped it, and picked it up again, hitting the microphone with his wolf head as he got back up. 'The first pair—'

He looked up at the crowd, and leant in toward the microphone.

‘Congratulations! Tatum Browne!’ he said. ‘and…’

The Westbrook Wolf squinted twice at the piece of paper in his paw, as if in slight disbelief.

‘Oh… um…’ he said. ‘.... and Mason.’

@ Everyone


She looked over at him, her bloodshot eyes widening when he offered to teach her how to swim. They were rich, dark orbs sitting on her face, her skin a deep tan- deeper than most Latina's (she'd gotten that from her father)- and she smiled at him brightly. "Really? You'd teach me how to swim?" She asked and perked up a bit, scooting slightly off of her butt and sitting up straight against the wall. "Yo, that's fucking dope." She smiled brightly and affectionately bumped his shoulder, looking down with a shy smile. Her long hair moved about her face, the warm breeze rustling it as she pushed some behind her delicate ear. She only had one ear piercing, and the earrings were diamond. Odd for such a tomboyish girl, but she did like the finer things in life. "We had a swimming pool on the rez, but most of the time it was closed. The owners couldn't afford the chemicals to clean it and it wasn't up to code. Whenever it was though, my parents would take me and I couldn't go in passed my hips. Neither of my parents know how to swim either." She snorted and looked over at Parker. "I know how to canoe, though. So that's a plus, I guess?" She asked and rose her brows.

She sat there and continued to eat her ice cream happily, humming along to herself and making idle and joyous conversation with Parker. She was finding that she really liked him a lot.. they just meshed well. They had similar interests and hobbies, similar familial situations where they were the sole provider, close with their cousins.. Both sort of demonized by the people they went to school with, keeping up appearances and trying to juggle grades, family and the hustle.

Deep down, she didn't want the day to end. It was the happiest she had been in a hot minute, because all of her friends had pretty much ditched her when everything hit the fan with Shay. She was a loner but put on the front that she wasn't. yes, she partied- she was a drug dealer, she was practically invited to every function. Making out and having sex with whatever chick she wanted, everyone knowing her name and liking her didn't take away from the isolation of having no real deep connection to anyone besides her father and family.. who were still in Arizona. Being away from her tribal homelands broke her heart more than she wanted to admit.

Pretty soon, the two had talked each other's ears off and finished their treats. Tadita hopped into her car and drove Parker back to her place, singing along and chattering the whole way back. The two made plans, multiple plans to hang out over the next few weeks and really see how hard they could get down with being hooligans and absolute deliquents. For the first time in years.. she felt alive, not just like she was existing for survival. She felt oddly whole, and she hoped Parker did too.

PenguinFox PenguinFox
Genevieve? Sawyer almost snorted as the nurse came in and glanced around the room. She could've easily given the girl up but Sawyer decided not to reveal to the nurse that this Genevieve was hiding right behind her. And she had said Sawyer's name was bad. Who named a kid Genevieve in this day and age? That was a name straight our of medieval times. Sawyer did finally laugh when...Genevieve sat down in the chair again with a huff. She tried to play it off like that wasn't her name but Sawyer didn't believe one word of it.

"You're funny." Sawyer chuckled, "You remind me of me. That's cool." It was getting late. Sawyer needed to get home before her grandmother had a conniption. She'd done what she came here to do and this new chick had entertained her at least a little. She hoped she'd appear again next time.

"Okay well, Genevieve, I've got to get going." Sawyer stood up and stretched, popping her back in the process, "See ya later, kid." And with that, Sawyer started toward the door.

Soap Soap
Noah Stewart
Noah on rocks comres 2.gif
Noah's boredom was cut short when he noticed the door of his room opening. The nurse had been there a few minutes ago to check up on Noah and see how he was doing and if he needed more medication for the pain or whatever, and Noah didn't think the person opening the door would be somebody else because the only people who visited him so far were his parents, his brother and Dante.

The girl who entered was definitely not a nurse because she wasn't wearing one of the nurse outfits every nurse was obligated to wear. Noah hadn't initially recognized her because most of the accident felt almost like a dream to him, but when she started talking, he figured out why her voice sounded so familiar. She was the girl from yesterday, the nice one, the only one who actually helped him get through the pain he literally kind of forgot about.

Noah was laying in bed, but had sat upwards, not wanting to seem rude. He was kind of embarrassed because his hair was messy, and he didn't look nice, like at all, and she was a girl, a stranger.

"Well, that's really nice of you. And you got me a muffin." Noah smiled, forcefully, but he was a master of acting, so the girl couldn't have possibly noticed. Truth was, Noah had so many emotions in his head, and sadly, happiness wasn't one of them, not even deep inside of his mind somewhere in the background, but you couldn't possibly blame him for that, could you?

"Yesterday is still all a bit of a blur to me, so I'm sorry I don't remember you. It's nice to meet you, though, Jackie." Noah said, offering his hand for a handshake.

Interactions: geminiy geminiy (Jackie)​
Location: Ian’s house
Ash Winona Winona , Ian PenguinFox PenguinFox
This week just sucked. It really sucked. First, Sebastian wasn’t sure if he was a good friend anymore, doubted he ever was one. He hadn’t seen Ian, Ash or even Tatum in the last few days. He wasn’t purposely trying to ignore them. The other day, he received an unexpected phone call from his parents. The call didn’t end well. Sebastian’s first instinct was to just deal with his issues on his own since he thought they weren’t as bad as Ash’s. Unfortunately, it meant unintentionally avoiding his friends so he could brood alone.

Then, one night before Ian messaged him about a sleepover/secret intervention, Sebastian was ambushed on his way home. Two guys jumped him in an alley, a seemingly random attack but with a personal reason behind it. He still couldn’t believe how he escaped. While they were beating him on the ground, Sebastian reached for the pepper spray (courtesy from Police Aunt Lucia) in his pocket and started spraying haphazardly. Out of luck, he pepper-sprayed one face, the other startled that his pal got sprayed, and Sebastian used that short distraction to grab his skateboard and swing it at both of them. And that’s how he broke his skateboard.

He didn’t tell anyone about it, not even his aunt. After running away from the scene while his attackers were down, Sebastian quickly went to the kitchen for an ice pack, avoided showing his face to his aunt and baby cousin, and stayed in his room until they were both asleep and ate late-dinner alone. His aunt dropped off her daughter at the babysitter’s place and left for work early in the morning, so neither of them saw the dark purple bruise on Sebastian’s right eye.

