Well, Hello There!


New Member
Hello, how do ya do? My name is Just_A_Pancake, but you can call me Pancake or... whatever else you can come up with. I've been rp-ing for about five years (when you move halfway across the country, you get lonely since you have no friends). It wasn't meant to be a permanent thing, but I got into it. And I just heard of this website so.... here I am!
Hey welcome. :) I'm guessing you have more experience with Roleplaying than me since I've been Roleplaying for a year. xD maybe if you like we can either chat or talk about a RolePlay sometime soon.
[QUOTE="Miki_Zyraka]Hey welcome. :) I'm guessing you have more experience with Roleplaying than me since I've been Roleplaying for a year. xD maybe if you like we can either chat or talk about a RolePlay sometime soon.

Maybe... but it doesn't mean I'm like the best or anything at it xD But hey, that's a good idea!
[QUOTE="Miki_Zyraka]I literally have a month of school left (if you count the weekends)

Hey, it's so close to summer for ya! I have... eight days left. Not including weekends.
I used to repel the cool kids but now ever since highschool started its like the cool kids talk to me. I'm not popular or anything. I'm not close to being popular In fact
Just because I'm nice doesn't mean I'm instantly popular xD I have my limits to my niceness though. Like this one girl is constantly talking to me like Im her best friend and I told her In her face more than 5 times that I don't like her or I will never be her friend. She's the most annoying person you can ever meet....we all know thoses type Of people
True... but hey, you have lots of friends, lotsa cool friends. xD

Ugh, I have a lot of those people at my school. One guy... it's awful but no one likes him. He's just too big of a douche.
My bf is kinda like that from some people's point of view. But I don't think anyone knows what he feels or thinks but me since he doesn't open up like that.
This guy is just a douche. As a human being, I should feel awful for hating him, but it is impossible not to. He has no respect for personal boundaries, argues constantly about every little thing, and thinks he's superior to everyone because he does a crapton of drugs and plays the bass.

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