Well, start running


A character picture is required (please try and keep it real, no anime characters for this one)





Why are you here? : (what did your character do to get selected)



Strengths(At least 2):

Weaknesses(At least 2):


Contestant 1 - @Devouring - Clive Foly

Contestant 2 - @David Parks - Jeremy Huff

Contestant 6 - @LuckLacked - Aberdeen Stokes

Contestant 7 - @LannTheClever - Tristan Callhoun

Contestant 8 - @Endless Love - Isabella Santiago

contestant 9 - @TurbulentSky - Brooklyn Finn

reservations open up after 24 hours and the spots will be free for anyone to join.
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Name: Clive Foly


Age: 31

Height: 6 foot

Weight: 180 lbs

Why are you here? : Clive was a homeless man, pushed into the corner of desperation by society. He had plan to rob a store in order to gain some money to possibly keep him alive for a little longer. He entered the store rather nervous. when the owner picked up a phone to dial the police's number, he opened fire with a handgun he had purchased off of the street. Killing the owner, he turned to the customers of the store, he didn't want any witnesses. Any. 2 children, their mothers, and a young man no older than 25 were also killed in the shooting. After stealing the contents of the register, he headed to the parking lot, taking one of the cars situated there. The police began to pursue him and he gave up immediately, they were forced to incarcerate him. But now, the public demanded he be killed, for he ended the lives of those people, they responded by selecting him for the hunt. While inside his cell one day, the guards brought him out, telling him he had a guest. Before he knew it a sack was strung over his head and a needle entered into his arm, sedating him. When he woke up, he was in the back of a truck, seated with 7 other people who probably shared similar stories with him.


❥ being alone

❥ silence

❥ warmth


✗ the dark

✗ people interfering with his plans

✗ authority

Strengths(At least 2):

Physically strong:
Clive is definitely not someone you'd want to mess with. although he is not considerably heavy, his hits are. He can have very aggressive fits of rage at random times as well, increasing to his already impressive strength. He does like to try and keep himself peaceful, and only resorts to attacking if all else has failed, but isn't afraid to defend himself if need be.

Good navigator: Since he had been homeless, Clive had to rely on the streets of the city to keep him alive. This resulted in him memorizing most of the streets, shortcuts to a lot of destinations and him picking up on some navigational skills.

Weaknesses(At least 2):

Cracks under pressure:
Clive isn't the most stable person once he knows he has a difficult choice to be made. Especially when he knows other people are watching. This is another thing that can cause one of his fits of rage. Stress - his biggest enemy.

Unsocial: Clive spent most of his time living alone, and when he was evicted and forced on to the streets of the busy world, he was ignored. Cast away. People seen him as useless, a reason for the hunts, and now he was going to prove those people to be right, he was exactly one fo the reasons for the hunts.

Personality: Clive is a fairly bitter, cold-hearted man. His hatred towards society, and others, continued to build up every day that he was alive. The reason he hated human interaction so much wasn't that he felt he had a bad life, or that he was some sort of failure, it was that he thought everyone else's lives were far better. That they were successes. He likes to keep distant from people, and is best off on his own. He also has no sense between right and wrong, he tended to live by a code of what needed to be done rather than what was the right thing to do. He had no care whether or not others perished from his choices, he was sick and tired of being at the bottom of the food chain. He is also fairly smart, not book smart, but street smart. He knows how to handle situations well, but that can quickly change if there's too much pressure for him to handle.
Name:River Stone


Height: 5"4


Why are you here?: River never intended for things to go the way they went. She was happily married one day, but then the next her husband became a abusive drinker, and she became victim of his anger. One night River came home to her husband, who was waiting at the dinner table for her. He came at her furious, and began speaking cruelly to her. He grabbed her hair and threw her head against the table. He kicked her repeatedly before charging off into the living room where he passed out drunk on the couch. River had walked into the kitchen , and grabbed one of her best cutting knives, then she walked into the living room where her husband was sleeping and stabbed him repeatedly in the chest with no mercy. Nearby neighbors had heard her husbands screams, and the cops were there in minutes. Her first night in jail, she was sound asleep when suddenly she awoke to the pain of a needle being stabbed into her arm, she barely had time to struggle before she was knocked out cold. When she awoke she was in a truck surrounded by many people similar to her, with identical stories.



Kind people

Day time


Night time




Swiftness- River was a competitive runner for many years even after her marriage, so she is very swift on her feet.

