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Fantasy Well of Wishes | CS Thread

Daisy Rosenbloom (Her family often called her Daisychain) - Human


Age | 25

Build | Daisy is of medium height, with a stocky, broad build and well defined muscles from manual labor and constant travel.

Marks & Piercings | Daisy’s lower face was terribly scarred when her uncle destroyed the rest of her family. Her lips are a twisted mess, her cheeks are covered in stitches and her chin is still red and raw from where the flesh is growing back. She wears a bandanna to cover the scarring.

Profession | Gravedigger/Funerary Expert

Combat class | Polearm Fighter (Shovel), Limited Magician

Origin | Her ancestral home is in North Hook, though as a member of the Rosenbloom family she was required to travel extensively, and rarely came back to her family manor.

Background |
The Rosenbloom Family
According to family tradition, the Rosenbloom family were once Inquisitors, 2000 years ago. The First Rosenbloom, Elma Rosenbloom, had been one of ‘The Nine’. One of the most powerful inquisitors in Centos. She was wholly devoted to the cause. She believed that without the inquisitors, the world would fall to chaos.

But one fateful day, while the Inquisitors were destroying an ancient ruin dedicated to blasphemous gods, Elma found a strange thing. A shovel marked with ancient runes. When she picked it up, her mind was filled with an unimaginable sadness, a powerlessness that she had never experienced before.

“I am Grimgr. God of Remembrance. Soon all will forget me, but I would not have my purpose lost. ” She heard.
This was clearly an item that the Inquisition would want destroyed, but for some strange reason, Elma kept it.

The ancient artifact spoke of how each mortal creature deserved a peaceful rest after their death, how certain beings desecrated the dead and made mockery of them by turning them into twisted puppets, or extended their own time on this earth, disrupting the cycle of life and death in their selfishness. It spoke of having respect for every living being, and remembering all those who had passed.

Elma brought up these ideas to the others in the Nine, not mentioning where she had gotten the idea, but was rebuffed. The others did not care about the dead, for they were already gone, and respect was not something that factored into their plans to keep the world safe.

Elma still held great respect for the Inquisitors but broke away, and her family became the Gravediggers and protectors of the dead for all of Centos. The Rosenbloom family, while not hated by the inquisitors, are considered an embarrassing poorly kept secret, like a crazy cousin no one wants to talk about. They try their best to pretend that the grim, eccentric, often frightening Rosenbloom family had never had anything to do with the Inquisition, though the Rosenblooms still remember their origins and hold a certain level of respect for the inquisitors.

Thousands of years later, the Artifact of Grimgr is long lost, considered a legend even among family members. But the Rosenblooms still hold to the belief that the dead should not be disturbed, and that everyone deserves to have their bodies laid to rest with respect and honor.

To this end, the Rosenbloom family goes where others will not, to sights of great tragedy and death, and ensure the dead their are buried or otherwise disposed of with the respect they deserve, as well as stamping out necromancers and things that have artificially extended their life span.
They are also sought after by the rich and powerful to inter their beloved dead. The Rosenbloom family doesn’t believe they have any particular power in this department, but many think that someone laid to rest by a Rosenbloom will be sure to pass on to the next life peacefully. In this way they were able to acquire no small amount of money and buy a manor outside of North Hook.

But their most important duty, as any Rosenbloom will tell you, is to remember. They remember the dead that they bury, and keep records upon records of every deceased individual they know of in their manor. Huge libraries of forgotten names and lives.

So too do the Rosenblooms remember the name of their secret god. Grimgr, who believed that he would be long forgotten, but who has endured these past 2,000 years in the memories of the Rosenblooms.

Daisy Rosenbloom
Daisy is the youngest of the Rosenblooms, and is now the last.

She had a normal childhood. At least, normal for a Rosenbloom. Traveling to sights of great tragedy to bury the dead, learning how to dispatch necromancers and their ilk, and memorizing every funeral right in the known world.
It was Daisy herself, in fact, that was exceptional. Even for a member of the Rosenbloom family, she showed great promise. Her magic skills grew quickly, she had the eidetic memory many Rosenblooms were blessed with, and her polearm skills were second to none.
Her parents, Posey and Oleander Rosenbloom, quickly entrusted her with her own missions. Daisy, for her part, accepted this with grace and a sort of almost happiness. It was hard, sad work, but Daisy believed that it was necessary, and was honored that she was one of the chosen few asked to do this.

But while she was away on an errand, seeing to it that a minor noble in the Whaleshell Port received the funeral rights that only a Rosenbloom knew, her Uncle, an older man named Fennel Rosenbloom, betrayed the rest of the family in the most heinous way possible.

Fennel was growing older and afraid to die, and the fear had driven him quite mad. He had begun to dabble in necromancy, in ways to extend his life, and knew that if he truly wanted to pursue immortality, he would need the rest of the family out of the way.

He slew his father, the oldest Rosenbloom, and the one who stayed at the manor full time, and raised him as a puppet. Soon he did the same to all of the servants in the manor, raising them as undead. Then, as each of the family came back, one by one or two by two, to rest from their traveling, he lured them inside and slew them as well.

Daisy was the last to return. Her family had gone quiet, and she returned to find out why. Her uncle and the puppeted corpses of everyone she ever knew were in the foyer of the mansion, waiting for her. Her uncle greeted her, wielding Somber, the family heirloom that had been made to honor the ancient artifact that had supposedly revealed the Rosenblooms purpose to their ancestor, Elma.

Fennel blinded Daisy using Somber, and then used his own, now twisted earth magics to cause the ground to leap up like vines or rope, piercing Daisy in the most painful and humiliating way Fennel could imagine. The earth pierced her cheeks, her lips, her jaws, her ears, and yanked her face to the floor so it looked like she was bowing before her uncle in supplication.

Her uncle had some lingering guilt, it seemed, for he didn’t kill her out right. He tried to explain himself, told her that he was going to live forever, that he knew how. That it was their fault he had to do this, not his. That it was the Rosenblooms family that brought this on themselves for not allowing people to do what everyone naturally would if they could. Extend their lives. He was going to find The Well and make a wish. He’d wish for everyone on earth to live forever, and he would rule and be loved as the world's savior. Couldn’t she see that this was a good thing?

In the middle of his rant, however, Daisy steeled herself and tore herself free from her bindings. Her lips, cheeks and ears bleeding ragged messes. She grabbed Somber from her stunned and surprised uncle, blinded him with it, and fled.

