Welcome to Vangaurd! Home of Pirates

Octiven Linthium

Optimistic Dumbo
Role Play Rating:

T- Teen (13 and up)

Role Play Status:

Open - Accepting

Welcome to Vanguard!

This is a letter given to you from the one of the knights.

Vanguard it a natural place of stealing,robbing, fighting, killing, and surviving. Why so many horrible things? Because of the people. One of the most leading 'jobs' is being a pirate.

Why so many pirates? Because about 20 years ago a famous pirate was executed. The woman held the most powerful weapon in the world. She hid it before her death, her name was Julia Swash.

What is exactly the weapon or treasure? No one knows. But her crew members, which are all dead.

Who are the enemies? Other pirates, the navy, army, and bounty hunters.

Setting? A mystical land full of different creatures, races, and habitats. This IS Vanguard.

Can you make your own ship and be the captain? Of course! But tell me (The creator of this) first so I can approve.

Goal? Hold the most powerful treasure or weapon in the world. That's the only way of becoming the ruler.

Why was this letter given to you? So show you that I was once a pirate until the king caught me and made me slave. I was the former best mate of Julia, and I believe someone out there could find the treasure. I only hope and plead it will belong to the right hands.

Read more to know the new captains that need crew mates.

Available crew ships:

~The Fleeting Ghost~


Captain: Fenton Girand

Best/First Mate: Nyanta

Crew: Gudmund Eunad

Crew: Sandra Aviana

Crew: Benjamin Daniel Grey

Crew: Open

~Hollow Whispers~


Captain: Octavian Vasher

Best/First Mate: Maria Cole

Crew: Gia Opillio

Crew: Damien Viscount

Crew: Brooklyn Holly Braddock

Crew: Open

Crew: Open

Crew: Open

~Levian Hearts~


Captain: Vaal Chevalle

Best/First Mate: Dolores "Dolli" Wickes

Crew: Melody

Crew: Machiavelli

Crew: Dante Mancini

Crew: Open

Crew: Open


~Captain CS~









Skills/talents: ((Limit four))


Reason for becoming a pirate:

~Best/First Mate CS~









Skills/talents: ((Limit four))


History With Captain:

~Crew Member~









Skills/talents: ((Limit four))


Reason for joining the crew:
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~Captain CS~

Captain of the Levian Hearts

Name: Vaal Chevalle (Goes by "Captain" or "Captain Chevalle" only people that are very close to her like her best mate can call her "Vaal")

Age: 57 (Doesn't look a day over 20 though)

Appearance: She has long auburn, red hair that she likes to keep up with black bandanna, her skin is ever so slightly tan, her eyes like to change to yellow and orange from time to time. Vaal has a slender body where she likes to wear loose vests with an elbow-length blouse underneath. The blouse has two huge slits in the back where she can grow her wings out if it were an emergency but she hates bringing her wings out so it doesn't usually happen. She always wears pants to easily move in and boots like any other normal pirate. One significant about her though is that she adorns herself with jewelry she has collected since becoming captain. Every time she loots from another ship she chooses one piece of jewelry to wear from then on.

Likes: People who are loyal and honesty. There is nothing she loves more than a trustful crew member. She also loves a challenge. Some would say that is her weakness, she can never turn down a challenge.

Dislikes: Stowaways, she kills them on sight. Another thing she hates are people who are able to defeat her and her crew and people who think they are better than her.

Race: Phoenix

Nationality: Vezania (Name of place most Phoenix come from even though there are very few of them left.)

Weapon: Doubled-bladed scythe (Might be a bit cheesy but oh well)

Skills/ Talents: Can grow out wings along with change completely into a humanoid bird, can control fire, very efficient with any blade, and can hear a bit better than your average humanoid figure.

