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Active [West Empire - Cipactli Forest] Property for my Property - Part 3: Having a Wonderful Monstrous Time

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It is a direct continuation of Part 2: Let me iiiiin! and will likely be followed up by a continuation of its own. It is currently limitedly open to be joined. If you have a character that might find themselves looking to be enslaved or that might find themselves wandering through-out a monster-infested forest in the West Empire on the border with Kuridan, let me know and we can see what we can work out.

What to expect out of character:
This part is meant to be the third part to a series (aiming for 40 to 60 days per part) with the goal of Saoirse obtaining a Complex Slave Trainer asset, of which this part will focus on gaining the [Supporting Staff] (general workers, be it slaves or contracted workers) asset.

Round-turning/narrative posts are planned every Wednesday and Sunday morning or afternoon (UTC+1), so post before then or risk being skipped.

The RP will focus on exploration and character interactions. Combat encounters are likely to happen. Effectiveness system rules will be used in its 'light' version. Some dice rolls might be used to spice things up with randomness. Multiple posts for going and forth between PC's in-between narration rounds are allowed.

What to expect in character:
The RP takes place in a forest near the borders of the West Empire and Kuridan, which is known for its high concentration of monsters. Some (in)famous slavers are fond of using the place as a breeding ground for new slaves, though it comes at the risk of loosing their own lives to the very beings they wish to enslave.

Saoirse Desrosiers, a bottom-rung member of the Desrosiers family of Haregon/Rabbitfolk slavers, has managed to get her paws on an item that seemingly enslaved the Sienna's Estate steward and that will both allow her to utilise said steward and continue to 'unlock' her estate if repaired. In order to do so, she's looking to find her brother in the Cipactli forest, as he is a well known slaver of monsters that operates in the area and who's likely to know how to fix the artefact she obtained.


When joining, please let me know the following things in your first post:
1 ) Any specific achievements/goals your character would have within the overall goal of the RP, such as trying to increase standing with a certain faction or obtaining a certain item/asset. So long as it doesn't diverge too much, I'll see what I can do to include it.
2 ) Any point boosters the character might have. (Attentive Student, Mentor, Devour, Narrative Booster, etc.).
3 ) Any [Wanted] or criminal titles your character might have. (Note, some city or guild-related settings will make entry for criminals considerably more difficult and would need discussion pre-joining.)
4 ) Any Buddy Skills, Masterwork Skills or Complex Assets your character might have.

Tags and character goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Find her brother and get the monster-enslaving item restored so that she may obtain her estate's Steward / get started on the [Supporting Staff] asset.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Help Saoirse. | See if he can get into the good graces with more of Saoirse's family members.
Diego Argento Megilagor Megilagor – Help Saoirse. | See if he can learn to re-apply and/or re-learn to use his past SCP knowledge and skills in this world, especially now that they are encountering monsters.
Fenrir Hellsing Maxxob Maxxob – Help Saoirse. | Provide Saoirse with as much comfort as possible, despite them going through the wilderness. | Prove that bulters are better servants than maids.
Teti Karcen Karcen – Help Saoirse. | | Provide Saoirse with as much comfort as possible, despite them going through the wilderness. | Prove that maids are better servants than butlers.

Cipactli Forest – Moss-dead Territory
From: Microsoft Copilot

Saoirse woke up a little grumpy after having spent the night at an inn due to not being able to properly enter her estate. Whether or not she'd entered some of her slaves instead was up to how far they'd have pushed things, as she'd have been surprisingly passive herself. Her thoughts had already started to run wild, as there were many things to keep in mind and account for, for their next trip. It likely wouldn't be a comfortable one either.

The first order of business was getting repairs and supplies. The crew would have their gear repaired and was granted the ability to suggest some supplies for Saoirse to bring along. Seeing how they were planning a week-long, if not longer, trip into the wilderness, they would need to be well-prepared. As such, Saoirse has granted each of her slaves a lot of freedom in suggesting and buying what was deemed to be needed. OOC: Here's the first challenge. Please add a list of any non-point-cost items that your character would bring along. This includes what they would bring personally and what they would ask others to bring along, both mundane, specialised and general. Anything you can think of that they'd need and that isn't mentioned already. Anything not included on these lists that isn't already on one of the characters sheets either, will not be allowed in the RP and will be considered forgotten by the party.

The group had settled on taking the nearest Portal to a forest on the border of the West Empire and Kuridan. That's where Saoirse was sure she'd find her brother, whom could in turn help her fix the item needed to obtain the Estate's Steward and with it continue obtaining more of the Estate itself. Having (hopefully) prepared well enough, the group had set out from there. The city with the portal had a carriage take them to a nearby town. From the town, they had to go to the next village on foot.

From the village, they had to take small hunting paths toward the forest. However, they'd come to a halt.

Saoirse Desrosiers


“I think this the spot I've once been warned about by my brother. The Moss-dead Territory.” She'd state, as she looked at the trees. “Do you see all this moss? He's told me there are some monsters lurking amongst it. They are weak, as their bodies are made up entirely of moss-like substances, but they will attempt to drain the health and life of unsuspecting victims by latching onto them like parasites. So try not to get too close to any of it.”

That said, it was tough to proceed in general. “Then again, we'll have to wait here. My brother agreed to sent someone to guide us to where he's operating, though seeing his line of work, it's best we're ready to face some... let's say... monstrous guide.” She sighed. “Then again, with there being monsters in general, we'll have to be weary about not attacking our guide whilst still being able to spot any that might just portray themselves as such.” It was a challenging start over all. “If any of you has any ideas on how to prepare for spotting one from the other, I'd love to hear them.”

Melia Hayward

Melia was sticking close to Saoirse. She'd gotten some supplies in a back-back (whatever the others suggested and couldn't carry) for the 'camping' trip on her back. She was on high alert after hearing the mistress' warning. “I'm afraid I do not, ma'am.” She'd admit to her shortcomings in separating murderous and monstrous friend from murderous and monstrous foe.

Jastira Veidi


Jastira had not been eager to tag along, but the mistress, for some reason or other, had not granted her permission to leave or stay behind. So here she was. She too, would be carrying some supplies in a back-pack. Perhaps that was why she was here? She rather disliked being used as a pack-mule. With some luck this all would be over with soon enough. That said, she did have an idea. “Perhaps if we were to halt or restrain it by default, for one of you with a good enough Appraisal ability to observe it first?” She'd learned that such a thing had a lot of use. “It should show us if the monster is your brother's property, should it not?”

Saoirse nodded, confirming that she believed Jastira's assumption to be correct.
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