Daisy now lurks in Whaleshell port, licking her wounds, trying to gather as much information on ‘The Well’ that no one believes in anymore, in an attempt to figure out what her uncle is going to do next. She’ll need to grow stronger herself, or to gather a hearty group of stalwart friends. But if that’s what it takes to put her family to rest and kill her uncle, then that’s what she’s going to do.

Personality |
Grim is a word that is often used to describe Daisy by those who don’t know her. She has an almost fatalistic sense of duty that she refuses to diverge from, and takes hindrances to her mission very seriously.
That said, she has a great respect for life, since she also has a great respect for death. Life is valuable and all sentient creatures are worthy of respect until they prove that they aren’t.
Her sense of humor is distinctly lacking, but she enjoys music and games, though when she plays, she plays to win.
Training & Experience |
Funeral Rights: Daisy is a master of funerary tradition. She knows every custom, every ritual by heart.

Combat Training: Daisy was trained from a very young age to slay necromancers, monsters and other creatures of that ilk. She is skilled with polearms, and has recently taken up her ancestral weapon ‘Somber’, a large bladed shovel imbued with magic. Her fighting style consists largely of debilitating her opponents, blinding them and limiting their movements, before she moves in for the final blow.

Somber: Her Shovel, Somber, has the ability to extinguish all fires and block any source of light in a radius around Daisy, as well as giving her the ability to see perfectly in the dark. This essentially allows Daisy to create a bubble of darkness, blinding her opponents, and handing her a large advantage.

Earth Magic: She is also capable of limited earth magic. This is usually used to make burial rights more easy to do, but has been adapted to combat mainly in the form of using the earth to trip up her opponents so she can strike them down with her shovel. She can sense vibrations in the earth, and use them to determine the location of others.

Eidetic Memory: Daisy, as many of her family, has a perfect memory, so long as she is trying to remember something written down. She has mental catalogues of those she has buried. Their names, details about their lives, how they were interred. This perfect memory comes in handy for a variety of things, but it’s most important function, to Daisy’s mind, is how it allows her to remember those that have passed.

Random Facts |

Daisy likes to keep herself meticulously clean.

Daisy doesn’t have much of a sense of humor, but she wishes she did.

Daisy tend to smell like incense and flowers. She loves both things, and tends to keep incense with her at all times. But, especially after work, there is a hidden scent of fresh earth and death. Cold, clinical death like in masoleums and hospitals.

Theme song
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Valentine | Human

Age | 20

Build | Stands at 5'10, with an athletic build. Their body and appearance tend to be mostly androgynous.

Marks & Piercings | Beauty mark above the right of their lips, both ears pierced, with small golden hooped earrings.

Profession | Actor/Playwright

Combat class | Fencer

Origin | Ocora City

Background |

Shrill cries echoed throughout the Manor one chilly spring morning, and the usual joyous proclamation of what the child was that usually followed a birth, never followed. Something seemed 'wrong' with the child that had been born. The midwives couldn't tell whether it was a boy or a girl. It seemed healthy enough, no signs of any sort of ills or problems...other than what it was and looked like. The parents of the said child couldn't see past its crudely named 'deformities' and sought to have it removed from their household immediately. Being devout and religious folk, they believed the child had been some sort of punishment inflicted upon them for past misdeeds (though what, they weren't even sure of themselves).

Rather than see the child killed, for they weren't that heartless, they opted to send them to a monastery, where they would be hidden from the world, and perhaps make some use of their life to serving their god. The Manor's servant sent to deliver them to said monastery, however, thought otherwise. They abandoned them at the side of a road winding through a forest outside Ocora City. Best let Nature decide its fate, if it was to breathe and live. Luckily, for the poor child, a group of travellers found the newborn, starving and cold, alongside the road. One couple in the troupe, when they did get a good look at it, though they were surprised at the apparent difference, they sought to keep the child regardless. The two women hadn't any children of their own and they believed they would make far better mothers than the ones who had abandoned a child at the side of the road.

It was then the child was finally given a name; Valentine.

Valentine, from then, travelled with the Bellevue Players from no age. They grew up with their two mothers and a handful of uncles and aunties who were actors part of the troupe. Their mothers never forced a particular gender on them, mostly because they could never be sure as to what they were born as, and so Valentine had no restrictions in what they were, how they acted. If the Players were as fluid in what they acted and wore, then why should they have to conform to any one role in life? This had worked for the majority of Valentine's childhood, who hadn't known any better for the longest time.

As a teenager, though, complications began to arise. Valentine knew that there was something that set them apart from others, though, could never quite place what. So when they did reach that age, with all those complicated changes, it was made even more complicated when it didn't seem they matured in one distinct way. Valentine's mothers had been forced to come clean about their origins, that they believed they were abandoned for their difference, and they weren't sure if they were what they were born as. It had distraught Valentine to no end, to seek out medical advice and help on the matter. But given how rare their condition was, how different it made them, they were met with a flurry of opinions and theories. Some had even treated them as a marvel and a spectacle, and they started to fear they would be taken advantage of. To that end, Valentine avoided doctors or healers of any sort, lest they really needed them.

For some time, Valentine attempted to fit in. They tried to be a man, trying to force themselves to act as one would completely. When that didn't work, they tried to be female, to dress and act like one too, though found that hadn't worked either. After some time, they figured they should be neither and both, on their terms, despite people's odd looks from time to time, and their intrusive and intimate questions. Though, they wished to be ignorant, even to this day, of their origins and to what they were. Valentine was told to celebrate being different - after all, everyone was, what with the different species and cultures as found throughout the lands. Yet, Valentine couldn't even take comfort in that. At least they knew who they were.

By now, at their young age, Valentine seeks to explore more and travel widely. They wanted a new story to tell, to act out, and upon hearing of the Well of Wishes, and the rumours of a group on the hunt for it, perhaps it would make for a fine play to be performed in the future! That, and well, they supposed a wish wouldn't go amiss, if it really did exist...

Personality |

- Charismatic, mostly in thanks to the travelling troupe of actors they accompanied.
- Does have deep-seated insecurities regarding themselves, though tries not to let that up on the surface.
- Can be uncomfortable when questions of gender and identity dwell too far into what is private, especially after experiences of intrusive and intimate questions.
- Shuns traditional notions of gender, either mixing what seems 'masculine' or 'feminine' or participating in one or the other. Valentine's flexible that way.
- Has a kind heart and does try to be helpful when they can be.

Training & Experience |

- A magnificent fencer, having been taught by one actor in the troupe and is able to hold their own in a fight.
- Has an eye for flowers and arranging them, a hobby Valentine always enjoyed.
- Has plenty of experience acting on the road and in the streets, you name it.
- Quite the bargainer and the negotiator, no doubt due to the skills they picked up in acting.