Bio/History: Vaal did not act out of the blue to do this, no. She once ventured a bit to far and saw huge group of explorers. Men who came from a ship on the beach. She had never seen people of other races and heard from these whom they called themselves "pirates" that there was a great treasure to be found. One that would make them king over all the lands. She then saw a letter that one of them was waving around. To get her hands on the letter she decided that this would be her first act as a captain and challenged the men on the beach. Beating them, they were surprised that she only wanted the letter. After this, she insisted on leaving her people to the point where they could not stop her even if they tried. .She tells everyone else that it is for unbelievable power and although she thinks that would be nice, it is still not her real agenda. But even though she decided this to be her goal she has grown very fond of her crew and once a crew member has become one of the people she totally trusts she is willing to die for them if ever the situation comes.

Reason for becoming a pirate: To gain enough power to bring back her people into the lower lands peacefully so that the population of her people can thrive and grow.

Deadman tells no Tales
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~Captain CS~

Captain of the Fleeting Ghost.

Name: Fenton Girand

Age: 23



Likes: Spreading peace and prosperity thought the sea and lands! And bringing friends as his mates!

Dislikes: the corrupt. The villan-like rouges that cause the innocent pain!

And if a crew mate or friend dies.

Race: Aqua- a hybrid of mermen and human, allowing him to swim underwater with no need to close eyes or breath. He is the only one of his kind. He secretly has gills.

Nationality: Vangaurdian

Weapon: dual pistols, and sword with hidden dagger


-Leadership (charismatic)

-agile and very aerobic.

- combat (Melee and Gun)

- luck

Bio/History: Was the first mate/illegentamate child of the previous captain, so he was destined to take his place! He rebuilt the shoddy and corrupt previous crew, and built a new banner. The banner of freedom!

Reason: To become king, with all of his mates and achive his friends dreams!
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~Best Mate of Fleeting Ghost~








-Sleeping under the sunlight





Nationality:Nekoisland (Place for all Were-Cat)

Weapon:Blue and white wing rapier


-Double sword style

-Quick movement

-Good Sense



He is calm, reliable, and the very definition of a "cool cat" in most situations. He is also quite chipper and is willing to crack jokes when the time is right. He believes in being a gentleman as he sees his rapiers as a weapon fit for one. He also tends to politely berate other people that act in an ungentleman-like manner.

He is a first class swordman and always wander through the world of Vanguard. He was a lone wolf or more precisely a lone cat. He like to help people he encounter while in his journey for no payment. Such gentleman he is.

History With Captain:

He was the trusted crew of the previous captain. And also he trust his captain more than anyone. When the previous captain retire and the new captain is chosen by him Nyanta had no other choice but to accompany him in his journey. Beside he was a young one that still need some training​
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Woah....I Didn't expect this many people in two/one (idk) day(s), All are accepted!

Though the roleplay will only start when each ship has a-

Captain: Done

Best Mate: 1 only + Not Done

Crew Member: At least 1 + Not done

Just a friendly heads up!
Best mate of the Levian Hearts pirates

Name: Maximillion Caxton

Age: 48



Likes: Wealth and power, the saying "Deadman tells no Tales"

Dislikes: weakness.

Race: Cyborg

Nationality: Technoligia, The land of technology

Weapon: Positron Blades & Tesla Blitz

Skills/talents: Cybrid Arts consists of a combination of speed and power, speed to overwhelm opponents with fast strikes causing minimal damage usually used for capturing targets alive, or with power in precise attacks with either the body shattering bones or the weapons attached to the individual that can usually slice entire things in half, this includes Flesh and Cyborg Materials.

Bio/History: Not much is know about his younger life except he got his cybernetics parts at a young age. During his middle age years he was living happily with a wife and daughter. Through unknown circumstances, Max's wife died, it was believed she was murdered however there was no true evidence of this being the case. Max went into depression, being unable to control his emotions and struggling to look after his daughter Jeannie due to his work. This caused him to take a mass amount of drugs which effected his mind and even his cyborg coding vortex, making him develop a personality disorder, his alter ego, simply being his anger and stress taking over his body wanting to release himself of these feelings, through severe violence.