Brave- Due to River's abusive husband she learned how to overcome weakness, and see the brighter side of things.


Weak- River is not strong under any circumstances and is hurt easily.

Even by words.

Distrustful- After her husband became abusive, River lost her trust for others.

Personality: River is a very calm person, and can be optimistic. However, she can easily become hostile when pushed to her limits.

(I'll reveal more in Rp?)

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Name: Aaron Saqqaf

Age: 28


Weight: 175 lbs

How i got here: I never liked my home country of Kuwait. There had been several protests there, despite the good living quality. When i couldn't take anymore, a grabbed a knife, booked a flight, and decided to have a little fun. I went up to the cockpit of that Qatar-bound A30x, and told them to fly to Jerusalem, then to Frankfurt. By the time we landed at Tel Aviv, the plane was surrounded. I didn't surrender, and got shot. Still have the scars. I was sent to a prison in Istanbul. 3 years into my life sentence, this guy comes up to me and tells me i have a "special delivery". I tell him i didn't order anything."Well" he says to me, opening the cell door and walking up to me "that's strange, because it says that the delivery is YOU!". I see a fist zooming up to my face, and the next thing i know, i'm in this truck, off to god-knows-where!


? High places

? Doing adventurous things

? Flying


? Interference in his plans

? Danger

? Police

Strengths: Very good at handgun and melee combat

Weaknesses: Not very good with a rifle, never learned to drive a car.

Personality: A very bossy man, Aaron, doesn't like people messing up his plans, as mentioned above.

(reusing an old character sheet from ROBLOX)

Name: Junie Alaburna

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION (perhaps to get a better taste of what i wanted?) : Junie has pale, sickly kind of skin. She has messy, dirty blond hair that she keeps in a pony tail, but it gets everywhere anyways due to the lack of care and brushing it gets. Her eyes are a dull, light, yellowish brown. Junie has a blocky, thin, flat body with sticks for arms and rulers for legs, almost looking like a 5'11", lanky, effeminate boy. With her sharp face, she has a jutted out nose, which is crooked, and thin lips.

IMAGE: (i tried my best searching for an image that matches. at least this comes close?)



Age: 17

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 115 pounds

Why are you here? : She happens to be homeless. Junie is charged for attempted homicide/murder of a rich guy, well, it was technically for self-defense, but the court didn't want to hear any of her reasoning. Other crimes of hers include petty thievery, vandalism, and such.


? Small cute animals, such as birds.

? Warm weather

? Warm food


? Cold/Wet weather

? Having no clothes for the cold/wet weather

? Police

Strengths(At least 2):

  1. She's a survivor, or at least, that's how she thinks. She's resourceful, tending to take full advantages of what she can find. Junie can easily eat a whole, undercooked squirrel without vomiting.
  2. She is faster than most, and is quick on her feet.

Weaknesses(At least 2):

  1. Junie is physically weak, a fact that can be seen even with just a quick glance. She doesn't even lift.
  2. She doesn't know how to drive.

Personality: Junie is irritable, easily bored, and hard to impress. She is cold, unsocial, tends to avoid other people for her own safety, and has a sharp tongue. Junie, for the most part, is a negative person, though its mostly because of the situation she is in; she would much rather be out in the park resting on the sidewalks, watching the little birds.


Jeremy Huff






130 lbs

Why are you here? : Jeremy did one of the most despicable things one could do. He always wanted to feel the rush of the game. he needed to feel the breakdown and the struggle one must play when participating in the game. So what did he do? He committed mass murder upon people in the town square. He killed 28 and injured 2. He managed to kill those who weren't smart or fast enough to escape him. When the policed arrived, it was a blood bath, bodies sprawled and blood littered the scene. Jeremy sat there, among the dead bodies, knowing he will finally get his wish.


? Lying

? Gambling



? Bugs

? Smoke

?Loud noises

Strengths(At least 2):

He is extremely conning and deceptive

He has a great sense of danger

Weaknesses(At least 2):

He always consists he take the lead

His lies often get him into trouble


Jeremy is a twist, a devilish landscape void of any feeling or emotion for others takes up the space where his brain lay. He is sick, and disgusting. Always thinking that blood lust will find its own solution in a world filled with despair and violence. Many compare him to the devil, tricky, conning, and all out violent.