Random Facts |

They have a knack for writing plays, though, most are unfinished.

Theme song: TBC?
[Celestine Oceania - Syphid]


Age | 25

Build | 5'4 and slim

Marks & Piercings | None, although like other syphids she has gills on her neck which are often mistaken for cuts by other races

Profession | Princess of Oceania

Combat class | Spear Fighter Mage

Origin | Neptune, Oceania

Background | Celestine is the Princess of the Syphid Kingdom of Oceania and is next in line to take the throne. Over the last few generations Oceania has found themselves in the crossfire between warring land dwellers who were separated by seas. This caused issues within their kingdom despite not being involved in the conflict. As time passed the issues only worsened as more and more civilizations became capable of sailing. This issue was attempted to be remedied by the previous rulers through diplomacy but to no avail. During their trips though they brought back legends of the Wishing Well home to the seafloor. From reviewing their history, Celestine started to believe that simple diplomacy wasn't going to work. and decided to seek out the Well in order to fish the land dwellers away from the sea. She set off while her father still held the throne, hoping to have saved her kingdom from the land dwellers' squabbles by the time she is crowned.

Personality | Being royalty, Celestine was raised to be polite and proper. She was also taught to be humble and considerate to her people, as an ideal ruler should be, though this doesn't extend to land dwellers, to which she looks down upon with disgust. Pirates and naval officers are the worst of the worst to her, and bring out her anger and malice.

Training & Experience | She has had training with spears and is able to use conjuring magic, often done through her trident. She also has had training with etiquette (read: flattery) and negotiation, though these often aren't shown to people who aren't Syphids as well. She has a strong knowledge of history and geography, although those mostly are centered around Oceania, only including the nations that surround it and the times they warred over their waters.

Random Facts | She wields a golden trident, an heirloom of the royal family. Magic isn't common among Syphids, as the most elements don't last in or negatively affect water, and mostly spells manipulating water and earth are used. Her trident allows her to channel magic without regard to the water around her, which, for example, allows her to shoot a bolt of lightning without shocking everyone in her surroundings. This may not have much worth on land, but is a powerful ability to have underwater.

Due to the resistance of the surrounding water, extra effort is required to throw punches and kick while on the seafloor. On land, this translates to Celestine being able to make stronger and swifter movements, although it comes with the drawback of having to carry her own weight without the assistance of water, leading to her tiring much quicker.

For optimal speed while swimming, the inner sides of her legs can more or less congeal when put together. This allows them to take the form of a traditional fishtail, although her feet don't turn into fins or anything.

Like most Syphids, her attire consists of a covering made out of an opened clam shell with the equivalent of fabric made from seaweed attached to form a bikini. An open clam is spread horizontally covering her breasts with the same type of seaweed wrapping around her torso to create a bandeau. While armor isn't worn by the sea dwellers underwater, she wears a silver steel breast plate with a pair of golden shoulder plates and faulders during her journey on land.

  • Hubyr.jpgRace | 3/4 Forest Elf, 1/4 Savannah Elf

    Age | 27

    Build | 5'5", Muscular, for an elf and tall... for a forest elf.

    Marks & Piercings | Hunting status tattoo across his left pectoral and on his cheek, common among those within his house

    Profession | High-ranked military officer and hunter

    Combat class | Martial Artist, style similar to Muay Thai

    Origin | Central land of Eloeyn Islands, the capital Norsgalad

    Background | His father is a full forest elf, and his mother is half forest, half savanna. From her, he inherited some height, though besides that, he primarily seems to be mostly forest elf. When Hubyr became of age, he looked to joining the military ranks of Eloeyn, much to his father's dismay; though, his mother cheered him on. Not one to keep his son from doing as he pleased, he let him fly the coup.

    He had undergone some intense training, and for a long while, he was very bull-headed about what he wanted to train for. For the most part, he trained his body more than his magical might, which had gotten him in a few bit of scraps to start. Once his mother showed him a few tricks that she knew from her mother, whom was a full savanna elf, he found a magic style that suited his fancy, which happened to be the physical buffs, often used to enhance his stamina, speed, or power.

    At the age of 22 he made it to the hunter ranks. He's taken down 30 notable predators over his five years of service; his last year he had flown solo to prove himself even further. This makes him a reputable hunter.

    Finally, he was chosen to be one of the hunters among the high ranking military members to search for a cure. He had plenty of accomplishments under his belt that, well of course he was chosen! Though, it soon was learned that an elvish mage within the lower ranks went AWOL. It was decided that Hubyr would be the one to seek her our to bring her home. Seeing this as a more unique opportunity, he set out, searching for the elvish mage named Ayana.

    Personality | He is a bit of a hardass, and quite stubborn. Like, really, really stubborn. He's quite proud of his abnormal physique and often times holds a posture that shows his body off. He's a proud elvish man, who is proud of his work.

    Training & Experience | Capable with a bowstaff and of course knows how to use a bow. He prefers to use his magic prowess that the forest elves have to give himself physical buffs, something he had learned from his mother.

    Random Facts | Shirts are optional.
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FC: Dedue (FE:3H)

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    Sigurd Stellan Rask, Human Schoolmaster

    Age | 32

    Build | SEXY WALL

    Marks & Piercings | Several scars from battle. Many are facial scars but he also has a deep wound upon his lower right side of his torso.

    Profession | Schoolmaster, but taking a job as a bodyguard as a favor to a friend
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Name: Lotus Blackfire

Race | Moavset

Age | 21 years

Build | [athletic and toned build with a height of 5 feet 4 inches]

Marks & Piercings | [n/a]

Profession | [Occationally an adventurer, amateur baker, amateur fisherman, and medic.]