History With Captain: (WIP)

~Captain of The Hollow Whispers~



Octavian Vasher






Octavian has an odd sense of what he likes and dislikes.

Such as cute things. For example, puppies, cats, any baby animal.

Cute things also include woman. Another thing of his liking is a good brawl or sword

fight. Though it can be hard for him to find a good challenger.

And like any pirate he does like to drink, but not only drink but sing.


He hates when people back out in a challenge. He likes to win,

but only when it's fair. Though he's a pirate, pirates don't go by

the rules. His different eye colors are another thing. People ask

him 'why aren't you wearing an eye patch?' When that does happen

he replies. "After I'm done with you, you'll be wearing one."


Dragon (Water/Ice Element)



(Land of all dragons)


http://www.afs3d.co.uk/portfolio work/Ice-Sword-2.jpg

It can split into double swords


Octavian is very skilled with his weapon and many others.

With everything he gets taught, he learns quick.

His cooking is grand and he's great with children. His swordsmanship

is top notch. When necessary he does use his elemental but most times he controls

the power into his sword. Same thing with his wings, except the sword part.

He only uses his wings when necessary.


Ever since Octavian was young he viewed the world as dark, cruel, and uncaring.

He never went to school, only stayed home and practiced his elemental skills and

swordsmanship. The curtains were always down, no light came

in his room. He sat there, and sat there until he rotted. At age 8 a video was broadcasted

all over the world. The death of Julia Swash, as he listened to her speech

he was amazed. He looked up to her for the time being. But he broke into tears as

she was executed. His father ended up crying too. Octavian didn't know why.

As years went on he kept on asking where's mom. His father only said 'In your heart.'

Octavian's father went on a work trip for some time and the place was all to Octavian.

he was at the age of 16, instead of throwing parties like any teen would,

he practiced even harder. Around that era he still viewed the world as good for nothing.

When his father got home, he forced him into a private school.

He met a girl, a girl he got very fond of. A girl who changed his whole

view of the world. But A year later she was killed. Octavian tried to change back

to his old self, but it ended as a failure. He stayed the way he was and got used to

it, he found out being sad all the time isn't gonna make you stronger.

~Reason for becoming a pirate~

He wants to become pirate king and avenge Julia's death.

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~Crew member of the Hollow Whispers~


Gia Opillio




Fighting and becoming stronger is her main passion. She'll accept any challenge that comes her way in order to test her strength and ability, whether she is fit to fight or not. She also likes to collect any treasure and jewelry she finds, and keeps it as proof of her dominance. It has sort of developed into an obsession, causing her to loose her normal calm, collected demeanor whenever she finds treasure or jewels she likes. Another like of hers is drinking and alcohol, though she doesn't do it often, as if she drinks too much she looses all self control and acts completely differently than she normally does.


She despises when people look down on her because of her gender or race. She will do anything to prove that none of that matters, which usually means a beat down. People who give up also get on her nerves, as she sees them as cowards. Lastly, she has a very irrational fear of cats for no particular reason, and will freak out whenever one is near her.


Plain old human


Lopian (name of people from her home island, Lopia)


Fuerza de voluntad. (As shown in picture) It may seem like a simple sword, but it once belonged to a famous Thri-kreen pirate, Ka'tho the pillager. It is an extremely durable and strong blade, able to cut through solid stone.


-Is extremely skilled at using her sword and can adapt to use others, as she is a very talented sword fighter.

-Can read muscles and any small indication of movement on a person, allowing her to see her opponents next move before it happens.

-Has phenomenal agility and dexterity, being able to out maneuver races built to be fast.

-Can drink more than most men without passing out or suffering alcohol poisoning.


