Welcome to the Host Club! Ouran RP!


Cupcake Fairy
Character sheets: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/4215-Welcome-to-the-Host-Club!(OURAN-RP)-characters

Serenity arrived at her new school early in the morning. Ouran was a lovely academy for the rich, and she had been intending to transfer for awhile. she passed the entrance exam with flying colors and, even if her mother had not married her wealthy stepfather, she would have ended up being a scholarship student. it was her 2nd year, and she was looking forward to throughly working her way through each of the schools 3 libraries. but first, she had to find her classroom. she wandered through the 2nd year halls, looking at the door numbers, and not looking where she was going.
Akina sat in the white limousine next to her Father, who was dressed in a expensive white tuxedo.

"Akina?" Her father asked, turning towards her and crossing one leg over the other. Akina turned her bright gaze towards him, and flashed him a small smile.

"Yes, father?" She asked in a soft voice.

"We're getting closer to the school. Would you like Yuki to escort you in?" He asked, looking towards the elegantly dressed driver. She smiled and shook her head slowly.

"Oh. No thank you, father. I'm sure I'll be fine." She said, turning her gaze back towards the window.

Once they arrived at the school, her eyes widened. It was simply gorgeous! And very big. She already loved it. The driver got out of the limousine and opened the door for Akina.

"Have a nice day at school, Ms. Kimakazi." He said, waving at her in a friendly way as she began walking up the steps to the school. She smoothed her uniform before walking into the school, and than she glanced around.

Wow.. A lot of people are here.. She thought in her head as she made her way down the hallway. But she had no idea where to go.

"Um. Excuse me?" She asked someone walking by, but they simply ignored her. She blushed, a little embarrassed she had been ignored. She sighed, and began walking forward, hoping she found the right class and didn't embarrass herself again.

Akina continued to walk down the hallway, eventually giving up on finding her classroom. She sat down on one of the window panes, and stared out the large window. She admired the view for a while, and than eventually stood up. The hallways were almost empty, except for a few extra students wandering the halls. She sighed, but suddenly grew silent when she heard loud voices coming from the room next to her. She tilted her head, and slowly walked towards the room. She opened the door, and slipped inside. It was empty..

But.. I thought I heard people in here? She asked herself, walking forward into the large room. It was a very big room. But she was mainly focused on the piano that sat in the corner. She glanced around, and made sure she was alone before making her way towards the piano. She sat down onto the seat, and gently place her slender fingers onto keys. Akina took a deep breath, and began playing. The song she played was beautiful, and the way she played it was perfect.

A loud crashing sound made her stop playing and shoot up out of her seat. She quickly gathered her things and stepped away from the piano. Someone was in here. She gulped, wincing nervously.

They.. Heard me play?! Oh no.. She thought in her head, blushing again.

(She played this:

Just as?he heard the crash Kyooya. Ootori walked in to his room. "What's this?" He asked looking at the girl trying to rush out of his room.

"It seems we have a guest." He said gently as he pushed his glasses up hi pulled a pad from his jacket pocket and took her.picture.

soon he was tapping on it.

"Ah here you are." He said pleaded.with himself "Akina Kimakazi" he said after he gave a briefs history of her and her family.

"Its strange I've never seen you in here before." He continued to tap at the pad.

"My name is Kyooya ootori. its a pleasure to meet you." He smilled at her.

what brings you here?"
Serenity heard a cash nearby, and decided to investigate. She wasn't sure where she was supposed to go anyway, and her curiousity got the best of her. She peeked into a nearby room.and saw a girl chatted with a handsome yyoung man. She entered the room, and gave a polite bow. "I apologize for the intrusion, my name is Serenity Cyria, I'm a second year student, and I just transfered in today. Might one of you be kind enoug to help me a bit?" She gave a polite introduction.
Akina flicked her gaze upwards, and gulped when Kyoya Ootori walked into the room. Shes heard about him before, but never would she think she would meet him in this kind of a situation. When he took her picture, she sort of winced in surprise, but managed to regain herself.

"It's my first year here, so I couldn't figure out where my first class was. I heard some noises in here so I came in. I.. Um.." She glanced over at the piano beside her and flashed him a nervous smile.

"I kind of got carried away with the piano.. I'm sorry! I didn't know this was your room.." She suddenly exclaimed, hiding her face with her long pink hair. She glanced back up at him, the blush from her cheeks beginning to fade away as she got less embarrassed.

When she heard the door crack open, she looked over to see a girl standing there and asking for directions as well. Akina sighed a little bit, relieved she wasn't the only one lost in this school.