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Name: Aberdeen Stokes


Age: 23

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 121

Why are you here? : Aberdeen had been the "hitman" in a drug business, hustling druggies for overdue money they'd owed her boss. Half the time, the junkies wouldn't even be coherent enough to think she was an actual person when she'd confront them, so she'd prove it. She'd light a couple fires here and there to their belongings. Some still would refuse to cooperate, so she'd assault them - not to the point of death, of course, just enough to make them know she meant business. The police eventually caught on after a loose-lipped witness went and blabbed, and after a few months of being incognito, she was hauled to jail. She fell asleep one night only to wake up in a truck with 7 others, wondering where the hell they were all going.


? Humor

? Food

? Cooperation


? Being idle

? Stupidity

? Authority

Strengths(At least 2):

Living on the run has made Aberdeen learn to make-do with what she was given.

-Combat: Fairly decent hand-to-hand fighter.

Weaknesses(At least 2):

Aberdeen's got a low trust for others, and often believes they may conspire against her.

-Vengeful: Aberdeen will go to extreme lengths to ensure karma does it's job - but, however, she usually thinks karma didn't do a good enough job and ends up doing it herself.

Personality: Aberdeen's generally close-mouthed and calm, but if she senses something out of the ordinary, she'll speak out against it. She's secretive and, at times, will lie - she doesn't plan on doing it often, though. Despite her somewhat rough exterior, Aberdeen's got a little soft spot for those in need of aid. On the flipside, sometimes she thinks too analytically and finds humanity's nature to be a burden.

(if I need to change anything, feel free to tell me. c:)
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Name: Tristan Callhoun

Age: 25

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 173lb

Why are you here? : Failure isn't an option, at least, that's what his father said before it was his turn to do the job. And true enough, failure did cost him his life. Lies and deceit, that's what his whole character is built into, and once someone sees the truth, then the game is over. Being a con artist came easily to him, since he was already acting at an early age. His father told him that the only thing that someone needed to teach him, was to learn how not to act, but of course that wasn't necessary. It wasn't part of the job after all. For ten years he had been doing it successfully, but even the most experienced can break at their 1ooth time. All it took was a wrong word, a shift of the eye, and the man caught him. When the police came, Tristan had no option but to comply, after all, he wasn't born a fighter. He only had his wits about him, and maybe that will be his salvation.









Strengths(At least 2):



Weaknesses(At least 2):



Personality: Tristan Callhoun presents an air of confidence and openness, but don't let that fool you. Its only part of his trade. What he really is, is a weak young man who just wants to stop living in a hell hole, and live a nicer life than what he had. He often resorts in humor to forget his problems and to calm himself down.



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Accepted ! One more character until we can start this ^^

So, anyone have an opinion on whether or not we should have a posting order?
Maybe a posting limit rather than an order? I mean, having everyone post in A, B, C, D fashion would kind of get dull, I think.

Isabella Santiago

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/adriana-lima.gif.296e607d399fccc7e4c42d140d9bf425.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36313" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/adriana-lima.gif.296e607d399fccc7e4c42d140d9bf425.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Twenty two




107 lbs

Why are you here? :

Isabella comes from a family of worldwide wanted criminals. When they found her DNA matched that of the bloodline she was immediately questioned. Isabella refused to answer anything, mainly because she had been thrown into an orphanage when she was only three and knew close to nothing about her parents. The DNA test proved that her biological parents had been wanted in Brazil and the U.S. When Isabella refused to answer, they took her to prison.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/guzeller-galerisi-1_14_53639d969606ee01a68e74d0.gif.fdfb49111474d950289bd35906366e8c.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36315" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/guzeller-galerisi-1_14_53639d969606ee01a68e74d0.gif.fdfb49111474d950289bd35906366e8c.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


?Warm weather


?Sports Cars


?Insects ((Phobia))


? The cold

Strengths(At least 2):

Running, persuading people

Weaknesses(At least 2):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/83521-adriana-lima-blows-kiss-gif-vi-75O6.gif.07f7d51a7f46bfe6eb6b2290d0bd81eb.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36314" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/83521-adriana-lima-blows-kiss-gif-vi-75O6.gif.07f7d51a7f46bfe6eb6b2290d0bd81eb.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Strength, Strategy Planning


Most people who have become acquainted with Isabella take her for a pretty interesting person. She is mysterious, charming, exciting, and at times naive, ignorant, and unpredictable. She's a lot of things rolled up into one, and you really never know when it comes to Isabella.



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Accepted ! We will begin shortly, waiting for some last minute entries. I'll try and keep updated to see if anyone posts but I'm currently going out for some dinner aha

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