Growing up on the small island of Lopia, Gia was always surrounded by swords, as the entire island was known for having an all sword fighting population. Everyone knew how to wield a blade, and she was no different, quickly becoming one of the best on the island at age 11, surpassing many adults. However, one year during the annual sword duel festival, Lopia was raided by a gang of pirates led by Ka'tho the pillager, a famous pirate from an insect race known as the Thri-kreen. With their superior speed and strength, the pirates easily dispatched and decimated the entire population, except for Gia. They found her attempts to attack them amusing for a girl her age, and took her in as a slave, forcing her to do all the dirty work on the ship. She vowed to one day kill them all and avenge her village, which resulted only in them mocking her, saying how she was simply inferior to them and that there was nothing she could do. As time passed, she trained in secret when the rest of the crew was sleeping and when she was 17, 6 years after the raid, she made her stand against Ka'tho. Using a simple blade, she was able to outspeed and outmatch the insect pirate leader and, after a long and hard fought battle, Gia stood victorious, holding the once famous pirates head and his blade, Fuerza de voluntad. The rest of the crew shocked and dumbfounded at the defeat of their leader, they made her their new captain, which she accepted until they docked, in which she promptly abandoned them and left them for the authorities. Now, she goes from pirate ship to pirate ship, joining the crew of a non-human captain and declaring that one day she will slay them. Currently she has slain 4 famous pirates, and plans to keep going in order to prove that humans can be just as good as any other race in Vanguard.

Reason for joining the crew:

To eventually defeat and kill the captain of the ship and prove her worth.​
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Crew of the Fleeting Ghost


Gudmund Eunad






He likes to have fun and experience adventure.

He also likes the history and would like to experience other countries and cultures.


An inconsistent environment, boredom, snotty people.






A sword that he got from his late father, who before that was city guard.


-Good handling of the sword.

-Familiarity with the pistol and other guns.

-Archaeological and Historical knowledge as well as another.

-Engineer (Bomb, Weapons... etc.)


Eunad grew up in the capital of Zustein: Schwalbenburg. On in rather good conditions (Average). His father, who had actually thought that he would his work as a city guard, also record if Eunad would grow up. That's why he trained him. He trained him to be a warrior. He learned him to read and write. When he reached the adult age, he left his parents to explore the world. He went to Wolfingen (a port city in Zustein) where he met Fenton ....

Reason for joining the crew:

To experience adventure but also learn about all the different cultures, not only from dusty books, but with his own eyes.

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Gotta even this out yeah?

Crew of The Levian Hearts

Dolores "Dolli" Wickes

Age: 17

Human Form:View attachment 61643 with very long ears, and much tanner skin

Creature Form: Size of a small dog, with crazy large and sharp teeth, huge ears but no eyes. Scales are a pale pink and feet have sharp claws. She also has strong hind legs, so she can move quickly. Along with her teeth, she has a large unhingable jaw

Likes: Sweets, meat, games, approval, money

Dislikes: Scolding, Vegetables, Losing,

Race: Shapeshifter (into that one specific creature only)

Nationality: Deesian (a dirty place with rowdy civilians and creatures)

Weapon: Two tomahawks, the first weapons she ever stole off a man

Skills/talents: very quick, great hearing, sneaky, and adaptable

Bio/History: Dolores grew up with many siblings and a single mother, who, after lots of trouble and a rough life, wanted to do right by her children. That didn't work out so much, you needed to be bad where they lived, to survive, and unfortunately her mother was too poor to move, so she was stuck learning the ways of a criminal. Dolli never really was a leader, her older brother led a gang and she was only a member. Though, she was their best thief. Her brother when she was thirteen had planned their biggest heist yet, to steal a ship of the most famous and ferocious gang member in their city. They almost got away with it, but the gang member had sent people out to bring them down. He wanted them dead dead dead, and he was a person who got what he wanted. The ship had sank, Dolli eventually washing ashore onto Vanguard

