Welcome to the School for the Mentally Unstable

Shy Shadow

Zombie Slayer

Name: (Full name)

Nickname: (opt.)



School Attendance: (how long have you been at the school?)


History: (doesn't have to be to long)

Mental condition:

Likes: (what makes your Character happy in hard times)

Dislikes: (what can't your Characters stand. What ticks them off?)

Other: (Anything else we should know?)

My Character:



Name: Brooklyn Rain (A.K.A Jade Williams)

Nickname: Brook

Gender: Female

Age: 16

School Attendance: two years

Personality: Brook: Brook usually a quiet and shy person, she keeps to herself and usually doesn't talk unless spoken too. You will usually find her alone either writing or reading somewhere. She is sweet and doesn't usually hurt people, at least not on purpose. Only sertin type of people can get close enough to her to get her out of her shell and see the bright and more talkative. She is usually nice to everyone she meets and once she gets over being shy is a sweet a girl.

Jade: Jade is Brook's wild personality. She is pretty bad a$$. Unlike Brook, Jade has a big mouth and isn't afraid to say her mind. She isn't easily intimidated and can be a bit of a punk. But Jade isn't all bad, she can be kind of sweet... sometimes... well if your on her good side. She loves to have fun and isn't afraid to take risks.

(Be warned she might develop more personality's throughout the rp)

History: Brook has had a hard childhood, witch is why she has her illness. Brooklyn NEVER speaks about her past because she cant remember it, she blocked it out. She thinks her father has been gone on a business trip for the last 5 1/2 years, when in reality her dad is in prison for beating/ abusing her and her mother. She also thinks that her older brother Charlie is away at collage when he really hung himself 5 years ago. Brooklyn is only left with her mother and sister. She has moved school 3 times already from fights at school. She doesn't remeber any of them but a her sister tells her everything. Her biggest fight happened last three years ago when a group of kids came to school with nooses around their necks, their shirts read, Sleep tight Dylan Rain. She turned into Jade and beat one of the boys in the group that was laughing, he had to go to the hospital and the fight was recorded and went viral on YouTube.

Mental condition: Dissociative Identity Disorder/ Multiple personality disorder. (If you don't know what that is here is a link: http://www.webmd.com/mental-health/dissociative-identity-disorder-multiple-personality-disorder)

Likes: Rainy days (but not thunder), Music, Reading, Writing, drawing

Dislikes: Small spaces, thunder, lies, back-stabers, crowds, when people are yelling

Other: Nope not really.


I want at the least 3 boys and 3 girls, there can be more. If you wish to open another spot for a charecter please feel free to ask.



1. Chad (@Zalda )

2. Wren (@SkyFilms )

3. Andrew ( @Alivia)

4. Reserved (@Naegi )


1. Brooklyn ( Me @Shy Shadow )

2. Enoma (@Ahria )

3. Riley (@TanTanEatsPancakes )
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-Name: Chad Malison

-Nickname: Chad

-Gender: Male


-Age: 17

-School Attendance: Roughly a year? maybe

-Personality: Chad, is a guy who loves humanity and enjoys learning and understanding about this wonderful species. He takes a particular interest in learning about how humans react, during conflicts. Therefore when the opportunity presents itself, Chad is often the type of guy who likes to meet new and interesting Characters and greatly enjoys putting people in miserable or chaotic situations in order to observe their reactions.

-History: Not much is known from Chad's past, for each time he explains it, it's different from the last time, his stories range from, being a part of a Gang, to organizing some of the greatest crimes. However, a Character is often brought up in his stories, this character is known as Alicia, and she is ALWAYS his lover in his stories. He strongly believes he will one day reunite with Alicia once he graduates from this "God forsaken" place, and live the happy life he always dreamt. Yet, the Alicia he speaks of, was murdered roughly 2 years ago... Not much detail was released upon this murder, although what was mentioned, was Chad was found with tears in his eyes and blood on his hands beside her body, but Chad does not recall any of the events that took place, and still believes she is well! He even goes as far to say, she phones him every night to strike up a conversation.