Combat class | [Martial Artist/Medic ]

Origin | [Centos, Marsh Gates]

Background | [The young lotus from as far as they can remember they were already on the streets. they mostly were able to move on by scraping what they could from the garbage cans available through the city, also by keeping to the alleyways in order to stay safe from the dangers of the street. by the age of 6 they managed to be decent enough at getting a few things to call their own, an old box perhaps housing a large piece of merchandise, a raged blanket to shield them from the elements, and several glass bottles in order to hold onto water In order to get by. until one day on the }night she heard screams from the alleyway, she heard a young woman screaming for help, as well a silhouette of a feline of her own race running the opposite direction. when she got closer to see some guards had already arrived and the woman pointed her finger at her before the guards took out their blade and torches with a menacing expression. lotus being afraid at the time ran which only increased the hostility of the guards which quickly increased in numbers, they believed they were done for, running crying and scared that they would soon meet their demise before arriving at a local church that had its doors open, a nun watched her enter and after hearing the commotion closed the door and hearing her out, when the guards arrived and the nun denied that they were inside, following the events of that night the nun took them under their wing, taught them skills in order to make them a very efficient healer and even some herbalism and cooking as well as getting them into the proper place where they could meet someone to learn how to defend themselves, they grew up into a beautiful Moavset still having mixed feelings about humans but they at least understand that not all of them are bad

Personality |Lotus is a charismatic young woman, she has become extremely wise under proper tutoring but still makes mistakes that would make them not very smart, they are very curious and has always shown interest for treasure and fancy stuff, while they still hold habits from when they lived on the streets they are still a decently managed good-natured young woman who may find entertainment in a bit of chaos from time to time

Training & Experience |
[During their years of surviving they developed many skills that can be useful in daily life, she can climb most surfaces quickly and quietly, she can easily sneak past different spots either through elaborate distraction or moving quietly sometimes able to get past a well observant guard. she is a great cook but mostly just cooks for herself with what she has available, she with time and lots of effort became a decent medic she can efficiently bandage up most injuries as well as through the techniques passed down by the nun even learned about using their life-force to cure minor to mild wounds however she struggles with any mayor wounds without assistance. she also holds basic knowledge of fishing and herbalism.

Random Facts | [they take pride on their unpredictable behavior, they have an odd obsession with bread, and they really enjoy coffee, they really like spicy food, they really don't like the name Richard, they were once caught dumping a pot of honey on a guard's leggings

(something to be noted on the reference picture is that they only have one tail in cat form but the second is supposed to be a shadow)


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Age | 23

| Lithe, 137 Lbs

Marks & Piercings |
Her body is covered head to toe in Magical Tattoos that allow her to better project and sense her specific areas of magic. When using her magic they ignite, burning whatever they happen to touch. Due to this she has to wear specific types of clothing.

Profession | Exiled Noble, Dawn Herald

Combat class | Unchained Sorceror

Origin | Neberu Monolith, Below the Dead Island.

Background |

Born and raised in a high noble family within the great civilization of the Neberu Amal's upbringing was one of splendor, opportunity and education. When born she had been placed into her future role within their empire. She was to be a Dawn Herald, a practitioner of magic focusing in on the specific category of Resonance, Vibration and Pressure. Being brought up in this sect of Neberu society she was educated in mathematics, physics and the knowledges of the sky that her people had been obsessed with since their founding. Despite all that she was given, Amal had begun to develop a need for more. It was this greed that caused her downfall and exile from her people. What all had happened is unknow as she rarely talks about it, having picked up the pieces of her life to forge a new one, away from the place she once called home.

Personality |
Amal is best described as an intellectual kleptomaniac, quick to be fired up and even faster to steal a book. She is loud, proud and full of pride for what she is and where she came from even though she was cast out of the society she holds in such high regard. She tends to gravitate towards people she feels she can take advantage of and those that will feed her without having to spend any of the money she still has, which is an unknown amount that no one has yet been able to figure out where she stores it.

Training & Experience |

Amal is trained in a few different types of arts, ranging from sculpting to singing. Due to her place as a high noble she was required to lead the lower castes in song during specific events and times of the year. Outside of her civil duties she was trained in mathematics, physics and the sky including constellations, star charts and navigation using the night sky. (Im terrible at listing these types of things. So you will find out some more in the rp.)

Random Facts |
Tends to stare
Sweet Tooth
Adores fashion
Tends to manipulate others if she can get away with it.
Quick to focus her attention
Tends to be loud, she is not a quiet individual
Will take anything shiny, or will atleast attempt to barter for it even if she doesn't have things of equal value.
Isn't that skilled in hand to hand fighting, the most shes done is a slap fight with another noble.


Kadar Bashara | بشرة قادر


Age | 36

Build | Runner's build, stands 6'1"

Marks & Piercings | Many scars mark his body, on the chest most of all.

Profession | Almas exile, professional smuggler

Combat class | Trickster and sand mage

Origin | Kharan, a large port city in Almas

Background | He comes from the south, as an exile of the Almas empire. He once was a prominent business owner of some sort, but lost everything because of a crime he committed against a noble family. He was forced to flea from the desert or die, and chose to travel north into Centos. Since arriving, he's smuggled and sold weapons and contraband. His best moneymaker is moving stolen goods to southern ports, where they can be sold without suspicion. But a growing desire builds, to exact revenge on the people who destroyed his life. He's been working on a plan to "fuck the people who fucked me" but hasn't acted yet.

Personality | Kadar is abrasive and callous. He's not looking to make friends, but loves to converse. This creates an interesting mix of traits, because one second he's charismatic, and the next he's insulting the last ten generations of your family. He can be quite charming and polite when needed, but only to advance his causes. In that vein, self interest drives him more than anything else, and he's willing to act horribly, if it gets him what he wants.

Training & Experience | His fighting style is based on deception and cheap shots. He's quite good at finding and using improvised weaponry too, and manipulates enemies before stabbing them in the back. He's talented at casting illusionary magic, by summoning and twisting light waves. He's also adept at manipulating sand, which makes him extremely dangerous in desert settings. He's familiar with arena combat training, and knows how to use most weapons that exist, but he's very much a "jack of all trades" in this respect, lacking expertise with a single weapon type.

Random Facts | He drinks a lot, but never seems drunk. And carries with him an ivory compass, engraved with several names.

Enchanted Item | Boots that make him walk silently

Theme song

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Xiko Yikino - dragonfolk
Age | 25

Build | slim-toned, 6 foot, wingspan of 6.7 meters

Marks & Piercings | scared dragon left arm

Profession | Adventurer/wanderer

Combat class | toxien caster

Origin | Chushinlóng| Ularner

Background | Xiko early life really wasn’t anything too spectacular, mostly involving young dragonfolk getting himself into slightly dangerous scenarios out of curiosity, getting older he lost the bounciness of his childhood as Xiko had become fascinated with a particular type of magic, being a horned one it wasn’t much trouble till that one time he kinda melted a wall In his house. after that whole incident Xiko decided it would be best to leave and explore more of the world then just Chushinlóng... what adventures await? Who knows

Personality | Xiko, while not energetic, is a fairly active person curious about people and things he’s not encountered in general. he won't be bouncing around like an idiot to ask you questions but he totally still will ask them. Xiko is also probably a little too friendly for his own good sometimes, even if you throw him across the room he will still try to make small talk and possibly make friends.

Training & Experience |knows a good deal about acids and poison, and the magic behind them, but by no means a master at it. Mediocre drawer, Xiko also fairly good at aerial acrobatics.

