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Futuristic Well, start running [started!]


"Alright everyone, off you go, into your cells. Big day tomorrow!" A rather flamboyant voice calls out to you. The complete darkness which seemed to have been the back of a military truck now filled with light. The doors opened and two men gathered at the rear end of the vehicle start pulling you out, one by one. The sedation wore off but you're still groggy, and handcuffed. Retaliation was not possible. After a few minutes of walking, you're thrown into a cell. Bed, toilet,sink. That's really all.

You start to wonder why, but it comes back to you. You've been hand-picked to "participate" in this year's annual hunt. And you're the prey.

Soon you will all be collected and escorted into a helicopter, where you will be dropped off at the arena, you will be given 15 minutes to secure whatever gear you can find in the drop zone. once that 15 minute time period is up, the hunt begins.

The year is 2066, you and a group of other people have been kidnapped by the government to be hunted down in an arena. The reason for this is for pure amusement to the public. The reason you are chosen all depends on what you've done. The participants of these hunts all have done something to upset the government, but none of them are innocent. Maybe this was their reason to justify something this sadistic. Murderers, thieves, anarchists, even homeless people are but a few examples of people to take part in this. They don't have a choice either, if they are chosen, they are chosen.

This is where you come in. Your character will play as one of the contestants. The goal of the group; survive. They will be hunted down in a simulated environment. This year's environment: A ruined city, a perfect place for a game of cat and mouse. The game ends when either 1) all contestants are killed 2) they successfully live long enough inside the arena. The time specified is unclear, as no one has actually done so. Everything is permitted inside the arena, whether you want to be a lone wolf, or stick together with the rest, is up to you. Fighting back against the hunters is encouraged, but be warned, they're armed.


Rules of the role play!

1.) BE ACTIVE... I can't stress how important this is, I'd like everyone to post at least once a day, and to give heads up if you can't see yourself being able to do so in advance. If you do not wish to participate in the RP anymore, I will have your character killed off. If you wish to return, we could possibly admit another character into the arena, but dead is dead.

2.) Post length: I' like everyone to try their hardest to produce a post consisting of 1-2 paragraphs. NO ONE LINERS ! (Seriously guys, it can't be too hard to write 3 sentences or more) Give the other RPers something to work with. Also, try and be literate, use spell check if you're stuck on a word please.

3.) Characters CAN and I hope WILL die. This being said, other role players shouldn't kill others, as they are supposed to work as a team, but if they do, please make sure the owner of the other character allows it.

4.) No perfect character (yes I know they are convicts/plagues to society but I mean strength(s) wise)

5.) Refer to the OOC section to ask any questions, also post order information has been posted there.

6.) In regards to your first post; give a brief description of your character, what was going on before they were kidnapped, their experience getting to the facility, and most importantly their experience inside the facility. Once everyone has posted, we will start the first day in the arena.

*please include some way of distinguishing speech in the RP, preferably by colour coding. Also, please include a picture of your character on each post to prevent confusion. *

Have any suggestions in terms of plot, let me know I'm open to any!
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Clive was second off the truck, he couldn't make out the figures of the others that were being escorted off with him. Spending hours in the back of a dark truck unconscious really made you vulnerable to the light. Having a sack veiled over his head didn't help. He could see a little through the fine holes of the burlap though,They were underground somewhere, a parking garage of some sorts, except instead of it being littered with the cars of daily commuters it was packed with murdered out vehicles which were no doubt plated with bullet proof exteriors. a voice played to them over some speakers, but Clive was too disoriented to pay attention to a thing it said.

The group was lined up, every one of them handcuffed and had a pair of armed guards assigned to their person. The sacks were ripped off of their heads without any kind of warning. The light was even more intense, it hurt to open them. Clive continued down the path with his eyes squinted the rest of the time.

He didn't bother look at the prisoners behind him, but he did notice the white-ish blonde hair of the lead body in the group. (@LuckLacked ) The pairs of guards started pulling everyone aside, into the rooms that were stretched down the long corridor they were now in. He was placed in a cell, which was ill-equipped. A bed, a sink and a toilet were all that the room contained, and well, him of course. A small security camera scanned the room every couple minutes or so, making sure Clive didn't do anything stupid. What could he have done though? Try and off himself with the sink?