-Mental condition: Schizophrenia (Hears and sees people/things that aren't there)

-Likes: Humans, Apples

-Dislikes: Negative talk about "Alicia", the ticking noise from clocks

Other: (Anything else we should know?)
[QUOTE="Shy Shadow]@Zalda accepted awesome Character :)
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Thank you very much, I am excited to see how this plays out.

-Name: Enoma Shinobu

-Nickname: Eno

-Gender: Female

-Age: 16

-School Attendance: New I suppose...

-Personality: Enoma has a sever case of Bipolar-ism, and can be talking about icecream flavours, to wanting to stab someone in the throat with a spoon. She enjoys the idea of taking someones life to the point where it sexually thrills her, however, she can also be an easy person to talk to at times,

she loves meeting new people, and talking about girly things, but there are some trigger words that can flip her switch in an instant. But her true personality remains a mystery, for most people who have met her, do not tent to stick around when they find out she has killed people...

-History: Enoma was born into a lower class life, at school, she would be bullied on a daily basis, then when she came home, Her father would ignore her very existence, While her mother yelled at her "Why can't you be like those girls I see on Tv you worthless piece of ****" With all this, she became the quite, shy individual, not being able to make a lot of friends. She felt asthough her life had no purpose, that she wasn't living, but simply... existing, and she was tired of it... then one day, she was getting ready for school, and she packed a Kitchen knife in her bag, for she was sick of it, she was finished, but... she wanted to say good bye one last time, to anyone who was willing to hear her goodbyes. Then just as she was heading for school. A man in a Dark jacket and ski mask picked her up, covered her mouth and took her behind the corner. She was scared, she knew this was the end! this is exactly what she wanted? right? The man began to rip off her clothes, and un buckle his pants, her eyes filled with tears and she reached for her back... and thats when it happend... Penetration... A kitchen knife impaled in this unknown mans eye socket... after the body fell to the ground, she began to walk home, with no expression on your face, and when she arieved, ripped clothes and covered in blood, she was welcomed with "What the *** are you doing home so early you piece of **** and whats with all the blood? Did you get your *** kicked?! He you deserve it" Without blinking an eye, Enoma again pierced this kitchen knife into another persons face, Her mother Dropped to the floor. as Enoma burst into laughter. She stabbed her again and again and again, until the screaming stopped, and thats when Enoma Found out she took joy and pleasure, in controlling the fate of those around her.

(Sorry for the long History, I got really into it)

-Mental condition: Sadistic Personality Disorder + Bipolar

-Likes: Watching others suffer, Icecream

-Dislikes: Happy people

Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.c2893605b82217334a341cec6ed6f284.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15604" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.c2893605b82217334a341cec6ed6f284.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Wren Joy

Nickname: Joy

Gender: Male

Age: 17

School Attendance: Two years

Personality: Wren is a very thoughtful person, known to observe the area whenever he can. He is quite sweet and caring though, not enjoying the sight of others hurt. He isn't easily angered but can become frustrated when he can't find an answer to something quickly. Wren though is very patient with certain people, but arrogant individuals can make it a bit difficult for him. He can seem sort've uptight at first, but once you get to know him and he trusts you he can be a little more loose and enjoyable. But Wren will try to never show weakness, his pride high up on his list of things. He often will stray away from topics about himself.

History: Wren isn't quite sure

Mental condition:

-Memory Loss

-Acute stress response







-Meeting People


-Rude people

-Not finding things out

-Other people ruining his plans


Other: Wren sometimes needs to be reminded different things, including his name.



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Looks: (He has dirty blond hair, and green/blueish eyes.)


Name: Andrew Thomas Jackson

Nickname: Drew

Gender: Male

Age: Eighteen

School Attendance: Four years

Personality: Drew kept to himself. He didn't bother people unless they bothered him, and didn't speak unless spoken to. He was quiet, always thinking about something, and lost in his own little world. He isn't very patient, and can be frustrated easily. He distances himself from everyone for a reason; he has trust issues, and never allows himself to grow too close to anyone. He learned not to get too attached a long time ago. Andrew, even though silent, is a trouble maker. He always has been. He is careful when plotting, and is thorough with any work he does. Andrew can be nice and sweet when he wants to, and is a loyal guy, even if everything would go to hell and back. He always offered a crying shoulder, and an ear to listen, even if he's the one that needs it the most. He tries to hide his insecurities, his weaknesses, and always ends up in a large breakdown in the end from holding everything in for too long.