Random Facts | he keeps a set of note books on him so he can draw and write in his free time, doesn’t let anyone look at them though.
Galal Nazir - Almas Human

Age | 34

Build | Bookish, but fit enough

Marks & Piercings | He has a beauty Mark under his right eye.

Profession | Magical Scholar

Combat class | Wizard
Origin | Emigrating from the Southern Continent, he settled on Lunar Island until recent events required his expeditious flight from his tower rooms.

Background | He was born the son Alman nobility, one of many children all vying for their parents’ attention (and inheritance). He demonstrated aptitude for magic from a young age, and immediately recused himself of his birthright, instead electing to travel north to attend the College of Arcane Arts.

Personality | Ostentatious with a flair for the dramatic, he’s never been one to shy away from an audience. He values very highly his own privacy, and is at times a shockingly private person—particularly regarding certain details pertaining to his recent exodus—often using humor and charm to deflect personal inquiries.

Training & Experience | A Certified Mage of the College, he is well-versed, and extremely well-read in all matters related to the art, and science of magecraft.

Random Facts |

He has a cat! An associate at the College is looking after her in his absence. Hopefully she won’t be too cross with him if— er, when he returns.

His chambers play host to a fantastic private library filled from wall-to-wall with books, scrolls, tomes, and the like.

He fancies poetry (reading it, hearing it, reciting it, and writing it) and a good glass of wine.
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Sasha Yumi

Age | 14

Build | Skinny around 5f5

Marks & Piercings | None

Profession | Enchantetriess

Combat class | Trickster Mage

Origin | Luner Islands

Background | Sasha was born the youngest child of Yumi family. Being of the Yumi family she was born under the magical evolution experiment an experiment performed by her dad to increase the innate skill of certain magical talent by mating with someone who is rather skillful in it. Sasha's mom was a world-class enchantress with enchanting making it so Sasha was born a prodigy in the skill. Sasha has a history of getting in trouble with the Inquisition when it comes to her inventions a lot of them being deemed too dangerous for the world. She's only been safe from them up until this point do her family's influence on the lunar island but that will change.

Personality | She's a bit of a trouble maker and prankster its also not uncommon to hear a lot of noise when she's around.

Training & Experience | Enchentining, Gathering, Crafting, stealth, Breaking and entering

Random Facts | She is the creator of Lorrin's bow.

  • Kuma's Horse
    DA Remote Control

    Renamed Apple by the stable; her rider called her Streak; Kuma’ll use Uma
    Age | 8 years
    Build | 14 hands
    Breed | Part Arabian
    Markings | Somatic Mutation: white markings on the left side of her; the right is still brown
    Profession | Raider’s Horse
    Temperament | Though previously aloof excluding her rider, she now lashes out, refusing riders
    Background | Streak and her rider were raised with a group of bandits. Their bond was strong, the two relying more on each other than the company. They were quick on raids, efficient, but luck failed them. One arrow was enough, killing her rider quickly. Since then, she has refused any rider. The bandits sold her off to the stable, finding no use for her. Even the stablehands have been having trouble with her. Kuma has offered her to try the wishing well.

    Horse pictured is DA Remote Control

Goliath Valen

  • Basics

    Race | Human

    Age | 25

    Build | Slender build but toned, standing at 6’8”

    Hair Color| Midnight black

    Eye Color | Red

    Marks & Piercings | Some minor scarring from battle. Along with this, Goliath was branded with his family's crest on his left shoulder. The hot iron burning into his flesh at the young age of 8. He wasn't sure the reason. Maybe so it couldn't be stripped away from him if he was captured, or perhaps to remind him he couldn't escape his family ties.

    Profession | Marsh Gate Knight, though, is on suspension for a year. Goliath still holds a high position, so if called upon, he must return to his homeland.

    Combat class | Glaive Knight

    Origin | Marsh Gates

filler! ignore!

filler! ignore!

filler! ignore!

filler! ignore!

filler! ignore!

♡design by latte, coded by uxie♡

Galen Gaoth (WIP)

  • 1622953496079.png

Ameire | Elf
(pretend she looks like an elf and not a human I'll edit it lattterrr <3)

Age | 24

Build | A lean woman, body worn from previous combat experience. 5'7"

Marks & Piercings | She has freckles coating her face, her ears are pierced and she has some older scars across her front torso.

Profession | Formally apart of a temple | Briefly as a waitress | Now an adventurer as she seeks her place in the world.

Combat class | Tempest mage.

Origin | Whaleshell Port

Background |

Ameire woke up within a small town, lost without any sort of memory or who she was. Not even how to speak or do things for herself. She had been badly wounded, and stumbled into the town. She was taken in by a woman, who she calls Auntie. Who worked as a cleric within a large temple, as the head she had taken Ameire under her wing. At one time she knew her name, but it’s been lost to her, just like many things her first year in her new home. She was given the name Ameire, and her last name given to her by Auntie. Ameire Amar became who she was, and she was retaught how to speak and write, how to read and do basic functions. She found herself wanting to know more and learn more- all that she could once she left her zombie like state.

Her second year is much more clear to Ameire, her first almost like a dream where she wandered with no real direction. It was the year she learned how to be a human, and how to take care of herself. Auntie didn’t let Ameire leave her side often, taking her into town whenever she needed to get some shopping done. And young Ameire trailing along after her, staying silent whenever Auntie would speak to shopkeepers or the other locals. This was when Ameire learned there was more to speaking than just… saying words, it was about hand gestures, facial expressions, you had to learn how to socialize. Year two Ameire spent a lot of time studying other people, watching and wondering how they knew what to express and what to say- and what not to say!

Year three was the first year Ameire took a step out from under the temple's roof. She felt that perhaps she needed to experience the world first hand- to take on challenges on her own and learn about all the worlds. Being on her own was… rough. She was lucky enough when she had found a place for herself working in a tavern briefly. To learn the whole menu and how to interact with customers and her fellow co-workers. She learned how to put up a front when dealing with others- proud of herself for learning how to get by and function, even if she was a little clumsy. She had gotten her own place, with her own money and was able to move from the temple, making sure to let Auntie know she would repay her for all her kindness. She got to work, cleaning up her home and getting… well, she got the essentials and couldn’t really think of much more she needed for it. She spent most of her days working and when she didn’t work she would sit on sunset hill on her own… Or lay in her room and stare at the ceiling thinking to herself. She didn’t have friends, unless she counted those from work but, she would usually watch their bonds from afar and couldn’t truly understand it.

