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Realistic or Modern We're All Wallflowers

Name: Ebony Blanc

Age: 17



Personality: Ebony has a cold ruff exterior, she is very much the anti-hero; the kind of person who does bad for good. Often sarcastic, blunt and truthful people tend to dislike and even hate her due to the fact she tells them the truth they don't want to hear.

By nature she is unkind and uncaring to those who she doesn't know, but people she gets close to (currently no one) will learn despite her ruff exterior she, deep down, is kind.

History: Ebony's lived a ruff life. An abusive, alcoholic father who hates her and a mother who's too afraid to do anything other than sit to one side abd quietly watch to save her own skin. It's been this way since she can remember. But despite this she has grown up around money and her father, as if to patch up the harm he causes, buys her things.

Clique: rebel

Sexuality: straight

Crush: N/A (pm me)

Boyfriend/girlfriend: N/A

Other (house, car, body mods, etc ):

Ebony's father is French and her mother is English. They moved country when her dad had a job offer and wanted to isolate their family so that neither his wife nor daughter could be taken from him.

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Name: Marilyn Asher Watson

Age: 17

Personality: -Careful... Most of the time- -Calm- -Intelligent- -Impulsive- -Creative-

History: Grew up in a small suburban area and is still currently living there.

Marilyn's father is a tattoo artist and her mother is a lawyer, weird right?

Her mother is more calm and snobbish while her father is a wildfire... Got more of her mother's traits of course but has a knack for art and even learned how to do tattoos. Still thinking about one for herself though.

Clique: Loner

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: Pm me

Boyfriend: Pm me



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Name: Valentina Rose Coretti

Nickname: Val, Tina or Rose

Age: 17 years old

Grade: Junior



Personality: She is helpful, dauntless, humble and sometimes stubborn when it comes to things. Valentina is very blunt towards others and because of her bluntness she is often getting into trouble with the wrong group of people but she knows how to handle herself pretty well. She is rather loyal to all her friends and family. She can be a very loving, loyal, generous, caring, and fun person. She is often named the quiet, and awkward one in school since she has a hard time expressing herself. She won't let anyone get in her way of doing something she wants to do.

History: Valentina was born into a very well stable family, her father was a surgeon which meant he was busy all the time and her mother was a architect designer for a well known company. She has an older brother who is in his first year of college, and a new baby sister who is on the way. Valentina's parents always tried to make time for her and her brother. Her parents gave her everything that she could possibly need in life and always taught her to be humble about everything, they take mission trips every two years to underdeveloped countries to aid them. Valentina always got along with her mother more then her father since her father wants her to be very successful in life so he has high standards for her. Later in the year her father's job as well as mother's job had sent them to a new state, making Valentina start a new school, as well as making new friends.

Clique: Wallflower

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush: N/A


Boyfriend/girlfriend: N/A

Other (house, car, body mods, etc ):




(left thigh)


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Name: Sara Baits

Age: 17


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/1c138001d3e180877bf78e55036bdd9d.jpg.1449944b3e999a38db5799d5df6f04a5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107432" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/1c138001d3e180877bf78e55036bdd9d.jpg.1449944b3e999a38db5799d5df6f04a5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Sara is very tough when it comes to others. She has an 'I'm always right' kind of attitude when it comes to things she likes. Music, rock, punk rock, heavy metal, She is an all around Rock Star in her mind. She can sing and play multiple instruments, but she loves drums. That was her first passion and it will forever be her passion.

When it comes to socializing Sara still keeps that rock star attribute. She is very friendly and doesn't judge others for their looks, only their actions and attitudes. Basically she treats others how she wants to be treated..... With respect. That is the one thing that can turn this fun loving rock star into a living hell. Disrespect her and the war is on. She plays dirty and fights dirty.

History: Sara has what one would call a normal life style. Well not really. She has two dads... Yup, her parents are gay. But that kind of life has really turned her into the amazing person she is today. Both her fathers support her and her choices. She doesn't do drugs but she does like to drink and party. She may smoke a cigarette here or there but it's not a habit she wants to pick up.

Sara grew up in a nice house by the school. Even with the whole I want to be a rock star theme, Sara is surprisingly smart. Here parents had a way with getting her to keep up with her studies. She gets A's and B's and she can dress how ever she likes. A supportive family system.

With only two years left in high school Sara wishes to go to LA for collage. She wants to learn all about the music industry and even pursue her career as a musician.

Clique: Goth, punk, rock

Sexuality: Sex doesn't matter. If she likes you.. She likes you.

Crush: None yet

Boyfriend/girlfriend: None yet

Other: Will fill out later.....

