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Fandom ðŸ”ª We'll kill your husband or your wife - we'll even let you keep the knife! \\ Helluva Boss 1x1 (Some Hazbin too maybe)🔪


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Helluva Boss Check

Hey, hey. I'm Batty and I'm currently on the hunt for a few Helluva Boss Roleplays.​
Specifically searching for the plots below - but I'm open to hearing your plots as well. Or hearing your additions to the plots provided.​
About Me:
- I'm old. Early 30s.​
- Posts are generally 3-5 paragraphs.​
- Can generally post a few times a week, maybe more or less depending on length and life obligations.​
- Ghost friendly.​
- On-site RPs only.​
- Mature themes/language will be present, as is the nature of the show. However, nothing that will break RPN terms will be written.​
- Will not write romantic Alastor. I'll play him. Just won't ship him.​
- I am OC friendly/encouraging.​
- I will play a canon for your OC or other Canon.​
Looking for:
- Someone 20+​
- Someone cool with 3 to 5 paragraphs on average.​
- Someone willing to help guide story along.​
- Introduce yourself and share what (if any) plots interest you. Tell me a bit about your writing styles and ideas when reaching out. If all you can offer me out of the gate is "interested", I will not be responding.​

Plot 1: Shit Show Summoning
Your Character [YC] is in a bind. What kind of bind? Well, that's up to you. Maybe they owe someone a great deal of money and need a get rich quick scheme? Maybe they've got a vendetta and need a gunman to help them get revenge. Maybe they're the ones on the receiving end of someone's ire and need protection? Or maybe they're just in a really bad place in life and need a friend-on-demand? Regardless of their circumstance, they decide to try summoning a demon to aid them in their troubles. Unfortunately for them, the demon they happen to nab is [Your Choice of Helluva/Hazbin Cannon here]. Probably not at all the creature they envisioned, but as per the contract of summons, YC and Cannon are stuck together until the contract is fulfilled. They're also the tiny little matter of payment. What's your character willing to give up in order to get this demon on their good side? And will it end up being more than they expected?

Plot 2: The FNG
Ever wanted to work for I.M.P? No? Smart choice! Unfortunately for [Your Character], work is as hard to come by in Hell as it is on Earth. So, clock in already!

Was your character found begging on the street by Moxxie who takes pity on them and decides to introduce them to the company? Or did their skills happen to catch Blitzo's attention while the crew was on another job? Maybe Loona, tasked with finding new blood for the company, picked your character's resume out of the stack and threw them into the chaos of I.M.P without ever looking up from her phone. Now your character--who completely lied on their resume---has to fake it to make it as a murder professional? And, of course like everyone else on the team, your character is surely carrying some baggage from their past into work with them everyday. What kind? And how will it effect their relationship with the crew? Will it put them all in danger or maybe bring everyone closer together?
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