Well, I've got the extended preview of issue 1

Positive it's not Desus, it's Kidale former incarnation. Look at his sword, later in the comic Kidale finds it and says that it used to be his.
Just picked up number three this week. Good read, a lot of interesting inter-party relationships are forming. There's also a quick section on Demetheus, who while I was iffy about before, I definately like a hell of a lot more than Dace now. The game info was a preview charm from 2nd Ed that allows riders to have their mounts be affcted by the riders personal charms for only one more mote. It's cool because its an upgrade style charm, it has minimums but no costs.

I also got powerfoil 2 & 3, which are supposed to have different and exclusive material, but I didn't get a chance to check yet.
I've gotta get some time to pick mine up.  I've always liked Demetheus, and have used him in the past as an npc in an old story I ran, but I did give him about an extra 50-odd experience.  

Well, I managed to pick up my copy of issue 3, and I goota say, its the best so far.  Some good character developments, witicisms between the Circle and fine action, it was a good read.  As Quicky Cheety pointed out, the back-up story is regarding Demetheus and it doesn't disappoint, with some good artwork, story and character to the, er, character.

My only beef though is that I would like each issue to be bigger, that's all.  It seems that once a month for the amount of comic you actually get just isn't enough.

It does seem a bit short but if you add the background stuff in with the main story I'm sure the page count comes out around the average for comic books.

I'm also a fan of Transformers, and their new comic Infiltration is a long one each month.
It does seem a bit short but if you add the background stuff in with the main story I'm sure the page count comes out around the average for comic books.
That may be true, I don't really know since I generally wait for the graphic novel, but surly the comic could have more content in it, to push along the story?  

Also, why is the Rival Schools thing in there?  I don't understand that either.

I guessin their idea is that if you like Exalted you might like Rival Schools. We also have to keep in mind that all this background material is for people who know nothing about Exalted.
I got Powerfoil 3 the other day and now I've got to get the rest in Powerfoil.  I had issues 1 and 2 (sadly, I missed out on 0) already, and now I'm tryin' to get it all picked up in Powerfoil.  I agree, the background story on Demethus is pretty good - lovin' it, and I also wish the comic was longer.

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