Name: Casey Armada

Age: 17


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/price.png.451107b60f6a65314e002d689c4a35ad.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107433" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/price.png.451107b60f6a65314e002d689c4a35ad.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Do not be fooled by her face, Casey is pure evil. She is stuck up and demands the world to revolve around her. She lives up to the Queen Bee act and wont let anyone step on her toes or get in her way. Other then that Casey has no real morals in life and is self centered. She hates just about anyone and if they hate her back..... She is willing to fight... Well not fist fight. She is however very clever when it comes to social media. She can end your status in school with a wink of an eye.

History: Casey has two rich parents. Both are ever so busy and don't really have much time for her. Her mother is a on the board of a large corporation and her father is a doctor and is rarely home most of the time. A girl just wanting her parents attention makes her drive to get everyone elses... She doesn't care how... She just wants it.

Casey grew up in the town, more so on the richer side. She hates all the other rich kids seeing them as a threat. Coal is on the top of her list. Although Coal is not really something of importance to her, it's the fact that his parents are a lot richer then hers. She sees him as a large threat when it comes to money advances in life.

Clique: Popular, Cheerleader, Queen Bee

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: She thinks she likes Kyle because they are the two most popular people in school.

Boyfriend/girlfriend: Kyle

Other: Will finish this later.

Name: Kyle Winchester

Age: 17


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/1.0x0.jpg.fbb9771b5c31e92ea9aa99614efe5f50.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107431" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/1.0x0.jpg.fbb9771b5c31e92ea9aa99614efe5f50.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Kyle is a jock none the less. He isn't stupid or holds a low IQ.... He is quite the opposite. He is smart and knows that he wants to play sports professionally. To do so he must keep his grades up if he wants to go to the best collages around. He will do just about anything to try and keep order and is a born leader.

He tries to stay out of trouble but things don't always go his way. He is actually a nice guy and tries to put others before himself. He can't help himself when he thinks something is wrong.... This part of him sometimes crosses the line with others. He might get too deep into other people's lives to where he doesn't even realize the boundaries other have. To him he thinks he is doing good, when in reality he should sometimes mind his own business.

History: Kyle's family is very supportive in so many ways. He has a younger brother that goes to a private school in another country. Kyle's father is very supportive of Kyle's sport's future. Sometimes he gets too involved, but Kyle only sees it as the man just wanting to be proud of his son.

Kyle's mom is very close with other moms in the area and is a stay at home mom. She is very caring and very wise. Sometimes Kyle thinks that his dad got very lucky with his high school sweetheart. He looks up to both of them very much and actually talks to them about high school seeing as they have a very big open mind and wise wisdom when it comes to this kind of thing.

Kyle grew up in town and has been sharing classes with just about everyone. He doesn't have many problems with other students except for one. Coal Black. Ever since grade school these two have always been fighting. For some reason Kyle can't shake off what Coal said to him many years ago. Coal was also the reason why Kyle was even able to have courage to join a football team back in fifth grade... But the next day Coal flipped out over a simple conversation and the two have been fighting ever since. You can catch the two duking it out from time to time in the school hallways.

Clique: Jock, popular, Football quarterback

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: He's dating Casey, but things haven't been great with her lately.

Boyfriend/girlfriend: Casey

Other: Will add in later.



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Name : Sierra Miller

Age 17

Appearance <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c8081cdee_th(13).jpe.d3b9f2aa42ee8a43d7e0444b47870429.jpe" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107890" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c8081cdee_th(13).jpe.d3b9f2aa42ee8a43d7e0444b47870429.jpe" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality Sierra is very laid back and calm, but is also very easily angered. She can be described as "chill" or "cool". Some think of her as an airhead or dumb or too quiet, but she knows more than you think, and is more than what meets the eye. When you first meet her, shy may come off as shy, but once you hangout and get to know her she is funny and nice.

History - Originally born in London, and moved when she was 12 years old. Still has a slight accent. When she was 14 her mother died in a car accident, and 6 months later Sierra was diagnosed with mild schizophrenia, causing bi polarness and for her too see and hear things that sometimes aren't there. As long as she takes her medicine, she should be fine.

Clique -Athletes/ skaters.

Sexuality - Straight

Crush- Kyle

Boyfriend/girlfriend- None, atm

Other (house, car, body mods, etc )



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Alexander M. Gordon


Alexander is very studious and shy, but naturally nice and kind. He loves books and reading, as well as science, astrology, and in general academic pursuits. He is serious by nature, a bit of a stiff really. He doesn't always like stepping out of his comfort zone, but he will try something new every now and then.