Sebastian felt like a hypocrite for agreeing to help Ian help Ash. He couldn’t even seek help for himself and had acted stubbornly to cooperate with the therapist that his parents forced him to meet more than a year ago. He hadn’t seen Ash after she decided to reappear. He had doubted for a while that that was her with a new Twitter username.

It was too late to change his mind now. Sebastian stood in front of Ian’s front door, ringing the doorbell, wearing tinted sunglasses to cover his black eye. He carried a sleeping bag under his arm, and the other had a box of hot cocoa mix just in case.

Location: school
With: Tatum Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler

There was more complaining than he had expected. Although, Colby slightly expected her response would be something like that, the sort of typical teen drama of teenagers hating one another for whatever reasons that were often petty. At least Tatum answered to him truthfully, that’s what mattered to him. He didn’t really care that she was somewhat harsh with her next question since she explained why she was in a bad mood.

“I literally told you what I was only wondering. Never said I was interested in your life.” It’s true. Colby wasn’t exactly interested in Tatum’s entire life; he just wanted an answer to his question that he thought was simple and harmless.

“I don’t think Brayden really hate you. He just hates watching his best friend drowning herself in a drunken stupor or possibly worse. As someone who’s been in his shoes before, I agree with him,” Colby said. Brayden had told him few things about Tatum, maybe about her being a bitch sometimes, but Colby preferred not to form his opinion about another person from another person, and he wasn’t always on social media, which isn’t always reliable. Besides, Brayden kind of mostly blamed Tatum for putting herself in her current situation, and Colby had problems with victim-blaming.

“If it makes you feel a bit better, I don’t hate you. I have no good reason to. So, not everyone hates you. Unless you’re a Nazi. I have very personal issues with that.” His latter statement sounded a bit like a light joke, but at the same time, Colby was serious. Antisemitism was a good way to get on his bad side. “Look, I’m not gonna force you how to deal with your problems since you don’t seem like someone who appreciates that. Cold turkey sucks, I get it. People hating you for whatever lame reason sucks, too. But I think just giving up sucks more. You seem too cool to do that.”

After glancing at his old silver wristwatch (yes, he actually wears one because too lazy to take out his phone), Colby picked up his backpack and walked back to his dirt bike. “Y’know, if cheerleading doesn’t work out, there are still a bunch of ways to get to know people, like this conversation. And there’s the homecoming dance coming up soon, not that I really understand it. I heard you helped make last year’s prom, and it looked pretty nice from what I could see on Twitter. So... yeah.”
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The funeral had been Thursday.

It had been over a week since the funeral, and Mason still felt himself drowning from it. Reyna, Mason, and Drake had decided to not make a big deal about it -- and he liked that. The last thing Mason needed, especially after breaking Noah's leg, was having his fellow peers come to his mom's funeral to see him cry. Because yes, seeing her in that coffin, cleaned up and pale with death had cemented it for him. Mason's mom was dead.

Granted, she had been a horrible mother. How many times had Mason prayed to a non-existent god, begging for his mother to die so they could go somewhere else? But, despite all of that, he hadn't been prepared. He hadn't been prepared for the only parent he had to die, and for him to have to bury her. Especially not when he was still in high school (although, granted, he should've been graduated). It had been a lot to handle, but Mason had dealt with it like he dealt with everything.

Mason shoved his real feelings deep down inside and acted like they didn't exist. He allowed himself to cry at the funeral, and then he had dried his eyes and returned to the cold, resolute guy that he was. After all, he had a family to try and take care of. He needed money to get that bigger apartment, so he could get Ariana back. That's all that mattered anymore. Making sure his daughter spent plenty of time with him before he died.

Well, and talking with Raven.

Mason hadn't been able to figure out how to return that dirty fucking money, so instead he'd cashed out one thousand fucking ones. With the wads of ones all stuffed into his pockets, he'd arrived at the festival with Drake, who left him fairly quickly. And now Mason was making his way to the kissing booth. Raven was at it, while Ash was out talking to people and trying to convince them to give them money. Perfect.

He slammed a one in the cup. "We need to talk." Another one, just in case Raven tried to argue with him, and then there was the most excruciatingly loud noise ever, and all eyes turned to the stage where little Stu, decked out as a wolf, was announcing the Homecoming Court. Bullshit popularity contest is what it was, so Mason turned his attention back to Raven to try and talk.

"Where have you been staying?" He asked, while Stu announced Tatum. Ha. See? Stupid bullshit popularity contest. Tatum didn't deserve to be on that court. "Because someone told me that they thought they saw you sleeping in your car, and I--"

"... and Mason."

Eyes all turned to him, and Mason let out a small string of cusses. First off, was Stu seriously so stupid that he couldn't even remember his last name? And second off, what fucking dumbasses had voted him onto the fucking Court?

"I'll be back." He grumbled, and stomped away from the kissing booth. Everyone was watching as the angry football captain stomped his way up the stage, and was smacked in the face with a Kitkat. Mason glared at Stu, but said nothing as he took his place beside fucking Tatum of everyone. Who the fuck had made these pairs?

Mason knew that they were supposed to do the stupid couple thing. He was supposed to hold his arm out, and she'd lace her arm through his. But fuck that. Instead, he stood on the stage, arms crossed over his chest with a pout as he waited for the next Court couple.

The microphone went out for a moment, and then came back with a whining sound. "The next couple is..." a pause for dramatic effect. "Juliette Jameson and Drake Martin!" The little Westbrook Wolf announced to a crowd that probably could've cared less.

@ Everyone​
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Tatum had listened to what Colby had to say and she wasn’t drowning herself into a drunken stupor she just drank to not feel and that was her choice. She could quit whenever and she was handling herself just fine. Brayden just overreacted and that annoyed her more than anything, but she was glad to know that he was talking with Colby and that even if she was bitchy, he still did care. It was nice to hear that at least someone didn’t completely hate her, but Colby was still new to her in terms of people and his opinion could change. But for now, she was happy with the fact he was honest with her. Most everyone would sugar coat or embellish the bad more than it needed to be. The last part of his advice is what caught Tatum off guard, no one had ever said she was cool, and that hit her emotions harder than she expected. For once it made her feel like she wasn’t a complete bitch. As he started to say his parting words Tatum slid off the car. She stood in front of him, “Look, I know I’m not giving the best first impression to you and I can’t change that now. But I really appreciate your words. You’re a good friend for Brayden and if he likes he has a reason and I see that. I have a lot of issues to work through but thank you for letting me just vent about my problems even though you probably didn’t care to hear them.” She stood up on her toes and placed her lips on his cheek, “Thanks. I’ll see you around.”

