Werewolf Apocolypse

are you still accepting members?

Name: Dakota Swift (Kota)

Age: 16

Breed: Metis

Tribe: Uktena

Short Biography: Kota grew up as a normal child although, she visited the Lupas daily. Her mother knew of her power and her human father abandoned them both when he found out about Kota's mother. Kota's mother tried to abandon her wolf life and Kota has to carry the price. In her wolf form she has no claws at all but in her human form her nails are short and stubby. Kota knows of most of the Lupas ways although she has trouble shifting from time to time and sometimes may randomly shift with no control, making it very difficult to have a normal social life. Currently an enchantment that the Uktena tribe put on a necklace for her assists her with her shifting issues. Elders in the tribes homeschool her in the wolf ways as much as possible and she can maintain her shifting issues long enough to get through the school day to learn the human ways. She truly lives a double life.

In her free time, Kota can be found walking through the woods, reading, working on some sort of artwork, or listening to music.

(Picture of Human form and werewolf form)

Yes just our creator is dealing with some things irl at the moment
oh wait i didn't mean you were accepted i cant really make those calls honestly i was just saying we are accepting but that our creator isnt here to look at them to say they pass or not :( sorry and it really wouldn't be fair to everyone else here who is waiting for the ok... so your gonna have to remove the post on the role playing thread :/ not to sound rude but you cant really do that unless the creator says your skelly was accepted @Wolfette157
Kujamonkey said:
PLEASE INCLUDE THESE! No OP or out-of-control Characters. MUST SELECT A TRIBE!

Name: Randi

Age: 19

Breed: Lupus

Tribe: Glass Walkers

Short Biography: Randi is a 19 year old wolf who works in the city, but is a lone wolf. He has no mate and is very shy, and very intimidating.

(Picture of Human form and werewolf form)

((wolf form is same as Profile Pic))

Tribes and species are in the Overview for your reference.
Kujamonkey said:
PLEASE INCLUDE THESE! No OP or out-of-control Characters. MUST SELECT A TRIBE!





Short Biography:

(Picture of Human form and werewolf form)

Tribes and species are in the Overview for your reference.

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