History: Alexander is the younger sibling of Cassandra, and they both do very well in school. Alexander always did his best to live up to his sister's example and by the standards his family set for him. Alexander always knew he was different but never knew what it was until he had a gay experience at summer camp, he realized he was "confused", but is ashamed of it. He has happily welcomed Rose into his home as a foster sister even though they do not have a lot in common.

Sexuality: Closeted, Questioning, he has no idea

Clique: Nerds

Crush: PM me

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: PM me


Character Sheet

Name (Full): Caoimhe (Pronounce like Kee and Va) Maire Millikan

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Grade: Junior

Appearance (Realistic Only): Extremely snow white pale, and off white hair and eyelashes and her eyes are bluish-light lavender. Wears sweaters almost all year round as she experiences body chills. She keeps a simple appearance and never wears makeup as it irritates her skin.

Personality: She's quite withdrawn from most of the world. Quite and reserved and keeps to herself and her sheet music and headphones. Although she may seem cold she is actually a very kind and sweet soul who will help anyone who needs her and gives people benefit of the doubt. You just have to make the first move.

Biography: Born with albinism, fortunately she isn't blind so it doesn't hinder her from daily life. She comes from a family of 5, her 2 twin brothers (5) who also have albinism, her mother and father. Caoimhe's family is from Ireland and just recently came to America because of her father's big promotion.

Likes: She loves painting and pottery and her number passion is music and singing. (Although she'll probably never sing where anybody can hear her). She also loves animals, nature, white flowers and mathematics

Dislikes: Hates chocolate and doing laundry

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Crush: None (pm me) however... She does find Dion a little interesting at first sight

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None (pm me)

Other: She plays the violin, piano and flute
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Character Sheet

Name (Full): Aakil James McAllister

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Grade: Senior

Appearance (Realistic Only): Fair skinned, red hair, and a slight beard and hazel brown eyes. Wears hoodies year round, jeans and high tops.

Personality: Aakil is very outgoing and social. He enjoys meeting people and loves being in the company of all sorts, women in particular. He's a wee bit of a flirt~ but he's harmless, if he goes too far he'll slap himself lol. He is just a smiley person who enjoys life and tries to make the most of it and ends up doing some unconventional daredevil stunts.

Biography: Is an orphaned only child who lives with his maternal grandparents. He and his parents were in a car accident when he was 9, he was the only one to survive. The reason for the crash was a drunk driver so he has absolutely no tolerance for alcohol.

Likes: He loves to cook and is quite good at it! video games, playing guitar, pandas and girls

Dislikes: alcohol, smoking and stuck up people.

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Crush: None (pm me)

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None (pm me)
Name: Bram Miller

Age: 19

Appearance : <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/b41a412fcce68532f097e740f68b9d2c.jpg.7beebf6c0bdaa126caa23c4bcbbd0209.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108152" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/b41a412fcce68532f097e740f68b9d2c.jpg.7beebf6c0bdaa126caa23c4bcbbd0209.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: always speak what he is thinking, not caring if they hurt or not. He can be mean at times but he doesn't do it intentionally, but he is really a friendly guy. He may seem friendly at times on the outside but on the inside he is jealous of those have more friends than him. He likes annoying his adopted parents. Doesn't really like failing classes but doesn't show he is smart.

History: Bram is an adopted children from Liverpool, England at the age of 2. He was adopted by a rich couple who wanted a younger child for their older daughter. He grew up in a mansion but he really hated how they acted like rich snobs. He likes going to fast food places while getting yelled at by his parents..

Clique: Jock, Closet Nerd

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: None

Boyfriend/girlfriend: Nope

Other: given to him by his parents when he turned 16.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/698249c873097f676d9fb19b8f1d4592.jpg.650e5dc5e51e41587c0bdf78bc2fe55d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108151" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/698249c873097f676d9fb19b8f1d4592.jpg.650e5dc5e51e41587c0bdf78bc2fe55d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name :Dill O'neal

Age :16


Personality: Dillan Is a Emo/Goth Kid who loves to argue crack,jokes and entertain. In side he wants to be by himself. However very talented and gifted he is in the arts, he hates it. Dill Is gay and is patronized and teased most of the time joking about death and being suicidal.

History: Dill, unlike his friends was subject to go to a (His present school and not, C.H.S like his friends, which is a rich college school like his friends. It wasn't the money it was his grades, now "Down Graded he is subdue to his new school where he now trys to be friends.


Sexuality :Gay

Crush:None (Atm)


Other Car:

and Nose Ring and Lip piercing.
TheJester said:

Name :Dill O'neal

Age :16


Personality: Dillan Is a Emo/Goth Kid who loves to argue crack,jokes and entertain. In side he wants to be by himself. However very talented and gifted he is in the arts, he hates it. Dill Is gay and is patronized and teased most of the time joking about death and being suicidal.

