Well, Hi.

Lord of the Pies

New Member
I've been roleplaying for a few years with a couple friends of mine, but now only one will do it with me. So, being the smart person I am, I googled possible sites. So, yeah here I am.

  • I'm normally a nice person unless you insult someone close to me.
  • I fail at life so I die a lot.
  • I'm a huge nerd, even my name is a reference to something.
  • I enjoy all sorts of roleplays, but some days I have trouble with the detailed ones.
  • I SUCK at making character backgrounds/bios. Although, I'm great at finding pictures and Googling things.
  • I'm great at breathing. (Sometimes, I choke on food a lot..)
  • I'm currently looking for a few roleplays to get into that haven't already gotten too far into things.

That's all the kind of important things I can think of. Oh, and please excuse my terrible grammar, I'm ok at writing, just terrible at grammar. I look forward to meeting and rping with you guys, and I hope you all have a good rest of your lives.
OH MY GOD YOUR NAME IS-- *dies internally*

You are a fabulous person, welcome to RpN! ♥
Welcome to the endless hell.

Welcome to the beginning of the end.

Welcome to the end of your life.

Welcome to RpNation, hope you like it here. I sure do.

I might not look the part, profile and all, but my buddy taught me quite about the site so if you need any help you can hit me up.

Awesome name by the way.
Welcome ~

If you would like to join a game from the beginning, Interest Checks is the place to be; it's where you'll find the currently recruiting group games, all tagged by genre to keep things neat.
Enjoy your stay on this website dear. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask.

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