Finding herself feeling out of place in her fourth year, the young mage- taking all she learned from the temple and her experiences with other people while working in a tavern, set out on her own adventure. She wanted to learn more, and delve into the world of magic in a way she never once had before. She's been traveling for some time now and is now in her Seventh year since losing her memories, that she has still yet recovered and hopes to find out who she used to be- and why she was left with no clue of who she once was.

|| Forgotten History ||

Ameire was not always Ameire, before she came one day into a new life, she was known as Elderia. She was born to her mother, who was a Forest elf and her father, who was a grassland elf. She had the looks of her father, while in tune with magic like her mother. She was a young tempest mage training under her master. Elderia’s mother was the master she trained under, having been raised learning the magic that almost seemed to come naturally to her. Her only interaction had been with the other mages under her mother’s care. She was often kept away from them, as her mother had more hopes for her, insisting that she had control over magic she’s seen in no other mage. Whether this was reality or a delusion of her mother’s was hard to say. She was her mother's sole passion project, and never viewed as anything more than her project not even as her child.

The 'favoritism' was not lost on her mother’s other students. Their jealousy and dislike of Elderia did not go unnoticed to her, but she did not pay them much mind. She didn’t mind being on her own, and she didn’t want her mother to say anything to them if she did speak of the treatment to her. It wasn’t as though they hurt her or anything, she wouldn’t force them to befriend her if it wasn’t what they did. And she couldn’t say she blamed them, her mother’s favoritism was… overwhelming, even for her. That, and she didn’t believe she was all too much of an exciting person to befriend anyway. She would often stare out from her room’s window and think of leaving her home- everything, behind. She felt that with her mother’s expectations, that she would never truly live for herself. But she didn’t think she could ever leave if she remembered those she left behind.

Things took a darker turn once her mother had decided she would be the one to bear their patron, an ethereal being of thunder and lighting that would be able to allow her to use its power for something in return. The ritual was painful, exhausting and only left her with such an empty and haunting feeling as she could hear the whispers of her peers, and the feeling that it was all leading to nothing. Her mother was more than proud but she only felt the emptiness of wanting to leave creeping even deeper within her heart. This wasn’t the place for her, and with that she could never truly live for herself.

It wasn’t until one night, she decided to do just that. After days of digging and searching, she finally found what she so desired. A memory spell to forget the life she was currently living. To learn such a magic was unpredictable, she knew she desired to forget her current home and move on to be her own person, to be able to live her own life and yet... After some time of studying and working on learning such a powerful spell Elderia set out in the dark of night to find a new home for herself. Still being rather young and on her own was hard, and she found she didn't know the world around her after being kept within the temple her mother held under her thumb for so long.

Finding a small village, Elderia decided it was time and while nervously clutching onto her belongings she recited and practiced the spell- erasing all of her memories up to her earliest where she would wake up instead as Ameire. The zombie girl who couldn't even speak and being taken in by the village's small temple owner, Evaline Amar.

Personality |

| Positive Traits |

Hard worker - Once Ameire gets started on a task- she’s going to get it finished! She doesn’t like to slack and wants to make sure she gets it done right no matter how long it takes her. She hates to let others down and refuses to slack.

Bright attitude - Ameire doesn’t seem like she’s seen a bad day in her whole life. She always looks ahead with a bright mood and a chipper tone to her voice. She’s always charging ahead spewing out positivities all the way.

| Neutral Traits |

Oblivious - Ope! That went right over Ameire’s head, maybe you should repeat that again? Ah, look at that she’s already rambling about something else! Ameire doesn’t understand everything, and things can really go in one ear and right out the other for her.

Impulsive - She’s very… first thought gotta do sort of mindset! Ameire doesn’t understand the whole holding back thing, she just wants to go! She wants to DO!

Perceptive - Surprisingly, despite how aloof Ameire can be she’s… always paying attention and always watching. She takes note of what people do and how they interact with other people. Not for anything malicious, but she uses it for when she interacts with other people or goes into certain situations.

| Negative Traits |

Hard headed - It’s hard to get to Ameire when she has her mind set on something, it’s not often she backs down from her decisions and won’t even come to admit when she’s wrong at times. She knows what she knows, and she doesn’t trust other people to tell her otherwise.

Anti social - Ameire lacks in the social department, she has no memories and doesn’t understand how to talk to other people when she’s only really talked to the one person that took her in for a short time. She tends to keep away from social situations if she can help it and feels embarrassed when people give her confused looks.

Training & Experience |

Ameire is proficient in Lightning/thunder magic as a tempest mage/cleric.

Experience in minor combat while adventuring. She knows well enough how to handle herself.

Random Facts | Ameire thrives in the storms and will relish in soaking herself to the bone in the rain. She also enjoys collecting little trinkets, such as pretty rocks or items that don't necessarily hold a need. She finds them neat and likes to keep them close if she has the room in her gear.

Theme song

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Nemeia Herakula - Human

Age | 29

Build | Athletically beefy and stands at about 7'0.

Marks & Piercings | Pictured above, note the white markings on the legs and torso.

Profession | Amazonian Queen (includes being a Negotiator and Tactician)

Combat class | Berserker

Origin | Almas, within the islands near the Elven Capital City

Background | The Islands of Amath is home to a tribe of ruthless warrior women known as the Amazons. They are feared throughout Almas for regularly hunting down men, capturing them for reproduction and entertainment purposes, making them slaves for their sick enjoyment. "Might makes right" is the policy. Any Amazon can challenge the queen for the right of leadership through combat, whoever wins will rule all of the islands. For generations, the queens are known to be smart yet brutal rulers who maintains the terror that has been plaguing the continent for years, at least for the men living. But Nemeia is different.

Nemeia was born to have a little softness for men. For her, all life is a treasure that is preciously cherished, even men. Once she has become the new ruler, she has set a new standard that shocks her fellow Amazons; while they're allowed to capture men and make them as slaves, they shall treat them as equals so as to keep them alive and healthy for the betterment of their offspring. This rule has greatly divided the Amazons to the point that challenges to the leadership have become more frequent than before.

The worst had come in the form of a scandal that involves her falling in love with a slave, later proven false, but the effect of that scandal greatly widens the divisiveness of her leadership. Because of this, the islands have become divided with one of them sticking to the traditions that has been established since it's founding led by a brutal queen and the other left for Nemeia to rule. Blaming herself for causing the division, Nemeia tried to make peace with the other island with good reasoning, but the queen was too stubborn to hear her pleas for peace. Civil wars have become a commonplace, both sides losing valuable warriors that had been trained for years and resources are becoming scarce.

Learning about the Wishing Well, Nemeia has decided to set off out of desperation. If these wars don't stop, Amath will fall by self-destruction if unity hasn't yet achieved.

