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Realistic or Modern We're All Wallflowers

Not much. Just people mingling and the party still moving forward. Some characters are still wandering around not doing anything, while others are chatting up other characters. ( ^_^ )

So not much really.
Is there anything you want to happen at the party? I know you don't really want to time skip or nothing, but some people are having a hard time mingling.

I did make some extra characters to help throw in some drama. Casey is the queen bee that will literally make fun of anyone.. She would be the fuel and the flames.

Kyle which is the football star kind of guy. I have plans to make him one of the good guys.

And Sara is the rock star one wandering around on the dance floor. ( ^_^ )

Anyone who needs someone to interact with I also have Coal who is outside on the front porch.
NovaNovass said:
Yeah. I can get some interaction in there. ( ^_^ )
What character do you want me to use?



Sara or Kyle
Let me review their CS and I'll get back to you :)
I hate to point this out but @JustCallMeAimee posts have been slacking for sometime. More then 90% of them have been one liners. I try to read everyone's post so I can be aware of all the characters and whereabouts.... But her's have been lacking.

There are a few others that have not been keeping up with their post detail and lengths.
NovaNovass said:
I hate to point this out but @JustCallMeAimee posts have been slacking for sometime. More then 90% of them have been one liners. I try to read everyone's post so I can be aware of all the characters and whereabouts.... But her's have been lacking.
There are a few others that have not been keeping up with their post detail and lengths.
Who are these 'others' you are talking about?
Yourself and @TuffBbg

Some of the others that were posting one liner type posts haven't been as active.

(The reason why I pointed out justcallme was because your posts in the beginning weren't one liners. But when your character started to interact with hers I felt as if it effected your writing quantity.... I don't think it's fair to rpers who put in the effort into their posts in a casual role play only to be responded by one liners. It brings down the quality and quantity.)
Yea I saw how my posts had changed. I'm just finding it hard to elaborate, I usually write a paragraph but I've only been able to think of 2-3 lines. In no way is Aimee bad at roleplaying; but I find it difficult to post a lot when responding to 1-3 lines.
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It happens to rpers when they get responses like so. That's why I pointed her out. Not trying to be mean, but it makes it harder on other roleplayers when they want to add more but feel less motivated because of the low quantity in ones post. And I agree, she's not a bad rper... But it would be nice to see her elaborate on her character more. I like to read about everyone's characters and just felt a little disappointed with how many times she posted and how little I knew about this character form all the posts.
Well the only reason I did 2-3 liners is usually because other people do them back (e.g if I've done it once by accident and then they've replied with the same quantity...and then it becomes a vicious cycle.) this usually all happens because I hate to not replay for long periods of time if I know someone else has. Then I end up rushing my post due to the fear they'll get board with me and I'll end up being left out and that I'm making them wait.

I also use this site on my phone so forgive me if a post is short, I forget the size or text differs from phones and laptops.


Any how, I'll go elaborate my last post as much as I am able and when k have the time too. Sorry for the lack in consistency.
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iChaotic said:
This time skip has confused me tbh. Should I just start my characters off at the school?
Yeah I idk either. But I think most people have just started back at school. -shrug- I'm just gonna go for it.
JustCallMeAimee said:
Yeah I idk either. But I think most people have just started back at school. -shrug- I'm just gonna go for it.
We'd literally just arrived at Alex's house and now we're suddenly on Monday. Guess I'm going to have to make up some things about what happened at the house.

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