We're All Crazy Here.

Jelly x Filled x Donut

Two Thousand Club
Just as usual, Peyton was alone, in the yard sitting on a metal plate. Most of the residents made fun of her for this but, what they didn’t know was that she sat on this to keep from lighting the grass on fire. In her glove adorned hands, was a tattered and tired looking book with fade gold writing. Part of the writing read William Shakespeare’s Rome-- and then completely faded away. Every morning you’d find Peyton out here unless something had gone wrong and she didn’t want to come out of her room. Peyton’s long wispy red hair shifted in the breeze and brushed along an old page of her book. As she read, her amber lit eyes moved slowly as if she were peering into the very soul of William himself.
Carson was strolling through the expansive yard, his violin case held gingerly in his hands. His keen eyes darted everywhere, taking in every variable of the environment. His strategic mind saw the world in a rational way. Everything was quantifiable, cataloguable, and categorically predictable. Everything, except music. Yes, music was an universal enigma, and it was perhaps the only mystery that Carson had no urge to solve. Finding a suitably secluded area, he set down the instrument case and pulled out the beautiful Stradivarius. It was said that they were the best violins of all, and the ones that Antonio Stradivari created during his "Golden Period", such as the one Carson was holding, were priced in the millions. But, this instrument was special to Carson; he used to play this to his sister since their childhood, before this whole fiasco.

Brushing those thoughts aside, Carson allowed himself to lose his facade and let down his guard. He absorbed the ambiance of the environment and began to play. At first, the gentle vibrato and soft tones were indicative of the early morning peace. However, the piece slowly but surely devolved into a cacophonous but strangely musical melody. It reflected the underlying tension, apprehension, and craziness that was embodied in this place. Carson allowed the music to develop on its own, with him simply being a means of expression that was along for the ride. Without his intention, the music began to get richer and louder. It spoke to the very core essence of what this place was, and to some, it was absolutely beautiful.
Nardack never moved from his spot, otherwise known as the scratched-up corner of the yard. He was, indeed, alone, as some others were that he didn't even care to acknowledge. He sat there on his butt with his legs pushed up against his chest, and his arms wrapped around said legs. This was a daily routine for Nardack. He only sat there and watched everyone else do as they pleased. Playing was for normal people, he thought, and he wasn't normal at all.

And he was very naive about everyone else in this place... He had no idea what they could do.

His multi-colored eyes had cooperated with his hearing senses, as a soft tune had somehow wavered into his pierced ears. Normally 'distracting' things like 'sissy music' would have him turn the other way and grumble in irritation, but instead it gave him another thought in mind. That this place wasn't as bad as he imagined it. In a way, the tone was sort-of... Unique?

Edit: Did I kinda kill this with my nubbiness...? Bump!
'You're not insane, you're not insane, you're not insane.' Micah's whispered voice repeated the words over and over. why had he been sent here? Most normal people just sent their kids to counselling. Not to a freaking mental institute. He just wanted his old life back. Sighing, he stood up, walked to his window and looked out to see the others on the lawn. He should join them, shouldn't he? Was he allowed to just stay in his room? It was probably better this way. His friends were all there after all. The shadows. They nurtured him, and so he nurtured them in return. They spent hours in each other's company, and time flew by easily. Maybe he was crazy. He laughed suddenly at the thought. Maybe, just maybe. Should he ask the shadows? No.. That WOULD be crazy. Alright.. time to get out there he thought, clenching his fists and banging on the door so the orderly passing by would let him out. 'Hey man, I wanna go outside!'
(ooc: exuse me, im new here and id like to ask how you sighn up for certain rps? Every sites diffrent and this one looks fun! Thanks!)
Well, usually there will be a sign up sheet in one if the two forms above the main threads. You have to submit a profile usually and read the plot line. But, if you like I can start a new thread once I'm out of the shower! Lol
Even if it is remade.. i cant rejoin.. too many rps.. but still, i was curious as to why it died)
It was a one on one to and the other poster just stopped posting. I don't know why. Lol

Oops wrong thread, I'm not sure why this one died either! Lol

WEll I'm willing to do a one on one of this, for whoever is interested!
This story has so much potential. By far the most intriguing one i've read so far. It would be quite a shame to watch it fade away. *stares at a small crack on the floor.* Excuse me for being so terribly rude, but if I may, please continue. I would be honored to participate, as well.

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