"I'm kind of lost to." Akina admitted, smiling a little bit and than scratching the back of her head.
Haruhi walked down the hallway, heading towards the abandoned music room where the host club was. As she walked, many girls whispered, blushed, and giggled. The new attention was weird for Haruhi, and she still didn't know what to make of it. So she would just flash a smile here and there, which seemed to do the trick. "What is it with these girls anyway. Honestly, these rich people just seem to want to be entertained and not educated. If it wasn't for this stupid debt I could be studying and not talking with all these girls," Haruhi mumbled to herself.
Yuuki Tsukino walked through the halls, a manga in one hand and her broken glasses in the other. Her costume today was one from an anime she'd recently watched and fallen in love with. She was having a hard time reading the book without her glasses, so she decided to wander around in search of tape to fix the frames. Opening a door, she saw that there were two girls, both looking very lost, and one boy, who looked like he knew the school like the back of his hand, standing in the otherwise empty space. "Oh, sorry if I'm interrupting something," she said shyly as she peeked into the room from behind the large door. "I was just looking for some tape... My glasses broke again...."
Akina turned her gaze to another girl who came in asking for tape for her glasses.

"I don't have any. I'm sorry." She said to the girl in a soft voice as she met her gaze with a sweet smile. She took a few steps away from the piano again, glancing at the keys. Her fingers longed to touch the smooth keys, but she knew that wasn't going to happen. She NEVER played the piano in front of other people, and she never knew the reason why.

She let out a sigh, turning back to the others. She couldn't help but notice that the young man that stood in front of her was very handsome. She wondered why she hadn't noticed it before. She tore her gaze away from his face, realizing she had been staring for a long time. Deciding she should just ask where her class was, she cleared her throat.

"Does anybody know where class 1A is at?" She asked softly, glancing around each face to see if they showed any recognition with the class. She had a feeling that Kyoya knew, since she's heard he is extremely intelligent.
Serenity glanced at both girls. She really wwanted to get to class. "It would be nice to have some directions. I would rather not be late for class." She would hate to waste her step fathers money by not attending cllass at such an expensive private school. She looked over at Kyoya. He seemed to be the intellegen, well organized type, likke her. She heard the fast pit pat of feet in the the hall and a little blonde boy burts through the doors.

"Seri-chan!!!!!!!!" He ran up and hugged her, his stuffed rabbit in hand.

"Hey Honey" Serenity patted him on the head as his tall, dark haired companion arrived, slow as usual.

"Hi" he said curtly.

"Hello Mori" serenity smiled. Little known to most people, Serenity had known mori since they were young, she simply spent her days in a less exclusive primary school, and exchanged emails with him for 5 years. As for honey, her step dad was a distant relative, making honey her 3rd step cousin of sorts.
Akina looked over as two more people walked in, and her eyes widened a little bit. It was.. No. It couldn't be. Takashi Morinozuka(Mori) and Mitsukuni Haninozuka(Honey)?! She's heard her father talking about these two before, and she couldn't help but admire the two. Her bright eyes glittered a little bit when she looked over at them. What were they doing here anyways?

"Well.. I think I'll try finding this classroom by myself. It was nice to meet you all.." She said in a soft voice. She bowed quickly, and than began heading out of the empty room.

She walked down the hall, glancing back at the room behind her and than staring forward again.

"Hopefully.. I can find my classroom in time. I'm already late enough." She muttered to herself, looking at her schedule and sighing. This was going to be a long week.

(I really wished someone played Hikaru and Kaoru:/ There both like my faves..)
((dont look at me. im already playing 3 characters. anyway, we need them, but we also need Tamaki. i would appreciate if you would continue to help me find people to play them.))

Serenity watched the girl leave. she looked back at honey and Mori. they we both good friends, and she was glad she wasnt alone in her new school. these two were like brothers to her.

"so could you help me find my class?" she asked.

"of course!! lets go, lets go!" Honey said enthusiasticly. Mori merely nodded.

"you want to come with? youre a second year right?" she offered politely.
(I know but I don't know who else to ask. I guess I'll just ask random people if they'll join lol:P)

Akina groaned in frustration, leaning against the wall behind her. She felt like a complete idiot! She's been stumbling around the halls for about 20 minutes, and she still couldn't find her classroom.

"I'm so stupid.." She muttered to herself, rubbing the back of her head irritably. She stared at the wall in front of her for a moment, blinking her bright colored eyes.

