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Realistic or Modern Westbrook High School RP

Oceania's jaw dropped, "Already! Damn, I missed a lot and it's not even second period yet." Oceania face palmed herself. Before directing herself to her friend, "And Jac. you were on Twitter while all this was happening! I'm worried that one day you'll be glued to your phone and someone will pickpocket you while your so into tweeting or posting something on Instagram." Ocean wasn't into social media or her phone in general like Jac. was.
Samantha Walks Goes sit on a Step and do what she was doing before with was Listening to Music and Singing Quitely that they might not hear me and Draw out her name
(One liners..One liners..One liners...Hang me. -_- )

It was a pretty relaxing morning for Levy. He passed in front of the starbuck, bought a Cappuccino before going to school and enjoyed the fresh breeze of the morning. Honestly, he didn't feel like it. He enjoyed going to school but he simply didn't feel like it right now. He would rather go to the beach or chill in one of his friends house. He slowly walked in the locker area when someone tapped his shoulder. '' 'Sup Johnston!'' said Jason Morel, the son of one of his fathers cousin. In other words, his second cousin. Levy simply shrugged as he unlocked his locker, '' Nothing much...Boring morning.'' He yawned as he placed his cappuccino on one of his shelfs. Jason raised an eyebrow, '' Oh really... A boring morning in the dramatic life of Mister Levy Keith Johnston.'' Levy rolled his eyes, '' Guess it gets boring when your father doesn't throw you tantrums.'' he said with a small laugh. '' It must be! He went to another business trip?'' Jason asked a bit curious, '' Pretty much. Kind of glad after this weekend.''
Jacqueline Hey it's Not my Fault that I love FaceBook Twitter and Instagram you know. And I still watch what I doing you know I might love My iPhone but I still do work and watch what I am doing

Oceania smiled and shook her head. "Jac. Your addicted to your phone. I can barely peel you away from the screen of your phone without doing this." She said taking her friends phone from her hand and ran a few feet before sticking out her tongue playfully and challenging, "Catch me if you can!" She rang out before making a mad dash into the school and running past two guys, who were chatting within the hallway by the lockers, in her flip-flops.
Alexia put on her headphones listening to Problems and Break Free by Ariana Grande. They were the songs that her dance team planned to use for their performance. Alexis went on Instagram and posted a selfie if her. She was bored but relived. Her teacher isn't teaching so she just layed back and hung.
Ocean saw that Jac had already caught up so she kicked off her flip-flops as she ran and picked up speed as if she were running for track. She was having fun. She flew up two flights of stairs without it phasing her. She quickly took a turn and dashed into the girls bathroom before hiding in one of the clean stalls. 'Oops maybe I shouldn't of left my flip-flops in the hall. All well I guess when I get a chance to sneak out of here without Jac. finding me I'll go back downstairs to see if I can find them.' She thought to herself silently as she hid herself from Jacqueline.
Jacqueline Oh forget it throw her hands in the air she will come back at least I Have a back up pulls up her P.D.A and looks there Facebook and Twitter. And walking Back to school with her P.D.A
Alexia smiled and closed her eyes while music buzzed in her ears. She started humming. It soon turned into singing. She sang parts of Break Free beautifully but in her own way.
Since Oceania didn't hear any footsteps she felt the coast was clear. She exited the restroom and walked back downstairs only to see Jac. was on her P.D.A. Ocean quietly went to where she left her flip flops and held them in her hand before she snuck up behind Jacqueline and said, "Confiscated." She smiled and stuck out her tongue before dashing back down the hall praying that she wouldn't run into a teacher or principal. While making a escape she made sure she turned off Jacqueline's devices to save their batteries.
Alex stands there in the court room as the judge asks him questions he knew how to lie pretty good so they believed everything he said. "Case close" the judge announces slamming the mallet and leaves as he gets shoves through the doors with an evil smirk across his lips "dumb bitch" he mutters quietly as he leaves the courthouse.
Then Oceania realized she still had class. She walked back to where she left Jac and asked, "Jac. What class do we have now?" She questioned as she hid her friends electronic devices behind her back. "Oh and another thing do you want to go to the beach with me after school?" She smiled hoping Jac would understand that she meant well by taking away her phone and P.D.A, and that she wouldn't ask for her devices back in return for the answers to her questions.
Oceania pouted and said, "Only if you promise that you won't use it for the rest of the day. It's not good for you to be glued to your phone 24/7 so at least promise me that or promise that you won't use it while your walking in the street." Oceania looked Jacqueline square in her face to tell her that this was no joke.
Oceania smiled, "Yay! Thank you Jac! And I'll be sure to hold you up on that promise. K!" She cheered happily. "Ok so are we going to the beach after school? And what class do we have now?" She asked as she handed over Jacqueline's PDA and phone.
Jacqueline we had Math but I think we have English she smiles and Thank you puts my phone and my PDA away in my purse
Levy parted away from Jason to go to his class. Jason was a grade over so they mostly talked during break and sometime lunch when Levy ate with the rest of the football team. Levy then remembered that they were in Math. He face palmed himself remembering the amount of homework they received. He then saw Oceania not too far and he jogged towards her placing a hand on her shoulder, " Hey you... Sorry..hum, did you do the homework in math?" He asked a bit hurried since class was starting in 10mins.
Oceania frowned at the thought of going to English. "Do you know when we have P.E?" She asked. Oceania knew P.E was towards the end of today but she didn't know whether it was last period or second to last. She just really wanted to run around and then go for a swim she couldn't stand the fact she was going to be stuck in a classroom listening to a teacher drone on about how to properly write a essay. While in her thoughts she felt a hand on her shoulder as Levy asked her a question. She shook her head and simply replied, "Nope." Popping the p. "Sorry I can't help you there. I was at the beach during class. And I left my backpack at home. So I'm basically winging everything today." She shrugged and turned back to Jac. and asked, "Do you know what the HW was?"
Oceania shrugged, "It was worth a try to ask you though." She smiled. "After all you actually noticed two things the whole entire time you were in class!" She teased before turning back to Lev and saying, "Sorry I still can't be of any help."
"Oh... I guess it's fine. Sorry for bothering you." Levy said with no smile or anything. He was always this indifferent with most people even if they were their friend. He just never smiled except for very very few. With that said, Levy walked towards english class and sat towards the windows on the 3 row.

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