History: Dill, unlike his friends was subject to go to a (His present school and not, C.H.S like his friends, which is a rich college school like his friends. It wasn't the money it was his grades, now "Down Graded he is subdue to his new school where he now trys to be friends.


Sexuality :Gay

Crush:None (Atm)


Other Car:

and Nose Ring and Lip piercing.
Accepted! We just started up Monday morning for school

Samantha "Sammy" Colmer




Bio: Samantha grew up into a middle Class Family. She grew up with her older brother and her father who is a lawyer, And A Mother who is barely around because she is a alcoholic. Growing up Samantha was taught to be a well behave girl and to respect others and get good grades.

Personality: Samantha is a Fun person to be around with she's goofy and sweet and caring. Samantha is the type of person who laughs a lot and gets her in trouble in classes, It's just how she is , I guess you can say she finds everything funny. Samantha is small and emotional or whatever but don't take advantage of her she has a bad side. Sometimes Samantha tends to have Anger issues and Stuff, But can you blame her? She isn't all that perfect she is her mother's daughter.


Clique: Cheerleader, Popular

Crush: PM me

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Pm me

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Adabelle Reeves (Andy)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.gif.9e30cccdeceae2962850cb05e4bfc05c.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108509" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.gif.9e30cccdeceae2962850cb05e4bfc05c.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


She's shy and delicate, athletic, naive, innocent seeming (More will develop as it goes)


Andy is popular, but she's a follower. No one really understands how a girl can be so quiet yet still ride the top of the food chain, it's simple. Follow the leader.

Lately other things have pushed into the girls life, like her cousin Austin. He's living with the quiet girl now. Her family is quite small anyways, just her, mom and now Austin. No one talks about her dad or where he is, he just sends money once a month.


Cheerleader / Popular




We will see


pm me!


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Austin Bouleau


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.gif.6b93c17b956c3565594ef9b2e819fdc1.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108520" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.gif.6b93c17b956c3565594ef9b2e819fdc1.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


He's a cocky son of a bitch, protective when it comes to those he cares about but when you piss him off, you better run. (More will develop as it goes)


His parents left. No ones sure where they went and Austin frankly doesn't give a damn cause they never cared for him anyways. They were known drug dealers.

Now he was moved in with his aunt and cousin and was loving life, even though now he's the drug dealer.


Punks and potheads




Hit me up


Hit me up


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Mason Sayre
AGE nineteen

SEXUALITY heterosexual

CLIQUE freaks




For the most part, Mason's a laid-back, easygoing guy. He doesn't enjoy being violent or involving himself in violence but doesn't mind doing so if necessary. Not necessarily shy, he simply dislikes the general population and only speaks to those he sees as 'worthy'. As much as he loves the fresh air and sensation of being outdoors, he tends to keep himself cooped up in his room. He spends a lot of time mentally criticizing himself, amplifying his own insecurities, and causing himself intentional harm. When it comes to girls, he has never had a real relationship before.


Raised by his paternal grandparents, Mason never actually knew either of his parents very well. His mother died when he was three and his father, never having wanted a child in the first place, ran off soon after to be with a hooker he had 'fallen for', then gotten remarried in Vegas. His grandfather has always been strict, violent when drunk, and exceptionally narcissistic. Needless to say, their relationship was never a close one and is likely the cause of many of the issues Mason has, today.In school, he managed to get good grades -- when he tried -- but he never got close with many other students.

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oOBubblesOo said:

Mason Sayre
AGE nineteen

SEXUALITY heterosexual

CLIQUE freaks




For the most part, Mason's a laid-back, easygoing guy. He doesn't enjoy being violent or involving himself in violence but doesn't mind doing so if necessary. Not necessarily shy, he simply dislikes the general population and only speaks to those he sees as 'worthy'. As much as he loves the fresh air and sensation of being outdoors, he tends to keep himself cooped up in his room. He spends a lot of time mentally criticizing himself, amplifying his own insecurities, and causing himself intentional harm. When it comes to girls, he has never had a real relationship before.


Raised by his paternal grandparents, Mason never actually knew either of his parents very well. His mother died when he was three and his father, never having wanted a child in the first place, ran off soon after to be with a hooker he had 'fallen for', then gotten remarried in Vegas. His grandfather has always been strict, violent when drunk, and exceptionally narcissistic. Needless to say, their relationship was never a close one and is likely the cause of many of the issues Mason has, today.In school, he managed to get good grades -- when he tried -- but he never got close with many other students.

Accepted! It's a Monday and everybody is just basically at school except for a couple who didn't bother going or ditched and are at the diner haha

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