Brayden had finally arrived and though she was unhappy about the situation with Brayden taking Bella home she did feel better that she got to vent to someone outside of her normal life. She hoped he would become a good friend to her, because she couldn’t vent to Brayden about everything and Ian was going to be busy with Ash. She needed another person too.

The time following cheer practice was mostly uneventful. She had managed to slowly acquire some alcohol and she had gotten to drink a little. She had kept it more under control, mostly so Brayden didn’t find out. That was the last thing she needed anymore was Brayden judging her.

The day of the festival had arrived, and Tatum didn’t necessarily want to go but she had promised Brayden she would try and be more social and so she was going. When they had arrived, he had already disappeared, probably off to go find Bella, he seemed to have taken in interest in the girl and that meant Tatum was on her own for the time being. So, she was already a little annoyed, but she could shove it down. She was making her way through the booths when her attention was caught by the Wolf. Of course, he was making the homecoming court announcement. Stupid popularity contest, and she was just about to ignore it when she heard her name. She paused for a moment and started to walk towards the stage and then she heard hisname. Who the fuck even voted for her let alone Mason? He didn’t even deserve to be acknowledged. As she stood up there, she looked over at Mason and leaned over and whispered just loud enough for him, “Fucking touch me and I’ll murder you.” She wasn’t about to put on an act with him. She was just as annoyed as him. Why was the universe against her?

0k_mang0 0k_mang0 Winona Winona

Jacqueline Dupont

Jackie shrugged at his thanks, shaking her head slightly. "It is the least I could do. Yesterday must have been rough. I'm glad you're still in one piece. If I'm being honest, I wasn't sure if they were going to be able to save that leg of yours. The break was pretty bad." She said calmly, taking a sip of her coffee. All of her positive words yesterday had been quite a lie from what she had actually been thinking. Not many people can just bounce back from having a bone sticking out of their leg.

Noah extended his hand and Jackie took it in hers, giving it a firm shake. "Please, don't apologize at all. You were kind of in a rough spot when we met." Jackie chuckled softly, a small smile creeping onto her lips. "I'm really glad you're okay though, Noah. Hopefully you'll be better in no time."

A buzzing in Jackie's backpack that she had lodged on the chair in the corner of the room caught her attention. She turned and fished the phone out of the bag, frowning when Bella's name lit up the screen. Looking at the time, Jackie sighed. She was going to be late for class, during which she had a major test.

"Noah, I'm really sorry, but I have to go." Jackie apologized, pulling her bag up onto her shoulder. After scavenging for a piece of paper and a pen, she quickly jotted down her phone number and lodged it on the side table. "That's my phone number should you need anything, and I do mean anything at all. If you'd like, I can stop by later in the week to give you some company." Jackie offered with a smile. With a goodbye to Noah, Jackie headed to school.

Jackie's situation didn't get much better as the time progressed. She remained living in her car, sneaking showers in the girl's locker room, scrounging up money to buy food and supplies. Her difficult classes were a welcome distraction.

Eventually, the Fall Festival rolled around, an event that Jackie had previously told herself that she wouldn't attend. But now, with little good going on in her world, she had made the decision to attend. She wandered through the fair, pausing to listen to the Wolf list off names for homecoming court. What exactly is a homecoming?

Jackie listened out of curiosity, taking the opportunity to put some names to some faces. The first girl that was called, Tatum, Jackie recognized from the fight on the field. She's one of the cheerleaders. The boy that was called right after Jackie immediately recognized. The guy with the killer ass! So, Mason is his name.

Jackie wondered what all the fuss was about and why names were being read out and people called to the stage. Clearly this homecoming shit is some kind of popularity contest, something they hadn't had back in France. This could be quite interesting.

| Noah mogy mogy | open


Isabelle Dupont

Bella smiled at Brayden's offer to drive her home, partially because that meant she wasn't stranded at the school but mostly because that meant she would get to spend more time with him. Brayden seemed like a good guy in comparison to most of the others she had spent time with, though to be fair he could be the worst person on the planet seeing as she hardly knew him. Still, given some of the company she has kept in the past, what is the worst that could happen?

"Thank you. Though I'm not sure if Jackie is even still here. She seemed quite frantic." Bella said, looking around for the familiar head of dark hair. Hopping down the bleachers, Bella grabbed her gym bag and realized that she was still in the workout clothes that she hadn't gotten to use. "Hold up, I'll be right back. I've got to change."

Bella headed into the locker room, changing out of her workout gear and back into the sweater and jeans she had come here with. She shoved her gym bag back into her locker and grabbed her backpack, heading back out to Brayden. "Alright, let's go see if we can find Jackie."

Part of Bella knew that she wasn't going to be able to find her sister. If she had relinquished her trusted car keys into her sister's hands, there was no way she was still here. Bella tried calling her phone but there was no answer. After a thorough search, Bella groaned. "Well I guess she'll have to come back to get her car later." Bella said with a shrug. "So, should we head out? I live about twenty minutes out, I'll give you some gas money if you want." Bella offered with a grin.

| Brayden Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler |​


Ew no! She couldn't call her Genevieve. Or Thelma. Or... ew. Whatever terrible names this chick had in mind. "It's Evie! And I'll... kill Grace if you call me anything but that." She sounded everything but terrifying. But don't think she won't do it. Sure, Grace might've been the only entertainment in this damn place but that didn't mean she liked her very much. "Yeah. You heard me. I'm in cahoots with another boy who keeps visiting her. So, you'll want to listen to me!" Sawyer walked out a moment later and Evie sat down in the chair with a sigh.

Rolling her eyes at the sleeping blonde.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm not an actual murderer. I just don't like her."

What? She didn't!

It was time to go back to business now that Evie was done being interrupted.

".... Alright, so, the fat nurse had her baby. It's very ugly but everyone keeps saying it's pretty, I mean why do people do that?"

The rest of her day was spent trash talking Sawyer and Evie complaining about numerous things before she was eventually found by one of the nurses.

Now she needed to find a new hiding spot.

Damn it.

KingofAesir KingofAesir


A small pocket mirror was raised as she applied tinted chapstick. No, not lipstick. There was a difference and Raven wasn't about to make that mistake. While lipstick marks were something she might've been interested in outside of the kissing booth. Red smudges didn't look very appealing. But who's she kidding? Between her and the blonde, the girls were bound to raise enough money for the animal shelter. So, maybe Raven wasn't going to go through with it, it was only when she learned that when they earned more than the goal, the rest of the proceeds would go to the school's newspaper.

And c'mon, she didn't want to pass that up. It was her last year at this hellhole, she wanted it to be good. It was still early so they weren't getting much action as of yet, it was nice to see Ash invested in something though. Look at her trying to convince people to kiss her for money. Raven would've face palmed at the sight but whatever made her happy, it was just better off to leave the girl alone. A nerdy, young boy came up to the booth and a grin appeared on her face not a moment later. "Hey kid, don't you seem a bit young for a kissing booth?" He was like... fifteen, definitely.

