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Fantasy Werewolf Pack Romance


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hey guys, I've been needing to do this RP for a while and it's not a two person kind of thing. I had this idea of having a sort of stumble upon Pack that will take in a few mix and match characters. If I still have your attention then I'll go on further. The Pack leader just died and his only child is taking charge. They're the theirs most powerful Pack in the US, taking up all of Washington and bleeding into California and Oregon. They own all of that. But the headquarters in in the small town of Tacoma, where (my character) the Pack leader lives with only fifteen of his most trusted Pack mates, the others spread out and controlling different parts of the territory. That's where you guys come in. I need some eccentric yet lovable characters to be brought in by (your choice) either yourself to join the Pack or you were caught by the patrol and they took you in. The Alpha (gender to be decided by the outcome of your characters) is single and sorta ready to mingle. But, he's not the only Wolf looking for love. You guys can mingle amongst yourselves as well (making sure you still stay at your Alpha's side of course and contribute to the story). I don't care it it's FxF, MxF or MxM. Just put a comment down below if you like the idea. I'm not looking to open this up to more than 20 people and that's if this idea blows up. Tell me also what gender your character would be, it's preference in Romance and whether or not your looking for a mate within the Packmates or within the Alpha.
jacunliffe said:
Um I could be up for this. I would play female
What would you character's sexuality be and are they searching within packmates or for the Alpha?
This sounds good. I would preferable play a female. I would prefer FxM mix.

I guess she would be looking to be with the alpha but pack mates would work too.
I'm interested! My character would be female, heterosexual and she's looking for a mate, not sure if it's within the packmates or the alpha
I noticed everyone want to be female. I could make another character too if need be. So Male/pack mates or alpha doesn't matter which/MxF

Again only if needed if/when this gets going.
Ill join. My character will be a male homosexual though he may have a few small crushes on some females. They will lead to sister brother relationship
[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]Ill join. My character will be a male homosexual though he may have a few small crushes on some females. They will lead to sister brother relationship

I'm guessing you'd be searching within the Pack, huh?

5 people
I wouldn't mind joining. I'll be playing a heterosexual male ( Lucky for me that's kinda in demand at the moment ^_^ ).
I would be willing to join. Heterosexual male going after packmates.
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I would be willing to join. :3

Gender: Whatever we need the most.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Going After: Mostly Packmates.
Rari said:
I wouldn't mind joining. I'll be playing a heterosexual male ( Lucky for me that's kinda in demand at the moment ^_^ ).
Would you be looking within the Pack or the Alpha?


GimmickPuppet said:
Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
What gender, sexuality and which group are you going for?
jacunliffe said:
Maybe you could work on the thread a bit...
This thread or the RP thread, because it's still in construction. I'm using the time it takes for people to sign up to finish it off!
Hey! Are you still accepting? If so, I'll be joining as a male, preferably heterosexual, and since most are pending towards the pack members I thought perhaps I could be more interested in the Alpha. But we'll see.
10 people! I'll be posting the RP thread soon!


Vulcan said:
Hey! Are you still accepting? If so, I'll be joining as a male, preferably heterosexual, and since most are pending towards the pack members I thought perhaps I could be more interested in the Alpha. But we'll see.
I like it! Glad you could join and thanks for following!
Sure. Perhaps you could just tell us a few rules before we start: post length, when we should be active (because I'm from Europe -> different time zone, hope that's not a problem) etc. Oh, and a bit about the world as well: are there still humans, are we shifters/wolves/werewolves?
Well, it all depends on how you enter. You could come straight to the Alpha yourself, by sneaky past all the guards, and ask to join the Pack or get caught in the cities as a loner trespassing onto the territory. The Shifters (werewolves) still have a Human side and a Wolf side and they protect the Humans in their territory from Feral Wolves, Wolves gone crazy and just kill for fun. The post length should at least be one-two paragraphs (no one liners) and at least a post a day but if you can't tell me and we'll talk out the logistics.
Aha. Well, perhaps I'll be a loner -> caught. I usually write one paragraph :( when interacting with a player, one liners only in dialogue but seldom. I reply once per half an hour max till I fall asleep on my desk so yeah. If the length a problem just tell me and I'll be gone. Np.

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