History With Captain: Dolores was nothing if not trouble when she first came to Vanguard. She had no home, no food, no crew, and no friends!! She spent most of the time scrambling all over the city, knocking over people and their things. It wasn't like she meant to do it, but that didn't mean she didn't get any amusement out of it either. It was all innocent fun right? Wrong. One night, she angered the wrong pirates by far. They were huge, burly, and definitely outnumbered Dolli, even with her quickness. Running for her life, she ran into an angel!!! A superhero even, a hero that went by the name Captain Chevalle. Intrigued by the small strange creature, she decided to help it, fending off the angry pirates. Even as amazing as this hero seemed, Dolli couldn't let her risk her life for her own, she had to help. She leaped from man to man, clawing and blinding, quickly transforming to use her tomahawks as her savior sliced and jumped and flew. She flew!!!! Dolores couldn't keep her mouth shut when all the men were defeated. "Wow, you're amazing!" Dolli exclaimed, while Captain Chevalle complimented her, making comments about how majestic and exotic she seemed, and Dolores couldn't help but blush. When the Captain offered Dolli a spot on the crew, she hastily agreed, and soon became her best mate

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~Best Mate of the Hollow Whispers~

Name: Maria Cole

Age: 17

Appearance: Maria stands at about 5'7 and weighs about 120 lbs.​

View attachment 61680

Maria in her usual outfit - Her scarf is usually tied around her waist. HOLY GOD, THIS PICTURE IS BIG, BE CAREFUL WITH IT

Likes: Classical music, eating, getting new things, birds, sleep

Dislikes: Needing to be serious, being kept awake, water (Meaning large bodies of it; Can't swim)

Race: Human

Nationality: Comes from a small town called Kohlingen



Her dagger, the Valiant Knife, which was given to her by her father. Its blade becomes sharper as she becomes closer to death, and the blade goes completely blunt when she's dead.

Skills/talents: Fighting (With her knife), 'treasure hunting', stealth, persuasion

Bio/History: Maria was born to Locke and Celeste Cole 17 years ago; Since she was raised by a thief and a former navy commander, she was raised to believe law and order are a good thing by her mother and was given good ideals, though she was also made a thief by her father. Additionally, thanks to her father, she has an inability to ignore a damsel in distress. When she was 14 she started doing thief work, and no one really took her seriously in her town until she stole a diamond ring without anyone noticing - Until she tried to sell it to the person who owned it and was arrested. She was saved by Octavian, who took out the group of soldiers that arrested her, and had her join his crew. As payment for him saving her life, Maria gave Octavian the ring she had stolen as well as joined his crew.

History With Captain: Maria was saved from authorities by Octavian when she went a little too far with her 'treasure hunting' - In return she became his best mate and gave him a diamond ring she 'found'. Maria sometimes flirts jokingly with Octavian, as well. Maria has been the best mate of the Hollow Whispers for about half a year now.

Crew Member~ The Fleeting Ghost.

Name: Sandra Aviana.

Age: 23.



Likes: Dogs, hanging around with men, guns, knives, and white rice.

Dislikes: Rats, heights, wimpy men, cats, alcohol, poison (only because she finds this a cowardly way to kill someone), and green vegies.

Race: Caucasian.

Nationality: Crazian.

Weapon: 2 revolvers, and an old cutlass.

Skills/talents: Sword fighting, marksmanship with pistols, melea--hand to hand combat, and kicks ass at billiards (pool).

Bio/History: Grew up on the large island of Crazia, with her three older brothers and her father. Her mother died when she was three, so all of her influence was male. She learned to fight from her older brothers, and to shoot from her father.

Later, when she was 19, all of her brothers became pirates. Four months after they joined, their ship was sunk by the navy, killing everyone on board.

Reason for joining the crew: She wants revenge on the navy for killing her brothers.

(I added a fear and a skill to this.)
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~ Hollow Whispers crew~

Name: Tyrone "Afro" DeShawn

Age: 28



Likes:Death, destruction and wealth

Dislikes: Peace, waiting, talkative people.