Whatever, the kid seemed desperate for his first kiss and what better charity for Raven to contribute to? I mean, she was basically in a leadership role in this position. It'll look great on college applications.

'Helping boys achieve their dreams.'

Before a dollar was placed into the small cup, the boy was soon shoved out of the way only for Raven to see no one other but Mason and a sigh escaped her. "You're not supposed to cut lines, even if it's for my luscious lips." She smiled, clearly amused at herself. Her plan was to distract him with as much cocky humor as possible. Look, she wasn't ready for this talk okay? She didn't want the whole... 'Raven I want you' talk. Especially because she shared a semi-kiss with her ex the other night.

Okay, maybe it was a real kiss but that wasn't the point. Raven was busy. Super busy. As soon as he continued, she was practically had an imaginary schedule filled for the whole week. Whoever the fuck told Mason about her living situation was going to get her hands around their neck and not in a kinky way. For the first time, Raven was thankful for the nugget loving annoying weirdo as the boy in the wolf suit announced the homecoming candidates. "Looks like they need you up there. Talk later yeah?"

No, definitely not. Raven's set on avoiding that particular conversation all day.

Now, back to her customers. Right...

Her fingers tapped onto the wooden booth, clearly getting more and more disinterested in waiting.

"Seriously, someone just kiss me already, this is taking forever."

Winona Winona


This was perfect. She was raising money for the cheer team and... eck. Girls basketball. Juliette wasn't a very sporty girl outside of cheerleading. The only thing that really drew her into the thing in the first place surprisingly, was dance. It's odd how these past few years it seems like both of those kind of switched up. Lexi seemed switch her priorities around these past few years. Now it was more about her popularity but the short-time she had with leadership, well, it was really... great to work at something again y'know?

"No, Toby you have to tighten the net it's too loose and raise it a bit higher, we're not letting people win, duh. We need them to give us more money." It was completely unfair that JJ and Toby couldn't just donate whatever they wanted to the cause. They had to 'raise' it. Work ethic or something? Whatever, Westbrook High was stupid. You know what else was stupid?

Toby not saying 'it' back this past week. How dare he? How much more time did someone need than a whole seven to like, twelve days. What the hell?! She took a deep breath, realizing she might've been glaring at her boyfriend for a moment too long. It's okay. He just... needed time. "No, now it just looks terrible!" Thankfully, her attention was directed towards the WestBrook Wolf as he announced Court. Boring, boring, Juliette was just waiting for-- Yes!

She hesitated before she kissed Toby on the cheek quickly and practically strutted onto the stage. "I'm in zero way shocked." She smiled over at Tatum and Mason, she wasn't bragging, or being cocky... she was just genuinely excited. Leave her alone. "Sorry." She cleared her throat. "I mean, what an honor." She rose an eyebrow towards Tatum.

She didn't like her very much. But it made sense or whatever that she got nominated so consider her eyebrow raise like... a firm handshake. Yeah. Oh! who cares about all of that. She was going to freaking win Homecoming Queen! Now, where's her so-called king? Not a moment later, he basically ripped a flower from one of the decorations around the fair and ran up onto the stage. Juliette shook her head, sighing heavily as the took the flower and muttering a thank you. He handed one towards Tatum, earning a glare from the brunette. "Drake, no, that's our competition! ...I have to teach you so many things in such a short time."

Now they had to sit here while The Wolf announced the rest of everyone.

"Okay, Hoomans! Put your paws together for... " It was clear Juliette was starting to get antsy up on stage, and well, annoyed. Did he really have to pause every time? "Alaska Vaughn and Ian Evans!"

Now she had to stand next to Alaska on stage?

Dear god.

Winona Winona Dede Dede a z u l a a z u l a Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler


Greyson was trying here.

He was trying really hard.

Ever since he joined the wrestling team, well, there wasn't many members on the team to qualify for a competition and... the blonde really wanted one. Those are so fun! Especially when you win, man, he's so great at those. "Wrestling team? You can try out!" The boy passed by him without a second glance. Today was difficult. Things with Grace took a turn for the worst at the hospital, some kind of infection thing. Whatever the case was, it seemed really bad.

Like really bad.

But everyone assured him it was fine to go, they gave her antibiotics and said they'll monitor her. He knows that they hardly know each other, but it just seemed rude to leave your half sister in the hospital when her organs were like, shutting down or something. Yeah, that sounded really bad.

It should be fine...

"I'll give free cotton candy to whoever signs up!"

Like he said, he's really trying here.

geminiy geminiy
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Location: fall festival
With: Raven Soap Soap
Mention: Tatum Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler , Mason Winona Winona

His reaction wasn’t big. Colby blinked with slight surprise and confusion when he felt the kiss on his cheek. He hadn’t been kissed on the cheek for a long time, and the last time he’d gotten one, it was for a goodbye.

He quickly kicked that melancholy thought away and put on a small smile. Now wasn’t the time for him to be crestfallen. “ I did ask in the first place, but yeah, no problem,” he said. “Well, I better go before someone gets the wrong idea. People will ship anything that moves these days.” After putting on his helmet, he waved a lazy farewell to Tatum and zipped away on his bike.

He didn’t want to, but Colby attended the fall festival. He was kind of forced to. His grandpa, the owner of the Sleeping Hedgehog cafe, volunteered to set up a small pop-up stand version of his cafe and donate half of its earnings to charity. The stand mainly sold their basic hot and cold drinks, along with some pastel-colorful flavored macarons and mini homemade donuts, because why not. Colby didn’t know how to make drinks, so his grandpa made him walk around nearby the stand and hand out free samples of macarons and mini donuts. A good-looking guy carrying free food was a good strategy to attract customers. Actually, this was kind of how his grandparents met. Grandpa Florence casually mentioned it as he gave Colby the cafe’s apron and food tray – he was lowkey pimping out his grandson. At least Colby wasn’t handing out free food shirtless. That would’ve been a bit too much and possibly unsanitary.

When the first homecoming couple was awkwardly announced, Colby coughed a muffled laugh from behind his hand. The sight of Tatum and Mason standing beside each other, the evident passive-aggressive tension on their faces – hilarious. But eventually, he stopped paying attention and found an unused table about 5 feet away from the kissing booth. He put the food tray on the table and sat down on a free chair, resting his feet after over an hour of standing. He only saw Raven there, recognizing her from a few classes at school. She looked obviously bored, so Colby decided to help un-bore her the best way he could.