He couldn't leave the facility either, even the door was unlocked. Guards patrolled up and down the corridor all night. Clive just noticed the intercom which was also placed in the room, on the wall next to the door. A voice called out on it. "So? How do you guys like it so far? It's not exactly... luxurious, buuuuut it certainly beats the streets. Isn't that right Clive and Junie ?" The voice let out a childish laugh and the intercom clicked off. Clive thought he was the only one being addressed but then realized that message was probably broadcast to the entire group.

He walked over to the sink, and splashed his face with the cold water, examining himself in the mirror. He was still pretty unsure what was happening, maybe it was just a bad dream. He whipped off the dirty, puffy winter jacket that he always carried with him and laid down on the bed. It was the first time he had slept on a mattress in months, his cell in jail was too full for him to have one, he slept on the floor. Looking up at the roof, he quickly dozed off, the thin, springy bed was somehow comfortable to him.

Expecting to be dead sometime tomorrow, he thought this was a fine way to spend his last night on Earth. "Thanks." He said aloud. As if he knew the voice on the other end of the intercom was listening to him.


RP is open to post on guys !

@David Parks @Lonelytaco @LuckLacked @LannTheClever @Endless Love

make sure you read the rules ^^
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She was cold. Freezing, to be more precise. She felt like she was going to throw up. Her long blonde hair tickled her nose as she tried to fall asleep. Images of her parents funeral ran through her mind like they were a nightmare. The only problem was that they weren't a nightmare; they were real. She turned over so she could be on her side. She hadnt exactly gotten a good look at the people she would be competing with, because she was up in the clouds when she would have gotten the chance, but she had noticed that most of them were in shape, unlike her. She had a pretty good feeling she was the youngest in the group, and that would most likely be a disadvantage to her. Besides, the people here probably did committ some sort of crime, or felony, but she didn't. She had been falsely accused, and just the thought of being set up made her heart beat at a faster tempo? She shrugged off the feelings and closed her eyes tighter. She would probably feel better in the morning.
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The creak of the truck as a door opened snapped Aberdeen's attention from wherever her mind had ventured off to to the feeling of guards jerking her out of the vehicle. She pursed her lips to keep a curse from seeping through them and swallowed, forcing her legs to cooperate with the guards' yanks on her arms, halting when they wrenched her back. She only had enough time to exhale through her nose when they ripped the sack off her head. The abrupt change in lighting stung her eyes, lifting her hands to cover them only to have them immediately tore down to her sides. Lifting her head, she saw the threatening expression on the guards' faces. I'm in handcuffs, for God's sake. I can't do much anyway. she thought, though left the words unsaid.

With the release of an exasperated breath, her gaze returned forward. She was the first to get lugged out of the truck, but she was almost sure the others weren't far behind, guessing by the sound of shoes tapping their way across the ground. It hadn't been long before she was led to the opening of a cell -- and she did something that probably wasn't quite in the best of her favor. As one guard stood aside so she could get inside and the other dragged her in, she spat on the man's shoes.

Pure, unfiltered anger flashed over his face before he yanked Aberdeen by the arm, his fingers digging themselves into her flesh hard enough to make her grit her teeth. “You don’t have to wait to die, you know. Could make it real quick right now.”

“Jefferson," warned the guard by the entrance.

Dark, squinted eyes glared down into her defiant green ones. A beat of tense silence between them passed. Shoving her into the cell, he released his grip on her and mumbled beneath his breath as he strode away, the other guard matching his pace at his side, leaving Aberdeen to sigh quietly. She turned around to take in her surroundings. Bed, check. Sink, check. Toilet, check. Any possible escape routes... Aberdeen examined the cell for moment, tapping a finger to her lips. Negative.

Sleep called to her, and though the bed looked far less than comfortable, she crawled onto it. Flipping onto her side toward the wall, her eyes peeled closed, and her mind ran rampant with possibilities as to where she was and why she was here. It seemed like a prison, but at the same time it didn't. Something was off. Aberdeen was unable to come to a conclusion before rest encompassed her, and she fell into a deep sleep.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/6ff3ef5b19729fc2_109904326_10.jpg.2cd22e62979a8154f260bb9e7ad2b7d4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36351" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/6ff3ef5b19729fc2_109904326_10.jpg.2cd22e62979a8154f260bb9e7ad2b7d4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tristan stared at the toilet in the cell he was in with such an intensity, as if the very thing itself had sprouted wings and revealed the true nature of the universe. Try as he might, he couldn't remember what had happened, nor where he is. All he knows is that he's still half-blind from whatever he had gone through, and he couldn't figure out what exactly is he staring at.