History: For the first ten years of his life, Andrew was an orphan in London, looking for a place to call home. For people to embrace him and take care of him. Three years went by in the foster care system that seemed to never stop, and he finally had a couple interested in adopting him. They lived in the United States, and after stacks of paper work, he was adopted. Overjoyed and happy, he entered their welcoming arms and into their warm home. Little did he knew everything was never as it seemed. The couple were young, but alcoholics, drug addicts, and abusive. As he entered high-school, things took a turn for the worst. His parents no longer only verbally abused him - they started physically abusing. He was diagnosed with Anterograde Amnesia a few months later when his adoptive father nearly had killed him, and was transferred to a new school. The new school had broken him down. It shattered whatever happy boy he once was, and turned him into something else entirely. Drew had finally lost it.

Mental Condition: Anterograde Amnesia - loss of the ability to create new memories after the event that caused the amnesia, leading to a partial or complete inability to recall the recent past, while long-term memories from before the event remain intact. Basically, Drew struggles to remember anything within the past few days to a week, and sometimes has panic attacks from not remembering.

Likes: Drawing, photography, being outside, beaches, being alone, movies, swimming.

Dislikes: Large crowds, being trapped, being told what to do, judgmental people, liars, nightmares, alcohol, sports.

Other: Andrew keeps a 'Memory Journal'; he constantly has to right everything down before he forgets.
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Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/punk2.jpeg.162e953cfaf77b834680aba353a6b196.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15608" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/punk2.jpeg.162e953cfaf77b834680aba353a6b196.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Riley Summers

Nickname: Ry

Gender: Female

Age: 17

School Attendance: 2 years

Personality: Riley a sarcastic nerd. She loves reading, listening to music and geeking out on the weekends with Star Wars and some Nutella. Her best friends are her books and her iPod. Still, she loves skateboarding and her brothers taught her enough self defense to protect herself.

History: Riley lived with her 3 older brothers and mother, her dad left when she was 12. Their house was robbed a few months after he left and after that, her three brothers became super protective of her. They taught her 3 different types of martial arts. A few years later, she fell off the stairs and hit her head. Her head was split open and she began imagining things after she got back from the hospital.

Mental condition: Schizophrenia + Depression

Likes: Chocolate, books, music, movies like Star Wars

Dislikes: Partying, socializing

Other: She plays a game called "real or not real" to keep herself sane



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Name: Byakuya Togami

Nickname: Byakuya-sama



School Attendance: New arrival

Personality: He is generally a very kind person but can be very difficult to deal with when he is angry or enraged. He also thinks very highly of himself nd will demand he is called "Byakuya-sama"

History: Byakuya is a very talented student in academics, and sports but also has a very big problem with his anger. He cannot control his anger and has thus far been expelled from every school he has attended so far for almost killing or actually killing another student for what he believes to be absolutely no reason. Due to his anger issues he seems to forget everything that has happened 2 hours before he is enraged........and then completely forgets everything and then goes about his day like nothing happened.

Mental condition: Anger induced amnesia

Likes:Drinking, Girls, Money, Animals

Dislikes: Anything that makes him feel insulted or anything that puts him in pain

Other: Has a slight problem with his temper(its actually a huge problem but thats ok)

(Please tell me if he needs any adjustments and/or changes)

Looks: Rusty coloured eyes, long layered naturally wavy red-auburn hair, she has a slim body which appears nearly flawless from afar but is covered in permanent scars.

Name: Caedis Clepta

Nickname: (opt.)

Gender: Female

Age: 16

School Attendance: New arrival (how long have you been at the school?)

Personality: Caedis is usually somewhat reserved when meeting new people but can be very outgoing around the people she knows well.

History: During her second year of high school she became very depressed after going through a tough break up and started cutting, Caedis started spending more and more of her time sitting in her room with the lights off and her music turned up. After about four months she began to hear something in the back of her head, at first they were just little whispers but they started getting louder and clearer and she recognized them as voices. she talked to her parents and a doctor and they suggested she transferred school, at first she didn't understand how it would help until she did a little research on the school they were planning on sending her to.