“Macaron? I think one of them is mint-flavored.” He did promise to bring snacks if he stopped by, after all, even though he may not have had sounded serious on Twitter. “Where’s the line? You puckered everyone out already?”
Location: Fall Festival

With: Soap Soap 0k_mang0 0k_mang0 geminiy geminiy

Mentions: none

Damn, cheerleading practice was a shit show. Rae, being new, didn't know what to do. But lucky for her everyone else did. It was definitely a sight to see for sure, the mascot starting a fight and then shortly after that one guy who messed with the cheerleaders seemed to have broken another boys' leg. All she could think of was well that escalated quickly. Other than that everyone pretty much was in their own little groups. Seeing as the practice was over before it even began she just went home and did a few stretches and practice some routines she seen other cheerleaders do.

Her days at school were pretty much boring until the fall festival came around. She checked out all the booths and everything they had to offer. She saw the girl who had interceded in the fight and was helping that kid who broke his leg. She was going to stop by and say hello. Once she made her way she stopped next to the girl and got her attention. "Hey, one of the bystanders on the football field, just wanted to say that was cool and brave of what you did that day. Keep it up." She raised both her hands and gave her a thumbs up then twirled around for the next booth which was last on her mental checklist. It was at that moment the wolf from the football field was announcing the court for homecoming.

The last booth on her mental checklist was the kissing booth. She overheard the girl saying that she wanted someone to just kiss her already. Well, she heard this kissing booth was charity. Puppies to be exact. Why not? Anything for those adorable puppies. She made her way over. "She hasn't puckered everybody, yet." She looked at the booth noticing it was just a dollar for a kiss and she looked at the jar. They didn't have much success. Well, hopefully, her doing this will change that. She dropped ten dollars in ones in the jar.​

Okay so yeah, he was smoking, but this time it wasn't a joint or anything bad! It was just a cigarette, and it was just to try and settle the never ending nerves that he seemed to constantly have. Everything seemed to be going straight to hell, and it was like Drake was standing on the sidelines watching it happen but he couldn't do a thing. Their mother had died, and when the coroner had explained that it was a drug overdose, Drake had grown fidgety. Tapping fingers, bouncing leg.

Cigarettes helped, and now he understood why Mason had been so obsessed with them for so long. Now, when Mason would get fidgety or start craving one, he'd just cuss and yell. Wasn't a cigarette a much better coping mechanism than being a dick? And what had even come over Mason, trying to stop smoking?

He dropped the cigarette to the ground, his nerves calmed and the bouncing of his leg stopped for the time being. Drake's worn shoe dug the cigarette into the ground, stopping it from burning before he threw a dazzling smile on his face and resumed his walk towards the festival. Mason had already ditched him to go talk with Raven, a thousand dollars shoved into his pockets in ones. He'd taken that out of the Venmo after getting frustrated, and then made Drake delete the account.

Drake had tried to explain that he had no idea that Venmo was a money app. Tadita had told him it was for messaging, and he intended to ask her what the hell. He certainly hadn't wanted the money, and Mason's annoyance about the whole situation had been a pain and a half to deal with. In fact, the money had caused more harm than good.

"Hey, Tadita! What the hell?!" He yelled across the festival grounds when he caught sight of the dark-haired girl. A few people glanced over to see what he was going on. "Why did you lie to me about Venmo and then send me money? And why are you calling yourself SaintJude on Twitter?" What?! No one else knew that he had that stupid Venmo account -- actually, Drake had forgotten he had it, so it had to of all come right on back to Tadita. Despite popular opinion, Drake wasn't stupid.

Stu's annoying, whining voice sounded as he started calling up the Court. First, Mason and Tatum. It wasn't a surprise -- despite how everyone treated his big brother, he always made it onto the Courts, although he never won King or whatever. Drake should know. He always did the crowning of King and Queen because it was fun.

Actually, Mason had won the previous year. He had won Homecoming King, and Drake had been so excited that he had told Mason. But for some stupid reason, he had told Drake to give the King to Sawyer so that Sawyer and Grace could be King and Queen. It hadn't made sense to Drake at the time, but it had been cute.

And then, Stu's shrill voice called his name with none other than JJ. She scared him, but she was pretty and JJ had been the Prom Queen, which meant that he was going to be on Court with the Queen.

Drake forgot about his conversation with Tadita, and he was on route for the stage. Along the way, he started snatching roses out of the decorations until he had accumulated exactly five. And then he was heading up the stage, a huge smile on his face as he handed one of the roses to JJ. "Congrats, you deserve it." He whispered to her in a not-very-quiet voice.

Then he turned to Tatum, holding one of the roses out to her. "Congratulations, you queen. Sorry that you have to stand by Mason." Again, his hushed whisper was very hushed, and Mason glared over at his brother, so Drake quickly straightened back up until Stu announced the next couple, and then a huge smile spread across his face.

When Alaska made her way to the stage, he waved at her, a huge grin on his face. So big, in fact, that he felt like his face was actually really starting to hurt. Ow. "Alaska! Look! You're a queen! Like... the queen of angst, but still." He said, passing Alaska a rose as she passed him on the stage, while JJ complained beside him.

"Sorry." He whispered to her. Right. Competition.

He had to get his grr face on.

But he couldn't stop smiling.

dendygar dendygar Dede Dede a z u l a a z u l a Soap Soap PenguinFox PenguinFox Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler
yes sir.jpeg

Ronnie "Blue Nile" Kane
There were no beginnings, except when it came to Ronnie “Blue Nile” Kane.
Engine fuming, tires swerving, and pavement rubble chawing under the smooth tires of the azure beauty of the Rolls Royce Dawn, Kane parked as asymmetrical as the law bent. There was a certain catastrophic kick of thunder as his foot stamped down, an astrological mishap in aligned stars when he rose out of the fairly low vehicle, jolly and high as fuck.

What more was there to do?

Twirling and wringing around yellow, Versace pilot glasses in a round-round-round- merry-go-round, Ronnie observed the atmosphere of his new school in their local festivities. Autumn could not mask the event better, and while the world of Ronnie Kane was momentarily blanched in reds, oranges, and mottled yellows, he juxtaposed the season in a dawn of black. Wearing an unbuttoned Versace black polo tucked into GV signature pants, overdressed was just the kickoff of differentiation that set him apart from the public school gathering. His ghoulish paleness endangered his image further as did his tangled magenta-purple hair.

His mother's optimistic bullshit really saw a point in socializing with freaks he didn't want to know.