Hours, (or was it days?) ago, he was playing the biggest, and last game of his life. A couple of hundred thousand dollars and he would've been far away from everything. Tristan rubbed his eyes for the umpteenth time, watching as flecks of colors dance in front of his vision. After a few more minutes, the room finally focused into view. A sink, toilet, and a bed. "Home sweet home," he muttered in a low voice as he got up from the floor.

The bed was uncomfortable, but at least he has one. Tristan winced as a metal spring dig into his lower back. He had spied the bluntly exposed camera minutes ago, and had heard the thump of boots doing its usual vigil around the corridor. No way in hell is he going to go anywhere. Unless he's invisible. Or he kill the security guards, somehow dismantle the cameras, and find his way back to the streets. "Yeah, not gonna happen," he replied aloud to no one in particular. He tried to picture himself beating one of the guards into a red pulp, but whenever he did, it only made him laugh. Let's face it son, you're never going to be a fighter, so let's put that brain of yours to use. His father never failed to remind him of that. Even after his death years ago.


"So? How do you guys like it so far? It's not exactly... luxurious, buuuuut it certainly beats the streets. Isn't that right Clive and Junie ?"

"Would you mind?!" Tristan reached out for a pillow, only to find the cold company of the wind and walls. Sitting up groggily, he remembered once again that he's in some sort of prison, and that once he's awake, he's awake. He still isn't sure if the latter is a gift or a curse. He ran a hand through his hair as he padded towards the mirror. Bags had begun to form under his eyes, and a messy stubble started to grow. He scooped a handful of water, and splashed his face. When he was done, he laid back on the bed, willing himself to get some rest. "Thanks a lot for waking me, whoever you are. When I find you, I'll... somehow kill you. Somehow," he promised, before going back on his impossible task.



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Aaron sat in his cell, very mad at the fact that they had just taken him out of prison, just to throw him in another cell. He actually wished he was back in Kuwait. He was going to take a rest, but he didn't feel like it at all. He decided to chat with one of the guards. "Hey" he said to one of the guards. He turned around shushed him, and went back to his work. Aaron, lying in his cell, began humming an old traditional lullaby tune his mom sang to him back in Kuwait. He turned and looked at some of the other prisoners. He couldn't get a clear view. Thunder cracked outside, as Aaron lay, humming to himself.
"Brooklyn," called a voice. She sat straight up in her bed her fingers automatically reaching up and running through her hair. "Hello?" she called out into the darkness. But there was no answer. She must have imagined it. She stood up and ran over to the porcelain toilet bowl. And then, after emptying the contents of her stomach into it, she fell asleep right there, on the cold cement floor next to the toilet. What had her life come too?
Junie felt uncomfortable with the cold touching her bare, pale skin. She wasn't wearing much, only a loose, thin, white T-shirt, and short, dark black, jean shorts. She couldn't see anything, and she didn't think she'd wanted to. Even after she was pulled out of the heavy truck, and having whatever bag was blinding her, she still didn't want to look. The bright lights, in fact, made her even blind to what was happening. Junie kept her head lowered, her eyes squinted towards her tightened hands, not wanting to look up at anything. She knew there were other people with her, but she payed no attention to them. She went along as a part of the line, walking, step by step through the straight, seemingly endless, path.

After a long while, Junie was finally shoved in a cell room by the guards, she was set in and locked inside. They still haven't bothered to remove the handcuffs off her pale, thin wrists. She felt the voice, the one speaking, laughing, through the intercom, was mocking her. Junie didn't say anything in reply, only glaring at the large speaker-thing in her room. She took a glance around the room, seeing the toilet, the sink, and what she thought was a bed. It also had a mirror, too, but Junie already knew how she looked like. An aimless, thin blonde without a future. The room was somewhat familiar, she's seen a cell room before, though never this empty, with only her as it's resident for the night.

It seemed like days, years ago when the cops kidnapped her and put into prison. Junie was chosen for a reason, she knew she was far from innocent, but she didn't think she deserved this too. This seemed like an odd dream, that seemed to go on, on, and on. There didn't seem to be any end to this, as if everything felt like it was going slower than it really was. Junie couldn't find anything to be used for escaping around here. Even if she was able to unlock the door keeping her inside, she couldn't get pass through the guards either. Junie would much rather not tussle with people that are probably stronger, and are armed.