Race: Human

Nationality: Neo-Feudal

Weapon: Katana and sheath

Skills/talents: Afro is a Highly skilled swordsman able to deflect crossbow bolts and shatter bullets as well as perform lethal sword attacks. Afro can use his subconscious mind to create completely new combat techniques in the middle of battle,

He is fairly strong able to cleanly slice through thugs and warriors quickly and effortlessly or pierce a person's throat with his sword sheath. He is also able to jump quite high and his speed and agility are his only skills that match his strength. He show enough strength to send a guy twice his size flying into a wall with a single punch,

Afro normally fights with his sword in one hand but when facing stronger opponents or higher numbers he will use two hands for a stronger attack,

History: Tyrone was born the son of the dread pirate captain Darius the Slasher - one of the most wealthy and feared pirates in all of Sea. One might think this would have spoiled the boy with a cushioned life of privilege, but the truth is quite the opposite. pirates are not known for their compassion, and that most certainly extends to their families. Darius wanted his son to grow up tough and strong, so he was extremely hard on the young Tyrone . Even as a child, Tyrone was as mean as a snake and is said to have slept with his eyes open. As he grew, the young man rapidly became one of the most ruthless and feared pirate in all of sea's, and his daddy was never more proud than on the day of his son's eighteenth birthday - when Tyrone stabbed his old man in the back and claimed the famed pirate ship, the Dead Pool, for his own. He stayed as the captain of the dead pool for about 10 years until one day a mutiny started on his ship and his crew was divided in two. Tyrone survived and he was the only survivor since he murdered all of his crew and barely made it to the next port.

Reason for joining the crew: Whats the best job to kill people, destroy stuff and get paid at the same time a pirate. 
~Crew of the Fleeting Ghost~

Name: Ninja Ninja (Real name unknown)

Age: 28



Likes: Joking around, Women

Dislikes: Conflicts

Race: Tulpa

Nationality: Neo-Feudal

Weapon: Katana

Skills/talents: Able to spot weaknesses in people, Motivation giver, Amazing agility and very stealth can seemingly appear and disappear at will

Bio/History: Not much is known about Ninja Ninja other than he was made from Tyrone DeShawn this is what made him a Tulpa but upon Tyrone and ninja having a falling out they each joined up with different crews

Reason for joining the crew: Nothing better to do.
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Crew Member~ ~Hollow Whispers~

Name: Sakura

Age: 16

Appearance:View attachment 61790 ~

Likes: parties, sweets, (Will learn more later)

Dislikes: being serous (will learn more later)

Race: Human

Nationality: asian

Weapon:View attachment 61791

Skills/talents: very good in a sword fight never takes it seriously so watch out cause when she's serous or mad she is a killing machine,

Bio/History: She grew up on a farm she kind of liked it but she grew bored of the country. Her father would teach her how to fight so she could always protect her self. At the age of 14 she left home to see the world. As she traveled she ran into some pirates she thought the way they exciting so she joined the Hollow Whispers as a crew member.

Reason for joining the crew: Because she thought it would be fun

Crew of the Levian Hearts








She likes animals, as well as conflict. She loves to play with her pet Jakira. She loves to training at targets (not living as well as living). She likes to-be together with her friends.


Braggart, injustices, teaching (she gets more common).






A gun and a sword made of the rare material: Everian.


-Good shooter



-Can speak with animals


Melody grew up in the wilds of Illines where Melody was left by their parents. In the environment of animals Melody learned to understand their language and actually came cope quite well. When she was discovered by poachers who were afraid that they would betray her to the next guard she was shot by whom.

She managed to escape but was scared. A few years later she wanted to see the world from the forest away. On this trip she took her dog friend Jakira with. Then she discovered Cases-City. She was impressed by the buildings and people-lot but could not even communicate with them, because Melody had not grown up with their language. When she simply wanted to take food from a shop, the owner wanted, of course, have the money that Melody did not possess, she could not understand him as well. Thus the Tangled Melody, beaten by the angry shopkeeper that Melody simply dismissed as little thief. The Confused and beaten Melody is now (it was thrown out by the shopkeeper) on the road their dog near anxious whining. What could happen now? A young woman who just so then helps her? Yes. A woman named Chevalle, which she recorded in her crew. She learned from her the human language, reading, writing, and ... she was a friend. She was grateful for everything Chevalle had given her and want it to return even today.