His Midas-touched feet crossed the distance in the clearing quickly. He passed the bantering flyers, tents, and stands and walked till he became a hollow shadow among the gathered for the announcements. He quickly caught on to the reason of enthusiasm: Homecoming Court.

They wanted to listen to a clout-clown circle? Oh, how fun!

Not recognizing any names or faces, it was hard to act like he gave a fuck.

Nonsensically, his ears pounded and his blood felt uncomfortably cold. Circles dotted the corner of his eyes, and he knew he should’ve come clean. But, how could he not sniff? Wasn't the world just way more fun like this?

Interactions: Open

Gia had an uneventful time during theater practice, but Milos had been pleasant to be around, and he made her smile a lot. He was goofy and saw the world in such a positive light that she had invited him to hang out with all her friends at the fall festival. She was glad that he had agreed and after practice she had waved goodbye to him and made her way home. The rest of her week had been uneventful she had seen Noah and he had been in a cast which had shocked her but she didn’t want to ask what happened, so she kept to herself for those next few days. Sure, she really liked Noah, he was someone she felt like she could trust but she was worried he would get mad if she asked what happened. Instead she wrote a little get well card for him and taped it to his locker.

When the day of the fall festival arrived, Gia was excited to be going with Maisie, she was sweet but quiet. She knew Maisie didn’t like being touched so Gia always kept more to herself, but she was ecstatic when the girl had arrived. She had waited outside the festival for Maisie and as soon as she saw her, she waved her over and wrapped the girl in a hug, “Maisie! Aren’t you excited? My parents left me some money so we can do lots of stuff. My friend Milos is showing up.” She really liked the girl and of course the second that they were looking at the festival Gia was enthralled. It looked more exciting than she could have imagined, students had gone all out and she was ready to experience every aspect of the festival.

Soap Soap Winona Winona

Cam had already known he was going to the festival and he knew Parker was too. He had heard his cousin mention something about Gia wanting him to be there so of course Cam had to go to make sure his cousin didn’t get himself into any trouble. He had let Parker know he would meet him at the festival because he also was hoping he would find a certain someone. The festival seemed to already be in full swing by the time he had arrived. He could see his little blue haired neighbor and her friend, and one looked more excited than the other. He was making his way in towards the center when he caught sight of Tadita. He yelled over to her and then stood next to her as they called Drake to the stage. He watched in silence, “Good for him. Mason looks pissed so does Tatum.” He couldn’t help but smirk a little. It wasn’t a secret that the cheer captain and football captain hated each other. “It’s good to see you Dita. Parker said you and he hung out a few days ago, I really hope he wasn’t a jerk to you.” Cam loved his cousin, but he worried about him when it came to females. Tadita looked like someone who could handle herself, but he still worried for her. He was more concerned for the tiny blue haired girl that his cousin had set his sights on but there was no stopping Parker. He could only hope Gia was smart enough to not fall into Parker’s trap.

dendygar dendygar

Brayden had led Bella to the car where he had seen Tatum and Colby talking, the two looked friendly but that was it, he didn’t think they were the type to like each other, especially with Tatum’s interest in the boring blonde basketball player. She had told him stories and he had seen the blonde around school, and he didn’t understand why Tatum was into him, but she was always a strange one when it came to her taste in males or females. He never judged her for things like that, but he wondered what was going through her mind. He could see the look of frustration on her face when Bella had arrived at the car. Of course, Tatum took to the backseat for the girl and said nothing the whole trip. She had only glared at him and he deserved it. The drive was a short twenty minutes, “I’ll see you around, Bella.” He sent a wink in the girls direction and then he felt a flick to his head, “Dick, I just wanted to go home.” Brayden was silent the whole drive home and said nothing else to Tatum.

When the fall festival arrived, he and Tatum started out together and then he was off in search for really any other company. Tatum had been a handful still and he had been trying to be patient with her, but she needed a lot of help that she wasn’t willing to admit. So instead he ditched her in much need of the break. He could see people lined up at the kissing booth, but he went towards the dunk tank. He placed a couple dollars in the donation bucket, “Sorry, dude. You chose to sit at the dunk tank.” He did feel bad for the poor soul sitting at the tank. As he was about to throw her heard the wolf howl and turned his attention towards the noise. He couldn’t believe when he heard both Tatum and Mason’s name in the same sentence. He knew it was going to be a bad time already. Then he heard Drake and JJ followed by Alaska and Ian. He did like Ian and hoped the boy could stop Tatum from losing it.

Twin Fantasy Twin Fantasy geminiy geminiy


Tadita's eyes widened when Drake came running up to her, yelling about the donation she'd made to him. She deleted the twitter right afterwards after the backlash of it. Her mouth opened to defend herself, but then Drake was running back off again, and she trailed him with her eyes and snorted with a soft laugh. What the fuck was that-? She turned and looked over and saw someone tall and familiar moving over to her. "Cam?!" She asked with a happy grin, and she jogged over and gave him a quick hug. "How are you?" She asked, before looking over at the unmistakable streak of bright blue hair, and her grin widened. "I couldn't give a shit about what Mason thinks. He's boo-boo the fuckin' fool as far as I'm concerned." She didn't make any comment about Tatum, seeing as she'd made plans with the girl and didn't know how Cam felt about her. "Nah, Parker's cool as fuck. We went and got ice cream, another night we broke into a building and did graffiti.. that's Gia, right?" She asked and rose her brows. "She's so cute! God, if Parker fucks this up for himself I'm gonna be pissed." She smirked and chewed on a hangnail. Tadita lightly bumped her hip into Cam's. "I'm gonna go to the kissing booth and piss Mason off when there's not much of a line, kiss Raven.." She inhaled slowly and looked at the different food stands with a near erotic groan.

Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler

Jacqueline Dupont

More teenagers piled onto the stage for the awkward popularity contest. From what she could see, Jackie was convinced that most of these pairs didn't like one another, or didn't know each other at least. This homecoming thing seemed like a really bad idea to Jackie, clearly the event was going to be a recipe for absolute drama and disaster, just like everything else in Westbrook. Trying to figure out the whole situation was making Jackie's head hurt.

A girl walked up beside Jackie and began commending her supposed bravery for the events on the field. "Thanks, I guess." Jackie said, though she doubted that the girl could hear her as she was already weaving through the crowd. She was really hoping that people would forget about that whole thing, the fight and Noah's poor leg. The last thing she wanted was to be known as the weird new French girl who got mixed up in a stupid fight and some guy's broken bones.

The names being read off caught the attention of more students, the crowd in front of the stage growing larger. The growing numbers made Jackie feel a little anxious so she decided to check out the booths. Most of the clubs that the school ran had their own booths set up with eager students trying to recruit every passerby. The girls that Jackie had deemed were the popular girls had set up a kissing booth to raise money for an animal shelter. Jackie chuckled to herself at their clever idea. People always want to kiss pretty girls, they may as well raise money for a good cause for doing it.