With nothing else she really wanted to do, she walked towards the mattress, and sat on top of it. Junie had an ache in her stomach, a sinking rock lying in the bottom of it. Junie did feel tired, and she supposed sleeping on anything would be better than sleeping on nothing. She laid down on her side, ignoring the uncomfortable springs that lie underneath the fabric.
River sat quietly in the back of the truck, she had even dozed off a time or two. She could hear the others whispering worriedly, but she felt she was in good hands. What ever they were doing was probably normal, and they were probably just being transported to a different jail. However, River did not get why the bag was placed over her head. As River was deep in thought, the truck came to a sudden stop. She heard the sound of creaking doors, followed by her getting jerked violently from her seat. The suns light shun brightly through the holes of the bag over her head, and even brighter as it was ripped from her head. She squinted as she looked around she couldn't exactly make out the faces of the people around her. A guard dragged her into a building and threw her into a cell.

She looked around the room to see only a sink, toilet and bed. The walls and floor were a matching gray color. She sat on the bed calmly as she let her eyes focus. "Hello?" she called out quietly hoping someone would hear her. Her arm began to itch, and as she looked down she saw the bruise that the sedative had left her. A seemingly happy voice came on the intercom, and River listened silently hoping for some kind of explanation, but there was none. When the announcement was over River called to a guard outside of her cell "Why did i get moved from my old jail?". The guard shrugged her off and walked away. River let out a small sight as he laid back unto the bed. She was still groggy from the sedative, so she allowed herself to drift off to sleep.
As Aaron finished the lullaby, he opened his eyes. Some new people had arrived. Wiping a tear from his eye, he got up. He walked up to the edge of the cell. Some new arrival had come, just now being placed in their cells. He could hear talking, but couldn't decipher the words. When they left, Aaron and the new arrival were alone at last. "Hey" he said "Who are you?" (sorry for the lack of sentences)
pokemariofan64 said:
As Aaron finished the lullaby, he opened his eyes. Some new people had arrived. Wiping a tear from his eye, he got up. He walked up to the edge of the cell. Some new arrival had come, just now being placed in their cells. He could hear talking, but couldn't decipher the words. When they left, Aaron and the new arrival were alone at last. "Hey" he said "Who are you?" (sorry for the lack of sentences)
((all the contestants are placed in individual cells..))
Jeremy sat there, calm, cool, and unlike many of the other contestants, happy to be here. He slumped over on the bed, the cool air brushing up against his face. He hummed a small tune to lighten the mood. A smile crept upon his face as he laid himself back on the bed. With no blanket, just a scratchy, worn out mattress, he wrapped his arms around himself in hopes of keeping warmth.

(Sorry for the delay in posting.)
((I'm currently catching up on all RPs I'm behind in, I'll post later. Still waiting on some people before we can start the games ))
((Potential Hunter on standby for approval))

Dover continued glancing at the dossiers of the contestants as he bounced in his seat. They would never know themselves that one of the hunters who would be attempting... and succeeding if everything went as planned... was riding shotgun in the transport truck. He could have ridden in another car, but he preferred to get a quick look at the contestants. Turning back, he took the glance. This year was a good mix, 3 low risk, 3 wild cards, and 3 high risk. Isabella the unlucky one born into a bad family, Junie the innocent homeless girl, and River the poor abused wife who snapped. Their skills in life might prove useful, but Dover had no real expectations. A good portion of what would likely be the rest of their lives would be dictated on government approval, his own skill, and ratings. Unless they tried anything stupid, like attempting to kill him. That was when the hunt got real. This would be his 4th hunt, but he certainly had seen enough to be considered a seasoned veteran. Christopher looked at the next category. Tristan, the con artist, Aberdeen the mob enforcer, and Brook the accused. Wild cards all of them. They all had skills, and con artists seemed to be able to function a tad bit better than most. He took a look at the final set. The high-risks. 2 thrill seekers and one man pushed to his limits. These he would enjoy killing, if the other hunter didn't get to them first.
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When she woke up, she didn't know what time it was. It was hard for her to fathom the idea that this was going to be how she would wake up for the next few weeks, or maybe longer. She felt like a snail trapped in molasses. She felt like she was dreaming, and at any moment she would wake up and find herself back at home, with her parents and her older brother and the most important thing to her - happiness. No such thing existed here, in this cold, baron cell. She wanted so desperately to talk to someone, anyone. She didn't have to tell them about her, just find out what their strengths were, and who she could trust. Maybe there was someone close to her age here, but she doubted that. It was time to face the music. She was probably going to be here for a while.
(Don't have much to talk about, so this will be short) Aaron, lying there on the ground, tried to remember his home country. After a while of thinking, he put the thought away. He couldn't dwell on the past anymore. He had to accept that what he did happened. He turned over and tried to get some sleep.
Alicia felt sick. She hadn't been in a truck, or car for a LONG time. Her sedatives weren't fully wore off either. She kept seeing little dots dance around, as if she was going to faint at any moment. After a bump in the road, Alicia was thrown to the side, about to hurl. She was roughly pushed up by one of the guards. When they reached their destination, she was abruptly grabbed by the arm, and yanked along. Seeing her cell she turned to the guards.

