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Fantasy Werewolf rp

I jump across the rocks, managing to slip and get my boots wet, i splashed through and emptied my boots of water quickly, laughing embarrassed. Then i walk over to her and start to walk, arms behind back.
"That was smooth." I say laughing and nudging him with my elbow softly. "you are so tall."I say as I look up at him
I look down at her and laugh, " yep, my parents even call me the "green giant" but now i realize your pretty short too." I bend down and walk at her height, looking at her face to face i laugh.
I pretend to be suprised."Well excuse me missy." I put up my hands and stand tall again, then i nudge her a little and laugh.
I change into a wolf and quickly run up the hill, leaving her behind, i then sit on the top of the hill and look down at her. "And here kids, we have the turtle, look how she uses her arms to sllloooowwwlyy climb up this hill." I change into a human and laugh.
"Okay, that's it. I"m gonna kill you." I say with a smile as I get to the top of the hill and then tackle you playfully to the ground in human form
I smirk and stare into your eyes and quickly think of a way to get out from your grasp, but part of me doesn't mind being this close to you. "hello" I say softly
I lighten my grip quickly and stare at your eyes back, then i put my hands up and get off of you quickly, i then sit down next to her and look at the sunset.
"Yea its fine." I smile and suddenly i catch a sound, then a small chorus of regular wolves start to howl from about 8 miles away.
"It's so beautiful." I whisper softly as their howls echo across the mountains around us
I sit up and then turn into wolf form and howl along side you, my howl lighter than years but no less powerful
I howl until i stop and look at you, a light breeze caught your sleek fur and it blows in the wind beautifully, i think, wow...I then change into a human and hear the wolves howls die off.
I turn into my human form and look up at you, "The moons almost up." I say softly and lay against you again
"Yes, a full moon too." I answer, my stomach growls loudly, it echoes Through the mountains.
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"Wanna go hunting?" I ask and look up at him with wide eyes, "Theres tons of game here."
I laugh, "Of course i wanna go hunting, who doesn't, well, desides my parents." I go into wolf form and stand up, sniffing the air i catch a deer scent not far from us.
We quickly but quietly ran and hid in some brush, i look out and see an old doe with a broken leg standing a few yards away. I look back at you, " Theres a doe a few yards away with a broken leg." I whisper.

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