One booth, manned by a rather desperate looking blonde guy, caught Jackie's eye. Wrestling? Jackie had tried her hand at the sport to help with her martial arts a few years back when she was still in France. The guy at the booth was trying to bribe people with promises of free cotton candy to join the team, clearly an act of desperation. Jackie stood there for a moment, wondering if she should go over. Maybe wrestling will give her an excuse to spend more time at school, away from the tension at home. And maybe she'll be able to recall the skills she had gained through her three years in the sport, though she was likely rusty.

Jackie walked over, her hands tucked in the pockets of her jacket, and raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "So, free cotton candy, hm? Seems pretty desperate to me." Jackie teased playfully. "Are you guys looking for females too, or is it a males only party?" Jackie questioned the blonde haired guy. Joining the wrestling team could be interesting, if they'd have her that is.

| Rae Pysren Pysren | Greyson Soap Soap |


Isabelle Dupont

Bella was so incredibly thankful for Brayden's offer. The ride home was fairly chill, though she couldn't tell if the girl in the back seat liked her or not. When Brayden pulled up outside of her house, Bella was kind of sad. She had been having such a great time talking to him that it sucked that it had to end. "Thank you so much for the ride, I really appreciate it." Bella thanked as she gathered her stuff. She stepped out of the car and turned around before she closed the door. "See you around, Brayden." She said as she closed the door and made her way inside.

The house was quiet without Jackie there, her mother still at work, and their grandmother out at the neighbour's. Once her mother arrived home, Bella immediately told her about the busy day she had, leaving out any details about meeting Brayden. She wasn't exactly supposed to be talking to boys, part of the long list of rules her mother had put in place for her when they moved. What Bella hadn't expected was her mother's anger at Jackie for 'getting into a fight' and Jackie storming out of the house. Bella tried to contact her sister but only received a message from Jackie that she was okay.

The Fall Festival was a welcome change of pace for Bella. She still hadn't much talked to Jackie since the fight but knew that if her older sister wanted help, she would ask. Bella knew that it was best to just let Jackie have her space. Bella arrived after most of the students, just in time to hear the names being read off for homecoming court. She wasn't much interested in the whole affair, though the other cheerleaders were absolutely beside themselves with excitement. Homecoming seemed like it could be fun, if Bella somehow managed to avoid all the drama.

Bella wanted to go find Brayden and say hi but decided against it, not wanting to seem like some creepy stalker even though she really did want to see him. Instead, Bella wandered and took in the sights and smells of the fair, waiting for something exciting to happen.

| Brayden Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler | open

Cam knew the Tadita was not the biggest fan of Mason and based on Twitter alone he couldn’t blame the girl. Mason could be a jerk to anyone if they crossed him. He was relieved that Parker had been on better behavior than normal besides the vandalizing, but could he really be shocked? “I’m glad you and Parker are getting along; he needs more friends besides me.” He was joking a little but there was also truth in his statement. A lot of others at Westbrook hated his cousin because he slept around and was vulgar quite often. Parker was someone you either hated or enjoyed. Cam had grown to enjoy his cousin over the year and loved Parker tremendously, but he didn’t always agree with Parker’s methods of getting laid. His eyes looked over to the tiny blue haired girl that Dita had pointed out, “Yeah that’s her. She’s really sweet. I don’t know if I necessarily like that Parker is into her. She is literally a human cinnamon roll. I’ve lived next to her forever. I hope he doesn’t fuck it up.” He was really concerned for Gia. Of all the people in the world he couldn’t understand why Parker was interested in her. She was innocent and naïve, so why would Parker go for that? For the challenge?

As Dita pointed to the kissing booth line he smirked, of course she would anger Mason more, “Just make sure not to get killed. I can’t really stop Mason. He’s a force.” Cam wasn’t going to say he was scared but he wasn’t going to go toe to toe with Mason. Mason would beat him to a pulp first so that was something he would leave for Parker. He just hoped Dita was smart enough to try and not anger Mason too much.

dendygar dendygar


"Trust me, explain no more about him being a 'force'. He broke Noah's leg with his ass alone."
She snorted and playfully nudged her pal again, rolling her eye. "That poor kid.. didn't he play sports and stuff? I heard that's what he was kinda banking on." That's what I'm kinda banking on. She had joined the track team and it was going well thus far.

Tadita didn't know what his interest with Gia was either. She'd asked him before, and Parker had told him that he didn't fully know himself just yet. It could be sex, it could be more- either way, Tadita wasn't going to judge and as long as nobody was going to get hurt, she was going to mind her own business. "I mean, Gia may be sweet but I'm sure she's not stupid. Even a monkey can see that Parker is a sexually motivated dude." She shrugged and looked up at him, guiding Cam over to a booth that had some sort of dart-throwing game. She sighed and dug out some cash out of her wallet, before slapping it down onto the counter playfully and being handed five darts with varying colors of red, yellow and blue. "Watch the master," Tadita winked at Cam, before picking one up. The first two shots she missed and laughed at herself, joking around with Cam about her amazing skills, before hitting three large balloons with the last darts. Three balloons equated to one large stuffed animal, and she bit her lower lip and looked at Cam. "What kind would Gia like?"

Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler

Typically, having his parents mostly absent was kind of depressing for Ian. Unlike most kids in Westbrook it seemed, he had two parents that loved him, they just...were busy. All the time. But for once, their hectic work schedules worked out well for Ian. He didn't really want to have that awkward conversation explaining why there was a girl sleeping in his bed. Yeah his parents had met Ash during their stay at the hospital for their respective car crashes, but another conversation like the one he had with Sierra? No thanks, one was too many. That was the other reason Ian thought it a good idea to invite Seb. It was just a friendly teenage sleepover if there were three people.

So far Ian's plan had been working out pretty well. Ash had gone to therapy and started to take medication. She was taking steps to get better, and though it wouldn't be easy for her, he'd be there to help along the way. He felt slightly guilty that he wasn't doing as much as he could for himself, but hey others were more important than himself.

Friday afternoon came around and maybe Ian was getting a little sore from the air mattress because it didn't really support in the right way, but he'd sleep on it for a year if he had to. He and Ash had been sitting around, just being comfortable in silence. That was the great thing about people you were close with, you could talk with them for hours or just sit silently together and be content with the other's presence. Suddenly the doorbell rang announcing the arrival of Ian's back up. Ash needed to see that other people cared for her, Sebastian was a good start.