"For me? Aww, you shouldn't have."

The guards rolled their eyes, and shoved her into her cell. Alicia stumbled in, and took in her surroundings, no escape. There was a bed, sink, and toilet.

"Sweet, its been awhile since I've had a bed!"

She yelled, hopefully loud enough for the guards to hear. When she sat on the bed, it was stiff, but better than the cold floor. She slowly pulled up her legs onto the bed. She propped her head on her knees, thinking over what she was about to be thrown into.

She had only heard rumors of the hunt, and took no thrill of being 'entertainment'. She would try and survive, deciding she would try her hardest.

I'm going to need as much sleep as possible.

With that thought, she lowered herself fully on the bed, and fell asleep.
Christopher sat in a well furnished room as he waited for the games to begin. You could say he might have been nervous, but he had long ago learned that anxiety is pointless. How can you be prey when you the hunter? Someone knocked on the door. "What?" Christopher responded. A twig of a man in a formal suite entered the room. Probably one of the head game designers. "We've added a tenth contestant. She's already arrived and is in her cell. I got the dossier right here". Christopher grabbed it and flipped through the pages. "Christ, another wild card contestant? You adding another hunter to compensate?" Christopher retorted. "Well," the game master began, "We lost two good hunters a couple games ago in the volcano environment, and Lightning broke both his legs in the mountain environment last games, so it may end up just being you and Boomstick. Would a recruit be worth adding in you opinion?" Christopher cursed in his head after that last line. It wasn't that Boomstick was a bad hunter, in fact he could obliterate with his military grade 6 round holding shotgun, but the game master had phrased that last line as a test. If one of the hunters from the "conformed" branch got a little too unruly, they would test him and terminate upon failure. "Whatever the government thinks is the correct response," Christopher replied completely seriously.
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Clive waited in his room, he awoke to the shuffle of feet, as well as some guards orders, they must've fucked up the rooming arrangements. The games had to have been beginning soon, there was no way he didn't sleep long enough. If only there were a clock in his room. He wasn't exactly thrilled that they were going to be starting, but he'd rather get it over with as soon as possible, live or die. Getting it over with. That was something he had pretty much learnt to do his whole life, he did what was necessary, regardless the consequences.

The lock on his door turned, clicking open. A guard, followed by a well-dressed, clean-cut man entered into his room. The man clapped, "perfect... stand outside." He ordered the guard. "Ah, Clive.. big day today.. oh sorry. I haven't even introduced myself! What a fool you must think I am! I'm Cedar, this year's 'Event Planner,' " He formed quotation marks with his fingers. "now, I know you musn't like the city very much, but we're bringing you back to it! Yes, yes, except there is one slight change." He paused for a minute with a smirk on his face, Clive was still all too confused, but his temper was swinging. "You're being hunted.. I know at first it is quite the burden to carry.. actually, no I don't know! But I'm sure it gets better, or you die, which ever comes first." He winked at Clive and exited the room, "toodles." Cedar called back to Clive, laughing. The door swung shut and Clive's nerves were at an all time high now, he didn't know what to expect, how could he. Cedar made his way down the hallway, probably making similar speeches to whomever else had gotten themselves into this mess.

After about another hour or so, Clive's door opened again. This time, no Cedar. Just guards. The other contestants were also being reaped from their cells, I guess it was show time. After a short while of walking down the long corridor, they made their way to a large set of double doors, behind those, an elevator. The guards waited for the industrial sized elevator to reach the top of the lift, and all contestants were escorted on to it. They were brought down quite a few levels, until the elevator clunked to a stop and the safety gates lifted. They were now in a massive underground facility, unlike anything Clive could have imagined.

At the very far side of the facility was another pair of doors, this time, they were equal to the doors of a hangar. They were brought over to the doors as they opened up. It lead to a completely pitch black area, and the doors shut behind them. Clive looked around, confused, the only thing visible to his eyes were of the person next to him, well, their outline.

