Well, start running

Name: Brooklyn Finn

Age: 17

Height: 5'7

Weight: (not accurate with picture) 163 pounds.

Why is she here? Brooklyn murdered the man who killed both her parents, or at least, that's what everyone thinks. She won't give any details, and her life has been threatened many times before, so that she would be more willing to give answers, but she won't tell them anything. People assume she killed him because her necklace was found at his house where he died. She assumes that there is no point in arguing because you can't convince the public to stop believing something they already believe.

Likes: Nature, archery, Big dogs

Dislikes: Crowded spaces, small dogs, people who try to be someone they aren't, Makeup

Strengths: Archery, Sarcasm, Ignoring people

Weaknesses: she is slow because of her weight, she is bipolar, so she can lash out on people for no reason

Personality: She's the converse and jean type of girl. She's a tomboy. She has lost both of her parents, so she has learned to be very independent. She is not quick to trust, so if someone she trusts lies to her, it is a really big deal. She doesn't tell secrets, whether those secrets are hers, or someone else's. She doesn't talk very much, she just thinks to herself.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Blonde-hair-blue-eyes-girl-green-eyes-Favim.com-631509.jpg.ed75101598df0a3ee1394c7240a0d844.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36325" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Blonde-hair-blue-eyes-girl-green-eyes-Favim.com-631509.jpg.ed75101598df0a3ee1394c7240a0d844.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Accepted ! All slots are closed, PM me if you're interested in joining, perhaps we can work something out.

As of all of you who are in the RP, I'll work on my opening shortly :)
Could I join as a hunter? Got a bunch of ideas in my head already including weaponry, couple of gadgets, etc. Also, small question, are you running a more standardized hunters type thing, or are the hunters all significantly different with their own signature weapons, like in The Running Man?
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Post a Cs and I'll think about it, I wasnt planning on having hunters but it may add some fun. As far as load out goes, you can use whatever you'd like :)
Posting the CS in a few. Im gonna add a bit of flavor text, tell me if you want any of it removed.

Name: Christopher "Headshot" Dover

Age: 26

Height: 6 feet

Weight: 242 pounds

Why are you here? : As one of the many juvenile delinquents in the country, Christopher was hated by the government. He ate up their valuable resources without providing to the community. This resulted in him, along with many others, being given one of two choices. First, he could be enlisted as a specialty recruit for the government's games, and then be thrown into one of many roles including fake contestant, trader, hunter, or human prop (the government had plenty ideas for what to do with a fresh shapable character), or be put into the mines as a slave laborer. He chose the first, and was given training as well as severe mental conditioning for being a Games Hunter.


❥ Completing Tasks

❥ Pleasing the Audience



✗ Wasting Time

✗ Loosing Public Approval

✗ Blood stains

Strengths: Trained in use of firearms, intelligent, and able to track humans very well

Weaknesses: Physical Strength, Doesn't like to get dirty

Personality: Dover is a merciless product of government psychological experimentation. He survived a series of tests that only 24% of the other subjects also survived. He requires the approval of society to be able to function mentally, and will go into a nervous breakdown upon being told he has failed. He also is very calm and hard to frustrate, willing to die for his government, and obsessed with keeping clean( he can get dirty on the job, but is afterwards immediately compelled to clean himself).

Armory: 1 military-grade backpack

1 flashlight w/ enough power for 3 solid days of use.

1 Colt Python 8inch revolver w/ scope

1 ammo satchel w/ approximately 66 .357 rounds

3 Revolver Speed Loaders

1 water canteen

10 days rations

1 tinderbox

1 binoculars

1 radio headset

1 sewing kit

10 red flag markers w/ sensors

3 smoke grenades

1 thermal coat

So there is the hunter app. I think its probably better that you assign an appearance, as this is your roleplay and I don't want to mess up your ideas of what I should look like. In my head, I was thinking a kind of Cad Bane from starwars, but with less gadgets and NOT an alien.

Accepted ! Let's see how this hunter thing works out, as for your appearance, a human Cad Bane wouldn't be too bad.. let's go with that !
Awesome. Im assuming that they throw me in at a pre-designated time after the contestants? Also, do I get some controlled-by-you hunter buddies, or am I going solo?
I'll make a hunter character to keep you occupied, and i'll let you know when you can enter the games. As for now, you can maybe be getting your character prepared for the hunt ?
Name: Alicia Taylor

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c105ba1d3_Picture24.png.281cf9a25f63bda052b09dcabd9a14ea.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36601" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c105ba1d3_Picture24.png.281cf9a25f63bda052b09dcabd9a14ea.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 18

Height: 5' 6"


Why are you here:
When Alicia was little she adored her little brother, swore to protect his life. When her parents came home drunk one day, they got angry at Alicia's little brother, and ended up beating him up to death. In outrage, Alicia killed them both. She then went on the run, and joined a few gangs. One day when a cop had caught one of her mates, she assaulted the cop, helping the boy escape. She herself got caught. Alicia doesn't know if the people who sent her here, even know about her parent incident.


? Kids like her brother

? Proving people wrong

? Loves good food


?People like her parents

?People proving her wrong

? Things that can get people drunk

Strengths(At least 2):

Close Combat (especially when protecting someone)

2. Resourceful

Weaknesses(At least 2):

Doesn't make friends very easily

2. Is a sucker for people like her brother, so she instantly trusts them, and devotes her life to them.


Alicia is incredibly loyal. Its hard to gain her trust though, unless you are a cute little boy, or know the meaning of survival. She is usually very serious, but gets random spurts of giddyness.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.e3984210d20a7d7c81850ae2e7aa3ef9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36847" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/image.jpg.e3984210d20a7d7c81850ae2e7aa3ef9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: James Pinchet

Age: 19

Height: 5'12"


Why are you here? : he killed a cop in self defense, but others thought he did it because the cop tried to arrest him for illegal firearms.


? drawing

? writing

? shooting


? dark

? spiders

? demanding people

Strengths(At least 2):

Firearm: his father was a redneck and taught him how to use firearms.

Survival:he was in boy scouts and he is a big camper.

Strong:he's pretty strong.

Weaknesses(At least 2):

Sacrificing:will usually sacrifice himself for others, resulting in major injuries or death to himself.

Hothead:will try to get revenge on people and is not subtle about it.

Reckless:he's not very careful...

Personality:he is loyal and kind. He cares more about himself than others. He is also kinda flirty



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