Personality | A brave and courageous woman of strength, intelligence, and beauty. She is very proud and prideful of her background, loves a good fight, and the word "retreat" is not part of her vocabulary. Being an Amazon, she has a great dislike for men, thinking of them as pathetically weak beings, but also has a bit of a soft spot for them due to her views on how precious life is. She can get along with women however, depending on how she views them. Despite hailing from a barbaric tribe, she is surprisingly well-mannered and educated, at least basically as there are some things that she has yet to learn outside of her home, so she might have a hard time accepting.

Training & Experience | Being an Amazon has some quirks when properly trained. She fights an aggressive style like a wild beast. She prefers to overwhelm her enemies with her strength and is shockingly fast despite her build. Her body is trained to withstand conditions hot or cold and her senses sans taste are all heightened to peak levels. She also has a very strong metabolism, meaning that she can eat quite a lot of food than a regular person can (in fact, bringing her to a buffet might be a bad idea, she's a foodie after all).

Despite her brutish looks, she is very well-educated, at least in a basic sense. This may be because of taking away valuables from her captives and studies them thoroughly, eventually gaining some knowledge that only people outside of Amath can. This also happens to be one of the reasons why she can negotiate well and make up some decent strategies, then again, the "might makes right" policy is still enforced, limiting her to full-frontal assaults only. Other than that, she knows how to hunt and cook food, in a primitive way at least.

Two things should be noted before fighting her; the claws on her gauntlets and boots are retractable, extending them to the length of a regular sword (for the gauntlets) and dagger (for the boots). She also possesses the Beast Roar, letting out a roar that sounds exactly like a lion's that has the capability of stunning her enemies with fear and as well as boost the morale of her allies.

Random Facts |
  • The concept of modesty only applies to any Amazon who is not the queen. Going bare is a sign of showing off your "divine" beauty and only the queen has the right to do such. Anyone else who do so will be punished.
  • The lion hood is actually a crown that only the queen can wear. Anyone who is caught wearing it, be it Amazon or not, is considered a form of blasphemy and will be sentenced to death.
  • Romance is forbidden in her home island as they view it as a weakness. The same can be said to marriages between Amazon and man, and should that happened will be sentenced to death.
Theme song

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Age | 22

Build | Slim, 5’3

Marks & Piercings | A scar behind her neck of unknown origins

Profession | Adventurer/Wanderer

Combat class | Nature Mage

Origin | A small settlement around Eloeyn Islands

Background |
Elori has always been a lover of nature. Since an early age, she found it easier to make friends with plants rather than actual people - though the forest elves may be the only exception. After discovering her love of nature, she studied at The College of Arcane Arts and then almost immediately went back to Eloeyn Islands. In addition to her love of nature, Elori loves to travel and go on quests. In particular, her fascination with the legend of The Wishing Well has only continued to drive her adventurous spirit. Another aspect of Elori’s past has to do with her birth parents. According to the forest elves that basically raised her, her parents abandoned her because of their dangerous connections in Stowfort; thus deciding it was the safest choice to leave her alone

Personality |
Elori is pretty easy-going. She’s cheerful when around nature, but can get a bit temperamental when not around it for too long. Despite her delicate physique, Elori isn’t afraid to fight for what she loves (which is mostly nature). She can also be a bit unpredictable, but that just adds to her personality

Training & Experience |
Elori carries around a petal shaped dagger. While it may seem like just an aesthetic prop, it’s actually poisonous. General symptoms include, but are not limited to: nausea, chills, stomach pain, headache, dizziness or weakness, and a feeling of impending fear and strange desire to kill. Some claim the cure can be found around the Eloeyn Islands, but Elori claims she’s the only one who has it

Elori also received her education at the Lunar Island

Random Facts |
Axes scare her (because she thinks of trees being chopped)
Hates fire with a passion
She has a very very quiet voice and often has to repeat herself
Likes to talk to plants - but is totally not crazy when she claims they talk back
She has a bag full of “pet plants”
Close friends call her “Elo”
Loves to drink

Theme song:


Godivinia Ackerwood Ymgadallia - Elf


Age | Physically 30, Chronologically 60.

Build | Slender and stands about 5'0.

Marks & Piercings | (Pictured above) A beauty mark below one eye.

Profession | Former Professor-turned-Headmaster of the College of the Arcane Arts, Independent Magic Mentor, Alchemist, Historian, Mythologist, Theologist, Technologist (Magic Degree), Geologist, Astronomer, Astrologist, Inventor, Artist, Musician, Novelist, Architect, Mathematician, Scientist, Chemist, Physicist, Psychologist, Engineer, Philosopher- in a nutshell, she is a Renaissance Woman, or Polymath, but her biggest profession above all of these is she is a Grand Magus (A mage who has mastered ALL categories of magic, including ones that are considered forbidden and/or esoteric).

Combat class | Wizard

Origin | Eclipse, Lunar Isles

Background | Godivinia grew up in one of the few elven households of Eclipse, much fewer are the more wealthy ones she was raised in. Her parents wanted her to excel at everything where there is nobody who can tackle certain problems a specialist could solve. Throughout her life it has been nothing more but studying everything the world has to offer, from it's pleasures to it's dangers. As time passes, she has become so very intelligent at everything that upon enrolling at the College of the Arcane Arts, she severely outclassed her peers and gained as much honors as she can get, bestowing her the nickname of "Universal Genius" by her admirers.

Fast forward into her young adult years after graduation, she earned a Master's Degree in Magic Science, worked at the same college as a professor until she gets promoted into higher positions, and after the headmaster announced his retirement, he has appointed Godivinia, for her excellence, hard work, and devotion, as his successor, effectively making her the college's headmaster for 20 years before announcing her retirement and assigned a new headmaster before leaving.

Since then, for everything that she had done for the college as thanks, they bestowed upon her the rare title of Grand Magus for her mastery of all forms of magic and leaving behind a legacy that future mages will be influenced by. The following years afterwards went downhill however. Godivinia has grown old and her magic has gone weaker the more old she becomes. Using her knowledge in alchemy and chemistry, she created a potion to restore her youthful looks and magic level to last for many years. Unfortunately, being youthful forever would meant that as the years gone by, while her influence is still strong, she became bored with the position she is in, and so decides to move away from Eclipse and shut herself away from society in what would be known as the Tower of Isolation.

For the next ten or so years, she has been living as a hermit using nothing than her magic to do almost all tasks no matter how mundane it is. When word about her tower was heard, many aspiring mages came over to be taught by her, only for the once influenced magus make them do chores while she sleeps around in her makeshift seat which lead to many to quit, not knowing that doing the mundane tasks are vital to perform magic. For years nobody has completed training under her mentorship, which is starting to annoy her.