Neon lights flickered over head, the sound of power surged throughout the entire room. The lights turned on and the neon began shaping into what looked to be buildings, and other things you'd see in a destroyed city. It was a giant simulator! Clive would have thought this to be so cool, if he wasn't about to be running for his life. Cedar's voice flooded through the room through the speakers, hidden from sight, the environment was pretty much done loading itself into the sim. "Lights. Camera. Action." He chuckled a bit, then stopped himself "Alright, serious business. There's various materials scattered all over the place, get them while you can. You have 15 minutes."


((Is it okay if I control boomstick ? @WhiteWingCrow ))

Boomstick walked into the room, a coordinator and Chris Dover were the only two occupants. He puffed from a half expired cigar and grunted. He and Dover had not really had the greatest past, they were always bumping heads on whatever decision they could possibly make. Boomstick was always the type to go in, guns blazing. He had seen Dover as 'the quiet observer' type. "I interuptin' ? " He asked the two, obviously cutting into Dover's sentence. He was testing him alright, there would be little to no teamwork on this hunt. Each of them probably wanted to lead it their own way, and each wanted to claim all the glory. "Games are starting soon." He flicked the now finished cigar into the garbage can that sat neatly in the corner and headed over to the armory, where his precious shotgun was being kept.

((sorry for the long post guys, and sorry for taking so long! I'll tidy it up a bit when I get the chance))
Alicia shuddered awake, her body was soaking wet, from the pail the guards had just threw one her. Shaking her head, to let the droplets fly off her hair, she looked at them, then smiled.

"Thanks for the shower, very refreshing and all. Can I ask to what I owe the pleasure?"

The guards didn't respond, and gestured to the open cell door. Nodding, Alicia stood up from the bed, and allowed the guards to bring her, to wherever they were taking her. Looking around, she realized there were quite a few contestants, and they didn't look so thrilled either. She smiled at anyone who bothered to look her way, though it wasn't many. Eventually, they all got put into a massive elevator, the lights buzzed, slightly annoying Alicia.

After they reached their final destination, Alicia grimaced. So this was her group, it was a ragtag team, how was she supposed to survive this?

All of a sudden a voice flickered in the room, causing Alicia to jump slightly. Her old habits were coming back, be wary of everything.

After the announcement, she looked around at the simulation, why would she show her skills here? They would then know her weaknesses, strengths, and all that, so she voiced this, somewhat.

"And what if I say no? I mean, I want my energy and all for the hunt, and second of all, I deffiently don't want to show you my strengths and weaknesses. So, I'm going to ask again, what if I say no?"
Aaron was shaken awake by the guards. He was just about to make an argument, when he was thrown into a hall. Having nothing else to do, he began to walk down the hall. He could see something at the end, but was too far away to clearly see. He broke into a run. He could hear crowds chanting outside. He kept running-and felt he hands press against a door. There were holes of light on the door, which explained the light he saw, and could hear a loud, muffled voice yelling into the crowd. He wondered what was going on out there.
Dover watched Boomstick leave and checked the clock in his room. Maybe another 15 minutes till game start, leaving him a full half an hour till showtime. Dover chuckled. In 30 minutes, he wouldn't be Christopher Dover anymore. He would be Headshot, his brain-splattering alter ego. A guard walked in and threw him an outfit. "Cedar wants to run a... mid-western style this time. Better than that Tribal Headhunter getup from a few years back eh?" The guard joked. Christopher looked at it. Wow, he thought, they really are getting into the costumes these days. He chuckled again. A cowboy with a revolver, and another one with a shotgun; they really thought this year out. Dover checked the clock again. 25 minutes left. He threw on the outfit, which turned out to be surprisingly comfortable. The inside was lined with a jumpsuit-esque material, probably thermal. Arriving at the armory after a short walk from his room, he noticed that Boomstick was already there in the same outfit. Ignoring him, Christopher went for the case marked "Headshot". Inside was his signature 8inch barrel Colt Python revolver and a small batch of gear he had requested. In addition, another little bonus was in there, probably to supplement the additional contestant. The announcer was speaking as he picked it up. A speed loader full of incendiary rounds. Headshot adjusted his hat, spun the barrel on his now-loaded revolver, and glanced out the window in the door that he would be exiting, right next to Boomstick. The games and begun, and there were 15 minutes till the hunt commenced.

((In up to date time, everyone is already out there with 15 minutes to gather supplies. So have your post contain the time up until the gates open, plus however much of the 15 minutes, I think. ITS STARTING PEOPLE. WOOT))

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