We'll Get Through This Together


Roleplay Availability
goldcat16471 submitted a new role play. @Kawashima Thunder


1. Cassidy Gandore

2. Nicolette Sage @Vatican Cameos

4. @BlackRose


Name: Cassidy (Cassie) Gandore

Age (14-17): 15

Gender: Female

Appearance (no anime please): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf96cf278_RpCharacter-blondehairblueeyesteen.jpg.3dd279df87a95801d8db3ea51196a9c8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22098" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf96cf278_RpCharacter-blondehairblueeyesteen.jpg.3dd279df87a95801d8db3ea51196a9c8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Cassidy is rather reserved and quiet. She can be shy, and doesn't trust others easily. She is quite intelligent, and has a good way with words if she chooses to speak. She is stubborn, and strong-willed. Cassie is very cautious and a good plan maker. She's neither a leader nor a follower, because she could be a great leader, but chooses not be. She is trustworthy and honest. Cassie likes to listen, and she's a good person to talk to. Sometimes she can be moody but she doesn't like to talk about her feelings to others much. Overall, she may seem kind of standoffish at first, but once you get to know her, she's a great, caring friend.

Biography (How they became an orphan): Cassie came to the orphanage when she was six, her parents died from a fire. Throughout her time in the orphanage she was quiet and would have rather stuck in her room than to socialize with the other orphans. She loved to read, and to learn. She was very bright in the classroom, and sometimes was a teachers pet. School was the only time she really would come out of her shell, and she'd just feel comfortable. However, it was not her goal to become a teachers pet, and soon things went to far and she started to get bullied. This lasted up until she was 13. By then, she hid herself away, and decided to sit in the back of the classroom, and not participate. Or so that's how it appeared. Truthfully, she was absorbing every single fact that came her way, causing her to be really bright. Others didn't realize that though. She never got adopted because she was too quiet, and deep. She thought she was forgotten. Until finally their group broke out of the orphanage.

Crush: None yet

Other: Cassie's good at sneaking. She could make a good scavenger if she tried.



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Name: Nicolette (Nico/Nikki) Sage

Age (14-17): 16

Gender: Female

Appearance (no anime please):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.417a8aa73a109d97653293dd55f8f64a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22108" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.417a8aa73a109d97653293dd55f8f64a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Nicolette is an overall quiet girl, but she is a great friend to the few she let's close to her. She doesn't trust people easily, but if the person proves they're trustworthy, she can learn. Even though she is quiet, she has a temper that can't be beat. She stays quiet and lets things slowly build until she snaps, but she is super caring to her friends.

Biography (How they became an orphan): Nicolette came to the orphanage when she was five, her parents were deemed unfit to take care of her. It was a big change for her since she had just moved to the country from Australia the previous year. While she was in the orphanage, she was practically silent, and stayed up in her room listening to music. She loved to play her guitar and write songs, and she could be caught playing the grand piano every now and then. She was rather intelligent in school, but never the teacher's pet. She stayed quiet and kept to herself throughout school. The only time she could be herself was when she was listening to music, playing her guitar or the piano, or singing. No one ever talked to her in school, but she knew they talked about her behind her back. She never got adopted because she wasn't as outgoing as most of the other kids.

Crush: Aspen, but she's too shy to say anything

Other: Nicolette is a speedster. She loves to run and she can run fast. She secretly believes that we'll stick together.



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Name:Issac Drenon

Age (14-17):16


Appearance (no anime please):

Personality:Shy and reserved, Issac spends most of his time alone. He's slow to trust others, and can be a tad reclusive, hiding away in quieter places where no one else is. Once his trust is earned, he can be a good friend. If Issac is no where to be found, he's probably off somewhere, his face buried in a book. He likes books more than people, although there can be exceptions.

Biography (How they became an orphan):Issac's been an orphan from just about the very beginning. His father died in his pregnancy, and his mother gave him to the orphanage 2 days after his birth, before she proceeded to disappear, and was never seen again. In the orphanage and at school, Issac had very few friends, as he spoke to just about no one. Issac was ignored by most other people, as he said little and did little. He was bright in school, but didn't participate in class. The only things Issac really does are reading and writing. Issac's never been adopted because no one has ever noticed him, sitting in the corner.


Other: Issac is particularly skilled at sneaking and being unnoticed. He uses these skills to steal the books he reads, before returning them to their respective owners, all without being caught. Believes that We'll stick together.

(First character on this site, please don't hurt me)
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Name: Xavier S. Jacrezz

Age: 16

Gender: Male



Personality: Xavier is peppy and upbeat, playing childish games with anyone that will follow along with his antics long enough. He flirts and joke with everybody, simply to bring a smile to their face or make them laugh. Most of the time he comes off as an idiot or immature, but in actuality he is highly intelligent and knows when to be serious. Around adults and other authority figures (ie police) he's cold and distant, showing a glimpse of how he used to be.