But that all changes when she takes in a girl who happened to be very hard working and takes her lessons to heart. Finally, Godivinia has founded someone worthy to be her successor. What's more is that for every moment of her free time, this apprentice would persuade her into going on an adventure to find the Wishing Well. It took her about a week to finally convince her to find it, but she has no wish. Instead, she will treat the search as an excuse to check what society had become when she vanished.

Personality | A friendly and gentle person, but also eccentric and strict which is all part of her way of training her apprentices. She doesn't like to do anything stressful other than use her magic to do even the most mundane of tasks. But she never forgets her upbringing. If there is anything that she doesn't feel right, she will not hesitate to remind them of who she is. She has a bad habit of sleeping anytime and is overall just lazy despite her knowledge and mastery. Still, she can warm up to people when needed.

She also likes to flirt with young men and women, mainly because she has been single for her entire life and can get really jealous if she sees a couple.

Training & Experience | Because of her title and experience, she bears mastery over all forms of magic, including those that are forbidden to use which she will not use unless given no other choice. She also possesses every skill from every field that she had studied and practiced upon, from making potions, inventing contraptions, and even make art.

She could easily best everybody if it weren't for the fact that she is a lazy bum who prefers to just mind her own business and sleep all of the time in her makeshift chair, which also acts as a storage for her books and other items, can be reclined into a bed, and is powered by a pseudo channeling orb that she created herself (yes, the only thing she doesn't know is how to create an actual channeling orb because the Inquisition doesn't like to expose it to the masses, so she had to make one that she theorizes might be the way). The chair can float and can be driven depending on which way the user wants to go, even if she is asleep. It is made out of a durable high grade metal that can withstand a ton of punishment.

Random Facts |
  • She has the tendency to say "Umu", which is an "elvish aristocratic" way of saying "indeed". Human aristocrats find it funny however. It's actually more of a verbal tic as she still does know how her race speak, it might be her trolling.
  • Likewise, she laughs "Kakakaka!" which is also considered elvish aristocratic. Again, it's a verbal tic.
  • Another likewise (and probably obvious), whenever she shows interest, she will say "Ara Ara" which is also elvish aristocratic, but is another verbal tic.
  • If you do any mistake in front of her, she will not hesitate to slap you across the face and call you an idiot. Sometimes she will outright spit on your face.
  • Want to know her sexuality? Put together the initial letters of her name to find out.
  • Don't call her an old woman or similar. She will not like you for that.
  • She is accompanied by her apprentice who does most of the work for her. Her name is...

Lalah Fawne - Human

Age | 16

Build | Slender and stands about 4'5.

Marks & Piercings | N/A

Profession | Student

Combat class | Mage (no specification as of the moment)

Origin | Ocora City, Centos

Background | Like many other mages, she took up magecraft because she is inspired by the great deeds and achievements done by Grand Magus Godivinia. When she was young, her parents used to tell her stories about Godivinia and her many great adventures that inspired a generation of mages that wanted to be just like her. Lalah would want to do the same...except her parents wanted to send her to the Inquisitor Academy because of how easy it is to learn magic there, the tuition is cheap, and they get great benefits for serving the government upon graduation.

Already, her life turns downhill from there. By just the first day, she is mocked upon for her poor performance, even if she got her own channeling orb. Her aptitude for magic is so low that she can only cast the most basic spells and hesitates to cast the more advanced ones. But Lalah kept pushing, her dream of becoming a Grand Magus like her idol fueling her with determination and passion despite her setback.

Unfortunately, no matter how much hard work and effort she had put, everything she did has failed to keep up the standards by the academy. In the end, she is expelled after only one year and her once loving parents disowns her for that. Her heart and soul has been crushed since then and is left to aimlessly wander the continent to find a purpose. She tried to beg people for shelter, asked them for food, and even struggles to keep herself warm on the coldest nights. She barely scrape everything just to live, but that all changes when she heard a story about a Grand Magus living alone in her tower that anyone learn magic from somewhere in the Lunar Isles. Lalah decides to pay the magus a visit in the hopes of becoming a better mage.

After many days of traveling, with no time to rest or eat, Lalah had finally arrived at the Tower of Isolation, but collapses after she knocks on the door. It is there that the Grand Magus, Godivinia, takes her in. After being nursed back to health, Lalah could not believe that the Grand Magus turns out to be her idol and begs her to teach her the ways of magic. Godivinia accepts, though she worries that she might quit like the other apprentices she had took in. Fortunately for her, Lalah is very dedicated to her lessons, even if it is just her doing mundane tasks.

As time went on, doing the chores improves her magical talent, but is far from becoming a decently powerful mage. One day, Lalah caught wind of the story of the Wishing Well. For one week, she pegs Godivinia to find it until she eventually accepts. Lalah has one wish in mind; to be owned again by her parents.

Personality | Lalah is a very shy and soft spoken girl, but is also very dedicated to her work as she is fueled by her own desire to be a great mage. She takes her studies seriously and has a habit and writing down everything that she thinks to be a lesson. She can get clumsy at times and can get way ahead of herself that she loses focus on other things. She apologizes a lot when she makes mistakes, sometimes even flat out crying and have an anxiety attack. She can get scared so easily, but will show bravery if pushed back in a corner. It also allows her to unlock her full hidden magic potential for a moment and as well as tap into her supposed "divinity" characterized by her eyes turning gold.

Training & Experience | While she is still in training, the only magic she knows of is some basic-level healing and elemental magic. She wields a staff that houses her channeling orb that she still got from the academy, it's just that it's not nearly as powerful as those wielded by proper inquisitors. She knows some alchemy, but so far knows how to make potions used to cure diseases. When she unlocks her full magical potential and tap into the her alleged "divinity", it manifests as a spell that coats her staff in magical energy and transforms it into various weapons modelled after those wielded by legendary figures of history and mythology, even retaining their abilities despite not being as powerful as the ones modelled after. This hints that Lalah may be someone that isn't human at all, but is all left for her and her companions to find out. For the moment, she can only access one and it drains her physically and mentally when she uses it. Activating it will require her to be in a very stressful situation involving life or death, and it's not healthy for a girl in her age.

Random Facts |
  • She likes sweets and doesn't like anything that is sour and/or spicy.
  • She knows how to play the lyre and is told that playing it will soothe her stress.
  • She misses her parents despite being disowned by them. Every night she will cry dreaming about them.
Theme song
(NOTE: Is shared with Godivinia.)

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