Mental condition: Schizophrenia

Likes: blood, sharp things, cuddling, dark spaces, long embraces, any kind of music all the time, long baths or showers.

Dislikes: crowded places, loud noises, sudden movements.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/emily-rudd-girl-hd-wallpaper-1920x1200-9626.jpg.8d63ad12a0d8c71961813ff1e217cf1c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16102" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/emily-rudd-girl-hd-wallpaper-1920x1200-9626.jpg.8d63ad12a0d8c71961813ff1e217cf1c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: Bo Ellis


Gender: Female

How long have you been at the school: New arrival

Personality: Though very friendly most of the time Bo's family agreed to send her to the school for the mentally unstable. Reason being her father had died in a car accident, and ever since Bo had felt very poor security when it came to safety matters. Having a small petite frame didn't make it any safer for her either, as other people took advantage of that the moment they laid eyes on her. Eventually, Bo got sick of it and made the mistake of telling her mother who days later enrolled her in the school. When she feels safe she is perky, bubbly, funny and happy, but when she feels unsafe she is quiet and defensive of herself.

Likes: Australia, Cats, Plaid, Safety, Pillows, Perfume, Waffles

Dislikes: Ignorant snobs, a sense of poor security, people making fun of her small size and frame, broccoli



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She looks good but there are a few details you are missing such as your characters mental problem and her likes/ dislikes

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This is gonna sound weird, and it's fine if you say no, but... Can I be Caedis's mentally unstable cat? (I know the role player in real life, in case you were wondering. :big grin:)
Great!! Haha, I'll make a person too... :wink: 
First, the cat!! :big grin:


Oli Clepta

Nickname: Feel free to call him anything you can come up with.

Gender: Male

Age: 4 years

School Attendance: New Arrival (Perhaps he's not supposed to be in the school, but even so, he's great at finding open windows and doors.)

Personality: As is expected of cats, Oli can be described as obstinate and antisocial. This introverted animal only likes very specific people; those who he likes, he adores, and to those he dislikes, he tends to react to their presence with over-the-top aggression or fear. In other words, he is very a passionate (and likely confused) feline.

History: Oli has belonged to Caedis for just about as long as he can remember, and where she goes, he goes. He can be quite the escape-artist, and has been known to follow her almost everywhere he can...

Mental condition: Tourette's Syndrome & Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Likes: Being alone with Caedis, attacking strangers, destroying things (toys, furniture, paper, etc. - almost anything he can shred), and various forms of playing. As long as he's thoroughly stimulated, he's more or less content.

Dislikes: Being completely alone for long periods of time, strangers, noises that are loud and sudden, and having nothing to focus on.

Other: I'm not sure if cats can have the same mental conditions as people, but...

I'll make the person in a separate post so that my browser doesn't crash or something and make me restart...
Lifeblood said:
Great!! Haha, I'll make a person too... :wink: 
First, the cat!! :big grin:

Oli Clepta

Nickname: Feel free to call him anything you can come up with.

Gender: Male

Age: 4 years

School Attendance: New Arrival (Perhaps he's not supposed to be in the school, but even so, he's great at finding open windows and doors.)

Personality: As is expected of cats, Oli can be described as obstinate and antisocial. This introverted animal only likes very specific people; those who he likes, he adores, and to those he dislikes, he tends to react to their presence with over-the-top aggression or fear. In other words, he is very a passionate (and likely confused) feline.

History: Oli has belonged to Caedis for just about as long as he can remember, and where she goes, he goes. He can be quite the escape-artist, and has been known to follow her almost everywhere he can...

Mental condition: Tourette's Syndrome & Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Likes: Being alone with Caedis, attacking strangers, destroying things (toys, furniture, paper, etc. - almost anything he can shred), and various forms of playing. As long as he's thoroughly stimulated, he's more or less content.

Dislikes: Being completely alone for long periods of time, strangers, noises that are loud and sudden, and having nothing to focus on.

Other: I'm not sure if cats can have the same mental conditions as people, but...

I'll make the person in a separate post so that my browser doesn't crash or something and make me restart...
Yayyy!!!! OOOOLLiiiii!! lawlz im so excited :D check out my posts in the roleplay

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