Biography: Xavier was always an orphan and always moving, switching orphanages and foster homes faster than he could count but always finding his way back to the streets. His mother had been a young prostitute and abandoned him at the hospital after his birth, and in all honestly he didn't mind. The nurses that took care of him until he was placed in Child Services named him, though he uses it as a middle name and keeps it a secret. He's been through an alphabet of first and last names, mostly to keep his rap sheet to a minimum with shoplifting, pickpocketing, a few breaking-and-enterings, and probably way too many fights. School wasn't his thing really, but he always found a library wherever he ended up and read books. At 13 he was caught shoplifting a phone and sent to the orphanage. After escaping several times only to be dragged back, Xavier gave up. Until the group got out that is.

Crush: None.

Other: He's an amazing pickpocket, but never takes any actual cash because even though he can read at a college level and knows a bunch of history and philosophy from books, he can't do basic math.

We'll stick together.
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I'd like to reserve a spot, as long as that's alright. And if there's a certain gender you'd like me to play to keep things even, I'm not picky.
May I reserve a female spot? I know the character I want to use, but I just want to make sure that I have the time first. This does sound like a great idea.
Name: Laurie Ava Cook (call her Ava)

Age (14-17):16


Appearance (no anime please):

Personality:Laurie is sometimes too scared to do things. She is very thankful for your friends and would risk herself for those she care about. Shes hardworking, and heck, it always pays off. Laurie is very generous. Laurie friends think your really cool. Sometimes Laurie need's to say "screw it" and do things that normally you wouldnt have done. Laurie is very loyal. She is outspoken at time's. Laurie loves music and is very bright when it come's to school. She is short tempered and has depression problems. Simple things can hurt her.

Biography (How they became an orphan):Laurie has been a orphan basically her entire life. At age one her father died in a car accident. Then month's later her mother died of cancer. She has been a orphan ever since then.

Crush:None yet.

Other:Laurie is a outstanding singer. Laurie also enjoy's doing makeup and listening to music.

(we;ll stick together)
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Name: Kira Mae

Age (14-17): 16

Gender: Female

Appearance (no anime please):


Personality: Kira is more of an introvert than an extrovert, and while people thought her constant will of wanting to be alone was an effect of her being an orphan, they couldn't be more wrong. She could still remember when her mother was still alive, and she was always urged to go outside and socialize, but she never really followed. She is usually quiet, but if asked of an opinion, she would give an honest one without any censors or care about the other person's feelings, and that fact usually unsettles the people she meets. Kira doesn't make friends very much, but when she does, she's loyal more often than not, unless you've betrayed her in some kind of way. She also tends to talk a lot if she thinks you're interesting enough to converse with, and in that case; be honored, because that has only ever happened twice in her life.

Biography (How they became an orphan): Kira never knew her father. Her mother did confirm that he was deceased, and told many stories about him; though she could never tell if she spoke of him fondly or not whenever she tried to judge by the tone of her voice. Her mother worked as a nurse in a nearby hospital, and whenever Kira visited, she always had the feeling to vomit. Hospitals had always made her uncomfortable, but not as uncomfortable as the day she turned into an orphan. That day, everything had been normal. Her mom was at work, and she was home doing her homework; until she received a phone call from a doctor telling her her mother had died of a heart attack, and even when she was in a hospital, it was too late by the time they got her proper care. Ever since, Kira has had a fear of hospitals, somewhat bordering into a phobia.

Crush: None yet

Other: We'll stick together.


Name: Aspen Kendall

Age (14-17): 16

Gender: Male

Appearance (no anime please):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf9b948ef_AspenKendall.jpg.db3461317b7cfa9a5442241b94cbb493.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22326" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf9b948ef_AspenKendall.jpg.db3461317b7cfa9a5442241b94cbb493.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Aspen is extremely loyal and caring. He will do anything for his friends, as he usually thinks of them as a replacement for the family he never really had. Without any authority figures in his life, he has little respect for adults, especially police and social service workers whom he blames for forcing him into an orphanage. His respect must be earned. He is very eager for companionship and affection because of his lonely childhood, but also is wary of people since he doesn't have very much experience with them. He was a slightly above average student until he was enrolled in public school, where his grades drastically declined. He generally dislikes all aspects of school, especially reading and math. However he is incredibly passionate about music, knowing how to play many instruments since a very young age. He is willing to help almost anyone, and is usually cheerful and outgoing, but can turn cold and unforgiving in an instant. Aspen will do almost anything to protect the ones he loves.

Biography (How they became an orphan): Aspen grew up in a very wealthy family. The downside was that his parents never seemed to be around. At first his parents hired someone to take care of him while they were away, often for weeks on end. But he soon convinced them to let him stay alone, and spent most of his days playing video games or some of the many instruments that he'd been taught. He was homeschooled until eighth grade and not having been to a public school before, would spend the classes daydreaming and sleeping. His parents died in a car crash two days after his fourteenth birthday, and was throw from a life of luxury to an orphanage. He was very resentful of the change, as he believed he was managing perfectly without parents already. He was never adopted because of his sullenness towards being an orphan and lack of respect for adults.