My father isn't going to be very happy about this.. Anger swelled inside of her, scolding herself for being such an idiot and just wandering around the halls on her first day.
Yuuki located tape on a nearby desk and started fixing her glasses. Once they were sturdy again, she put the red frames back on her face and quietly left the room, thinking she had obviously disturbed the people in here if they were all now so eager to leave. She closed the door behind her and started down the hall.
Chiro pouted sitting in the class room,"chewed out again for not wearing that stupid uniform"she mumbled she was in the guys uniform but with a blue plaid skirt. The twins smiled sitting on either side of her putting bows in her hair. Chiro twiched,"will you two stop?"she muttered. The twins laughed in unison wich aggravated her. Chiro looked away blushing slightly.
Yuuki walked into her classroom, looking around for an empty seat amongst the other first years who were giving her cosplay weird looks. She blushed and looked around, finding an empty seat in front of a strangely dressed girl with two twins putting bows in her hair. Maybe she'd be less noticeable if she sat in front of someone who also broke the dress code. She sat down and started taking some books from her bag.
Chiro glared at the girl in front of her,"is she using me as a shield pffft stupid girl"she thought smirking then looked at the board and yawned she looked at the window but had to look past Hikaru to do so. He made a stupid face at her and she twiched and hit his head with a book,"moron"she mumbled and looked the opposite way but no dice Kaoru was there,"what do you want"she mumbled and he laughed. They both highfived behind her. Chiro rolled her eyes,"annoying brats"she muttered under her breath. Chiro could hear the teacher coming and wanted to leave but the twins grabbed either sides of her arms and smiled."tch how bothersome....... I guess I'll stay"Chiro said,"good idea"Kaoru said smirking,"there isn't a better one"Hikaru said smirking as well. Chiro sighed.
Akina sighed, beginning to walk down the hall again. Her bright eyes looked lazily up at the ceiling, and immediately she stopped in her tracks.

Class 1A! Thank goodness I found it.. She thought in her head, gripping her book tight in her left hand. She strolled into the classroom, looking around at everyone. A few people turned around and stared at her, and even a few boys winked at her, but she managed to ignore it and find a seat on the right side of the room.

"Ms. Kimakazi." The teacher said sternly, staring over at her. She stopped what she was doing and looked up.

"I know I'm sorry. I couldn't find my way around the school." She said in a soft voice. The teacher nodded and sighed, getting back to teaching.
Chiro glanced back at the girl,"we'll she seems innocent"she thought and gave the girl a slight wave. The twins had creepy perverted grins as they waved as well. Chiro glared and pushed there heads into a book on there desk,"don't look at a girl that way you perves"she said."I wasn't"Kaoru started,"being a perve!"Hikaru said. Chiro let out a snicker as she pushed her hair from her face smirking.
Akina noticed two boys and a girl waving at her, so she decided to wave back. For some reason, one of the twin's caught her attention. She glanced from time to time back at Kaoru, but would look down when he looked back.

Well, seems I developed a crush on my first day.. Great. She thought in her head as she wrote down the assignments for the day. She sighed, flicking her long pink hair behind her shoulders. Once again, she found herself looking over at the two twins. They were both very cute, and she couldn't help but flash them both a sweet smile.
The twins blinked and looked at each other and made silly faces at the girl. Chiro got up and walked out. The teacher jolted,"MISS TADOR!!!"he yelled. But to no avail Chiro walked out she walked up to the roof and sat there grabbing a pillow that was hidden in the stairwell and fell asleep.
Akina watched the girl leave, than giggled when the twins made funny faces at her. She looked at the teacher, than back to the twins, and decided to make a funny face back. She giggled again when her face returned back to normal. The teacher turned around and gave the twins and her a stern look, and Akina immediately flashed her a nervous grin. Once the teacher looked away, she sighed in relief and leaned back in her seat more.
Serenity sat in class, absorbed in a book, as usual. first fay or not, she sank back into her habit right away. nothing would keep her from her books, not even her noisy second year classmates. she was a smart girl, so she never really spent much time studying, unless she found an intriguing book about a new topic.

Honey and Mori had made it to their own class. as third years, they head their futures to think about, but not quite yet. it was early in the year so most of them simply tried to relax. Honey looked at Mori with a twinkle in his eye, "Takashi, Seri-chan is so smart you think she will find out?" Mori thought, understanding that his small blonde friend was probably reffering to Haruhi. he gave a curt nod, because knowing Serenity, she would probably see right through it, even if the others didnt.

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