Ian sprang up from the couch and opened the door, a wide stuck on his face. "Hey, thanks for showing up, especially on such short notice." he stole a glance back at the blonde on his couch, before whispering to the other male. "She's doing better I think. I'm not on constant alert at least." Sure his home had been...baby proofed for lack of a better term since Ian's accident, but it didn't stop him from keeping a wary eye on Ash. The first night he spent mostly awake, listening for movement by Ash.

The next few days with Sebastian also staying with them were actually quite pleasant. Ian almost felt like they were normal teens for a while. Sure they were all pretty broken, but that didn't mean they couldn't have a semblance of normalcy. Ian didn't press Seb on what had caused his black eye, figuring he would talk when he was ready. The trio played games, talked and in general had a good time. Ash especially seemed like she was doing better.

Ash continued to stay with the Evans for the following weeks. Ian relented some and agreed to rotate who took the air mattress and who took the bed. Sierra was excited to have another female to talk to, and while Mr and Mrs. Evans had similar suspicions as their daughter, they happily welcomed Ash into their home. Having his best friend around all the time very quickly became routine for Ian. They hung out, helped each other with homework, and worked on bettering their mental health. Ian knew this all wouldn't last obviously. She couldn't just live with them forever, but for now he was enjoying it. He was actually...happy for once. That combined with Seb's occasional visits, things seemed to be looking up for once. It felt like maybe, just maybe, this was going to be a good year.


Over the past few weeks Ian was making an effort to talk to people more in school. He felt more fulfilled the more friendly faces he saw in the hall. He tried to do small acts of kindness every day too. He even volunteered to tutor for his physics class, having already taken it once he already knew what he was doing and was more than willing to help others; it wasn't an easy class. One of his pupils was Alaska. Ian found he really quite liked hanging around her. She was...feisty and opinionated, which was evident from when he first met her, but she was also kind and funny. To be honest he wasn't even sure why she needed tutoring either. She was smart enough she could likely do it herself. He often felt like he was only there to push her in the right direction.

As the fall festival approached Ian noticed people were pairing or grouping off and going together. He hadn't realized this was a prom like thing. Being slightly physically impaired meant he wouldn't really be of help running a stall, at least any respectable stall. He could run a bake sale just fine but...well what's the point? Ash was running some kind of charity stall, so she was out. He eventually decided on seeing if Alaska had any plans. As friends of course. He wanted to get to know her, outside of a study session setting. Get to know her as a person, not as a student. He had trouble conveying that though. Everything he said sounded awkward, or like he was asking her out, which totally wasn't the case. Again, just wanted to get to know her. Much to his surprise, she agreed to spend some time with him that day.

On the actual day of the festival Ian got there about an hour after it started, mostly thanks to his hip. He told his not date that that was probably going to be the case so he wasn't really stressed. He wandered around the festival, scoping out stalls for a while. He spotted Ash's and made his way over to her. "You failed to mention it was a kissing booth." he said giving her a smirk. "When did you plan on telling me what I agreed to? After the money was in your hand?" his classic lopsided grin rested on his face. It had been a long time since he had used it, his muscles almost forgetting how to form it. He handed his best friend five dollars. "Here for the charity. You decide what to do with my purchase." He didn't plan on kissing either Ash or Raven. Ash was his best friend and Raven...well they had a weird sort of friendship. He gave the dark haired girl a grin of her own. "Hey Raven. Good to see you doing well."

Ian was about to turn back to Ash to ask what she was going to do with the owed kiss he wasn't going to take when the homecoming court started being announced. He wasn't going to pay attention at first but then something incredibly strange happened. His name was called. He stood there stunned for a moment. Him? Why? Who? After a moment he made his way to the stage dumbfounded. Not only had his name been called, but so did Alaska's. The slightest hint of red rose to face as he tried desperately to not make eye contact with anyone. There must be some kind of mistake right? Ian was a background character and background characters don't get put on homecoming court. He tried to calm his nerves by scanning the crowd, and old trick he used when his band played; look for one friendly face and focus entirely on it. Oh thank god, there was Dwyer. There couldn't be a friendlier face....DWYER?!


Blink. Once. Twice. Nope, that was definitely still Dwyer in that crowd. But...how? Yet another huge surprise. What was happening? What weird parallel universe had they crossed over into? The guy who was like an older brother to Ian gave him a smile and a thumbs up. He mouthed a congratulations as Ian regained his composure. This was a lot to take in and all he could hear was the blood in his ears. Winona Winona a z u l a a z u l a 0k_mang0 0k_mang0 Mentions: Soap Soap

Shawn Orozco

This was a shit job.

Elise had offered Shawn some cash to sit above a tank of water and look like a shithead. Shawn was alright financially, but not enough to actually... move out. Not enough to even consider it. Any money coming in, aside from his private business, went straight to his parents. He yawned as a few people missed that sweet target, racking up the dollar bills. Most of the customers were posturing white boys. Brayden included.

"A dollar per throw. Press your luck."

He leaned a hand on his palm, feet dangling just above the water. Brayden was about to take a throw when suddenly the hoco king and queen nominees were being called. (Or were they the official ones? Whatever.) Shawn rolled his eyes. Who the fuck even voted for Mason and Tatum, oh yeah, all those Twitter arguments sure are sexy. He sighed, crossing one leg over the other. "I got hired because apparently people don't like me very much." He shrugged. "So I'm supposed to be insulting you or whatever to encourage you to spend more money, but you look broke as shit."

He'll fight for that pay.

// Elf_Ruler Elf_Ruler //


May Gu & Kandi McCloud
Colorado Girls

May was nothing but excited to have Kandi back. It'd been a few years since they last saw each other, as May had transferred to Westbrook and left her behind. Kandi never made another friend in Colorado, not a single one. People always pegged Kandi as unlikable, but that was beyond untrue. She was a best friend, and... well, she hadn't changed a bit. They greeted one another with a hug straight out of a movie.

"Bitch, it's been so long! How're you doing?"

May hastily began signing, which Kandi watched with utmost attention.

'I'm good! I missed you a lot.'

"This festival looks laaaame though! The one back at school had a goldfish catchin' table."

'You just got here.' May frowned a bit and gave Kandi a playful noogie. The two of them chased one another around a little with reckless abandon, like young, bright-eyed little kids. They laughed incessantly, almost obnoxiously, though most of it was Kandi's. May's laughter sounded more like an asthmatic wheeze. They linked hands, looking almost comically close, a friendship so strong it was disgusting in its saccharine flavor.

"I'm gonna burn like, thirty bucks on the kissing booth just to see what the runners do."

// OPEN //​

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