Welcome to the School for the Mentally Unstable


Name: Charlotte Baker

Nickname: Char

Gender: Female

Age: 16

School Attendance: New Arrival

Personality: Charlotte is a fun-loving, comparatively intelligent girl with a great sense of humour. She's generally pretty likeable in that respect, but her downfall is that she often trusts others too quickly, becomes too attached, and is too loyal for her own good. Moreover, she often uses up all of her energy trying to support and encourage those around her rather than herself. She's very insecure, has a distinct lack of confidence, and isn't terribly fond of herself. Although her low self-esteem can usually be masked beneath a bright smile and jokes about being better than everyone else, it shines through when she turns down any and all compliments receives.

History: Charlotte never knew her real parents, for she was given up for adoption at birth. She's stayed with a number of families: When she was still quite young, there were a couple that she liked and grew attached to, but they had t0 give her up again pretty early on for reasons that were never revealed to her (or that she was too young to understand - she doesn't care to remember such things); the others were all abusive in some way, which eventually drove her to self-harm. Finally, she joined the family that she is currently with. When she felt that she could trust them, she told them about her self-harm issues, and they sent her to Franklin Academy in the hopes that it would help her.

Mental condition: Social Anxiety Disorder & Depression.

Likes: Thunderstorms/windstorms, listening to loud music, creating art, writing poems, reading books, and playing video games.

Dislikes: Crowds, ambiguity, fake people, and herself.

Other: I think that's everything...

Name: Saito Shiroyama

Nickname: Gr33n



School Attendance: he is a third year but he has been there for only about a year

Personality:He is a very generous person but when it comes to certain people and certain situations, a switch flips and he suddenly becomes a very cleaver schemer.

History: When he was a child, his father was constantly abusing him and he always thought of new ways to deal with his father but never actually did anything about it. One day as he was coming home from school he saw blood on his door mat and on his door knob, so he opened the door and went inside. He found his father over top of his mother with a knife covered in her blood in his hands.

A few months later after entering his first year of middle school, he started putting his plan in motion to deal with his father permanently. Every night after he would get home from school he would practice a fighting style he developed during school as well as he would also set traps around his house that he could activate at anytime. He was preparing to get rid of his father and he was planning to make it as clean a kill as possible. He had spent months planning and training and he thought that now he was finally ready to send his troubles to hell where they belonged. When he was ready to start he went down stairs to confront his demon. He had kicked and punched his father with no hesitation but his father did nothing to stop him from hitting him, he didn't fight back, he did nothing but take the hits and cry. "Why are you crying old man? Does it hurt that much?" he said as he beat his father to a bloody mess, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" was all his whimpering father said as he was beat half to death. Saito thought it was weird that his father had not once touched him since his mothers funeral but it didn't matter to him now. After his father had stopped breathing, he loaded his father into the special compartment he had made in his basement that led to the sewer system. After that he thought 'Awh hell this was fun, why don't I get my fill before i stop' he said before he went into his neighbors house and did all the things he wanted to do to his father, but to the couple that lived there, but he made a mistake, they had a sone a year younger than himself so he ran but not before he was stabbed in the arm and his sunglasses were torn away from his face. He had to flee after that. A couple years later he had started high school and had met a boy and a girl. their names were Byakuya and Emily, two friends who he thought he could start over with, but he saw something he didn't think he would see ever again, his old but fairly well kept sunglasses on Byaluyas face. As time went by, he started developing feelings for Emily, but then he also noticed that Byakuya had started to do the same. He couldn't stand to see his best friend and his crush together after they had started dating, so he started planning way to get rid of Byakuya, his best friend, and Emily for good. He thought 'If I couldn't have her then no one can, not even you Byakuya', after that he set out on making his friends lives a living hell. He sent Byakuya a letter from his parents "Killer" telling him to meet him at the abandoned metal working factory, and then he sent Emily a text saying that she should come quick and that its an emergency. When Emily had finally showed up, he knocked her out and tied her up and ripped her clothes off for the world to see her in all her naked embarrassed glory, all while waiting for Byakuya to show up. When Byakuya had finally got there, Saito was already raping Emily while holding the same kitchen knife that was driven into his arms years ago up to Emily's neck. After he was done with Emily he slit her throat and left Byakuya to deal with the loss of another set of loved ones. Now that he was in america, he allowed himself to be admitted into a school for the mentally unstable just so that he could have more fun with the other patients and doctors that walked and ran around him.

Mental condition: Psychosis, Sociopath, Schizophrenia

Likes: Causing other people pain and making other people suffer as well he also likes gorgeous and very vulnerable women

Dislikes: Seeing anyone he begins to trust with someone he has an interest in as well as other people who take stands against him even though he knows they are nothing but insects compared to him, those and his best frenemy Byakuya

Other: He is always changing his perspective on life and sometimes finds pain to others and sometimes himself arousing, becoming a sadistic masochist at odd times.

I made him because i thought that this could be an interesting twist in the plot so far. tell me what you think and tell me if i made his history to long i was going for deep story line giving him a reason to be at Franklins.
thank you! I got really into his story and into relating his story to the developments in Byaluya's story, so if its ok to use him i'll start his first post right away.
Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.826cd8ea0fdfb4bc038c9c0e800eb4ed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19230" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/image.jpg.826cd8ea0fdfb4bc038c9c0e800eb4ed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Akihiko Akita

Age: 15

Gender: Male

School Attendance: New

Personality: an outgoing yet sadistic boy. Shy with men yet despises women. Very rude and disrespectful. Antisocial. Has anger issues.

History: born to a 15 year old mother and a 37 year old father he was abandoned in a street corner at age 5. He grew up in an orphanage and has hardened due rovers of abuse. He has a thing for blood and has a history of violence and theft. He is forced to attend its school to avoid prison for the murder of an elderly woman in his neighborhood.



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