Reason for joining the crew:

She joined the crew to stay with Chavelles.​
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~Crew Member of the Fleeting Ghost~


Benjamin Daniel Grey





Benjamin stands at 5'11" tall with an athletic build. He has multiple scars and a tattoo of a wyvern on his left deltoid and a tribal upper sleeve on his right shoulder.


Sailing, Piracy, Free running/climbing, Weaponry, Ships, Food, Rum, Women, Adventures, Fishing


Consistency, Boredom, Rich people, Intolerance, Pessimism


Benjamin is a Simian, meaning he is part monkey. He has a prehensile tail and increased strength and flexibility.


Lotan, from the Lotus Islands.


A katana with a double-edge, 75 cm long blade and a pair of flintlock pistols. He also has a variety of knives that he uses to throw or pair with his katana.


-Climbing/Free running/Acrobatics (because of his race)

-Stealing of all forms




Benjamin was born to a poor family in the Lotus Islands. He grew up carefree, growing up on a small island encourages it, but he always dreamed of sailing and adventuring. So an eleven year old child snuck his way onto a ship and stowed away, surviving in the hull until he was discovered a few weeks later. He had snuck his way onto a pirate ship with a hostile crew. The young boy was lucky enough to impress the Captain, an old man who took a liking to him and taught him to be a successful pirate.

Once the captain croaked, the crew got rid of Benjamin, leaving him at the nearest port instead of giving him the ship as the old man had intended. Annoyed, the now teen waited for the next ship to dock in the port and joined the crew.

Reason for joining the crew:

As a young teen, he was promised a ship. The naive lad believed him and was then removed from said ship. Now he is vengeful and wants "his" ship back.


~Crew Member of the Hollow Whispers~


Brooklyn Holly Braddock





Brooklyn stands at 5'6" tall and boasts an athletic build. Like most pirates, she has many piercings.


Sailing, Adventure, Shooting, Piracy, Rum, Food


Boredom, Pessimism, Privateers




Ibaran, from the Island of Ibara


A precision flintlock pistol and a plain cutlass.







Brooklyn was born into a rich family on the Island of Ibara, but was not content with her life as it was controlled and boring. She longed for the life of a privateer, but settled for piracy when the town was raided by a ship. Brooklyn was taken captive, but convinced the first mate to spare her life and make her one of the crew. From there she learned to be a pirate, training in all the necessary aspects and skills.

Reason for joining the crew:

Brooklyn left her old ship and joined the Hollow Whispers just for a change of scenery.
For new people who are looking to join in currently in the rp my character is trying to recruit people and there are three spots open in Vaal's crew so if you do join please pm me and I will think of a special sideline story in the rp on how your character will join the crew.


The One Eyed Demon Machiavelli of The Levian Heart


about 23




Looting, Murder, Woman, Drinking, Gold, The Sea.


Being on land for long periods of time, Authority, Know-it-alls. Cares little for titles or rank.






Six specially fashioned Katana given to him by his father

Skills/talents: ((Limit four))

Master swordsman, able to wield six blades at a time if necessary able to cut through nearly anything(Three in both of his hands in-between each of his fingers)

Inhuman agility on both land and Sea.

Charismatic enigma, people are often drawn to him

incredible durability/strength



Machiavelli was in-fact born on the sea itself, the son of a notorious Pirate and a maiden of Atlantis.

He grew up on the sea where he felt most at home, his mother died shortly after his birth so he'd been left in the care of his murderous father who'd trained him in the ways of pirating at a very early age. Despite his seemingly harsh upbringing he was shown compassion for his father was not a tyrant.

He'd spend many years looting and murdering in then name of his father up until his 16th birthday where he would learn the meaning of the word mutiny first hand. His father's men had grown tired of the "favoritism" Machiavelli received they felt their captain had gone soft so in the dark of night they sprung their trap killing the young man's father and claiming his right-eye before he was forced to dive within the water to escape his father's fate vowing vengeance on those who'd taken his last known family member away from him.