Crush: None so far

Other: He desperately hopes we'll stick together



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Vinaya Daeva Mudaliyar


  • Name

    Vinaya Daeva Mudaliyar


    Vinny, Vin, Naya




    Cisgender female


    Hindu, though not practicing


    Konkani (first language) and English (second language)


    Goa, India


    None yet

See more on this character
here, though what's been posted here has been modified for this particular roleplay.

We'll stick together.

Name: Tommy Compton

Age (14-17):17

Gender: Male

Appearance :

Personality: Tommy tries to take nothing serious and is usually making an ass of himself in some way. He rarely shares his feelings and tries his best to make everyone around him happy. He usually takes the blame for whatever happens, so outside of the group he is considered a trouble maker. He's also considers himself a protector of the group because of his size. (He's no Arnold, but his genetics gave him a decently sized body)

Biography: Both of his parents died in a car accident when he was 4, so he barely remembers his parents, but he does remember the accident vividly and still has nightmares. Because of this he is terrified of being in cars, he uses them simply because you have to now, but he refuses to drive. He was never adopted because he was labeled as a trouble maker.

Crush: Cassidy, however he never talks to her and avoids her if he can.

Other: Was a decent football player in school and had friends outside of the orphanage, but he's always sided with the Orphans over other friends because he believes they'll all stick together.
Alright everyone! I think we have almost enough characters to start, however, I would love for there to be one more male to balance things over! Please no more females for now, and once we get one more guy we can start!
Name: Adam Kim

Age: 16

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/12450.jpg.718190f5b7c9581677c29563c1e9b35a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22411" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/12450.jpg.718190f5b7c9581677c29563c1e9b35a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Adam is generally happy go lucky and sometimes obnoxious whenever he is out and about having fun with close friends. However, most of his happiness faded when immediate family passed away. With his family gone, Adam was alone in the world. When sent to an orphanage, he just wanted to grow up quickly and get out as soon as possible. Growing up, Adam had little to no confidence that he'd get adopted and start a new life in a new family. Compared to most Teens, Adam is known to be brave, up to where he can sometimes be reckless. When angered, irritated or annoyed, he is described as a 'Loose Cannon' with an attitude, hot temper and smart-mouth. It is hinted that the death of his Family has made him borderline anti-social, so Adam sometimes needs help when it comes to mingling with others. Despite his scathing attitude towards pretty much everyone around him, Adam is, deep down in his heart beneath his cold exterior, is a nice and caring person.

Biography: Adam was a happy little boy growing up. His Father was a Police Officer and his Mother was a housewife. He was the middle of three, having one younger brother and one older sister. Having the latest toys or the newest videogame never mattered to him, as all he really wanted was to spend time with his family, despite his Father paying little attention to him due to the nature of his job. When Adam was ten-years-old, his Father died in the Line of Duty and his Mother committed suicide, unable to go on another day without his Father. The tragedy would retain a domino effect, as his Older Sister would be killed in a Car Accident by a Drunk Driver and his younger brother getting hit by a car by the time he was twelve. The rest of his childhood would prove grueling to Adam when he got sent to an orphanage. With no Family to take him in, little Adam felt alone in the world. In the past, he was quick to make friends, but the passing of his family clouded his mind, so he made little to no effort to make friends with the other children despite being invited to play with them on multiple occasions and instead would spend time moping on the front porch and staring at a Family Photo he had managed to save along with a few other things before the rest of his Family's belongings were taken for safekeeping elsewhere until he was old enough to inherit it by his Family's Lawyer, whom he feels had abandoned him. As he got older, Adam's anti-social behavior got worse and he would develop a hot temper. Easy to anger, he would be often the victim of bullying, but was always quick to fight back. Although it didn't become clear to him until he got older, Adam eventually learned that he was never adopted because he was the son of a slain Police Officer and potential foster parents did not want to be targets of revenge attacks.

Crush: None (Not interested in a Relationship)

Other: Being the son of a Police Officer, Adam has indeed inherited his Father's fighting skills. An athlete, he enjoys playing Basketball, Football and Tennis, but is open to other sports, especially Combat Sports because he is able to release his anger in a more healthy way versus taking his anger out on other people, even ones who aren't at fault. Through his Father's former co-workers who would occasionally come to the orphanage to visit him, Adam has learned that there is no "I" in Teamwork. Other belongings next to his Family Photo he would keep on his person includes the Wedding Rings of both Parents, his Father's Badge, his Sister's Pendent and his Little Brother's Bracelet, as he misses his Family dearly and does not want to forget them.

We'll stick together



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Alright everyone! We have enough people to start! I'll put down the first role-play comment and let's go from there! :D  
Just to be sure you all know, the rp has officially started!

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