For the next few years he spent his time as a sell-sword taking on the most dangerous of tasks in hopes of running back into the men who'd slain his father. His quest for vengeance would eventually come to an end when he received word of the ships location.

Tales of the boy's attack on the crew would earn him the title "One-Eyed Demon" it was said that their screams can still be heard whenever the moon is full. He now lives out his life in search of a crew worthy of his talents.

(The story of their deaths can be told in roleplay if he is ever asked about it)

Reason for joining the crew:

The pirate life is the only life he has ever known not to mention he despises being on dry land

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Name: Dante Mancini; "The Bear Of The Red."

Age: 24

6'2"" 200 pounds

Likes: His heritage, The sea, Fighting, Laughing, Dancing, Drinking, Singing, Guitarra

Dislikes: Cold climates, Buzz kills, Getting lost, Losing treasure, Injured mates,

Race: Human

Nationality: Paloma Republic (Top right island on the map.)


Skills/talents: Has the ability manipulate and manifest into earth. Above average athleticism and strength. Explosives expert. Plays guitar and sings.

Bio/History: Dante grew up as the son of a farmer on Paloma Republic, and being the youngest his brothers always gave him the grunt work. When the family work horse died, for a long time, child Dante had to plow the fields which he realized made him grow stronger. He realized he had a natural athleticism and began developing ways to enhance that through diets, and training methods. By age 16 Dante was the strongest man in his village, then all of Paloma. This is where he was picked up and spotted by a sea pirate captain , the legendary Black Beard, who saw potential in him. He said he would teach him everything he knew and that he wouldnt regret it. Bored of farming he kissed his parents and siblings goodbye and left. Through the years he learned the ways of the sea, the land, and of course the axe from the greatest pirate ever. He preferred the axe because he felt the sword was too light for him.

By age 20 he left the care of his mentor, taking with him all the riches he acquired over the years. He returned home for a year and gave his family enough gold to last them a lifetime and even their children's lifetimes. He spent that year traveling all of the known worlds countries fighting in tournaments. He was declared fighting champion of the world and his fame shot up.

After that he started his own crew of pirates, The Demon Dove Pirates, and for two years roamed the seas with them... rumor is that he was very close to finding Julia Swash's treasure... Anyways he continued Pillaging and finding treasures... until his men were slaughtered and he was finally caught by the Navy...

He spends a year in Vanguard Prison before breaking out and joining the Levian Heart pirates... He is their newest member...

Reason for joining the crew: To find the treasure for his dead crew. To also get back into the pirate game after spending a year in prison. Eventually he will be his own captain again. But he has to lay low for now, and the Levian Pirates are perfect for that...

Theme song: [media]

Dead men tell no tales
~Crew Member, Hollow Whispers~

Name: Talia Slayton

Age: 19


Likes: Brawls, gunfights, drink-offs and other unsavory sports if she's bored. Otherwise you'll likely find Talia with her maps, planning her next adventure.

Dislikes: Flouncy women, snobs, being on land for long periods of time, being told she can't do something.

Race: Human

Nationality: Solarian, from the pirate port of Solaria

Weapon: Twin pistols, rifle, or whatever is within reach

Skills/talents: Excellent marksmanship, navigation, star reading, vast knowledge

of foreign lands.

Bio/History: Though she was told that her father was an honest merchant, Talia had always known better. Merchants didn't come home with bullets in their thighs and festering wounds from a cutlass. Merchants didn't "find" chests of pearls. Merchants didn't hide their maps and charts under the floorboards. And merchants certainly didn't teach their daughters how to kill a man. No, her father was a pirate, and Talia swore to be just like him. After voicing her dreams, she was met with laughter and a pat on the head. "Silly lass! Women can't be pirates!" He'd said. Talia has spent her adult life proving him wrong.

Reason for joining the crew: With such a diverse group of people, Talia is sure she can find acceptance and a place amongst them. If she can't, then screw them all, she's staying anyway.
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